I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 88: Check in

Thinking of this, Xie Yan started sweating subconsciously, and a drop of poisonous juice secreted from the main stalk and dripped down. The volatile venom soon filled the surrounding area with poisonous gas.

"You are murdering!"

The queen felt that the air was flying right behind her.

Xie Yan recovered, hurriedly waved the leaves to disperse the poison, and at the same time apologized to the queen bee who was laying eggs. As for Queen Ma, it was not affected because of its relatively long distance.

"Don't say, three pounds of silver nectar, nothing happened in our family." The queen bee stood on Xie Yan's leaves and asked for mental loss.

Xie Yan ignores it directly and pays for the loss of mental loss... Confiscate the site fee for your spawning and be content!

"Wow!" Seeing Xie Yan ignored him, the queen queen madly stepped on his leaves.

Xie Yan doesn't matter, anyway, it doesn't hurt anymore, so many leaves, as she stepped on it, he returned to the thinking just now.

If the loss of ancient memory is really caused by the seizure, this is absolutely bad news for him. This feeling is like someone asking him to pass through a soul, a king, a wolf, and it is impossible. thing.

But he still has hope, that is to find Xie Jiang, Xie Luo showdown, as long as they know that they have no ancient memory, not because of the seal of the first generation, but if they really forgot, they should tell him what happened in ancient times.

"No, not necessarily!"

Xie Yan shook his head, and he might still be treated by the two bear children as a murderous enemy! Although the two bear children took their own time to breed, how can I say that this body may be someone else's, so there is a very complicated ethical relationship in it, and he cannot predict what the two bear children think.

Instead of just two more enemies with ancient memories, it would be better to maintain the status quo and let the misunderstanding continue.

"That can only be a way to cliché..." Xie Yan had another thought.

He first gave up the clichés from Xie Jiang's side, this guy was too clever, not easy to fool. Evil Luo is a bit possible here, but it is just a little possible. The best way is to give birth to a bear child who does not understand the situation. If the other party does not know the status quo, ask him to share this past story!

If it doesn't work again, it can only use extreme means.

In short, the ancient memory must be set out, otherwise he will be very passive in the future!

Some of the design drawings that Xie Yan asked for were also sent over, and he tried to do a few experiments.

"The fighter plane still doesn't work." Xie Yan looked at a more retro fighter plane and shook the leaves. After this thing took off, it was not under his control and was essentially the same as the rocket.

Xie Yan estimated that he had to get the artificial intelligence first, and then the artificial intelligence would control the drone. If nothing unexpected happened, he would have to spend some money to find the design of the drone.

"Not necessarily..." Xie Yan started to think carefully. Since he has such a powerful artificial intelligence, why not go out and black out some design drawings? By the way, can you browse the federal database?

It works!

Xie Yan thinks that he is a personal talent, can think of anything.

However, these things must be put in place after this round of attacks. After all, there are only about two months left before the expected attack time, which should be after the exhibition and early next year.

"I don't know what the other party will send in this round of attacks." Xie Yan secretly said.

Last year’s imaginary enemy was human, but now he has established diplomatic relations with humans and is in the honeymoon period. No conflict will erupt in a short period of time, and the next round of attacks will naturally not be a human army.

In addition, Xie Yan could not think of anything else.

Outsiders are possible, but only two gates have been found so far, one is a bronze gate in Bono City, and the other is in an unknown deep mountain, and there is no sign of full opening, at least the last few The month will not open.

Excluding these, Xie Yan can't think of anything else in this world that can kill his own creatures, not his arrogance, but really can't find it.

"Maybe in the sea?" Xie Yan thought of a possibility, but immediately ruled out, this is not a seaside city. Even if the marine life is strong, it is impossible to jump into this deep mountain old forest.

Just as Xie Yan was thinking about this issue, something happened at the junction of the Eastern Federation and the Western Federation!

Because it is far away from the ocean and the damp airflow is blocked by the mountains, it forms a very large desert with few people.

And in the middle of this great desert, a huge vortex suddenly appeared, and a lot of sand was sucked in by the vortex. At the same time, the black hole in the center of the vortex exuded an extremely rotten atmosphere.

Over time, this offensive breath is waning, and there seems to be something waking up.

I don't know how long after that, the vortex disappeared, and the sand no longer collapsed, but there was still a slight undulation under the sand. Suddenly, a hand came out from under the undulating sand!


In mid-October, the decoration work of the engineering team came to an end, and several big brothers such as Zhanlu came to check the situation one after another. Because they used natural materials, they could move in after the decoration.

After finishing the work, the first batch of staff came from the villa. Xie Yan also began to inflate each room here. For a time, the whole villa became a little foggy.

At the end of October, the first tenants moved in, almost all of the wives, grandchildren and grandchildren of the first-line gangsters. Of course, they lived in ordinary rooms, not in practice rooms. Even in ordinary rooms, Reiki is much stronger than the outside world!

The second batch of residents also followed, with nearly three hundred people from three mutant schools in the Eastern Commonwealth. The three principals also followed.

These people were attracted by the extremely rich aura here as soon as they entered the villa.

"God, stay here for a long time and reach the silver level in minutes?"

"It's estimated that it's just Reiki leaking out of the practice room. Isn't it like the sauna in the practice room? Full of reiki?"


"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this aura concentration." Li Yinsheng also followed, he put down his luggage and took a deep breath, a lot of aura pour into his nose, the whole person called a comforting one!

There is also a quiet and elegant environment around, even if there is not enough aura, this will be a good sanctuary.

"Student, are you comfortable?" Han Qingbing asked the students and teachers of his school and asked with a smile.


Underneath the same voice.

"It's right to be comfortable, but this is something that the government has spent a lot of money on! But, in such a comfortable place, someone wants to rob you, what should I do?" Han Qingjie finished, looked at the team of the other two schools .

"What do you mean?"

"Silly, you have a limited number of places. You need to grab it!"

"Yes, this...Lan Jiangming is right, grab it!" Han Qingjie changed the gentle and elegant style before the change. "The government only allocates 60 training rooms to each school, and wants more training. You have to grab a room from another school! For the same reason, they will also rob us, so... Do you want to give this wonderful opportunity to others in vain? Or do you take it as your own?"

It's still necessary to ask, it must be owned by yourself!

Thinking of this, many students in the East Capital Mutant School burst into flames and looked at the students of the other two schools as if they were staring at the lamb.

At the same time, the students of the other two schools looked at them with the same eyes!

"Uhhhhhhhh, there's a good show!" Xie Yan thought about it, greeted the pet, and opened a handicap to check which school finally got the most rooms.

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