I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 513: Killing (crossed out) killing tricks rules

  Chapter 513 Killing (crossed out) killing tricks rules

   "So, we changed the map again?" Da Tianwei looked at this scene and complained.

  After twelve o'clock midnight on the tenth day, the three of them changed areas after they felt a shaking.

   Fortunately, this time it was not separated, but entered into a brand new house.

  The identity has not changed, it is still the three optimized employees, but the memory has changed.

"Tell me, is there something wrong with the three of us adopting a child?" Gu Shanhai looked at his memory and always felt that something was wrong: "I am qualified to adopt, after all, age does not matter. It's not good for two young people."

"As long as you pay attention to your appearance, you won't become a middle-aged person." Da Tianwei looked at Gu Shanhai. Judging from the appearance, the three of them are indeed not in the same age group, but in terms of age, the three of them are actually about the same age. At most, there is only a ten-year difference, which is insignificant compared to their own age.

  Ding Dong~

   Before the chat was over, the doorbell rang outside the door.

   "Who will open the door?" Gu Shanhai lay down on the recliner without hesitation, indicating that he had already sat down.

  Da Tianwei reacted quickly, and lay down on the sofa in no time.

  Seeing this, Shura looked helpless: "I'll go, I'll go, you two are really good"

  After opening the door, I saw a middle-aged woman with a child, but the child looked awkward.

  The other party seemed to be trembling.

  After some communication, this child is their adopted person.

   "Gudong~" Da Tianwei looked at the child and swallowed.

  The children became more and more frightened.

  The three of them could tell at a glance that this child was not a human being at all, but a ghost disguised as a human being.

  The other party seems to be playing his own identity, but his body is trembling and he dare not mess around.

   "Shall we eat sashimi tonight?" Da Tianwei couldn't wait to start.

   "Cough, it might not work," Shura said.

  Because at this time, everyone's memory has implanted this challenge level task.

   It is no longer a survival task, but to find a way to let the ghosts reveal their identities, and the number reaches three.

   That is to say, this is the first one, and ghosts will be sent later.

   There must be a time limit, and it will be completed within ten days.

  Then the boss battle of this challenge will start.

   During this process, you cannot use force outside the rules to forcibly attack the ghosts, otherwise it will not count.

   "That's such a pity." Da Tianwei looked at the ghost up and down. He didn't know exactly what kind of ghost it was. The other party was restrained by the Quanwei Survival Platform.

Gu Shanhai was also looking at this ghost, and he found that he and others were actually bound by the rules. For example, after the mission was released, if he wanted to deal with this ghost, he had to be alone with him , to be able to do it, otherwise it is considered a violation of the rules.

  ‘Rule-based game, interesting. '

  The other two people should have similar rules.

  However, due to restrictions, it cannot be disclosed.

  ‘In this way, the real problem is not the ghost, but the house. ’ Gu Shanhai’s eyes fell on the room, this house is not small, a villa with a garden and a swimming pool.

  The air wall naturally exists, enveloping the entire villa.

  This again limits Gu Shanhai's development ideas.

  'It can be confirmed now that the dungeon this time is most likely aimed at the Survival Survival Platform. '

  ‘If you have to divide it, this time it should be the primary copy of the ghosts, and the previous garden apartment is the novice copy. '

  ‘The remaining three games should be intermediate, advanced and final levels. '

Gu Shanhai didn't think too much about it. Next, he planned to study the scorching aura intercepted from the scorched corpse monster. Only he could detect this aura. If he hadn't intercepted it, he might return to the whole world. In the survival platform.

   This may involve the core of the Quangui Survival Platform.

  ‘The reward has also arrived? ’ Gu Shanhai noticed that when he was lying down, there was a foreign object on his back, so he put it away and checked it.

  《When Space Doesn’t Stand Still》

It is still a book, which tells about space-related knowledge, which surprised Gu Shanhai. This book and "Self-Cultivation of the World" have a lot of linking effects, which can greatly benefit Gu Shanhai for his own growth. .

  The rewards of Shura and Datianwei are naturally also credited to the account at the same time. Judging from the emotions that escaped from the two of them, they are also very satisfied with this.

  ‘In this way, the task really has to be completed within ten days. '

   Originally, Gu Shanhai didn't have too many thoughts, but now that he saw such a rich reward, his heart moved.

   "Can you cook?" Da Tianwei said kindly.

   After all, I just got the benefit, and my mood has improved a lot.

   "No, no." The ghost opened his mouth bravely, seeing the sudden change in Da Tianwei's face, he hurriedly shouted: "But I can learn, one day, no, half a day at most!"

   "Very well, I'll leave the housework to you. I hope you don't make mistakes. Otherwise, I will choose extra meals." Da Tianwei showed his white teeth.

   These words were not addressed to the ghost, but to Gu Shanhai and Shura.

  It means that as long as the ghost makes a mistake, he can do it in a way that complies with the rules.

   "Would you like to play games with me in a place where no one is around? It's very fun." Gu Shanhai was like a strange sorghum, touching the ghost's head, giving people the illusion that it was about to be broken.

   "But I have to do housework, and I won't be free now." The ghost's desire to survive is very strong, so he refused without hesitation, but it would be better if he didn't tremble.

