I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 538: The final shape (end)

The speed of rigidity is very fast, which leads Cangmu to find a way to crack, but fails because of the gradually dull thinking.

This is the treasure of Cangmu, a microbe created and cultivated by the characteristics of life that gave birth to life by Xie Yan, which will be handed over by Xie Yan and Xie Sang in the future. This makes certain extracts in the microorganisms even have an effect on the overlord.

More importantly, the main purpose of this toxin is to rigidize thinking, which directly cuts off the resistance mechanism of Cangmu itself to poison.

Cangmu's perception became more and more blurred, and his vision began to be confused, unable to distinguish between the north and the south.

Gradually the vines could not wave, like a weak long whip, hitting the ground heavily.

The battle between the two sides stopped at this moment, or, with the injection of toxins, Xie Yan's victory has been declared.

"Zu Zhu, hurry up!" Xie Sang reminded.

After all, Cangmu is the overlord. They dare not guarantee how long this poison can have a lasting effect on the other party. Therefore, they must seize the time, uproot the Cangmu, absorb the energy of the other party, and completely abolish him!

"Understood!" Xie Yan knew that time was pressing, so he didn't dare to neglect. Numerous rhizomes extended from the body and plunged into the body of Cangmu.

"Serum." Xie Sang ordered the bees to send the anti-venom serum, so that Xie Yan could pierce the roots into the body of the green wood without any obstacles.

"Everyone, uproot him!" Xie Sang ordered Ke Yang instead.

The commanded crowd swarmed up and tried to uproot him when Cangmu lost control of his body.


Cangmu's soul space shivered.

Although his body was infested with toxins and caused stiff thinking, his soul is still in a normal state, and his soul has been released into this soul space, so Cangmu can see their every move through this space.

That's all, he can't make any resistance, even if he can resist, with thanks, all energy forms of attack can't work.

This feeling is tantamount to being awake in the brain, watching my flesh being bitten by a thousand knives.

Xie Yan, the moment the roots touched the body of the green wood, he found the place where the green wood stored energy, that is, the inner core of the green wood. So, his roots spiraled up, wrapped the core tightly, and transferred the energy inside to his core as much as possible.

The two parties have the same origin, which makes the conversion process very smooth and progresses very quickly.

Xie Yan The energy in the transcendental core is increasing.

Seven percent, eight percent, nine percent...

And as the energy in the transcendental core continues to rise, Xie Yan can gradually feel that the rate of energy loss is increasing at a terrifying speed!

"Huh, this is too uncomfortable." Xie Yan sighed, and at the same time launched the imperial power to suppress.

A horrifying spiritual force spread out, and only half of the energy in Xie Yan's core remained, but this half is solid and stable energy, and there will be no longer the situation where energy cannot be retained like just now.

At this moment, Xie Yan felt a problem.

At this time, if you continue to absorb the energy in Cangmu, the balance you just adjusted will be broken again, and the energy in his transcendental core will start to restlessly.

"Zu Zhu, don't think about it, just take away the transcendental core of Cangmu, I guess you can use it directly..." Xie Sang reminded.

Xie Yan froze slightly.

Seems like this is the truth?

Therefore, Xie Yan let Xie Sang arrange single-color people, pets, etc. to spread out, and directly used energy to create a new spirit storage bag.

At this moment, there was nothing inside the storage bladder, but soon, a large green-blue ball was held by Xie Yan's vines, and was taken from an underground area and placed in the storage bladder.

During the whole process, the soul space burst out with a violent shock. On the one hand, the green wood was angry, and on the other hand, because the core was lost, the green wood could no longer support the soul space. This place is breaking!

Xie Yan put the core of Cangmu into the storage sac, and then tried to mobilize the energy inside, it really worked!

In this way, he has two transcendental cores inside and outside!

The inner core stores stable cosmic energy, the outer core stores unstable cosmic energy, and after stabilization by the imperial power, the stable energy is stored in the inner core.

very perfect!


With about 3% of the cosmic energy remaining in the core of Cangmu, Xie Yan directly launched the imperial power to send everyone to the warship carrier, and spent 1% of the energy to break through the space and bring the warship carrier back again. Back to the restricted area.

After Xie Yan left, Cangmu's soul space collapsed, and the great tree standing in the star field of Cangmu turned into dust and scattered away.

The plant life distributed on various planets looked at this sudden scene, and their hearts were heartbroken.

