I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1040: Poison or good medicine (2 in 1)

I relieved my biggest worry, remembered what had happened before, and then looked at my current state, and suddenly became happy.

I survived it again, and I can continue to do the things I want to do like medicine!

"How are you..."

After letting go of the things that people care about most, and when the state is relaxed, the rest of the feelings will slowly return to the original level.

Just like the light at this time.

Relieved and bright, he opened his mouth full of joy to talk to people like Shishi and Zhuang, only to say a few words, I realized something was wrong.

Why did he smell a special smell when he spoke?

This kind of savory smell still smells so familiar, and I haven't been exposed to it before.

Liang thought with some confusion in his mind, and immediately remembered the previous time, when he tried drug poisoning in the past, and the previous treatment methods when people in the tribe were poisoned by eating.

In this coma, what has happened to me is already ready to come out!

The smile that had just appeared on Liang's face gradually solidified.

next moment……


Liang bent down abruptly, pointed his head under the bed, and threw up vigorously, feeling a heart-piercing feeling.

He had been in a coma for such a long time. Basically, the food and other things he had eaten before had been digested. There was not much in his stomach, so naturally he couldn't vomit out much.

After vomiting for a while, his spouse quickly brought over the cold tea and asked him to rinse his mouth...

It’s a long time to calm down.

At this time, some people in the tribe ran over after hearing the movement.

For example, the iron head that lives very close to Liang.

After Tietou ran over, he saw Liang who was sober and some vomit in the place where Liang lived.

Tietou stood here, stunned.

Although Liang is awake, she is not particularly good.

This must be because the poisonous things I ate before were not vomited out!

As the most enthusiastic person in the tribe, in the face of such things that endanger the health of the people of his tribe, how can Tietou stand idly by and ignore it? !

next moment……

"I'll get the dung scoop!"

He shouted loudly at the people in the room like this.

Then, without waiting for everyone to react, he just walked into the room, turned around and ran away abruptly.


On the bed, the light just calmed down. Hearing Tietou's words like this, he couldn't help it again, and he immediately reacted.

He bent down suddenly, facing the ground outside the bed, and started a new round of vomiting...

Jinguan City, which had calmed down and fell into a deep sleep, suddenly became lively as Liang woke up.

It was as if all the sleeping people were awakening with him.

"Witch! Witch! Liang woke up! Liang woke up!"

In the room where Wu lived, someone came outside the window that hadn't been wallpapered, and shouted into the window with excitement, telling Yu Wu about this excellent news.

Everyone in the tribe knew how much the witch was so concerned about Liang.

In order for Liang to get better quickly, all the people in the tribe were watching what kind of effort Wudu had made and how much he had put in.

At this moment, Liang really woke up. After Wu learned the news, he was uncertain about how happy he would be.

Get up and see how bright you wake up. It is something that will happen without even thinking about it.

"Well, I see, you can go to work first, go to bed early and I won't get up."

However, what happened next did not follow the plot he had already thought of.

After a short silence, Wu's voice floated from the window where the window paper had not yet been glued.

After getting such an obvious unexpected answer, this person was stunned.

Looking at the room where the witch lived where the light was not lit, he was taken aback for a moment, and opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But after a while, he closed his mouth and scratched his head with his hand, looking very puzzled, and stepped towards the room where Liang lived, who had surrounded many people.

This is really strange.

People who were worried about Liang before, and even ignored their own body in order to make Liang get better, after hearing the news that Liang was better at this time, they actually had the most flat reaction. This...

After scratching his head and thinking for a while, he still couldn't figure out what it was because of, this person shook his head vigorously and decided not to think about it anymore.

People with smart brains often do things just like this, which is puzzling and can't understand.

Don't bother yourself with this brain anymore!

This person thought about it in his heart, came to the front of the bright room, looked at Mao who had woken up, couldn't help being full of joy...

In the room where the unlit witch lived, Wu Ping was lying on the bed, listening to the noise and laughter that floated down the window in his ears, and a reassuring smile appeared on his face in the darkness that he could not see clearly. .

It's fine when you wake up, and it's fine when nothing happens.

He thought this in his heart, and kept talking about it.

This **** is just not reassuring!

With a smile on his face, the witch smiled and cursed brightly in his heart, then turned around, stretched out his hand to embrace the circle that was sleeping on the side, and chose a comfortable posture. While thanking the gods in his heart, he began to brew sleepiness. .

There is nothing to worry about in my heart, and when my mood improves, people sleep faster.

After a short while, Wu fell asleep deeply amidst the noise of the crowd outside.

Even in his sleep, his face has a relaxed look.

The green bird master tribe, which had been busy for a while, became quiet again.

After confirming that Liang would not have any major problems, the people of the tribe surrounding this place yawned, left here, returned to their respective sleeping places, and went to sleep.

Lying on the bed, Tietou's face was full of smiles. Thinking back to what happened today, his whole mood was extremely comfortable.

Today, thanks to my running fast and taking the dung scoop in time.

If it wasn't for the fact that he saw the machine quickly, he would bring it to the dung scoop. After Liang wakes up, he will not be able to recover so quickly!

The sentence of helping others is not a nonsense. Many times, after helping others, people can indeed produce good emotions such as happiness and satisfaction in their hearts.

Of course, the premise is not to encounter those who do not know what is good or bad, but bite back!

