I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 519: Look, this is called riding a donkey to find a donkey

  Chapter 519 Look, this is called riding a donkey to find a donkey


  Gu Shanhai's expression was filled with some shit.

  After Da Tianwei continued to toss the lantern tricks, Gu Shanhai learned more about it and discovered the power against ghosts, which seems to be somewhat similar to his civilization seeds.

  The difference is that the civilization seed in his hand is just a small prototype, unlike its existence that is shrouded in books and electronic products, it is more powerful and complete.

   "The co-authored reference has always been by my side, but I don't know anything." Gu Shanhai was also a little speechless at this time.

  The main reason is that most of his mind is inside, not outside. In addition, this thing is relatively obscure, unless it comes into contact with ghosts, otherwise it does not exist at all. If you want to get it, the conditions are a bit harsh.

  That is to say, Da Tianwei is tossing Lanternui, asking him to play computer, and still play in depth, unlike the previous Yinfenggui who watched TV is a passive acceptance, but an active one.

   This made Gu Shanhai aware of some clues, and then he studied it in depth.

   "It seems that there is hope for a glimpse of Dao Realm"

Gu Shanhai was also delighted at this time. Originally, if there was no reference, he might have to go to the next dungeon to allow himself to make the seeds of civilization into the Dao Peeping Realm. After all, the dungeon this time is obviously fast-paced. Ten days, at most fifty days.

  For a person like him who has been in a dungeon for hundreds of years from time to time, the rhythm is so fast that there is no limit.

So under normal circumstances, if you want to complete the research and development of the Taoist Realm in this dungeon, it is tantamount to fantasy. It is unimaginable. The reason why the human world can crush the ghost world is due to the special existence of human civilization. Wei, and Gu Shanhai can also use this to analyze and make himself a step further.

  Before he thought that there was no extraordinary system in this world, but now it seems that it is not that there is no, but rather special.

  The entire supernatural system does not act on human beings, but on the entire civilization and society, and then radiates to human beings, so that human beings themselves do not have supernatural abilities, but they have supernatural characteristics and can fight against all kinds of supernatural beings.

Under the influence of human civilization, other extraordinary existences will become various things in human life, just like ghosts. In the eyes of human beings, they are just buns and erasers. They are not just changes in appearance, but human beings. cognition will affect it.

  This is why it is so difficult for ghosts to survive in the hands of humans.

   Who cares what a small bun thinks.

  Love each other, and the ghosts in a family can pretend to be humans, which is already an extremely high level.

  Gu Shanhai also understands now that these rules are probably for the purpose of stabilizing the disguise of ghosts, so the protection is insufficient, and the protection of the room cannot be provided like in the garden apartment.

   As long as the ghosts in the garden apartment hide in the room, and the protection time has not disappeared, humans will not be able to pose a threat to them. How can it be like this.

  And this is still a copy with nodes, if it is another survival copy, the ghost survivors seem to be similar.

   It is still very difficult, even if the difficulty is easy, how can it be so simple? On the contrary, these five nodes are taken care of by the human world and civilization, resulting in the greatest protection but also the most difficult.

   Thinking about it makes me feel unlucky.

   "At present, it is enough for the time being. If there is no air wall, I can progress faster."

  Gu Shanhai is a bit regretful. In this villa, because the focus is on the nails left in the human world by the All Deceitful Survival Platform, the power of civilization is extraordinarily strong.

  He is sure to complete his own civilization seed in this world and use it only as a glimpse of Dao.

   But the breakthrough will definitely not be in this world. The main reason is naturally that this world is not suitable.

  As an arena, there must be some existences behind it, and if these existences are eyeing Gu Shanhai, then he will be in bad luck.

   It's better to go back to the player space of "First Era", at least you don't have to worry about being watched by some existence.

   There is no need to worry about the lack of resources. The world he devoured in the last world has not been completely consumed until now. At most, it has only digested about 10%, which is more than enough for a breakthrough.

   "Thinking about it this way, it's still a bit of a loss."

   Gu Shanhai suddenly remembered that if he found out about this in the last level, then his progress would definitely be faster, and he wouldn't have to rush like now.

