I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 23: New energy

Under the moonlight, the two girls nestled in the silent woods, weak and helpless.

Zhao Ya's crying has stopped, but her situation has not only improved but is worse. In the extreme fear, her body has been twitching.

Lin Zhou'er was also terrified herself. She had several times to give up Zhao Ya to escape alone, but she did not pay the action, because she knew she could never leave Zhao Ya! Taking Zhao Ya out is her responsibility as an elder!

"It's okay, Zhao Qi and they have already gone out. Your dad and my dad will come over soon!" Lin Zhouer comforted Zhao Ya as much as possible.

But the more comforting, the more bottomless she was. After all, Zhao Qi took them down the mountain and brought them up. I am afraid it will take a long time. The worst part is that Zhao Ya has already rolled his eyes, the situation is very bad!

Lin Zhouer gritted his teeth and endured the chill that was constantly hitting behind him, summoning the courage to embrace Zhao Ya and preparing to go down the mountain. But the moment she stood up, she was stunned.

Where to go?

The sky was still bright when she came before, but she barely remembered the way, but now it was dark and there was a dark paint around her. She didn't even know where to go.

"What should I do?" Lin Zhouer panicked, and the more she panicked, the less sense she had of direction.

"Calm down, I want to calm down..." Lin Zhouer hugged Zhao Ya tightly, and his head flashed with light, "Yes, the teacher told us that we can tell the direction by the sparseness of the leaves!"

She looked up and looked at the grimace tree around her, dumbfounded...

The trees here have very even leaves. It is impossible to tell where the leaves are growing vigorously and where the leaves are growing sparsely.

No way, a plant named Xie forgot this crop.

"Yeah, the leaves on one side of Xiangyang are more lush than the other. How can I forget this..." Xie Yan was dumbfounded and could only say that the expansion was too fast and he forgot to take care of the details.

In anxiety, Lin Zhouer's negative emotions broke out. She looked at Zhao Ya with tears in her eyes and suddenly felt that she was so useless. She was not a good student at school and could not help her parents at home.

"Help! Is there anyone, and no one can help us!" Lin Zhouer's voice was crying. At this time, all she could do was make such a fragile voice: "Fairy, Mountain God, whatever Which one, help us!"

Xie Yan glanced at a group of people outside the wall of thorns. Zhao Qi hadn't relieved himself, and the two parents could only be furious in that hurry. The rest were responsible for comforting Zhao Qi, hoping that he would quickly open directions and stop Lin Haishan, who from time to time rushed in to find someone.

He sighed, the energy surged, and urged the roots to grow flowers.

The flowers are blooming in front of Lin Zhou'er, colorful, and shining a faint fluorescence under the moonlight.

There are more and more flowers, and finally in front of Lin Zhouer, a road to the outside is formed.

"What a nice view!"

The girl looked a little dazed.

The beautiful flowers dispelled the surrounding cold and darkness, and brought Lin Zhouer a trace of comfort.

Someone heard her call!

She relieved herself and wanted to go back and say thank you, but the fear still left some warmth in her heart, which made her give up the idea, holding Zhao Ya, stepping carefully on the flower bush, and rushing out.

At the same time, an idea was firmly rooted in her heart:

"There must be a mountain **** living on this mountain!"


"Lao Lin, come out!"

A parent pointed into the wall of thorns.

Lin Haishan sat up sharply from the ground. He looked behind the wall of thorns and saw a girl in the dark woods. The girl hugged the other girl and was walking towards this side.

Lin Haishan crossed the thorns and hurriedly took her daughter and Zhao Ya out.

Seeing both of them alive, everyone gave a sigh of relief.

It's just that Zhao Ya's situation is more serious. She rolls her eyes and spits foam. So the group hurried down the mountain and took Zhao Ya to the village clinic.

On the way down the mountain, Lin Zhouer, who was held in her arms by her father, finally dared to look back. She looked at the dark woods, folded her hands, bowed in the direction of Xie Yan's main plant, and thanked her.

"This girl is so nice, brave, and polite." Xie Yan turned his attention to the top of his brain, and he decided that one day in the future, he would use the fruit to create a life.

"Hope not to be a bear child." Xie Yan secretly said.

At the same time, Wang Jin, who was eating, heard the seeds in his head sneeze...

"This guy also has a cold?" Wang Jin felt very surprised.


The small storm at night passed, and Xie Yan continued to improve the jet vines.

After his repeated tests, the vine’s air vents were reduced and the airbag was replaced with a transmission pipe, so that when the mist-like aura was transmitted and released, there would be a buffer process, which would not cause the explosion immediately after contacting the air, and also ensured the vine 'S power!

"Try it!"

Xie Yan got a piece of wood that is one person tall and two people wide and one finger thick, and then instilled aura into the vines.


The vine was pumped **** the board, and the board cracked into two pieces, but the vine could not withstand such a violent impact.

"It's not hard enough and tough enough. Use Reiki to try again." Xie Yan said, cutting off the nutrient supply of this vine, instilling energy into the branches of the Grimace Tree, and spawning a new vine.

When he was about to increase the vines with Reiki, an idea came out of his mind.

"Aura can transform leaf branches, what will happen if you use Reiki to transform energy?" Xie Yan's curiosity was mobilized by his own ideas!

He immediately made an energy storage bag on a grimace tree, filled it with energy, and then sent aura into it to see what would happen.

Soon he discovered that the energy in the aura and the energy storage bladder merged perfectly! And produce a trace of cyan flocculent!

"Yes!" Xie Yan felt a shock and continued to instill aura into the energy storage bag.

There are more and more cyan flocs until the entire energy storage bladder is filled and saturated. But Xie Yan feels that it seems that he can still work harder! So he poured a higher concentration of mist-like aura into it!

Sure enough, after the blue flocs touched the mist-shaped aura, they changed again, and a mass of bronze paste appeared in the energy storage bag!

When Xie Yan found that the New World was in full swing, he thought about it, mobilized this paste, and used it to spawn vines!


But perhaps due to the small amount of bronze paste, the process of spawning is very slow. A few hours later, a new vine appeared in front of Xie Yan.

Unlike the green vines around, this vine, like the paste, is bronze! Under the moonlight, its skin exudes metallic luster!

At the moment when he saw this bronze-colored vine, Xie Yan subconsciously glanced at the remains of the copper-skinned wild boar and thought back to the copper-skinned fruit he had knotted before.

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