I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1016: He is really a son of God! (2 in 1)


This silence lasted a long time.

No one spoke. In front of the porcelain bowl of the Qingque tribe, everyone seemed to have forgotten that they and others would still speak.

After a while, I finally remembered a sound of air-conditioning.

The owner of this voice is not someone else, but a witch from the Red Tiger tribe.

At this time, the face of the maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe that lacked a nose was filled with shock and strong disbelief.

Even if he spoke, the shock on his face did not diminish at all.

Even with time, it becomes more intense.

Under the impact of such a strong event, he didn't even know what he meant by just now!

This is really shocking! It's too unbelievable!

After hearing the words of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, the humpback primitive man who was sluggish on the side shook his body and turned his head in a dull manner.

Then he clicked his head crazy.

He very much agrees with the words of the Red Tiger Tribe Maiden.

This exquisite bowl in front of us is not something that humans can make. It is a work of God, a real miracle!

Such things can only be described by miracles.

Only God can make such a thing!

People can't do it anyway!

Even the people of the Qingque tribe have always been relatively mysterious. He had seen so many magical things in the Qingque tribe before, and he still didn't believe that the people of the Qingque tribe could make such things.

It's such a thing, it's too exquisite!

It's completely beyond people's imagination!

In any case, he does not believe that people can make such a thing!

After a while, the humpbacked primitive man turned his gaze to Han Cheng and other members of the Qingque tribe in awe.

He couldn't express his feelings at this moment in words.

Not long ago, he was thinking about watching the jokes of the Qingque tribe people, and wanted to see what the Qingque tribe people could come up with, and how it was eaten in the Red Tiger tribe.

At that time, I didn't believe that the people of the Qingque tribe could come up with any good things.

It's nothing more than to bring out some pottery that looks better than the previous pottery.

That is still in the category of pottery, the people of the Red Tiger tribe still don't want it.

But now, after he really saw what the Qingque tribe people brought out, he knew how wrong his previous thoughts were!

Now, he suddenly understood the people of the Qingque tribe, why after hearing that he said that the people of the Red Tiger tribe were not asking for pottery, not only there was no sadness, but he insisted on waiting for someone to bring them to the Red Tiger. Tribe.

This is not because they are stupid and cannot understand people, but because they have sufficient confidence!

There are good enough things!

Now when I think back to my previous mood and my previous thoughts, the hunched primitive man only felt a little red.

I am afraid that my previous behavior will fall into the eyes of the people of the Qingque tribe. I will be really stupid. I really want to make people laugh!

What kind of tribe is this, and what kind of people is it!

The hunched primitive man couldn't help wailing in his heart.

After this wailing passed, the hunched primitive man suddenly remembered something.

This matter is the previous time, he once asked the people of the Qingque tribe, the meaning of the name of the person who was highly respected by them.

After some explanations, he understood that the title meant the Son of God.

Before, he just felt a little too much for this title, and then he laughed it off.

But now, combined with all the incomparably magical things that I saw in the Qingque tribe before, look at this almost miraculous thing in front of me. The hunched primitive man suddenly believed what the Qingque tribe had said before. Something up.

This person from the Qingque tribe may really be the son of God!

Thinking like this in my heart, the hunchbacked primitive man looked at Han Cheng's gaze, which suddenly changed a lot.

A lot of awe and shock.

Han Cheng, who was stared at by the hunched primitive man, didn't notice the change in the eyes of the hunched primitive man looking at him.

At this moment, most of his attention was on the red tiger tribe maiden who was not too far away.

This is certainly not because of how attractive and beautiful the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe are.

It was because he wanted to get enough food from the red tiger tribe maiden.

Before Han Cheng came into this world, he remembered that the head teacher once said such a sentence.

I don't remember the original words clearly, but the general idea is that there is no good for no reason in the world.

A person who has no affection for you, treats you well, either because he wants you or he wants to lie to you.

Of course, at that time, the head teacher said this, mainly to alert the people in the class, especially to the girls, to remind them to brighten their eyes, not to fall in love easily and not to be deceived.

The reason why Han Cheng suddenly remembered such a sentence at this time was because his actions now fit this sentence.

Of course, he didn't have any thoughts about the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, and wanted to lie to her about dating.

But want to cheat more food.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe is definitely a person who is very obsessed with pottery. This can be seen from her reflection after seeing the pottery of the Qingque tribe before.

It is also because, among the people present, she is the most amazed by the porcelain bowl that suddenly appeared.

After uttering the words that she didn't even realize what it meant, she stood here and watched intently for a while, moving uncontrollably to the side of the exquisite porcelain bowl beside Han Cheng.

After a while, she gradually came to the edge of the porcelain bowl and slowly squatted down.

Her hand stretched out uncontrollably, trying to touch the beautifully indescribable bowl on the ground.

Originally, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe and some people were still quite confused and did not turn back from the impact in this exquisite porcelain bowl.

But at this time, after seeing the movements of the maiden of their own tribe, many people in the Red Tiger tribe, including the leader of the Red Tiger tribe, shuddered without arousing their spirits.

Can't help but want to step forward and stop the witches of his tribe!

Because from the solemn and cautious behavior of the **** son of the Qingque tribe not long ago, it can be seen how much the people of the Qingque tribe care about this thing.

