I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 1014: It ended with the Red Tiger being abused! (2 in 1)


On the Qingque tribe’s side, after Qingyoushu shot out two consecutive arrows, the people on the Red Tiger tribe’s shouting and cheering became louder.

Many people are extremely excited, jumping and jumping.

It's not that they are not reserved, they are the people from the opposite Qingque tribe, it is too funny!

Fortunately, their language is too scarce. If they are rich, many people will definitely ask the person who was selected by the Qingque tribe, who has made some fart-like movements three times in a row, is it a monkey? The funny guy sent here, isn't he here specifically responsible for funny?

Others cheered and laughed at the Qingque tribe's people here, but the leader of the Red Tiger tribe couldn't laugh at all.

Looking at the scene in front of me, and then listening to the cheers of the people in his tribe, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe only felt that his face was hot, as if someone had used something to beat his face vigorously.


After a while, the leader of the Red Tiger tribe couldn't bear it anymore. He turned his head to look at the people in his tribe and roared loudly to make them shut up.

They were cheering and leaping, using their unbridled movements to humiliate the people of the Red Tiger tribe of the Blue Sparrow tribe. Amid the roar of their tribe leaders, they gradually calmed down.

Looking confused and uncertain, he looked at their blushing and thick-necked leader, not understanding what happened to their leader.

No matter how good he was, he made such a big fire and blushed with a thick neck.

"@##twenty three@!"

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe was still roaring continuously, and stretched out his hand to point at the cow lying in front of him.

The people of the Red Tiger tribe who were not aware of all followed their leader’s fingers to look at it. It was only then that they were surprised to find that, I don’t know when, that head fell down in front of their leader’s ox’s eyes and was actually plugged in three. Tree stick with feathers!

These three tree sticks, unbiased, all stuck in the same eye of the cow!

When I first saw it, the people of the Red Tiger tribe didn't think this kind of thing was amazing and praised.

Because the bull's eye is the weakest place on the bull's body, it is easy to be broken by people, even they can easily insert the root of a small tree into the bull's eye!

This is really nothing.

Far from the leader of their tribe, the ability to knock a cow to death with a stick!

However, as time went on, they gradually became surprised after seeing more things.

And, this surprise quickly evolved into an extreme shock!

Because they thought of the people of the Qingque tribe, very far away from the cow of their tribe!

But even at such a long distance, he hit his own bull in three consecutive actions!

More importantly, he hit the same eye in the bull these three times!

People in the Red Tiger tribe hadn't noticed this kind of thing before. At this time, I thought about it carefully.

The person from the Qingque tribe, at such a distance, can insert such a small branch into the cow’s eyes, does it mean that at such a distance, he can also insert such a branch into himself and others In the eyes? !

Almost without thinking about it, the answer has become very obvious!

After more and more people realized these terrible facts, the Red Tiger tribe became quieter here.

The people of the insignificant Red Tiger tribe who were arrogantly showing off just now were terribly quiet at this time.


When people are quiet, it does not mean that the rest of things are quiet.

It is not only people who like to join in the fun, but birds are no exception.

After being quiet here, the few birds who were waiting to eat melons and watch the show at which time they didn't know before suddenly became unhappy.

They flew up from the forest and came here to see why these two-legged monkeys, who were about to fight, became quiet.

These birds are not very afraid of people, because countless past experience tells them that as long as they are flying in the air, the big monkeys on the ground that only run on two feet and don’t grow hair can’t do anything with them. kind!

However, today, their experience is clearly not available.

When the surroundings were quiet, the bird's voice became extremely loud, so it successfully attracted the attention of many people.

Among these people, Qingyoushu who held a long bow in his hand!

Qing Youshu looked up and saw the birds flying from a distance, about to fly over their heads.

Just thinking about it for a while, Qing Youshu quickly drew a feather arrow from the quiver around his waist, and placed it on the longbow, instantly pulling the longbow full.

Just aiming slightly, he released the hand holding the bowstring.

With only the sound of ‘Zheng’, this feather arrow flew out into the air.

"Crack quack~"

Among the few arrogant and unspeakable birds that flew over everyone's heads, the one that flew at the back, suddenly screamed again and again.

While screaming, his wings flapped vigorously.

But this is a futile struggle.

Under the gaze of many people, the screaming bird fell from the air and landed closer to the Red Tiger tribe. It fluttered randomly with arrows on the ground, and there was no movement.

The eyes of everyone in the Red Tiger Tribe followed the falling bird and moved from the air to the ground.

The leader of the Red Tiger tribe with his mouth wide open, looking a little sluggish, stretched out his hand and touched his face, spreading his palm in front of his eyes.

There was a hint of red on the palm.

This is the blood from the bird just now, falling on his face.

The already quiet Red Tiger tribe has become quieter here, as if it were their mouths, at this moment, the collective was blocked by others.

They looked at the bird wearing a feathered tree stick and fell on the ground listening to the struggling bird, and then recalled the scene that they had seen not long ago. The members of the Red Tiger tribe were collectively plunged into petrification.

They really did not expect that the people of the Qingque tribe could do such shocking things with such means!


In this silence, there was a sudden popping sound.

Everyone followed the prestige, but it was the son of Han Da who clapped his hands vigorously.

"Good! Good shot! Good archery!"

Han Cheng clapped his hands vigorously and praised loudly.

After glancing approvingly at the green tree, Han Cheng looked at the Red Tiger tribe.

"it is good!"

"Good shot!

Inspired by Han Cheng, the people of the Qingque tribe suddenly became boiling.

