I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 71: Biochemical weapons (seeking collection recommendation ticket!)

The self-confidence of the Mountain Wolf King has been seriously hit.

On the other hand, the dog or scented came forward to eat nectar and had a beautiful kennel the next day. At the same time, he also ate silver fruit for the first time. The taste made this dog feel full of emotion in the kennel. day.

Xie Yan naturally reduced its food, but still kept a few copper-level feeds there.

The dog indulged in the fruit did not come out for a walk with some babble steps until the evening, and when he saw the unhappy mountain wolf king, he sighed and returned to the nest, holding a copper-colored fruit , Placed in front of the mountain wolf king.

"Dog or brother!" The Mountain Wolf King burst into tears.

"It's okay, eat it." The dog patted the mountain wolf king's shoulders with dog paws, and at the same time, the surrounding female wolves cast his eyes on him for worship.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhg Royalty compared the dog's eyes, this dog is enough!

"Come on, man..." Xie Yan silently encouraged the Mountain Wolf King. If that kind of thing happened, the wolf would be too pitiful.

The flowers are dying, and Xie Yan made the insect cover in time to put the forthcoming fruit on.

Next, he has two development directions, one is to communicate with the golden pattern, and the other is to study weapons of mass destruction.

Xie Yan thought about it and decided to put the latter on the agenda.

Since it is a weapon of mass destruction and a weapon of mass destruction with counterattack capability, it must have three points. First, it can achieve ultra-long-range flight. Second, it has great power and can easily destroy a city. Third Even after Xie Yan loses consciousness, she can still launch!

In fact, things of this level still have to do one thing, that is, precise guidance, but this thank you is irrelevant. He only needs to throw this thing into any human city, and does not need to do any precise strikes.

There is no need to think too much about the anti-interception problem, because it is a plant fiber, so the response in the radar will be weaker than that of the metal, and even whether it can be captured is a problem, so Xie Yan does not need to consider this situation.

Xie Yan began to solve the first problem. It didn’t take long for a super-extended rocket to pop into the valley. The rocket was fifty meters long and six meters thick. In addition to the large amount of mist-shaped auras that came with the arrow, there were four first-level boosters.

Xie Yan also thought about how to get the booster device out of the body of the arrow. The method is very simple. Put a thin skin storage pouch inside the device to fill it with liquid aura.

The liquid aura will not explode under the envelope of the mist aura, it will only be converted into a mist aura at a very slow speed. However, once the mist-shaped aura is consumed, the liquid aura is equivalent to being exposed to the air, which will naturally cause an explosion, and then blow up the four primary booster devices to achieve the separation of the booster device.

The same principle applies to fire arrows.

In this way, a decent rocket was completed.

Xie Yan tried to launch, the super long rocket slowly accelerated, and then swallowed, the fly was gone...

"Hey! Don't go!" Xie Yan reacted. He forgot to get an eyeball on the super long rocket. Otherwise, how far did the rocket fly? What happened during the flight? Is the disengagement device activated? How effective is the startup? He could not observe any other problems.

It is equal to, wasting this little time for nothing.

Xie Yan was a little depressed. He could only make another super-long rocket, and after installing the eye plant in each position above, he carefully launched it.

The flight process was still very smooth. After all, Xie Yan had experience in building rockets, so the arrow body in the flying state was relatively stable, and could barely keep flying straight. Soon, the aura in the first-level booster was exhausted, the liquid aura exploded, and the four boosters and the arrow body fell off.

The eye plant installed on the booster device can see that the four booster devices that have fallen off have fallen into the deep mountain old forest.

"It seems okay." Xie Yan sighed slightly.

The rocket continued to fly forward. I don’t know how long it took. The aura in the arrow body was also consumed. The liquid aura was triggered again, and the arrow body fell off with it, falling into the woods not far from the highway service area.

The remaining rocket head continued to fly forward by inertia. After a while, the speed of the rocket head slowly dropped and began to fall. The huge planted rocket head directly hit a tall building in a city. Of humans panicked.

Looking at the whole process, Xie Yan found that he was directly successful again.

"Do I have the talent to develop rockets?" Xie Yan was very surprised.

Of course, success is a good thing, and Xie Yan did not have too much entanglement about why he has extraordinary talent in this regard, but immediately set about solving the second problem, that is lethality!

The most brutal way is to add a lot of liquid aura to the rocket head, but this is very powerful, but still can not reach the level of destruction that he wants.

"Or... put bovine blood poison in it?" Xie Yan thought of a way to add bovine blood poison to the rocket head to make a horrible biochemical weapon. Once it was fired, a city could become an empty city in the blink of an eye. , Dead City!

It is only in this way that it violates Xie Yan's mass production target. After all, such things as bovine blood poison can only be obtained through flowering, and the fixed flowering period of 20 days is stuck there. Moreover, instead of exchanging fruit for bovine blood poison, it is better to conceive more time to exchange for better and more advanced things.

There is another way, that is, red spirit can be used to make red toxin, and then added to the rocket head, but I do not know how poisonous this poison is? How stable is it? What about the ratio of blood to blood?

But no matter what, first make a rocket head based on the bovine blood poison, even if there is no way to mass-produce it, it is also a genuine weapon of mass destruction!

In order to store this thing, Xie Yan dug several silos on the ground to place the arrow body, and set up the brackets in the deep pit. Everything looks exactly the same. In addition, he also made several red toxin rocket heads. Although he didn't know the power, this thing was enough to scare some people.

As for the last question, how to trigger these weapons of mass destruction after he loses consciousness, that is, when he is uprooted...

Xie Yan has two ideas, the first is to induce Lin Zhouer to come over and press the switch, and the second is to make a treasure map to make it an urban legend. These people press the switch!

Although I'm sorry for them, Xie Yan estimated that he was already dead at that time, so it didn't matter so much.

In the end, Xie Yan made a lid with rhizomes to seal the silo. If possible, he didn't want to use anything inside.

After the silo was encapsulated, Xie Yan suddenly felt a sudden and cheerful feeling, and he no longer had to hide from Tibet carefully. Because at this moment, he has a considerable right to speak on this planet!

"So let go of your hands!" Xie Yan secretly said, at the same time, a terrifying coercion burst out of the crystal clear red torso.

That's a confident breath!

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