I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 27: Level publicity!

"That's the beginning!"

Xie Yan took two deep breaths of carbon dioxide, consuming a lot of energy, making all the plants overgrown with silver leaves to the greatest extent, and then sucked violently, the spirit of most of the mountains was sucked into his body.

These auras pass through the huge root system, and they are finally imported into the storage capsule. Even so, there is no sign of liquefaction, it is still foggy.

"It doesn't look like it can be done in a day or two." Xie Yan pulled the leaf. "Anyway, when there is nothing recently, concentrate on absorbing the aura."

Although fruit also needs reiki to conceive, like fruit buds, there is an upper limit on the amount of reiki that can be absorbed per day, and compared to the amount of reiki required for liquefaction, the fruit needs only nine cows per hair, which will not affect the liquefaction process.

After growing a lot of silver leaves, Xie Yan found that he had such a brazen expansion, there was a very fatal drawback! His root system has been severely overloaded! Continue to expand, he may be crushed by his body!

There are also solutions, transform the root system with Reiki, or replace all root systems with more advanced blue root systems and bronze root systems!

Either way, the consumption of Reiki is very large.

"It's not too serious right now. Wait for the liquid aura to come out and solve the problem." Xie Yan didn't have much idle aura available at this time. It really wasn't working. Abandoning the car and keeping the coach in check, let those miscellaneous ramets wither and die. pressure.

After inhaling the spirit for two days, Xie Yan felt very bored. He began to see the scenery through the eyes and pass the time. This approach is a bit like the taste of his mobile game while watching videos in his previous life.

The first to bear the brunt is Li Yinsheng's eye strain. After all, among all the eye strains, only this eye strain can touch a large number of electronic devices.

At this time, a group of people gathered in Li Yinsheng's dormitory, tinkering with some strange equipment for his computer, and installed it for three days.

"Okay, you put on the device to try it!" said a balding technician.

"Good!" Li Yinsheng put the device on his body.

"Next do what I said!" The technician clicked the mouse and said, "Raise your hand!"

Li Yinsheng raised his hand.

"Okay, the other hand..."

"look up!"


"Well, the device is in good contact, no problem!" The technicians breathed a sigh of relief. "Yes, we recently made a voice-converted subtitle software, which can directly recognize what you say and translate it into text to hit the screen as subtitles. Would you like to install it together?"

"Pretend, pretend!" Li Yinsheng nodded.

The technician immediately took out a USB flash drive and plugged it in. After a while, the installation was completed, and he further explained: "The video delay will increase from half a minute to three minutes after opening the subtitles. Please pay attention. In addition, this is my business card. There is a problem. call my phone."

"Ok, thank you." Li Yinsheng accepted the business card and put it in the drawer.

After the technician left, Li Yinsheng couldn't wait to turn on the device and smirked at the screen. As an eye plant that can observe 360 ​​degrees, even with a perspective function, it can naturally see the screen. At this time, there is a virtual character in blue clothes following the movement of Li Yinsheng.

Yes, this is a set of motion capture equipment. Li Yinsheng is going to use this virtual image for live webcasting.

Of course, this is not entirely out of his own wishes, but because in September, the school will officially open! Twelve teachers, including Li Yinsheng, will serve as propaganda figures to introduce the school and the mutated group to dispel people’s doubts about the mutated person and spread the school’s reputation.

In fact, Dongdu Mutant School originally didn't want to do this, but Beijing and Nanzhou have opened new Mutant Schools, and the source of students and teachers are scattered at once. The school took advantage of the If you make a pen investment, you will not lose it if you do well...

So everybody is making a lot of effort and must hold the number one position in their hands! In this way, no matter in the aspect of attracting investment or recruiting students in the future, it will be in a favorable position.

"At eight o'clock in the evening, the joint live broadcast in the broadcast room for two hours, and then come back to broadcast another one hour alone." Li Yinsheng looked at the plan given to him by the school, "I have to practice first."

At eight o'clock in the evening, Li Yinsheng went to the broadcast room to meet with other teachers and started the joint live broadcast with their own virtual images. Xie Yan's eyes couldn't be seen so far, but it didn't matter. The other teachers in the teacher's dormitory building would participate in the live broadcast as a water army Among them, the popularity of brushing gifts. In addition, the subtitles were matched throughout the live broadcast, even if Xie Yan could not hear, it would not prevent him from watching.

