I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1021: 1 divided into 2 nested tribes (2 in 1)

   The wind in the late summer is blowing gently, and the leaves on the vines surrounding the tree house have grown. Looking through the window, you can see these lush leaves.

   In spring, the seeds planted by these flower-picking thieves such as bees and butterflies have successfully bred.

   The beautiful flowers at the beginning have become finger-sized fruits.

   The side illuminated by the sun is red, and the other side is slightly white.

   looks very delicious.

   The wind blew, these leaves swayed gently, revealing the fruits hidden in them, very beautiful.

   In the tree house, it is very quiet.

   The old priest of the nest tribe sat there looking at the animal skins on the ground and fell into contemplation, while the hunched primitive man sat there, turned his head and looked out the window, silently lost in thought.


   I don't know how long this silence lasted, and finally there was other movement in the tree house.

   This is the old priest who has been meditating there for a long time.

   stared out the window for a long time, the hunchback primitive man of the gods, he turned his head and looked into the tree house, listening carefully to the wise old priest.

   Regarding what happened this time, he really didn't know what to do, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

   At this time, listen to the opinions of the old priest. Still very good.

   After all, he is the wisest person in the tribe, and his ability has already been proven.

   There is an old priest of the nest tribe who speaks not fast, but he speaks very clearly.

   After listening so seriously for a while, the hunched primitive face suddenly changed.

   He looked at the old priest who was still talking slowly, his entire face was full of shock and disbelief.

  Although he didn't want to interrupt the old priest, because the news he heard was too shocking, after waiting for a while, he couldn't help but interrupted the old priest.


   He appeared eagerly and asked the old priest why he did this.

The thing that made him have such a big reaction, of course, is not a simple thing-just now, the old priest said that they should separate their tribe into two, one to continue living here, the other to take people away and move closer In the place of the Qingque tribe, establish a new residence and live there!

   Hearing such a completely unexpected thing suddenly, he would of course feel extremely surprised and shocked.

   Before this, he had never thought about it this way, nor had he heard the news from the old priest.

   Compared with the shock of the humpback primitive, the old priest who said the news seemed much calmer.

   Facing the very excited hunchback primitive's inquiry, he paused for a while, then began to explain...

   Divided the tribe into two and asked some of them to leave the place where they lived for many years and set up a settlement near the Qingque tribe. It was his decision after careful consideration for a long time.

The most important reason why    made such a decision is that he has a strong guard against the neighboring Red Tiger tribe.

   There is such an extremely powerful tribe around him, and the old priest has always had some guard against it in his heart.

   It’s just that in the past, their tribe had to rely on the Red Tiger tribe to live their lives. There was no other choice, and although the people of the Red Tiger tribe were domineering, they were still very disciplined when dealing with their tribe.

  In the past exchanges, the people of the Red Tiger tribe did not embarrass them too much, and did not do anything particularly excessive.

   But now, things are different.

   The people of the Red Tiger tribe who used to talk about rules have begun to be unruly. They used domineering tactics to forcefully take away the extremely precious things from their tribe.

   Such things made him more vigilant towards the old priest of the Red Tiger tribe.

   Especially from the hump-backed primitive people, he was even more anxious when he learned that the Qingque tribe relied on a sacred bowl to take a lot of food from the Red Tiger tribe.

   People need food. Those who lack food can do everything.

   As a person of this age, who is older and has experienced many things, the old priest of the nest tribe, clearly knows how terrible people who are hungry can be.

   The people of the Red Tiger tribe have lost so much food all at once in order to obtain the extremely sacred treasure. Later, it is very likely that there will be insufficient food.

   After such a thing happened, he felt that his tribe, which is so close to the Red Tiger Tribe, would probably be hard to suffer from the Red Tiger Tribe.

   In the old days, their tribe mainly relied on being Erdao dealers of the Red Tiger tribe to obtain food.

  There is this limitation, even if he knows that the Red Tiger tribe is not easy to get along with, there is no good solution.

   But now, things are different.

   Now in this piece of land, another tribe appears to be no less than the Red Tiger tribe.

   This tribe has more salt and pottery than the Red Tiger tribe.

   And this tribe is also willing to exchange the salt and pottery they have with other tribes.

   Under such circumstances, he has some solutions to this matter.

   The method he came up with was to divide the entire tribe in two as he told the humpbacked primitive people not long ago, and part of it would go to a place closer to the Qingque tribe to establish a settlement.

   After being separated and established like this, even if the people of the Red Tiger tribe suddenly went mad, they became reckless and took all the people of their own tribe who stayed in place, and their tribe didn’t have to worry about being destroyed.

  Because there are still some people from their own tribe, living in other places, in this large area, there are many people from their own tribe.

   They can also continue to produce blood of their own tribe.

   And because of their proximity to the Qingque tribe, these separated tribesmen can continue to be in their old professions to continue to obtain food and maintain the tribe’s life.

   This is the decision he made after thinking about it for a long time.

   After understanding what the old priest said, the hunched primitive man didn’t know what to say for a while.

   He wanted to say that the people of the Red Tiger tribe should have no major problems, and that the people of his tribe continue to live here and nothing will happen.

   But the pain on his face and legs made him swallow back into his stomach when he was about to speak.


   After a while, the hunched primitive man spoke to his old priest.

   The rough meaning of what he said is that the people of the Qingque tribe are also not good things.