In order to ensure that the seeds of civilization successfully become the realm of observing the Tao, Gu Shanhai had no choice but to temporarily stop studying "Self-Cultivation of the World" and "When Space Does Not Stop". In this case, it is natural to put interests first, Otherwise, if you miss this village, it will be difficult to have this store.

   "So I should delay the time as soon as possible, there is Shura, if this delays, there is not enough reason to convince the big heaven." Gu Shanhai was thinking about delaying time.

   It’s just that the Great Heaven may not agree. After all, Shura is still locked in the BOSS room. If there is no good reason to persuade him, then at most tomorrow, this level can be passed.

   It is naturally impossible for Gu Shanhai to directly say that he wants to collect data on the power of civilization. This kind of thing involves his own path, and speaking out is a way to bring disaster.

  The main reason is that the level involved is too high, and this world is not simple. There is a high probability that Gu Shanhai will not be the only one who will go wrong, and the big heaven will probably also be unlucky.

  If you lack strength and get some secrets, it’s fine if you don’t pursue them. If you peep, something will happen.

   It's like Gu Shanhai telling the great heaven that there is a certain kind of powerful power in this world, and it is still close at hand. The only shortcoming is that you cannot grasp it.

   Then the other party will give up? Definitely won't give up.

   In this way, the development will be bad.

   "Unless the third remaining ghost happened to get stuck and was killed by him on the last day." Gu Shanhai narrowed his eyes.

   It's just this possibility, so small that it can be ignored.

   But with the help of Gu Shanhai, it will be different.

   "Of course, there is another way, and that is to rescue Shura in advance." Gu Shanhai knew that the point of conflict between the two was on Shura.

  Gu Shanhai doesn't care about Shura's life and death, so he can drag it slowly, but Da Tianwei can't.

   As long as Shura is rescued, Gu Shanhai will be able to keep these two people honestly until the last day without giving any reason.

   "Compared to helping ghosts survive to the last day, it is even less difficult to rescue Shura."

   He was indeed able to drag on until the tenth day, but he was not stupid. This ghost was able to escape his calculations in a row, which is very unusual. If it goes well, it is normal to suspect Gu Shanhai.

  Using this kind of small means can easily cause misunderstandings between the two parties. It is better to be more upright. If it is not possible, you can spend some money.

   Players just want benefits, give them some attribute pills, and just buy them.

   Gu Shanhai's move certainly made it more difficult, and he also added money.

   "It's not a big deal to save Shura, just recreate the magic circle."

   "The only problem is that the material requires human blood, which I don't have on hand."

The human blood he mentioned is naturally the blood of humans in this world. If he is not a human, he definitely does not have it, and the Great Heavenly Throne is not good either. In theory, he is not a human being, but a lord of the nether world. He looks like a human being. There are still human functions, but because of its own system, it has long been inhuman.

  It's like a cultivator and a mortal. If the two are exactly the same, then the cultivator is not Bai Xiuxian.

   "If it doesn't work, can you borrow a lantern?"

   "Anyway, if human blood is not enough, the body of a ghost can also be borrowed temporarily."

  As long as you don't intend to create a permanent passage, it's better to use ghosts.

   Besides, there are not many edible parts of Lantern Gui, for example, the outer part of the lantern must not be eaten, only the inner part of the will-o’-the-wisp.

  Of course, it’s okay if you eat it hard, as long as you don’t mind the smell of wood and paper, you can digest it with the strength of the big heaven, but the taste is another matter.

   "Okay, let Da Tianwei get rid of this lantern as soon as possible." Gu Shanhai sent a message.

  At this time, just after tossing about the lantern, Da Tianwei received a message from Gu Shanhai.

  'Have deciphered Shura's position, now need part of Lantern Gui's body as raw material? '

  ‘It shouldn’t affect eating, right? '

  Da Tianwei looked at the lantern strangely, with a hint of weirdness in his expression.

The Lantern was strangely looked at by Da Tianwei, and the hairs on his back couldn't help standing upright. He was also bitter in his heart. He thought that there would be nothing wrong with the time of free activities, but now he sees that co-authoring free activities is the other party tossing himself in a free way .

