I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 69: The first exchange (for collection!)

"Old...wife, what are you doing?"

On the weekend, the Mountain Wolf King's family lay on the grass and basked in the sun, breathing aura. At this time, it suddenly found that Hua Xiong and other seniors have come out from their homes and stood side by side to try. The perplexed Mountain Wolf King asked the main house aside.

The she-wolf shook her head, and she didn't know what the predecessors were doing.

"Yo, brother!"

At this time, the dog may come over and belong to the canine family. It is very friendly to the mountain wolf king family and has often communicated together in recent days.

Seeing the dog or coming, the little wolf cubs stepped forward warmly to greet them.

"Dogs or brothers, what are they doing?" The Mountain Wolf King asked.

"Sports Games, the game of the Lu Action Team is about to start. I'm here to call you in the past!" The dog or the king of the mountain wolf was still puzzled, so he explained further: "This is for the owner. The game is divided into several items, such as fighting and running. In each item, the first place can get three points, the second place can get two points, and the third place has one point. After all items are compared, the highest total score Guys, you can get one silver food and fifteen copper-colored food! The second place is ten copper-colored foods, and the third place also has five copper-colored foods."

The Mountain Wolf King was stunned. "As long as there are many points, you can get such a good thing?"

"Yeah, and you see that the owner can make red things now, and there may be more advanced and more dreamy red food in the future!" The dog said, looking forward with dog eyes.

"That's not hurry!" The Mountain Wolf King's eyes lit up, and he immediately stood up from the ground, his tail sweeping excitedly.

"Let's go... by the way, call your wives together to compete." Dog or said.

The Mountain Wolf King was a little puzzled, "Isn't that unfair? We have so many wolves..."

In its view, if its own wolf pack participates together, then the probability of getting good fruit on it will be greatly improved. After all, the presence of this dog or brother is special. It looks more powerful, and the rest seem to be just like that. That?

What do I have to say, that the bear might be a little trickier? However, it seems that it has not even reached the bronze level. As for the stork and the roe... it doesn't even look in the eye.

"Brother, what do you think? You think you can be invincible outside, you can be the best in the world? Wake up!" The dog shook his head, "And this game is not just a fight against force. Even if you fight fiercely, you can't do anything else. Maybe the first overall score."

The Mountain Wolf King was a little dissatisfied after listening to it. Of course, in the end, he still called his wives to participate in the competition.

Then... The Mountain Wolf King's mentality jumped.

In the first race, it can only take the fourth place. The first three are Roe Fei, Stork Feather and Dog. Especially the first Roe Fei has left it several streets! In the second long jump event, it took the fifth, the first four were stork feather, dog or, roe fly, Hua Xiong, if it is not pulling his wife to participate, it is the penultimate......

After that, there were high jumps, flying cakes and other items. Without exception, none of them won the top three.

Finally, until the final competition, the Mountain Wolf King thought about his own strengths. When he raised his eyebrows and exhaled, he was abused.

Complete defeat, complete defeat.

At the end of the Games, the Mountain Wolf King took off his protective clothing with the help of Xie Yan Vine. He looked extremely depressed and looked at the third-ranked dog or came forward holding five copper-colored fruits and returned happily.

The dog may hide the fruit, stretch out the dog's paw and pat the shoulder of the lost mountain wolf king, comforting, "Brother is okay, this kind of athlete is once every seven days, if you want to pull it back, follow me tomorrow Practice, we can surpass those guys sooner or later!"

"You are so good dog or brother!" The Mountain Wolf King is very grateful.

"Nothing, nothing. It's hard for peripherals like us to keep warm in groups. It's hard to win those core members." Dog or the next to the Huanhuai also told Mountain Wolf King.

The mountain wolf king's eyes widened. The stork and roe that it looked down on all came out from that kind of environment and stood out!

At this moment, it completely took away the contempt.

"Look at the buds on the head of the feeder. I guess the next round of flowering will be coming soon, and we will have to fight for it!" Dog or said.

"Well, sure!" The Mountain Wolf King also began to work hard.

Early the next morning, the dog or the mountain wolf king and his wives, as well as the little wolf cubs, ran in the morning. I don’t know why. Dogs may like to run at the end...


Mianshan Village.

Lin Zhouer came to Xie Yan's old position with a stack of paper money and three incense sticks, a lighter and a few packages of biscuits after dinner. In addition to maintaining vitality in the eye plant, a piece of withered yellow leaves fell everywhere, and no tree with a grimace survived this winter.

Lin Zhouer came carefully to the central position, and the blockade line left last year was hung on the withered grimace tree, but this is no longer a restricted area, and you can enter at will.

She went to the pit in the middle of the center, put the biscuits in place, lit incense, and started burning paper money...

"I do it!"

Xie Yan, who was transforming his body, was barely vomited by Lin Zhouer's move. He was not dead yet! What to burn...


Xie Yan's voice resounded in Lin Zhou'er's mind, which was also the first time he communicated positively with Lin Zhou'er.

"Ah!" Lin Zhouer was startled and then frowned, "Is the mountain **** you? I knew you were alive!"

Xie Yan listened to this and didn’t know where to start voicing—since you all think that I am a mountain god, why do you think I will die so easily?

"That, Mountain God, thank you for giving me the ability!" Lin Zhouer said with a slightly excited tone to the deserted old mountain forest.

Xie Yan speculated that the so-called ability in Lin Zhou'er's mouth should refer to aberration awakening. Co-authored this girl to awaken herself to aberration aberration?

fair enough……

Xie Yan was not ready to correct the error and preached: "Use this ability of yours, don't let it down!"

"Hmm!" Lin Zhouer nodded vigorously, and at the same time his small face was red and glowing, not excited, because the mountain **** actually responded to her!

"When you come back next time, at the end of July, come here again, I need something to help you." Xie Yan said afterwards, if nothing unexpected, then he should have already researched weapons of mass destruction. Time to find a human showdown negotiation, and Lin Zhou'er will be an interface for smooth transition between the two parties.

"Okay, I will definitely come!" Lin Zhouer nodded vigorously.

"Well, let's go down the mountain." Xie Yan finished the last thought and cut off the communication with Lin Zhouer very coldly.

Lin Zhouer took a deep breath and paid homage to the deep mountain, keeping Xie Yan's instructions in mind, and then packed up and turned his head down the mountain.

"It's still a good girl... to communicate." Xie Yan couldn't help sighing, if it was replaced with Li Yinsheng, it would be another style of painting.

Like I am a parasitic flower. Please collect it: (www.NovelMTL.com) I am a parasitic flower. The literature update speed is the fastest.

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