When the live broadcast room opened, various gifts were filled, and it directly brushed to the top of the list. In addition, the topic of changing people has been hot for the past two years. After a wave of promotion, the number of live broadcast rooms was suddenly full!

Upon seeing this, the operator in the broadcast room gave a gesture to the twelve teachers, and everyone understood, pointing to the green screen behind him, and began to introduce the Dongdu Mutant School.

This segment is like playing an advertisement. The audience will not buy it soon. What they want to watch is not this. The popularity of the live broadcast room has begun to fade. The operator made another gesture, and the teacher who acted as the host turned around, letting other teachers begin to introduce the anecdotes that they have experienced personally!

"Haha, I'll come first!" Li Yinsheng volunteered, and on the live screen, his illusory character, Lan Yi Xiaozheng, was raising his hand. At the same time, the technician immediately uploaded several photos to the screen.

"This is a wilderness that I once participated in the investigation..." Li Yinsheng told the story of Xie Yan's position again. It was only a D-level area, which belongs to public information, so Li Yinsheng was outspoken.

Xie Yan looked at the screen and felt very emotional.

Next, it was the turn of several other teachers to share their stories. Some of them encountered a mutated snake and sacrificed several comrades to kill them. Some have fallen into a illusion. Subsequent studies say that the area is filled with a large number of changed hallucinogenic mushrooms, and their spores have super hallucinogenic ability.

There are many more such things, and there are pictures to testify, the reality is very uncomfortable, the audience watching is directly addicted, various gifts are brushed up, and several teachers are asked to tell more about such events.

Seeing that the atmosphere was up, the operating officer thought about it and decided to step up his efforts! Push this live broadcast to a climax!

The host teacher was very impressed and said, "We have all seen the request of everyone, but today the live broadcast has a limited duration, if you want to listen to the story, you can click to follow, we will live broadcast here in the next month! The main purpose of today is to announce some very important Things...we will be here to disclose the level of the mutants!"

Announce the level publicly, and set the level of the mutants before the capital and Nanzhou! Let Dongdu Abnormal School become the authority in this respect!

When the host announced this, everyone's eyes widened.

Among the mutants, there is actually a rating!

This is great news!

Xie Yan's attention was also attracted in the past, and the absorption of Aura was slightly delayed.

"First of all, we want to announce the lowest level." The host teacher pointed his finger, and later hurriedly typed the words, "First wake up!"

A teacher on the side took the words and said: "People at the initial level of awakening are essentially the same as normal human beings, but they have embarked on the path of aberrant awakening, ranging from a few days to a year or two. Formal change awakening! How to judge whether it is at this stage, you can observe several more obvious signs: first, the student's academic performance has suddenly improved. Second, the chronic illness has suddenly improved. Third, the amount of food has skyrocketed."

Li Yinsheng interjected: "Don't you overeating because of problems, the college is not responsible for any problems!"

The host teacher smiled, and then took the stubble and said a lot of nonsense, and began to announce the second level, the technical staff typed the word-awakening level!

The teacher who introduced the early awake level just now spoke again. It seems that he should be a scholar who studies the ranks of mutants. This time the explanation.

He only heard him say: "The so-called awakening level is the stage of awakening through the initial awakening level and the formal aberration. The specific manifestation is that it can sense the aura, absorb the aura, and use the aura. Most of the current aberrations People are at this stage."

"And these are not even entry-level!"

After the teacher introduced the awakening level, he suddenly turned, and the barrage was filled with exclamation marks and question marks.

Several teachers seemed to have expected this kind of reaction early, calmly, and then waited for the host to speak, using the blue characters on the screen, slowly hitting the third level-the green level.

"Sure enough!"

Xie Yan shook the leaves up and down, as if nodding her head, "They should be like me, using psionic colors to rank!"

But there is no obvious green and yellow phenomenon on the human body. How did they observe this kind of color?

Xie Yan couldn't help but have such a question in his mind, but fortunately, the Dongdu Mutant School gave an answer in time...

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