Otherwise, the question of not being able to help will not become a thorn in the hearts of many people.

Obviously, Liang who was enthusiastically rescued by the iron head was not such a person.

For this reason, Tietou was able to reap a lot of happiness through such things at this time.

In the stone room, he took off his clothes and got into the bed in the bed for a while, but he did not sleep at this time.

He opened his eyes in the dark.

Even if the night is thick at this time, the excitement in his eyes is also difficult to cover.

At this moment, what appeared in his mind was the scene of everyone from the tribe gathering on Qingque Square, flying the Kongming Lantern.

What the son of God said is really not wrong!

Flying Kongming lanterns for blessings and prayers is really effective!

Otherwise, Liang Du has become like this today, and it's useless to even irrigate the dung, so why would he survive it abruptly?

And it seems that the state is getting better and better, and no sequelae will be left behind.

When encountering such a thing, Stone is of course excited.

Because in addition to the things that he did not know how to communicate with the gods by following the witch study, he now found a way to communicate with the gods and pray for blessings!

Moreover, as soon as this method was used today, it showed very good results!

How can such a thing not make Stone excited!

In the room where the witch was located, the witch who had slept for a while woke up from his sleep because of turning over.

After sleeping for a while, his mental head was obviously much better than before.

When the spirit is better, people's thinking becomes more flexible.

Looking back on what happened today, Wu seemed very pious and respected the gods even more.

In his opinion, what happened today was completely manifested by the gods.

If it weren't for the gods who had heard his prayers, acted out and played a role, according to Liang's status today, it would be really dangerous.

How can you wake up like this?

There were many people in the tribe who weren't asleep at this time. Most of these people were thinking about what happened today.

Some people are thinking about the prayers of the witch and the stone to the gods in front of the totem pole, and the silent blessings they performed while standing outside.

Feeling that this behavior had an effect, let Liang finally get rid of the danger.

Some people are thinking about how they made and set off the sky lanterns together with the stone.

I feel that Liang can turn the crisis into peace because they have done these things.

Many things in the world are like this. When you want to associate one thing with another, it's easy to get various connections.

Moreover, in many cases, this kind of connection made through human subjective conjecture is often so convincing!

This thing is a bit like a liberal arts character and history teacher. When encountering a question with a few options that are somewhat specious, he will force an explanation according to the answers given.

This is not the most uncomfortable. The most uncomfortable thing is that I promised you in the last class and gave you a multi-faceted argument. Why should I choose C for this question and after the next class comes over-classmates, this way The answer to the question is wrong, it should be choice B.

Then there was another eloquent explanation...

Liang did not fall asleep either.

At this time, he was lying on the bed, thinking about things with his eyes open.

Through the narration of his spouse, he already knew what happened in the tribe after he was unconscious today.

Knowing what happened to the people in the tribe for him to be safe and sound.

At the same time, he also witnessed with his own eyes how happy the people in the tribe were after hearing that there were not many things he woke up.

This kind of thing made him very touched. The whole person's heart is warm, and the chest is filled with many unknown things, which feels particularly comfortable.

In the future, I must study these things carefully!

Work hard to understand the medicinal properties of more things and what kind of diseases can be treated!

Let the people in the tribe no longer suffer from illness!

Lying on the bed, Liang clenched his fists and made up his mind secretly.

Encountering such a tribe, such a person, how can it be possible to make a good effort to reward yourself!

Time flew by, and it was the next day.

On the next day, the witch who had not come over last night came over on crutches.

The bright state became better.

Apart from not being able to see and hear about the dung dipper, there was nothing else.

Wu saw that Liang was really fine, so he didn't stay here much.

After speaking a few words, he turned around and walked out of the house, went straight to the bunny circle, and went to feed the rabbits.

After Liang stayed in the room for a while, he also walked out.

There is autumn sun outside, and the bright sunlight is a bit dazzling.

Brightly squinted his eyes and looked into the distance.

In Liang's exclusive room for storing and researching medicinal materials, Liang sat on a small bench.

In the room, there was a strong smell of medicinal materials.

I can't tell how unpleasant it is, and it's not unpleasant.

The neat and orderly environment, coupled with such a taste, stays here, and always feels a sense of peace of mind.

In Liang's hand, there was a gourd that was hollowed out and made into a container.

The hole in the gourd was stuffed with something.

In this gourd, there is a powder that was made by Liang himself a few days ago. After drinking it, he can make himself unconscious, and even the feces do not respond in any way!

Liang reached out and pulled out the stopper on the gourd, tilted the gourd down, and poured about half a spoon into a spoon.

"Don't try~www.NovelMTL.com~ This kind of medicine can't cure the disease. The last time you drank it, you made yourself unconscious.

Drink it now, if it's true..."

Liang's spouse spoke to persuade him from the sidelines, and between his words and expressions, there was an inevitable worry.

Liang shook his head, and didn't listen to his spouse.

In the past, he thought the same as his spouse.

Something that is considered toxic is not a good thing and is of no use.

But since the son of God used the poisonous bright grass that poured himself directly to the ground, he cured the second brother’s disease directly, and killed many of the people in the tribe. This idea happened. A radical change.

Whether it is a poison or a good medicine that can directly cure diseases, as long as it is used well, it can become a good medicine for treatment!

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