And this thing is indeed exquisite, which makes people feel amazing and shocking!

Now the witches of her own tribe just reached out and touched them recklessly, don't be misunderstood by the people of the Qingque tribe!

You know, the Qingque tribe in front of you is different from the small tribes that you encountered before.

The Qingque tribe is much more difficult to deal with, especially their kind of formidable weapon that can throw a feathered tree stick from a long distance. Just think about it, and it makes people feel hairy.

It really annoys the people of the Qingque tribe. Even if they are on the edge of the largest settlement of their tribe, there are far more people from their own tribe than the Qingque tribe. The leader of the Red Tiger tribe does not have any confidence to maintain People who live in their own tribe do not suffer!

Fortunately, the maidens of the Red Tiger tribe still have some sense.

After extending his hand halfway out, he suddenly realized something and quickly took his hand back.

After a short while, the hand stretched out again uncontrollably.

After extending a little, the other hand also stretched out, pulled out this uncontrolled hand, and pulled it back again.

In such a scene, Han Cheng who watched a little wanted to laugh, but also had some emotions, and at the same time, he became more confident about the next time.

The son of Han Da is also a considerate guy, especially when facing those who are deceived, he is simply a model of thinking about what other people think and urging others.

Seeing that the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe was really uncomfortable, she reached out and gently picked up the big porcelain bowl, and with a sincere smile on her face, handed it to the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe.

The maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe who was trying to control her hands was stunned when she saw Han Cheng's behavior.

She never thought that this person from the Qingque tribe would actually make such a move at this time!

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe raised her head, her eyes full of disbelief towards Han Cheng.

I wanted to reach out to pick up this thing that looked like a fetish in her eyes, but after manually moving it, it stopped.

It wasn't that she was too courageous, or too hypocritical and not refreshing enough, but it was really Tao Guizhong and too sacred, she was afraid that her hands would break it.

Han Cheng naturally saw the hesitations and worries of the Red Tiger Tribe witch, he kept a sincere smile, and once again passed the bowl in his hand forward, bringing it closer to the Red Tiger Tribe’s body.

Seeing this, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe dared to hesitate to stretch out her hand, and continued with Han Cheng's speechless encouragement, carefully placing her hand on the bowl held by Han Cheng.

It can be seen that the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe is extremely excited at this time.

The outstretched hands were shaking slightly uncontrollably.

Although Han Cheng had already handed the bowl to her, it took a while for her hand to fall on the bowl.

At the moment when she gently dropped her hand on the bowl, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe could clearly feel that her heartbeat stopped for a moment!

The porcelain bowl is cold, smooth, and there is a delicateness in the smoothness.

Some people say that when a first lover kisses for the first time, it feels like an electric shock.

This kind of feeling, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe had never felt it before.

Because she became a witch, she has never had that primitive and passionate feeling.

But now everything has changed. The moment her hand fell on the porcelain bowl, she really felt an electric shock!

Although she didn't know what it was like to get an electric shock!

The eyes of the maiden of the Red Tiger Tribe were filled with various emotions, marveled, and touched by finally touching her favorite fetish.

Almost at this moment, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe knew that this was exactly what she wanted!

There was a cry in the depths of her heart that kept ringing, and that was she wanted this divine object!

This kind of longing surpasses the dry seedlings longing for rain and dew!

But she also knew that it was not easy to get such a fetish, because it was too precious!

And it belongs to the mysterious and powerful blue bird tribe!

The son of Han Da with a sincere smile continued to signal here.

Under his gesture of encouragement, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe also stretched out her other hand, touching the white porcelain bowl with both hands.

When Han Cheng saw that she was holding on tightly, he applied a little force in his hand, pushed into the arms of the Red Tiger Tribe witch, and then slowly released his hand holding the porcelain bowl.

In this way, the entire porcelain bowl was completely in the hands of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, holding a bowl in both hands, her face was full of joy and excitement.

The whole person was excited and didn't know what to do.

However, her movements became softer, and she was more cautious than with the newborn babies in the tribe.

She held it in her hand and watched it carefully.

This very beautiful big porcelain bowl completely attracted her.

Han Cheng, who was opposite her, saw the reaction of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe, his smile became more sincere.

His mood is as bright as his smile.

Just like it, just like it, the more you like this, the more things your tribe can get after a while.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe is like a child who has received an unusually cherished treasure, holding this treasure up and down, she is not willing to let go, and she can't care about the rest.

Time passed quietly in her watching and playing.

Han Cheng didn't disturb the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe. He stayed here quietly during the whole process, watching the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe with a smile watching the porcelain bowl.

He always has plenty of patience for people who are going to spend a lot of money to get something from his tribe~www.NovelMTL.com~.

After a long time like this, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe turned her head inadvertently, and when she saw Han Cheng beside her, her consciousness suddenly became clear, and she realized she was there now and what she was doing.

Her eyes fell once again on the porcelain bowl she was holding.

The whole person seemed very hesitant and entangled.

After a while, he gritted his teeth vigorously, stretched his hands forward with great reluctance, and handed the bowl he was holding to Han Cheng.

At this moment, her heart was dripping blood, and the entire sky was covered by dark clouds.

In the next moment, a bright sun appeared, piercing the dark clouds, and re-illuminating the sky of the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe.

Because Han Cheng smiled and shook his head at her...

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