I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1036: Green Bird Tribe (2 in 1)


The clear water fell along the supported wooden canal, impacting the water wheel leaves below with great force.

The water wheel rotates accordingly, and the horizontal wood on the wooden shaft moves the three supported water turrets, making them undulate up and down.

In the stone mortar below the water turret, there are rice grains with shells.

Many rice husks have been smashed open by the continuous falling water hammer.

Han Youyue squatting on the side, holding a bamboo sieve in his hand, is constantly cleaning up, very fast, so busy that he can't stop at all.

Just cleaned up the rice in one stone mortar, I hurried to clean the other stone mortar.

After a while, another person had to come to help her clean up the pounded rice.

Han Youyue, who was relieved a lot, was full of emotion when he looked at the three continuously working Shui Cui before him.

The new water tank is different!

In the past, I was alone and could watch the old water traps of six years ago, without feeling too rushed.

Now, watching the three newly-produced water tanks by myself, I can't be too busy!

This son of God is son of God! The things made are so magical and easy to use!

While being so busy, Han Youyue once again sighed in her heart.

If there is no such thing as the previous time when I misunderstood the meaning of the son of God, then this matter would become even more perfect.

It is because of her thick-skinned face that she thinks more openly about these things. After changing the object of misunderstanding to a god, she still feels embarrassed and can't help blushing every time she thinks about it.

Han Chengcheng was not far away, watching this new type of water tank put into production to verify its usefulness.

The ease of use and efficiency of the new water tanks are in line with Han Cheng's expectations. Looking at these water tanks, Han Cheng's face is full of joy.

It would be great if Wu was here!

If Wu was here, seeing such a good thing, he would be happy and blind.

Then I watched it obsessively. After I understood it, I wrote it down seriously to prevent it from being lost in the days to come.

Maybe, after this guy understands it, he will be extremely happy to want to hold the Celestial Conference again, telling this happy good thing to the Celestial God who has never taken care of him...

In the past, Han Cheng would be somewhat amused or disregarded when he saw Wu telling good things to the gods.

But now, it has been a long time since he left the main tribe. Thinking back to these things, Han Cheng felt especially warm and nostalgic in his heart.

Bai Xuemei, a silly daughter-in-law, looks very special, right?

According to this guy's physique, there should be no symptoms such as morning sickness.

I don’t know if the little guy born this time is a boy or a girl...

Han Cheng stood here, thinking about these things, a deep longing in his heart could not help but rise.

This is true, the more you grow up, the more hypocritical!

After a while, Han Cheng shook his head and smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly.

After staying here for a while, Han Cheng turned around and left.

The main reason is that I am worried that because I have been watching it for a long time, I will make the same misunderstanding as before, which makes no one feel uncomfortable.

So that in the future, you still need to solve it yourself.

After leaving the place where the water tanks were installed, Han Cheng returned to the tribe, did not go anywhere else, and went straight to the place where Maoer and other carpenters worked.

Mao'er and other carpenters are still busy here.

Some people are busy making doors and windows, while most people are working hard to produce more new types of water tanks.

Naturally, a good thing like a new type of water tank cannot be manufactured. It needs to be manufactured and installed.

So they work very hard one by one.

"The Son of God."

"The Son of God."

In the voice of everyone in the carpenters group greeted, Han Cheng came here.

He smiled and nodded to everyone. After saying hello, Han Cheng went straight to Mao'er and spoke to Maoer, the leader of the carpenter group in Jinguan City.

He has something new and needs cat ears and other members of the carpenter's room to do it.

This thing is to make a wooden house on the wooden platform built on the water pool.

Before, Han Cheng didn't think about making a house on it, but after watching carefully the scene of Han Youyue and the others working on it today, Han Cheng thought it would be better to build a house there.

The main reason is that the platform built is not too big, and it is volley. It is inconvenient for people to work on it. It requires constant attention and always gives people a feeling of fear.

If a house is built, everything becomes different.

With this house, people cannot see the rest of the scene inside the house.

If you can't see the situation facing the abyss, you won't worry too much.

Moreover, the house has protective functions.

With houses guarded here, people know that they can't fall, and they feel a strong sense of security.

Going to the edge of the platform to work will also feel confident.

This is the same reason that people can safely walk on the edge of high-altitude buildings with guardrails.

In fact, considering safety alone, a fence around the platform is enough for protection.

But if you take into account these weather factors such as rainy days, just a fence will not be enough, it is better to build a house.

In this way, it is possible to work continuously in the rainy weather, and it can also protect the wooden tools such as water tanks to the greatest extent from damage.

Of course, another function is that if the people who work in this Shuidanfang are a pair of people who form a fixed spouse, then if the interest comes, you can also learn from the "Tianlong Ba Bu", the two pairs In the mill, the young couple who pounded rice...

After listening to Han Cheng's statement, the cat nodded heavily, and at the same time some admiration arose in his heart.

He hadn't really thought of these things before, only thinking that the things like water wheels and water turrets would be finished once they were installed.

Did not consider the later things.

It seems that the son of God is thoughtful!

Then the two discussed what kind of house to build on the platform.

Ordinarily, houses built of stone, wooden beams, thatch and other materials are stronger.

However, considering that this platform is built of wood, and the bottom is supported by wooden beams, the load-bearing capacity is naturally not comparable to flat ground.

Therefore, Han Cheng and Mao Er finally decided to build a wooden house on it, which is more convenient and practical.