   Fortunately, he is now disguised as a human being. Otherwise, if he were replaced by his real body, there would already be many cracks on his body.

   "It's almost enough to play on the computer, but your skills are so messy." Da Tianwei changed a kind expression.

   This made Lantern tremble. The other party smiled like this, he was definitely uneasy and kind, but he still remembered the horrible feeling when he was playing on the computer just now.

   "I, I haven't played, so it's almost normal to play." Lantern said hurriedly.

   "Then, how about we go and have some fun, such as swimming." Da Tianwei said persuasively.

   And the lantern trick really turned pale, and let the lantern go swimming, this idea is too advanced.

   "But I can't swim, or forget it, let's change it." Lantern Gui couldn't care too much at this time, and he noticed the change in Da Tianwei's attitude towards him.

  Before, I just wanted to torment him and make him miserable, but now it's different, and I actually want to kill him.

"You don't know how to swim, that's why you need to learn. Otherwise, when you grow up and your girlfriend asks you, when your mother and your girlfriend fall into the water and who are you saving, you won't even know how to swim? It's not over." Da Tianwei gave a reason.

   "Ah, I don't have a mother." Lantern keenly found the loophole in this statement. He boarded here as an orphan, so it's normal to have no mother.

  As soon as these words came out, Da Tianwei's face became serious.

   "Is this a matter of whether you have a mother? What people want is an attitude, not really asking you to swim to save someone!"

   Lantern is almost crying, if you want your attitude, if you want an attitude, he will die.

"Then, then I won't look for a girlfriend in the future, and no one will ask me for attitude." Lantern thinks that in the current situation, if he doesn't mention his girlfriend or not, he won't have to think about the future if he enters the swimming pool Now, you can consider whether you are floating on the surface of the water as a floating corpse or sinking in the water as a water corpse.

   Of course, it is more likely to be picked up and thrown into the trash.

"You let me down so much, how can you say that." Da Tianwei's face darkened, and he played a rogue, pulling the lantern and heading towards the garden in the yard: "Today you really have to learn, you have to Grind your temper well."

   "A disobedient child will be eaten!"

   As soon as the three words were eaten, Lantern Gui realized that this matter was beyond his ability to resist and refuse.

  He is a survivor. As a ghost, he can only survive in the hands of humans.

  If you go, you will be close to death, if you really dare not go, you may become ten dead.

   Therefore, he did not dare to resist the pull of the big heaven, and was reluctantly taken to the swimming pool.

  The water in the swimming pool is still very clear, but there is a chill that makes the lantern feel chilly. Even if he gets close, he has the illusion that he is going to be frozen.

  ‘You must not go down, or if the time is too long, I will be frozen to death. Even if you go down, you can’t stay for more than five minutes. ’ Lantern Gui also had a feeling of sadness in his heart, it was impossible not to go into the water.

   "Come on, let's do a warm-up exercise first, or you will have cramps after entering the water." Da Tianwei moved over and began to force the lantern to trick.

  Every movement made the lantern feel so painful.

  This is not a warm-up exercise, and he has cramps after going into the water. After this set is completed, if he can still stand in the water, it will be considered a lantern trick. His body is strong.

  Resisting the pain, the lantern slyly said: "I think I can come by myself, so I won't bother you."

   "That's fine, but I have to watch you do it." Da Tianwei didn't make further demands, and he couldn't push the other party to a desperate situation, he had to give him a glimmer of hope.

   Otherwise, if the situation is really desperate, the other party will give up on himself or do other things, which will cause unnecessary trouble.

   Of course, you have to be tough when you should be tough, but you have to grasp the speed well.

  'I don't know what the *** cracked, it was completed so quickly, and there was no sound at all before. ’ While looking at the strange lantern, Da Tianwei was thinking about it in his mind, and communicated with Cui Yingying from time to time.

  Time passed by every minute and every second. It is true that Lantern's tricky warm-up exercise was slow, but there was a time when it was finished.

   "Very well, now we can go into the water. It's your first time swimming, so we can take your time." Da Tianwei entered the pool with a lantern, which means that if you don't die, you will lose.

   Thank you, Mr. Nuanyang, for your golden alliance, add more



  (end of this chapter)

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