I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1038: Sacrifice from witches (2 in 1)

In a room of the Green Bird tribe, Liang was lying quietly on the fire kang, covered with a quilt made of linen cloth and tidbits around the tribe.

The room was cleaned very clean, even spotlessly clean.

The smell of some medicinal materials permeated the clean room.

On the side of the fire kang, there is a table made of bricks, stones and wooden boards, and a bowl is placed on the table.

The bowl was filled with half a bowl of potion that was somewhat yellowish brown.

This is water boiled with Houttuynia cordata.

These waters are from some people in the tribe. After they are boiled, they want Liang to drink.

The people in the tribe have no other way but to treat Liang in this way, hoping that Liang can survive and not just die.

However, the boiled water did not drink at all.

Bright in a coma, still like before, can't drink any water.

There was silence in the room, and everyone was silent here.

Liang’s spouse sits on the bright bed, using a piece of linen cloth soaked in water, carefully and gently wipe on Liang’s face to wipe off the dirt on it.

She wiped it very carefully, and she got soap in the wiping basin.

Washing hands and feet with soap has been a habit for many years.

Liang's spouse knows some of the reasons for this.

Because the **** child said that washing hands and faces with soap can not only make hands and faces clean, but also wash away some invisible things that may make people sick.

That's why Liang likes to wash his hands and face with soap.

Especially after taking or touching some unknown drugs, I prefer to wash my hands and face with soap.

Although he knows that washing hands and face with soapy water will not wash away the poison in the stomach, Liang still insists on doing this.

This can be regarded as a kind of comfort in the heart.

Knowing that Liang has such a habit, Liang's spouse chooses to wipe Liang's hands and faces with a linen cloth dipped in soapy water during such a time.

There were a lot of people in the room, but it was very quiet, and there was no extra sound.

People stayed here quietly, looking at Liang who was lying on the bed, and their mood was particularly heavy.

In the inner courtyard, in the house where Han Cheng lived with the witch, the living room in the middle was like a living room, and the witch with cleansed hands and faces was neatly dressed.

He came to the front of the totem residence, respectfully picked up the feather crest placed there from the stone platform in front of the totem pole, and put it on his head carefully and solemnly.

After finishing the crest, he picked up the bone stick that had been paved on it.

After a solemn salute to the totem pole placed in the center of the back wall of the house, he started walking and jumping in the room in a way that only he and the stone could understand.

While doing these things, Wu kept chanting words in his mouth.

The syllables of these words seem very strange, ambiguous, and unclear.

But it can give people a mysterious feeling.

In the room, there is a sense of ritual from the primitive.

I don't know when the stone that has been shown by others will come.

Not long ago, he had just emerged from the room where Liang was, and he was also very uncomfortable in this state of Liang.

After looking at the door quietly for a while, the stone turned and passed away.

After a while, the stone appeared in front of the room again.

The hair on his forehead was still stained with some water droplets, and the hair was also a little wet. This was a trace of his washing hands and face not long ago.

This time he didn't hesitate anymore, but went straight in.

After entering the room, he bypassed the witch who was praying religiously there, and came to the front of the platform in front of the totem pole placed.

There is also a set of feather crests and bone staff placed on the table, which belong to the future witch stone equipment of the tribe.

This set of equipment does not use many stones. On the one hand, it is because he is not an official witch in the tribe, so he doesn't need to do this very often.

On the other hand, since he started to learn these things from the witch, more than ten years of work have passed. Up to now, the gods have not even paid attention to him once.

This makes him feel uncomfortable and disappointed.

In addition, I have been studying with Han Cheng for a long time, I have seen a lot of things, my mind has matured a lot, and my understanding of things has changed a lot without knowing it.

By now, he had no such devotion to the gods as before.

Even with regard to the existence of the gods, he also had some insights into his heart.

Under such circumstances, he is naturally not too caring and positive about such things.

But today, it's different. There is no need for a witch to call him, and he has already come by deliberately explaining something.

He didn't really believe in the existence of gods in his heart. At this time, he was very serious and pious in doing this.

He respectfully lifted the crown of feathers, put it on his head, took the bone stick in both hands, and began to wave his actions, very similar to the witch.

He has never been so longing for the existence of gods in the world like today.

It has never been like now, wanting to let the gods hear their prayers, so that Liang can be fine.

People are like this. When there is no way to solve the difficulties and these things in reality, they will place hope and hope on some illusory things, and want to make these illusory and non-existent things. To solve their difficulties.

The things that Liang Xingyao tried or failed, quickly spread among the tribe.

The entire Green Bird Lord tribe was shaken by this.

Many people who were still working outside, at this time, rushed to the tribe.

Many people gathered outside the room where Liang lived, and everyone felt unusually heavy in their hearts.

Whenever someone comes out of it, everyone will eagerly cast their gaze on this person, hoping to hear some good news from him.

However, things are always disappointing.

The person who came out, without exception, was silent and shook his head.

This makes the hopeful people feel extremely heavy again.

Liang usually doesn't talk very much in the tribe, and doesn't like to communicate with people.

The things he deals with most throughout the day are all kinds of medicine.

