I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 45: explore

Blue stone...

This made Xie Yan couldn't help but think of the cyan short stick of Ape King. At that time, he was wondering whether stone and metal can absorb the aura and change, and now, it seems that there is an answer.

"Cyan short stick..."

Thinking of this, Xie Yan glanced at the old position. The things over there were basically cleaned up by human agents, and the broken blue short stick was also recovered by those agents and placed in a temporary research institute for preliminary research. It is estimated that it will not be long before it is shipped to a more professional institute.

There are also miscellaneous things, such as animal corpses, Xie Yan’s bronze vines, etc. These are all handled by special people, such as the staff of zoos around the world...

It is worth mentioning that when these zoo staff saw the animal carcasses, not only did they not show the slightest sadness on their faces, but they were also very happy! Because there are many abnormal animals among them, their fur and flesh now have a very large market! The money sold is enough for the zoo to buy back a new batch of animals.

Of course, this does not include the bodies of the four kings. According to Xie Yan, the four kings were transported out by the chief (Li Xu) before the chief responsible person (Zhou Qing) came!

"After all, when that day's match, that green short stick can block my bronze vines, is it because the basic materials are different?" Xie Yan guessed, no matter how the bronze vines are said, it's just plant fibers. There is a natural gap in hardness with things like stone and metal.

However, if flexibility is considered, stones and metals are naturally inferior to plant fibers.

Putting aside the cluttered thoughts, Xie Yan put his eyes back on the mountain wall. Through his eyes, he could see the large blue inside the mountain wall. At first he thought it was just ordinary blue stones, such as jade, and now it seems that this is a blue stone mine!

"Uh...so, there is mine in my house?" Xie Yan thought of it, but he was not happy at all, because even if there were too many blue and aberrant stones in the mountain, he couldn't use it.

It was like picking a sack of money one day, and it turned out that it was a sack of Zimbabwe. The most **** thing is that these banknotes are still stuck together. If you want to use it, you have to take time to pull it down one by one...

"Give up, it's too difficult to dig." Xie Yan waved the bronze vine to persuade Hua Xiong.

Hua Xiong sat there for a while, and then ran to Xie Yan to make a gesture, asking him to help build a nest.

"Xing Xing Xing..." Xie Yan nodded and promised, as long as this guy didn't do anything to damage him, it was easy to say. So he took a moment to build a log cabin near the mountain wall, and at the same time spawned a layer of soft and tender grass in the log cabin, which was used as a bear bed.

"Oh!" Hua Xiong shook his head in dissatisfaction, and began to gesture in front of Xie Yan.

"Too small? One layer is not enough, two layers are needed?" After Xie Yan understood the meaning of the other party, the two silver vines tickled and wanted to draw a bear!

But this was not a big project for him, and he simply got the bear out.

Hua Xiong was very humanized, standing in front of his new home and looking at it, like Party A who was inspecting the goods... Then he scratched his head and felt something was missing, so he ran to Xie Yan to continue the gesture.

"Want a slide? You big brown bear is not fat, what kind of slide do you want?" Xie Yan didn't make a call.

Seeing that Xie Yan was angry, Hua Xiong hurriedly fell to the ground to sell and sell Meng, but Xie Yan got angry and finally got a slide for it.

Hua Xiong happily played on the slide for a while, and then ran to Xie Yan to start the gesture.

"Want a swimming pool? Want to take a bath?" Xie Yan was startled, he increasingly doubted that there was a person in the bear's skin.

"The last time!" Xie Yan issued a severe warning. Suddenly, Hua Xiong suddenly changed his attention and said that he wanted a female bear...

"Why don't you go to heaven?" Xie Yan smiled without anger. It is foreseeable that this bear's rations in the past two days may be some sour and unpalatable fruits.

Of course, the swimming pool Xie Yan still got Hua Xiong out, who made this bear his pet? In addition to the swimming pool, he also built a water diversion device that can introduce the spring water in the gap of the mountain wall into the swimming pool.

While building the water diversion device, Xie Yan looked at the gap and fell into contemplation.

"Since stone can also change, what about soil? Is there such a thing as green soil, maybe in this mountain?"

"Since this gap can flow out of water, it shows that there are gaps inside the mountain. I can go through these gaps and go into the roots to find if there is such a green soil in the mountain?"

If there is such a thing, Xie Yan does not need to put ordinary energy into the energy storage bag and mix it with Reiki, and can directly produce blue psionic energy through photosynthesis! By then, he will fully enter the youth age!

Thinking of this, Xie Yan couldn't wait to induce the root system to penetrate into the gap. As he thought, there were many gaps that could be drilled into. Along these gaps, the rhizome quickly extended to the boundary of the field of vision.

Xie Yan began to forcibly promote the eye strain, because the area is too narrow, and the resulting eye strain is also very deformed. Of course, this deformed eye strain provides a much smaller field of view than the normal eye strain, only about one meter.

Even so, it is enough.

In this way, the rhizomes extend into the mountain body little by little. When they encounter gaps, they drill, and when they encounter a fork, a new rhizome is divided, and multiple routes go hand in hand. Finally, one of the rhizomes found a soft area. Xie Yan sucked it hard, and a bit of nourishment with a strong taste came down to his body along the rhizome.

"It turns out that the soil taste is not right because of this!" Xie Yan finally figured out the soil problems here, and secretly rejoiced that he didn't change a place because the soil smelled strange.

Next, he will also try to see if this green nutrient can be directly converted into blue psionic energy through photosynthesis!

Xie Yan carefully transported them to the leaves. Under the sunlight, the contents inside changed little by little. Soon, a trace of green spirit appeared on the leaves, which made Xie Yan excited.


In addition, there are unexpected surprises. When decomposing green nutrients, the leaves also decomposed a lot of aura!

Yes, Reiki! Because green leaves cannot absorb these things, during the conversion process, excess aura will be discharged together with oxygen.

"This earth is terrible!" Xie Yan secretly said, not only can he directly convert into blue psionic energy, but also decompose aura, he can kill two birds with one stone!

"Treasure, absolutely treasure!" Xie Yan danced the silver vines excitedly.

After that, he let the root system spread there, and spawned bronze roots, madly absorbing the blue nutrients in this area.

As the exploration deepened, more blue soil was discovered by Xie Yan, but because the roots in the gap were too thin, the transportation efficiency was extremely poor. In desperation, Xie Yan could only use silver psionic power to transform these roots into silver The rhizomes are used to fill the efficiency.

A few days later, an eye plant emerged from the top of the mountain, which meant that Xie Yan had penetrated the entire mountain by the root system! However, the journey to Xiangshan did not end. In the process of exploration, he found a gap to the underground.

Following the passage all the way down, Xie Yan found his roots came to an underground river.

The water here is thick and turbulent, and the tiny rhizomes are crumbling under the scouring of the water.

Xie Yan controlled the rhizomes to grow out of the suction cups and fixed them on the rock, and then spawned eyeballs to check the surroundings.

"It's dark, this doesn't seem to be water? Oil?" Xie Yan tried to take a sip. When the unknown liquid entered the rhizome, an uncontrollable bloating pain came from the root. Three seconds later, the bloating pain Reached the limit, this ten-meter-long rhizome that penetrated underground, all burst!

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