After measuring the platform with a ruler, it didn't take long for Mao Er to wait for some people to select and intercept wood.

When Mao'er and others were building the wooden house, the water turret and water wheel stopped, and the water in the channel was once again led to other places.

After the water wheels dried out under the sun, someone carried a can of tung oil and wiped it there.

In the previous installation test, because the effect of this thing could not be determined, and the people in the tribe wanted to see the effect of this new type of water tank earlier, so there was no anti-corrosion treatment.

At this time, building a wooden house on the platform and the water dung will be suspended. Taking advantage of this opportunity, you can just brush the tung oil.

Not only these need to be brushed with tung oil, but also the water tanks that will be built in the future also need to be brushed with tung oil.

And before installing, brush the tung oil.

After the wooden house is built, the same should be done with a layer of tung oil.

Can increase the service life of these things in wooden houses.

Here in Jinguan City, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

One early morning in the autumn, a group of people gathered here in Jinguan City.

After a while, following an order from the leader, the people gathered here, led by the blue bird flag, left the tribe, and followed the road that was built before that allows bullock carts to pass. Step across a bridge in the middle and head further west.

Along this direction, walking with some trampled roads, you can reach the tribe where the older primitive females are located, and continue to move forward to the place where the Red Tiger tribe is.

Under the blue bird flag in the team, Han Cheng, wearing a good cane armour, was accompanied by the tribe, carrying a backpack and leggings, walking towards the front.

The most important thing in the backpack is a small porcelain tiger in a delicate small wooden box.

Autumn is here, and it is another harvest season.

The bulk of food near Jinguan City has already been harvested.

So Han Chengcheng thought, and took the people from the tribe to harvest another batch of food.

There is no doubt that the Red Tiger tribe, which has a lot of people and food, is the goal of Han Cheng's plan to harvest this trip.

The second time he went to the Red Tiger Tribe to slaughter fat sheep, Han Cheng wanted to do it before.

But afterwards, he remembered one thing. This thing was that because his tribe had various tools and techniques, the food was harvested extremely quickly.

But the Red Tiger tribe is different. There is no need to think about it. Han Chengcheng knows that the people of the Red Tiger tribe cannot catch up with their own tribe’s tools, methods, and speed.

Under such circumstances, within the same amount of time, if your tribe can finish harvesting rice, the Red Tiger tribe will never finish harvesting.

This is not blind arrogance, but he came from later generations with such confidence!

Slaughtering fat sheep naturally has to wait until the fat sheep becomes fat before slaughtering and harvesting more.

It is precisely because of these considerations that Han Cheng did not go immediately. Instead, he waited a while in the tribe before choosing to lead the people and go again at this time.

I hope this time, I can harvest enough food from the Red Tiger tribe!

In the team, Han Cheng, who was walking along with everyone, stretched out his hand and touched the backpack on his back, with a beautiful vision...

The Green Bird tribe is here.

The tribe of Green Bird, who is coming in autumn, looks unusually beautiful.

Large tracts of autumn fields after harvest, under the shining of the autumn sun, appear very spacious and flat.

The sky in autumn was originally very high and far away. Now that the millet that grows on the ground is harvested, there is three feet less on the ground, making the space between the sky and the earth more vast and lofty.

The orchard here has also become very beautiful.

Some of the early-ripening fruits have already been picked, and the remaining late-ripening fruits are all ripe at this time. Against the backdrop of the leaves that have turned red or yellow, they look very beautiful. You can use colors. Colorful to describe.

In the orchard, many people are picking ripe fruits here.

When harvesting fruits, the children in the tribe are the absolute main force.

At this time, the children are very dexterous in climbing tree skills. They climb up the tree and fly quickly.

Coupled with its small size and light weight, it is extremely quick on the tree.

A special pocket hung around these children's necks, and the fruit they picked was placed in the bag.

When the pocket under the neck is almost filled, he will slip down from the tree, carefully put the fruit in the bag into the big basket on the ground, and then climb to it again and again. On the tree, then pick the fruit.

An adult was walking around here with a pole. When he saw a basket full of loads, he walked forward, carrying two baskets as a burden, and walked towards the tribe.

There is a cauldron in the tribe, and some people are burning water there, with the sweet fragrance of fruit, filling the air...

Bai Xuemei, who had a big belly, stood up from the stool placed in front of the loom, pressed her waist with one hand, and walked out of the house with her belly straight.

Little Pea and Little Myolie, who were playing in the yard, saw that Bai Xuemei came out, and when they left, they threw what they were holding on the ground, moved their feet, and ran over quickly.

One person stood by Bai Xuemei's side, and sensibly accompanied Bai Xuemei to walk outside slowly.

In the process of walking ~www.NovelMTL.com~ the two little guys sensibly supported her with their hands, and through such actions, they protected their mother...

There was a bright smile on Mei Xuemei's face.

She walked out of the tribe with a pair of children and stood under the apricot tree planted on the side of the tribe’s door, looking towards the south.

With anticipation on his face, and some warmth...

In front of a house in the courtyard, the physician Liang from the tribe was fiddling with new things.

At this time, there was a small stone mortar in front of him. Inside the stone mortar was some medicines that had been smashed and mixed together.

Liang found a spoon and dug out the crushed medicine from the stone mortar.

Some of them were put in a gourd that Han Cheng brought back when he came back, and some of them were poured into his own mouth after hesitating for a while...

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