Or these ‘medicine’ can be called strange-shaped things.

Because there are so many things in it, he doesn't know what effect it has and what kind of disease it can work on.

However, his status in the hearts of everyone in the tribe is very, very high.

His efforts to heal many sick people in the tribe, and want to cure all the sick people, are all in the eyes of the people in the tribe.

People are not just vegetation, nor are they fools.

Many times people don't speak much, but it doesn't mean that they don't know or don't know what is happening around them.

It doesn't mean that there is no idea in the heart, no own view of what happened.

The people in the tribe admire the things that Liang did, and they respect the things that Liang did.

Such a person, no matter what age they are in, can be respected.

There used to be some less sensible children who thought Liang was very strange and scary.

Therefore, someone said bad things about him. The most exaggerated time was when someone took things like small stones and threw them away.

Liang didn't say anything, just turned his head and smiled kindly at the children, and then continued to work on his own affairs.

But Liang doesn't care about such things, it doesn't mean that others don't care about such things.

The things these minors did fell into the eyes of the adults of the two tribes, and then...

Then these minors became extremely miserable.

Not only did they experience mixed doubles, but even the witches in the tribe, who have always liked minors, took three shiny sticks against the **** of these guys and slapped three sticks.

With these three sticks, Wu didn't stop at the slightest, and used a lot of strength.

These little guys, don't mention how miserable they are.

After experiencing this tragedy, the minors in the tribe became honest all at once, and there is no one who dares to be such a mischief and disrespect Liang!

"Go find Wu, Wu and Shi are there praying to the gods with Liang..."

Someone spoke and brought the latest news.

After hearing this news, these people in the tribe couldn't help but shine. They hadn't really thought of the gods before.

After being said by this person, many people began to walk to the room where Han Cheng and Wu lived.

They did not come into the room, but stood quietly outside the room, surrounded there.

No one spoke, everyone was standing here, silently looking at the room, wearing a feather crown, holding a bone staff and dancing there, the contemporary witches and the next generation of witches in the tribe.

Gradually, the eyes of the people surrounding here slowly closed.

Although the people are not the witches in the tribe, and they don’t know how they pray to the gods, but they can pray to the gods in their own way.

Their so-called prayer is to bless the light silently in their hearts, hoping that the gods can make the light up.

They are not willing to let Liang die. They are not willing to let him leave just because of such a good and admirable person!

A little bit of time passed, and this prayer to the gods in the tribe finally slowly ended.

Wu Wu's body was soaked in sweat, and when he stood on the ground, there were two footprints.

His whole body was exhausted, and his body was shaking slightly uncontrollably. If it hadn't been for a stone to support him, Wu would definitely sit on the ground.

After resting here for a while, the stone helped the witch who had also taken off the crest and put down the bone stick, and walked towards the inner room to let the witch rest.

After the witch was placed, the stone instructed the witch to rest well, and then walked out of the room.

After walking out of the room, Shishi went to the room where Liang lived.

Liang was still just like before, still lying there quietly, as if he had fallen asleep, with no improvement.

The stone stayed here quietly for a while, then walked out without saying a word.


Walking to the stone outside, came to a place where there was no one and sighed leisurely.

Liang's situation is really not optimistic, there is no movement.

This state of being quieter than a deep sleep, and more worrying than big movements such as vomiting and diarrhea.

There is really no way Stone can do anything. The people in the tribe and him have done the hard work, but Liang still hasn't improved at all, and it looks the same as before.

After standing here alone and sad for a while, Shishi's eyes suddenly lit up, and something he had forgotten before suddenly appeared in his heart.

After this thing floated in the heart, the stone suddenly became agitated.

He quickly left here, and ran towards the carpenter's room not too far away.

In the straw shed built by the carpenter's room, besides wood and other things, there are many bamboos stacked.

This is mainly due to the lame carpenter, the first carpenter in the tribe, who is a man who combines weaving and carpentry together.

With his precedent and influence, carpenters after the tribe are basically skilled in these two crafts.

However, there are some distinctions. For example, those who are better at knitting will work harder on knitting.

Those who are good at woodworking will do more woodworking in the days to come.

There are not too many people like Lame who are very proficient in both aspects.

The goal of the stone at this time is these stacked bamboos.

After pulling out a piece of bamboo from the inside, he took out the knife and began to deal with the bamboo.

Stone is also considered a half-stripper.

He is very talented in breaking the bamboo into bamboo sticks with a knife.

Holding the contemptuous knife in his hand, he quickly dealt with it for a while, and some thin bamboo strips appeared here.

After dealing with it for a while ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Stone stopped the movement in his hand, and quickly moved to another place.

After a while, he walked over again, holding some thin paper in his hand.

These papers were made from bamboo before, and the quality is very good.

In addition to these papers, there are some people.

Many of these people are students taught by Shishi.

What Shishi teaches them is not only learning things, but also some life things.

Use bamboo to make things, and sometimes I get interested, and I will teach some.

What to make, the stone has already been told to these children on the way here, so there is no need to explain too much at this time.

After coming here, they started to make it...

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