Fortunately, Cangmu is still alive, but now he is just a transcendental level.

"Hey, I didn't expect such a thing to happen. Give you a ride." Mov detected this scene by his own means. A handful of fingers, the stumps of the leaves of the green wood, disappeared without a trace.

Since then, there is no such thing as Cangmu in this world.

As the ugly man said, the sage often died of his attitude to doing things.

If Cangmu can pay more attention to Xie Yan, it may not end like this. But who can predict these things before the facts happen? And after the facts, what difference is there between the words and the horses?

It can only be said that life is so.


"came back!"

"The war carrier is back!"

The moment Xie Yan sent the war mother ship back, the uneasy crowds on the civilian mother ship found the main heart, and the ensuing joy was endless.

Xie Yan looked at these ordinary people through his eyes and ordered: "Follow the notice and celebrate the feast for three consecutive days!"


Xie Yan's words made Xie Sang recover, and he immediately began to arrange.

After all, it is absolutely unprecedented to annihilate two overlords in a short period of time.

Not only that, this battle directly laid Xie Yan’s position as the new overlord. Although he only has 7% of the cosmic energy, it should be known that the other overlords now only have about 7% or 8% of the cosmic energy. Everyone is half a catty.

The celebration feast began, and Xie Yan appeared in the public's field of vision for the first time, and began to discuss rewards for merit.

Because they are all veterans, Xie Yan did not use those outside the body to reward, but gave the title and the opportunity to be promoted!

Now that he is an overlord, it is also time to cultivate some transcendental levels to improve the middle-level combat effectiveness of logging civilization.

"Zu Zhu, I think we should change our name. Cangmu is dead." Xie Sang Xie Yan also used the term "logging civilization" at the closing ceremony, he couldn't help reminding.

Xie Yan thought about it, and yes, Cangmu is dead, so the word logging is naturally useless. What's more, the only person who can count on wood in the entire universe is himself.

Logging, can't you cut yourself down?

However, the name has only been used for so long.

"Continue to use it, this is our merit!" Xie Yan replied.

In this case, Xie Sang did not say much.

At the beginning of the banquet, Xie Yan announced the opening of a worship channel. Anyone who was lucky enough to be drawn a number plate can go to the captain's office to meet him and meet the heroes.

As soon as the news came out, everyone was crazy.

Xie Yan also began to organize manpower and decorate the captain's room to make it magnificent.

"Wife, how do you like this body?"

In Hua Xiong's living room, it was facing the mirror, constantly trying to change clothes.

"It's pretty good, and it's pretty bad." I don't know how many Mrs. Hua were stunned.

"Forget it, let's wear the armor." Hua Xiongsi thought about it and chose to wear the armor.

This set is not the later planted armor, but the set it wore when the old star participated in the battle against the invasion of the strangers. It can be said that it is the most memorable set of all the armor. The battle is also its most dazzling battle.

However, before going out, Hua Xiong dragged the armor down.

"That's all." Hua Xiong chose to go shirtless. After all, now it doesn't need any weather-resistant armor to prove anything, not to mention the era without armor, it relies on the flesh to protect Xie Yan.

When Hua Xiong went out, he just met other pets. Everyone looked at each other's clothes and smiled.

In the beehive at the door of the captain's room, the queen bee is also picking and picking. Finally, it looks at a corner of the beehive, where there is a medal stuck in honey, which is the earliest Xie Yan gave it. Pieces.

"Buzz..." The queen bee flew over, picked up the medal, and remembered the scene of the year... It washed the medal and hung it in front of it.

However, when leaving the hive, the queen queen removed the medal.

These things are false!

The queen bee wanted to understand that it flew out of the nest and landed on the most conspicuous leaf of Xie Yan.

Queen Ma also took off those gorgeous clothes and landed on another relatively inconspicuous leaf. It was always clear that the queen was the C position.

Xie Yan looked at the pets who appeared in the initial skin, and couldn't help but return to the old days, living in the cave and thinking about themselves for a little sunshine and resources.

This shake is a million years...

"Wait a moment, I'll change the shape again." Xie Yan stopped the upcoming worship ceremony and asked Xie Ma to do a small repair for herself.

Abandon some extra branches and leaves, leaving only the main stem and a few leaves. At the same time, Xie Yan worked hard to let a brilliant red flower bloom on his head.


End of the book.

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