Following Han Cheng's appearance, they shouted loudly and clapped their hands vigorously. Some people turned their hands red and stupefied and refused to stop for a moment.

Don't mention the refreshing energy in my heart!

All the previous depression was vented at this moment.

Because the people of the Red Tiger tribe were too angry before, so the reaction of the people of the Qingque tribe was stronger at this time, which can be described by cheers and thunder.

This time it was the Red Tiger tribe's turn to be miserable.

Many people feel that their faces are hot.

Especially those who cheered the loudest and moved the most exaggerated not long ago.

Some Red Tiger tribes were so popular that they wanted to speak out to refute, but in the face of this plain thing, they opened their mouths several times, and after all, they closed their mouths helplessly.

There are also some angry blushing people from the Red Tiger tribe who are not convinced, and want to make the people in the tribe show that something has appeared and compare them to the people of the Qingque tribe.

However, after thinking for a while, they still did not come up with a good way to surpass the Qingque tribe.

Because the cows that the leader of their tribe can knock to death on weekdays are smaller than today's.

Today, a stick knocking such a big head to death is already regarded as the leader of his own tribe.

Now, let's not say that their tribe has no bigger bull than this bull, even if there is, their leader may not be able to knock it to death.

Even if it can be knocked to death, it is still inferior to that of the Qingque tribe!

The people of the Red Tiger tribe thought unhappily and nervously.

After a while, even if they were not reconciled in their hearts, they still had to admit that they had no way to surpass the Qingque tribe's methods!

This thing that was provoked by the people of their tribe, who wanted to give the Qingque tribe a predicament, and directly suppress the Qingque tribe, developed later, but instead lifted a rock and hit him in the foot!

Those who were prepared were directly crushed by the Qingque tribe!


Amidst the applause and applause of the Qingque tribe, the red tiger tribe was red-faced and speechless, the noseless maiden of the Red Tiger tribe spoke to the hunched primitive man.

After speaking, she pointed her finger in the direction where the people of the Qingque tribe were, and asked the hunched primitive people to express the meaning of what she just said to the people of the Qingque tribe.

When the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe spoke, her voice was not small, so many people in the Red Tiger tribe heard what she said.

After listening to what the Red Tiger Tribe maiden said, many of the Red Tiger tribe’s eyes lit up, looking forward to the Blue Sparrow Tribe, waiting for the Blue Sparrow Tribe to speak.

What the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe said was very simple, she was asking whether the archery Qingyoushu was the most powerful one in the Qingque tribe's archery.

The witches of the Red Tiger tribe thought so.

Compared with the people of the Qingque tribe, their tribe couldn't be compared.

But she can do some other things.

Just like now, I asked Qing Youshu directly if he was the most powerful person in the Qingque tribe.

After confirming that Qing Youshu is the most powerful person in the Qingque tribe, of course the fact that their tribe was compared to the Qingque tribe cannot be changed.

However, it can bring some comfort to their hearts, after all, they are the most powerful person in the Qingque tribe.

Such a small thought, naturally, could not hide from the descendants of God Son Han Da.

After understanding the meaning of the red tiger tribe's maiden words through Mao's translation, Han Cheng smiled slightly and said to Mao: "Mao, you tell her that Qingyoushu is the worst archery shooter in our tribe!"

After hearing Han Cheng's words, Mao was stunned for a moment, apparently for a while did not understand what the **** son meant.

However, he obediently conveyed these words to the humpbacked primitive people in accordance with Han Cheng's meaning.

After the hunched primitive man figured out the meaning, he told the witches of the Red Tiger tribe.

After hearing what the humpbacked primitive man said, the red tiger tribe maiden and others who were full of expectation were stunned at once, with an unbelievable look in their eyes.

Han Cheng's words hit them even harder than the few arrows Qing Youshu had just made.

Originally, they thought that Qing Youshu was a leader elected by the Qingque tribe, that's why it was so powerful.

Now, the news they got was that that person was the worst of the Qingque tribe!

The most powerful leader of their tribe was compared to the worst one of the Qingque tribe, and they were still crushed.

Under such circumstances, how could they not be surprised? !

Will it be hit? !

Mao, who has never understood why the son of God said so, saw the people of the Red Tiger tribe and listened to the translation of the humpback primitives, and the whole person instantly understood.

After Ming Wu, he really wanted to give a thumbs up to the god!

The Son of God deserves to be the Son of God, it is too high!

Han Cheng smiled helplessly after seeing the reaction of everyone from the Red Tiger tribe to Trade.

This means that the human nature of this era is relatively straightforward, so this sentence only needs to be heard by later generations to know that it is bragging to achieve such a good effect.


The Red Tiger tribe after being hit hard, now has no intention of playing tricks anymore.

They have been given the unimaginable archery skills of Qing Youshu and the somewhat shameless means of the **** son Han Da, which can't give them much confidence.

Therefore, after a while, the maiden of the Red Tiger tribe spoke to the hunched primitive man again.

She was asking the people of the Qingque tribe, what it means to come, and what they want to do.

Hearing what Mao had conveyed, Han Cheng couldn’t help but smile~www.NovelMTL.com~ Sure enough, many times we have to be stronger. Only in this way, in the future, many things will be done. It becomes easier to do.

"We have something and thought about coming over to exchange it with you."

Han Cheng said aloud.

Through two interpreters, his meaning was quickly conveyed to the witch of the Red Tiger tribe.

The maiden of the Red Tiger tribe who understood Han Cheng's meaning was relieved.

Come to trade, just trade!

What do you bring so many people for?

It's as if you want to fight!

After such a long sigh of relief, she soon became a little confused again...

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