I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 100: Haunted house test (end)

Wenwen and Tianluo were eliminated in the third hurdle. There was no way. After being entangled in the vines, they shouted and gave up, and Xie Yan sent them out.

The two came outside and watched Lin Zhouer sitting in a wicker chair playing with a mobile phone, sitting on the ground and feeling terrified.

The other eight people, except Li Yinsheng, came to the interrogation room after paying a certain price.

When eight people all walked into the interrogation room, Xie Yan pulled the curtain, and the eight people found out that everyone was there, but they were isolated in different rooms.

"Wow, what an excitement, what do you think of chestnut?" When the blind saw the people around, the haze chased by the "ghost" swept away.

"It's too real!" Lord Chestnut sighed.

"Yeah, I was scared to death. My choice was simple..." Man Tianshan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. "Yes, I have one life left, how about you?"

"I only have one." Three bouncers shook their heads.

"I have three more." Cao blind sighed. "I was caught once by the tentacle monster, and then I didn't pay attention to step on a cage trap and spent another life."

"I have four more." The chestnut master is proud.

Li Zichun exchanged views with Lu Anxiu. There were only three in the former and only two in the latter.

"I still have four instructors!" Lan Jiangming also looked smug.

"Huh, you are too weak, I have eleven!" Li Yinsheng said amazingly.

"Teacher Li, are you lying?" Man Tianshan couldn't help shouting.

"What's wrong with you? I want to remind you that the eight of us are competing, and did you notice the sign at the door, which says the interrogation room!" Li Yinsheng said here, and stopped abruptly.

"What do you mean?" The people were startled.

"Meaning that we are still in the game, don't casually disclose your situation to others!" Li Zichun immediately understood the meaning of Li Yinsheng, "It is estimated that we will confront each other in a while!"

"Lying trough, yes!" Lan Jiangming was awakened and regretted telling Li Yinsheng his situation. This is also the first few "slots" he said today.

The anchors who were still talking about chatting shut their mouths immediately.

Xie Yan also started here.

The theme of this round is friendship, burden and betrayal!

You don’t need to guess, this is Zhang Jiao’s idea.

Afterwards, the curtains in the interrogation rooms of the people were raised again, and at the same time a wooden board appeared in front of them, with the names of the remaining seven people on it, and a sentence below.

"Circle the person you are willing to enter into a companionship with, and after confirmation, as long as one of you successfully walks out of the haunted house, the team will win, and the final reward will be superimposed or deducted according to the performance of the two!"

In addition, there is a smaller line of words, "The other party must also choose you, otherwise it cannot be successfully concluded! And if a third party intervenes, it will not be concluded!"

"Interesting!" I caught the blind and looked at the people around me. In this case, it is undoubtedly the most beneficial to cooperate with the person with the most lives, but others will think so, so the one with the most lives is not insured.

But conversely, if everyone thinks this way, then it is impossible to steal chickens!

"This round is for us to find the most trusted person to conclude a companion contract together?" The chestnut governor has a different idea, because only the most trusted person will choose the other party, especially the follow-up may be assigned to act together!

Of all the people, Li Zichun and Lu Anxiu had the least idea, they circled each other's name.

"Hello, can you still hear it?" Three bouncers shouted outside and found that there was no response. They shook their heads. It seems that this link cannot be discussed with each other.

After a while, the result came out, only Li Zichun and Lu Anxiu were successfully matched, and the rest were in a mess...

In this part, Xie Yan decided to do this because some of the following ideas are not suitable for the ‘tourist’ experience. After coming out of the interrogation room, the people who just matched successfully were assigned together, and everyone moved on.

The fifth level is the last level of the beta version, and everyone has started the haunted house + labyrinth mode. This level also has a chase battle and many additional options. However, the test ended abruptly as early as the fourth level, so Xie Yan put a lot of water in the fifth level to make these people ``happy''.

After all, if the theory of the unicorn fairy Zhangjiao is carried out, then they will not be able to get out of this level anyway, and they should be completely desperate.

The sixth level after the fifth level is even more unsuitable for opening to the outside world. Xie Yan feels that some prisoners can be arrested for the second round of internal testing in the future.

"I have a question!" Hua Xiong suddenly raised his hand. "Is it so troublesome for the few guys? Just grab it and pull the steel, and if you scare them, they will say anything!"

Xie Yan shook his head and leaves. When building a haunted house cube, its real purpose has changed, becoming the ultimate cliché machine in Xie Yan's hands!

As for who sets...

If you can, Xie Yan doesn't really want it to come in handy, but just in case!

Almost after that, Xie Yan let the remaining few people get tips and walked out of the haunted house cube. The first one to come out is naturally Li Yinsheng, double the difficulty and difficulty reward, plus five lives all in, took eleven green fruits!

The second one is Lan Jiangming, with double rewards of the same difficulty and difficulty, with one life in hand and five fruits.

The third is Li Zichun and Lu Anxiu, both of which are difficult double rewards, plus each staying a life, the two get a total of six fruits.

Afterwards, it was the Chestnut Lord, who saved his life and took a green fruit. The rest, all failed!

Yes, there must be some greasiness. Xie Yan can't let these anchors who have just met for a long time take away the green fruits, so add oil and vinegar to them at the fifth level, and let them run out of life as much as possible.

As for Li Yinsheng, they are... an old acquaintance, a rookie who Xie Yan is optimistic about, and two who take great care of Lin Zhou'er.

The only variable is the Lord Chestnut. This woman is too smart. In addition, Xie Yan also found that the other party has actually started to awaken in a change, which belongs to the first level of human beings, so she was given water.

For this final result, these anchors have no complaints. After all, the first place is a bronze-level mutant, and still a very famous instructor and mentor. The second place is also a mutant, there is nothing to say. The third place is the intelligent talents working for the federal government, and it's nothing to lose to them.

There are also horror speeches, they all have different degrees of spoofing when they write, so they don’t take it seriously. After the addition, Li Yinsheng said that he wanted to cut a fruit for everyone to try, and immediately drew everyone's attention.

As the sky faded, Li Yinsheng took the crowd to the villa and prepared to take them to visit the villa and have dinner there.

Walking on the way, the Lord Chestnut County asked Shang Lin Zhouer specially, and asked in a low voice: "You help me ask the mountain god, is he intentional?"

"Huh?" Lin Zhou'er didn't know.

"Tell me about it, I know the rankings are moving! In addition, I will not say anything, after all, he also used this round thing to stop my mouth!" Princess Chestnut shook the green fruit in her hand, "Yes If so, I hope that the mountain **** can listen to me and make some details on the haunted house, and then..."

"Let me go in again and experience the full version of the haunted house!"

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