I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1032: Innocent people out of thin air! (2 in 1)

"God... Son of God..."

This primitive female who had seen everything came to Han Cheng's body and shouted with a little nervousness and excitement.

I don't know if it was because of the work just now that she was too tired and panicked. Her complexion was a little ruddy.

At this time, Han Cheng was constantly thinking about the upgrading and improvement of Shui Dui, his eyes were unblinking, and he was unaware of the arrival of the female primitive named Han Youyue.

From Han Youyue's perspective, the **** child is looking straight at her!

Such a discovery made Han Youyue's heart more joyful and excited, and she was even more convinced of her own thoughts.

The son of God just fell in love with himself! I just want to drill the grass with myself!

Otherwise, how could you stare at yourself so obsessively without blinking your eyes? Can you watch for so long?

This is not trying to sleep with yourself, but what do you want to do? !

Han Youyue stood in front of the son of God for a while, seeing that the son of God was still staring at him forever, and refused to blink his eyes, his heart became more excited and confident.

Recall that the son of God was in the tribe on weekdays, and seemed to be a little unwilling to let this matter go. This empathetic female primitive person suddenly understood once again.

The Son of God had already thought about it in his heart, but it was hard to say, so he would only stare at himself, but didn't say anything.

As a die-hard fan of the son of God, but also a die-hard female fan of the son of God who understands the thoughts of the son of God and understands the difficulties of the son of God, it is a good thing and must be done to help the son of God to solve the difficulties!

Without even the necessary or too much hesitation, Han Youyue directly called out her most respected **** son.

Han Cheng, who was thinking carefully and deducing Shui Dui there, only awakened like a dream and Fang Jue was drunk when he heard the shouts around him.

After recovering, I saw Han Youyue.

Seeing Qing Han Youyue who didn't know when he appeared in front of him, Han Cheng was in a trance for a moment.

Because he couldn't understand when Han Youyue came to him.


After the loss of consciousness, Han Cheng looked at him, Han Youyue, who seemed to have a lot to say, thought for a moment, and asked.

Hearing the respected **** child asking herself this way, and making such an expression, Han Youyue lost consciousness for a moment, and her heart was full of doubts.

Isn't this the one you have been staring at me and want to go to the bushes with me?

Why are you asking me what is wrong now?

What's the matter with me, don't you know?

But such doubts lasted only a short moment.

Han Youyue deserves to be a very considerate fan, especially a respectable divine child.

After just a moment of effort, she realized once again!

Knowing the respected son of God, why is there such a performance!

This is because there are too many people in the tribe who want to go through the grass with the **** child. If the **** child is too obvious to let the rest of the people know, the rest of the female primitives in the tribe will definitely come to find the **** child!

According to the previous performance of the Son of God, the Son of God obviously didn't want it to happen, so the Son of God pretended not to know and asked himself and let himself speak!

Think about it, too, how can a respectable person like a **** son lower his identity and take the initiative to do such a thing?

In an instant, Han Youyue, who realized the profound meaning of the son of God, suddenly became happy.

At the same time, I tried my best to suppress my excitement and make myself look more calm, so that I can perform with the respected **** son.

"Yes, something!"

Han Youyue said with certainty.

Looking at the serious Han Youyue in front of him, Han Cheng didn't think much about it for a while, then smiled and nodded to her, motioning her to say something.

When Han Cheng smiled and hinted like this, Han Youyue's heart jumped up with excitement.

no surprise! The thing is just as I imagined!

The son of God just wants to go to the bushes with himself!

The attitude of the son of God is to encourage himself to say the rest!

Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with my understanding!

This time,? Han Youyue only felt that the whole person was about to float.

There was the joy of knowing the mind of the Son of God, and the pride of being able to guess the mind of the Son of God.

However, as a person who has thoroughly understood the intention of the son of God, in order to be able to cooperate with the son of God to handle this matter well, Han Youyue still worked hard to calm herself down, and then looked at Han Cheng, With a calm attitude, he opened his mouth:

"God, I want to go back to sleep."

After saying these words, Han Youyue looked at Han Cheng with anticipation and excitement.

Go back to sleep?

After Han Cheng heard what Han Youyue said, he couldn't help but was taken aback. He obviously didn't expect that what Han Youyue wanted to tell him was actually this.

He was not too far away, still under the action of the running water, and looked at the place where he was chucking the rice.

A layer of rice bran has been spread on the open space beside it, and the clay pot next to it is filled with cleaned rice.

From this alone, we can know how long Han Youyue has been working here.

Grinding rice is not such an easy job, even if there is such a mess, it is still not so light.

At this time, not long after the sun came out, Han Youyue had already scooped out so many rice. One can imagine how early she got up.

Recalling these days, most of them were Han Youyue doing this. Han Cheng soon understood why Han Youyue made such a request at this time.

This is the day after day of greedy and greedy work too tired!

Otherwise, according to Han Youyue's temperament, how could he say such a thing at this time!

Especially after seeing the thirst written on Han Youyue's face, Han Cheng's heart seemed to be suddenly pierced by something.

Although Han Cheng likes to watch people work, he has not yet reached the level of Zhou Papi.

He still pays great attention to letting people in the tribe combine work and rest.

So without any extra hesitation, he nodded and agreed to Han Youyue's request.

"Well, go back to sleep. I'll talk to your captain later and ask for leave for you."

Han Cheng looked at Han Youyue and said.

After Han Youyue got this reply from Han Cheng, she was immediately unhappy.

He smiled and nodded, took a deep look at Han Cheng, then turned and walked briskly towards the tribe.

