I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 25: Worm bucket

It's very difficult!

But it is not entirely hopeless.

"It's about three months before she goes to junior high school. It's a bit hurry... I can't get in touch a few months later. Anyway, her home is here." Xie Yan secretly said, "In addition, I need to develop my hearing! Reading lips is too much trouble!" "

He couldn’t hear the sound, which made Xie Yan feel that his life was a bit short. He also tried to get his ears out, but the effect was very unsatisfactory. The sound he heard was very strange. It seemed that the structure inside the ear was not good.

Strictly speaking, the eye strain is also a failure, or it would be more appropriate to describe it with semi-finished products. After all, the eye strain can not see the world like normal eyes, but provides perspective through Xie Yan’s unique perception method.

As night fell, Xie Yan was ready to bloom.

As in the previous two, the buds began to extract energy and release fragrance. The three-colored bees who lived on the side boiled and flew out of the honeycomb like a nest, flying around the flower buds. The queen bee landed on the leaf closest to the flower, waiting for the flower to bloom.

What is different from the previous two is that this time the flower buds extract not ordinary energy, but copper-colored psionic energy! After absorbing enough psionic energy, the bud opened the first petal, and the aroma spread wildly, more than ten miles away!

In a small village under the mountain, adults and children sat around the dining table, and before they took a few sips, a strong aroma came from outside.

"Dad, what a smell, it smells good!" Lin Zhouer took a few hard breaths, and the whole person suddenly became dizzy.

"The flowers on the mountain are blooming. Let's eat and eat." Lin Haishan, who was hungry, didn't want to ignore the aroma, but it didn't take long for him to forget a table of meals and revel in the charming aroma.

Zhou Xin yawned a few times. In a daze, she picked up Lin Zhouer and went to the bed. The mother and daughter lay in bed and slept.

The small mountain village is quiet, no one wants to walk outside, everyone just wants to stay at home, or lie down or sit, quietly enjoy the sweet taste.

As a result, no one saw the red light flashing on the mountain.

The aroma reached several other hills, and the capable animals smelled the aroma and sought out.

"Buzz!" The queen queen felt something in anticipation, and flew up. The whole bee colony was waiting for them. What was waiting for them would be the brutal fight of one night!

As the petals opened more and more, various insects gathered here, the number was nearly a hundred times greater than the two times in the wasteland!

Among them, there is no shortage of abnormal insects! They also want to monopolize!

"Buzz!" The queen bee ordered, and the fight began!

The three-color bees have grown to a very large scale under the continuous spawning of the queen bees. Tens of thousands of bees are flying and rushing towards the enemy like flowing water!

The little bugs that didn't change were met with poisoned hands for the first time, the sharper mouthpieces of the three-color bees could bite off their heads in an instant!

Numerous corpses of insects generally fell like rain.

After a while, there were only four groups left in the air, the largest number of three-color bees, the big head flies staring at the blood-red eyes, the blue-green mosquitoes the size of the slap, and the smallest number but the strongest fighting honey suckers. bird.

When Xie Yan's petals on the fifth floor opened, the melee of the Quartet broke out!

The first problem is not the three-color bees, but the swarm of sucking honeybirds, they are the largest, whether it is to deal with the three-color bees, or the blue-green big mosquitoes, or the big head flies, it is an instant spike! One of the leaders swooped down, and there were five or six insect corpses in his mouth!

The three-color bees also rushed toward the other three parties, relying on the huge number to proceed with the three groups. And the bees are more poisonous tail stings than their mouthparts! Even if it **** a honeybird, it has to be killed a few times!

Of course, this kind of attack is a death charge, but bee fights are never afraid of life and death.

It's the queen queen...

"Sister, don't counsel me!" Xie Yan patted the queen bee hiding under him with leaves, speechless. But he can also understand that the current tricolor bee colony is her queen bee, and she must choose to protect herself for the sake of her community.

When the sixth layer of petals opened, there were only dozens of honeybirds and slightly larger three-color bees in the sky. As for the big head flies and the blue-green big mosquitoes, they had completely defeated.

The decisive battle begins!

The honey sucking bird swooped down, with one mouth, holding all the three-colored bees along the way! The three-colored bee that was bitten was divided into corpses by a sharp bird's beak. Even so, the mission remained in the nerve center of the body, and the mission was not forgotten. With the residual body that did not even have the brain, go to **** the honeybird's tongue!

In order to kill more effectively, individual bees are willing to act as bait to attract honeybirds, and then the companions ambushing quickly gather around and pierce their tail spines into the body of honeybirds.

One **** only the poisonous hair of honeybirds, and falls from the air, and every honey sucking bird that falls to death will always carry a dozen or twenty tricolor bees.

The battle situation is extremely tragic.

Finally, the seventh layer of petals opens and the flowers bloom completely!

The two remaining honey suckers in the sky saw that the situation was not good. They wanted to rush down and **** honey, and left. The remaining three-color bees vowed to defend.

At the end of the battle, the queen bee flew out from under the leaves, stood on the stamen, raised her head, and proclaimed her victory this time.

"Shameless!" Although Xie Yan understood the queen bee, she was still full of contempt for her approach!

The queen bee began to taste the nectar, her movements were elegant and chattering, Xie Yan watching wanted to slap her...

After the queen bee enjoys it, the worker bees can then land on the stamen. Of course, they do not have the right to consume this level of honey water, but only come down as a transportation tool. Only after the honey is empty, they can fly over and lick the plate.

In the middle of the night, a lot of insects came one after another, looking at the empty stamens, and felt very melancholy.

And at about two or three in the morning, there was another guest, but this one was not an insect, but a big brown bear.

"There are bears in this mountain?" Xie Yan was shocked, and then he saw the bear's thorns plucking away the thorn wall. Those thorns were nothing to him. Then he saw the brown bear carefully crossing all the traps and thunders.

"It's fine!" If Xie Yan had eyes and mouth, he would be stunned.

Fortunately, the big brown bear was not sent by the mysterious person, it was only attracted by the fragrance of flowers, so Xie Yan did not trigger the reiki bomb, let the other person approach him a little bit, opened the poison stinger wall, sticking out his tongue and licking the stamen...


The big brown bear who didn't lick anything screamed unwillingly, and then sat on the stone beside him with a depressed face, two bear paws on his thighs, looking like a sauna uncle.

Xie Yan thought that the big brown bear would leave in a while, but he didn't expect that this guy would dance in front of him in circles!

"What the hell?" Xie Yan was stunned. He seriously suspected a human in the bear's skin.

After spinning around for a while, the big brown bear came up and licked the stamen again, but there was still nothing. It screamed a few times to express its dissatisfaction, and then lay on the ground, wailing and rolling.

Xie Yan was silent for a while, and secreted some nectar out.

At the moment when the nectar poured out, the big brown bear smelling the smell immediately stood up and licked the stamen happily.

"Take it light! It's going to be bald!" Xie Yan suddenly regretted it.

But at this time, the queen bee who also smelled the flew out of the nest with joy, but when she flew out to see the scene in front of her, she was stunned, and her heart was mixed, as if her body was hollowed out.

Feeling a sudden outburst of emotion here, Xie Yan turned back and looked at the queen with full of grief, she could not help but shudder...

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