I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 43: Steal honey

After repeated experiments, Xie Yan was a little crazy.

Obviously, there is a cannon that can fire shells, and a cannon that can be detonated on the ground. But why can't the two things combine to bring happiness at all?

"Why..." Xie Yan was extremely depressed.

Hua Xiong, who was bored and basking in the sun, came over, patted his butt, and asked Xie Yan if he would eat Tuo Mi to relieve his emotions?

"Go!" Xie Yan waved the silver vines away the goods.

Hua Xiong scratched his head depressed. Since the owner is a plant, this thing is a tonic for him. Why did he give him a tonic with good intentions, but the other party was so repulsive?

Hua Xiong said that he couldn't understand, and Xie Yan over there reorganized his thoughts after a while.

The problem he is currently facing is actually one, that is the problem of materials. If all silver psionic energy is used to make the cannon and shells, and then use liquid aura to replace the gunpowder, it can indeed successfully launch the shells, and the distance is also very good, but the cost is too high to accept.

However, if it is replaced with copper-colored psionic energy and mist-shaped aura, the result is that the shot is not far away, the angle is not adjusted well, and it will even explode in front of it. If you use a copper-colored spirit with liquid aura, the range is indeed up, but it will explode in a few shots!

"At the very least it was silver barrels and bronze shells, supplemented by liquid aura." After repeated attempts, Xie Yan finally came to this conclusion.

"It seems that the firearms are the same..." Xie Yan was lost in thought. He remembered that sentence, and the cannon rang golden gold.

Reluctantly, there is no better way for him at present, he can only manufacture according to this specification first, and only hope to find a solution in the future.

At the same time, Zhou Qing and Li Yinsheng looked dignified in an off-road vehicle on the highway bound for Dongdu.

"Really?" Li Yinsheng hesitated as he looked at the suitcase in his arms, which contained four different colors of honey.

"Yes!" Zhou Qing said with a determined face: "Otherwise we will hand over the things, only the waste above will be cheap!"

After the word ‘waste’ came out, Li Yinsheng's eyes widened. “Dream trough, have you suffered any blows in recent months?” Zhou Qing, the former, would not speak that way.

"It's nothing. I just learned some things through some channels." Zhou Qing wrote lightly, "Shuffle, it's about to start!"

Li Yinsheng turned his head and looked at Zhou Qing's profile, his eyes widened.

He certainly knows what it means to reshuffle. After all, when the Reiki was just recovering, the federal high-level officials had a gang-pulling stance. At that time, it was also the most frequent period of their mission. Everyone was looking for the so-called awakening medicine. 'It was only after Dongdu announced the news a few days ago that this momentum slowed slightly.

"Shuffling will probably be completed from the beginning of next year to the end of the following year. As for why this is the time, I will not explain it." Zhou Qing pressed the turn signal to prepare for overtaking.

Li Yinsheng held the suitcase in silence, not knowing what he was thinking.

At night, the off-road vehicle was parked in the service area. Zhou Qing and Li Yinsheng opened a room and lived with things.

The two first checked whether there was a hidden camera in the room, and then closed the curtains to open the box, looking at the two reagent bottles and three test tubes neatly placed inside.

The two reagent bottles are naturally used to hold cyan honey, after all, this thing is the most, and copper honey, silver honey and red honey, one test tube is enough, especially red honey, there are few drops at all.

"I have changed the report and only wrote half the amount, so we can take half!" Zhou Qing said, pulling out three syringes from the backpack and starting the operation. Because the blue honey is packed in two bottles, just take one bottle and you don’t need to use another container.

Li Yinsheng watched three different colors of liquid being slowly drawn into the syringe, and could not help swallowing. This is probably the most rebellious thing he has done since he was born.

"It's not too late, are you doing it?" Zhou Qing pointed to one of the reagent bottles.

"Drink!" Li Yinsheng is not an indecisive person. Besides, he is now a teacher in Dongdu, covered with a school, even if he is found, it will be a big deal...

The sweet and greasy blue honey entered the throat, Li Yinsheng not only did not feel nauseated, but became more and more addicted to drinking, and the rumbling sounds never stopped.

Fortunately, Zhou Qing had the foresight to pour blue honey into two cups, otherwise Li Yinsheng would drink all the honey without knowing it. Of course, Zhou Qing's own food is not so good.

After drinking the blue honey, Zhou Qing wanted to pour some water to mix the honey at the bottom of the cup, but was stopped by Li Yinsheng. He only heard him say, "Don't add water to dilute the aura, it's better to lick it clean."

Zhou Qing nodded.

After eating all the blue honey, the two burped, and at the same time the sleepiness struck at the same time.

In the same night, the girls’ dormitory of No. 1 Middle School of Penno City.

Lin Zhouer was lying on the bed, next to her was another female student in a dormitory. There was no way. There were too many students who chose to board at the school. As a non-receiving student, she could only share with others.

Lin Zhouer was lying sideways, facing the wall, and some dissonant voices appeared in his brain...

"To tell you something, it is said that Lin Zhouer was sent by relationship guarantee."

"real or fake?"

"I heard a girl from the same elementary school who was with her before. It is said that she usually scores average, but the mid-term final exam scores are abnormally high."

"It's awesome! But it won't be long before it's revealed?"

"That's for sure."

Those people were hippie smiling, waiting to see her jokes.

Lin Zhouer was aggrieved at first, but she didn't pay much attention to it anyway. Anyway, as long as the exam is well-tested, these gossips will naturally not break through, so she didn't rush to explain.

Unexpectedly, this situation is intensifying. Various cheats such as cheating masters, stealing papers, etc. have run out. Some people say that she has bought the teacher and does not want to think about it. A student with few beautiful clothes This money?

Fortunately, the class teacher came forward to explain and let the rumors calm down temporarily, but only those words remained in her heart and could not disperse for a long time.

"I really want to go home..." Lin Zhouer remembered her parents, the soft bed at home, and the dreamy flower path that night.

"Go back during the New Year and take a look in the mountains." Lin Zhouer's thoughts came to mind.

And if the girl in the same bed or the classmates in the nearby bed are still awake, they will find that Lin Zhouer's hair is slightly green at the moment. If they have a certain understanding of the mutated awakeners, they will know that this is the performance of the young mutated people when they launch their mind!

Of course, Lin Zhou'er didn't know this at this time. She just wanted to lie down more comfortably, so she unconsciously mobilized her thoughts and lifted her body. After all, the school bed was really scared.


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