After walking a short distance, Han Youyue stopped and stood here waiting when he saw that the **** child hadn't followed.

After waiting for a while, when he saw that the son of God was still staying in place, he didn't mean to go back with him, and doubts arose again in his heart.

But it was only a moment of effort, Han Youyue once again rose to enlightenment, and understood the meaning of the son of God!

The behavior of the son of God at this time was still the same as before. He wanted to pay attention to the influence, so he let himself come back first.

The son of God is so thoughtful!

As soon as Han Youyue thought of this, she couldn't help but praise her **** son in her heart.

Then he left here cleanly and headed towards the tribe.

After returning to the tribe, he went straight to the house where he lived and walked in.

After standing in the room and thinking about it for a while, he turned and sat on the bed.

Sitting on the bed and waiting for a while, Han Youyue thought for a while, and then unwrapped the animal skins that surrounded him, and then lay on the bed, feeling beautiful, with a smile on his face. .

Looking forward to it.

In anticipation, Han Youyue feels that time has passed very long...

Han Cheng turned his head and looked at Han Youyue, who was walking happily for a while, as if his whole body was about to fly, the whole body was a bit inexplicable for a while.

He felt that something was wrong with Han Youyue today, and the whole person looked a little weird.

But because I was thinking about the upgraded version of the water in my heart, I didn't think much about it.

After Han Youyue left here and disappeared, he thought about it, then got up from here, and headed towards a place.

It didn't take long before I saw the leader of the pounding rice cleaning food team.

I told her about Han Youyue's uncomfortable things, and asked her to find someone else to come over and pound the rice.

Han Cheng stood here and waited for a while. After thinking about it, he turned back from here and headed to the tribe.

He thought about it for a while, but he couldn't think too clearly just by thinking about it.

It is better to sit in the house, write and draw with a pen and paper.

This way the thinking can become clearer.

The place where Han Cheng was located was not far from the tribe, so he didn't wait long before returning to the tribe.

In the house, Han Youyue, the one who "has not had a good rest" and was approved by Han Cheng to come back to sleep, is really suffering because the son of God has not yet come!

Unable to wait, she got up and put the clothes around her on her body, and couldn't help coming to the door of the house to look out.

This is the third time she has made such a similar action since she came to the room.

After looking around for a while, he saw Han Cheng returning from outside.

I was surprised and delighted at the moment.

After staying in the same place for a while, he rushed back to the bed in three steps and two steps, tore off the clothes that surrounded him, and quickly lay on it.

Generally speaking, after experiencing so many of these things, she will not be so nervous and expectant for these.

But now it's different. After seeing the son of God return from the outside, and thinking about something, Han Youyue's heart beats like a drum!

For Han Youyue, this is really an extremely wonderful experience.

While Han Youyue was extremely nervous and expectant, Han Cheng, who had returned from the outside, turned around not far from Han Youyue and headed towards the hut where he lived alone.

After arriving in the hut, he sat in front of the desk made of logs, took out the paper and pen, and began to write and draw on the paper. While recording some things he knew today, he was also fully developing Your own thinking makes yourself more thinking...

In the other room, with expectation, Han Youyue, who was lying on the bed, was excited and expectant. With the passage of time, it gradually changed its taste and became uncertain.

She lay on the bed and listened, but she didn't hear any footsteps coming.

After a while, she, who was puzzled and lost in her heart, got up from the bed again, dressed in a hurry, came to the door and looked out.

There were few people moving in the yard at this time, it seemed empty, and there was no trace of the son of God.

But the door of the room where the son of God lived was opened at this time.

Could it be that the son of God felt that the room he lived in was sharing with other people, and felt inconvenient, so he didn't come to himself, but went to his own house?

Here, people have to admire Han Youyue's brain supplement ability as a die-hard fan.

Before that, no one had ever known that her mind could turn so fast!

The light in the room dimmed, and Han Cheng, who was sitting at the desk, subconsciously raised his head and looked towards the door of the room.

Because Han Youyue stood with her back on her back, Han Cheng didn't recognize her for a while, and waited for a while before she recognized her.

"Why didn't you sleep?"

Han Cheng looked at Han Youyue in surprise and said.

After all, not long ago, she started saying that she wanted to come back to sleep.

A person who has been very serious and hard-working in the past can say that if he doesn't work and wants to sleep, he must be sleepy.

But now that the person who should have been asleep came to his room at this time, how is this not surprising?

Why am I not sleeping, why don't you know?

The Son of God deserves to be the Son of God, and what he does is like nothing.

I have already arrived here, there is no one in the four, and I still act like this...

"I sleep with you."

She said aloud.

The son of God is embarrassed to explain this matter clearly, so he will explain it clearly.

I was caught off guard when I heard Han Youyue say this, Han Cheng was a little confused for a while, so what did he come to me to sleep with?

Things that made him even more confused are yet to come.

When he was still in the circle of confusion and didn't recover, Han Youyue had already started the next step.

In some things, Han Youyue is definitely a considerate person.

She was worried that the **** child was still too embarrassed, but fortunately she removed the animal skins surrounding her, and then looked at Han Cheng shyly with some excitement.

"What are you doing?!"

Han Cheng’s eyes widened in an instant~www.NovelMTL.com~ Didn’t you say you want to sleep with me? I came here. "

Han Youyue said with some shyness and boldness.

Han Cheng's eyes widened, and his whole person became even more confused.

What is this all for! ?

When did you say such things?

This time, it is really innocent!

The son of Han Da, who dignified the innocence of others, was directly killed by the people of his tribe this time.

"I, I never said this!"

In astonishment, Han Cheng, who had shown everything in front of him, screamed.

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