   During this meeting, he just took so many cows and food from their tribe.

   After hearing what he said, the old priest of the nest tribe also became silent.

   After a long time, I couldn't help but sighed, looking particularly melancholy.

   In any case, the strength of his own tribe is still too weak. There is no way to face tribes like Qingque and Red Tiger.

   Your own tribe is not strong enough, you will be controlled by others...

   The hunched primitive man couldn't help but sighed.

   In the past, I always thought that as long as I took the people of the tribe to work well, I could bring enough food to the tribe, and the tribe could gradually grow bigger and prosper.

   But now, I realize that what I thought before was wrong.

   Quite a few times, some things are not just about relying on your own efforts.

   It’s not that you can do well if you want to do it well...

   After two long sighs that sounded one after another, the tree house with green leaves and red fire in the window became quiet.

   Both of them stopped talking, just sitting here quietly, looking very sad.

   The atmosphere in the room became depressed...

   As time passed, the nest tribe became lively.

   a hunched primitive man, holding a cow carrying things in his hands, and standing beside him many people who have packed their things.

  Looking at their outfits, you know that they are ready to start another long journey.

   It’s just a long journey this time, which looks a lot different from the previous time.

   is mainly about staffing.

   This time, along with the people going out with the humpback primitives, there was a big adjustment.

   The number of people who used to follow him to do this thing in the past was almost half less.

   Many new faces appeared in the team.

   And among these new faces, there are many more unhealthy adults and some minors.

   Such a combination of personnel is of course not for exchange.

   These people are the people who need to leave the tribe and go to other places to establish new settlements through the efforts of the old priests and the hunched primitive people.

   Among these people, the humpback primitives who are experienced and often take people to exchange with other tribes are the main ones.

   Those who stay in the tribe are mainly old priests.

   Although the old priest is getting older, he still has wisdom, and his prestige in the tribe is high, and he can hold the ground.

  With him, the hunched primitive man is relieved.

   Parting, people with nest tribes have experienced it many times. For them, this is a common thing. They are used to it for a long time and won't feel any sadness.

   But this time is different. Now here, many people feel very uncomfortable.

   Some people even wiped their tears secretly. Some minors held the hands of people around them tightly, looking very nervous, and their eyes were timid.

   It didn't take long for everyone to leave from here. Many people turned their heads one step at a time, looking extremely reluctant, and the whole tribe filled with sad emotions.

   The nest tribes who are used to parting are sad because of parting.

   Because they know that this time is different.

   In the past, people in the tribe would come back after they left.

   But this time, the people in the tribe have left, it is not easy to come back.

  Because they are going to establish a new tribe outside...

   Parting is sad, but reunion will bring joy.

   Of course, this is not an enemy.

   The enemy meets again. Apart from being extremely jealous, there will be no joy.

   Qingque tribe Jinguan City, there is no sadness of the nest tribe.

   When they came back with a lot of food and a good thing like ginger, they brought only infinite joy to the tribe.

   With the return of Han Cheng and others and the good news, the whole Jinguan City became boiling.

   Joy and excitement filled the entire Jinguan City.

   Even the dogs in the tribe seem to feel the joy of people. They are jumping and jumping here, shaking their heads and tails, and they are extraordinarily cheerful.

   Here in Jinguancheng, even the air seems to be jumping for joy...

   Time is always too hurried, before the end of summer has passed.

   Only when Han Cheng noticed that the sun had set and the coolness had risen and the night had become particularly cool, did he know that autumn had arrived.

  Human is a sentimental animal, so he can touch the scene and give birth to love. That's how the literati hurt the spring and sadness of autumn.

   Such elegant emotions, Han Cheng had a little bit before.

   But now, he can't feel it at all, what fills his heart is only deep joy!

   This is of course not because he saw the beauty of "a crane and a row of clouds on a clear sky", so he became like eating magpie poop.

   But because autumn is the season of receiving goods!

  , who came to primitive society and successfully became a tribal god, he has already been tempered, and his values ​​~www.NovelMTL.com~ have undergone great changes.

   When something happens, the first thing I think about is whether it is delicious or not, not whether it looks good or not.

   Under such circumstances, he encountered the harvest season of autumn, and it was too late to be happy. In any case, he could not produce the emotion of ‘sad and loneliness’.

   Before leading people to the Red Tiger Tribe to kill the fat sheep, Han Cheng estimated a lot of things wrong.

   Such as the difficulty of doing this and the time it takes.

   At the same time, the estimation is wrong, and the time it takes for the rice to mature.

  The result of such an estimation is that after he returned from the Red Tiger tribe with his people, the rice planted in the tribe was not yet mature. After waiting for a while, it was finally time to harvest.

   Han Cheng is still very happy for such an estimation error, after all, this can allow him to successfully participate in this harvest.

   From being busy last year to now, finally waiting for the harvest time, he is of course very happy to be able to participate.

   Han Cheng took off the sandals made of flat animal skin rope and wooden planks, rolled up his trousers and bare his feet, now on the ridge.

   stretched his hand over a rice plant with its head low, plucked some rice from the top, peeled off the husk, and exposed the white rice.

   The rice is very plump.

   I don’t know if it’s because the tribe has adopted relatively intensive farming and cared for the rice. The rice that was just peeled by Han Cheng by hand looks much larger than the ones I saw before.

   Such a discovery made Han Cheng happy from ear to ear.



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