  Gu Shanhai's words are also expressing his own rules for killing tricks, which is to be alone with the opponent.

   Then it was naturally Shura. He also expressed his rules for killing tricks in this indirect way. He could only do it at night when the ghosts were not sleeping in the room.

  They can't say it directly, but if the teammates guess it, it's another matter. After all, there is no problem with the logic of what they said.

   "Okay, go get busy, it won't be too late for us to play after you finish your work." Gu Shanhai showed a gloomy smile.

   This made the ghost shudder involuntarily.

  Seeing this, the ghost could only crawl into the kitchen. The first thing he had to face was how to get rid of the breakfast.

And during this process, the three of them can also interfere to a certain extent, but the interference should not be too much. For example, when the other party is cooking, you used to deliberately block the other party from entering the kitchen or maliciously interrupt the other party's food for no reason. fall.

  If the task fails this time, then it is probably also a challenge failure. After all, there are only ten days, and it is quite difficult to deal with three ghosts within the rules.

   More importantly, Gu Shanhai suspected that the ghost probably knew some rules and taboos, so he refused Gu Shanhai's invitation to play without hesitation.

  In terms of information, it should be better than them.

   "I hope his craftsmanship is better, otherwise, I'm going to lose my temper." Datianwei smiled, and said that the most operable is the Datianwei.

  Gu Shanhai's rules for killing tricks alone still have many limitations, for example, he can't take the initiative to find the other party, and he is also confined in the living room.

   It is possible to leave the living room, but the rule will become invalid after leaving, and it will become a no-killing rule, and it will continue to take effect only when you return to the living room.

  The one with the highest degree of freedom should be Shura’s trick-killing rules. It can take effect for the entire villa at night, when you’re not in the room or sleeping, the only difficulty is triggering it.

   I can only be sure that if this ghost wants to hide in the room to sleep at night, it may not be so easy.

  ‘Unfortunately, the rules of making mistakes in the big heaven cannot prevent the ghost from sleeping in the room at night or force him to be alone with me. '

  The three people’s rules for killing tricks need to be supported by logic. For example, Gu Shanhai can’t force the ghosts to drive the two out, or the big heaven makes the ghosts commit suicide, otherwise there will be faults and other completely illogical things.

   At first glance, the trick killing rules are very simple, but there are problems everywhere.

   This should be similar to the protection time in the garden apartment, but the protection method presented is different.

  The only thing in common is that none of them will give perfect protection, and you have to figure out a way out by yourself. It is really a tool ghost.

  Gu Shanhai never thought about solving this problem so easily. If it were really that easy, there wouldn't be so many things to do.

  The three of them had their own thoughts, and Gu Shanhai was researching and intercepting the scorching breath at this time.

  ‘This thing looks familiar, where have I seen it before? ’ Gu Shanhai was a little puzzled.

  'It's a bit like the rule of fire or the source of fire. '

  Don’t ask Gu Shanhai why he knows this kind of thing that sounds very high, because he also has it.

  After becoming the world, such rules are already fully equipped, and people have worked hard to study and comprehend them. After becoming the world, Gu Shanhai was born with them.

  ‘Well, it’s not that tall, it’s more like a pillar. '

  After careful study, Gu Shanhai found that this thing is actually not very useful. If it were before, it could be used as a breakthrough material or made into Suzaku. Now, it is very tasteless.

  He took out a rule of fire from his body, which is much more useful than this thing.

  ‘It can’t be a very old-fashioned metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.’

   There are exactly five levels, one for each pillar, and after they are all taken away by him, the entire Survival Platform will hang up.

  ‘If this is the case, it seems to be reasonable? '

  'No wonder it is called the Ten Thousand Races Arena, it turned out to be like this. '

  At this moment, Gu Shanhai guessed some causes and consequences.

   First of all, humans and ghosts are competing in the two worlds. The difference is that humans seem to have a backstage and background, so they have invited these foreign aids, and they are directly preparing to take the ghost world to the bottom.

Humans have the advantage in the first place, but because of their own reasons, they cannot effectively detect the situation of ghosts, so let them directly deal with the hope of ghosts, that is, the all-survival platform. will lose.

   This competition definitely involves the life and death of the two worlds, that is, humans are likely to survive, while the ghost world will die.

  ‘"First Age" must have invested in this human world, otherwise it would be impossible to arrange us here. '

  'No wonder there is an air wall, and the co-author is used to guard against me. '

  Gu Shanhai felt a little cursing in his heart.

   If there is no air wall, then Gu Shanhai will not only be interested in the human world, but also be interested in the world of ghosts.

  In the absence of disciples and apprentices, this kind of world usually has two endings. The world that cannot be beaten, Gu Shanhai, honestly clings to, and the world that can be beaten will directly eat without leaving any scum.

  There is an air wall, which shows that the possibility of Gu Shanhai being able to fight is very high.

  So in order to avoid losing everything, it is natural to use the air wall to restrict Gu Shanhai. As long as Gu Shanhai has never thought about falling out with "The First Era", he will not choose to break the air wall and leave.

  The behind-the-scenes existence of "The First Age" and the support of the human world is also very considerate and directly sends Gu Shanhai to the place where the problem is solved, so that Gu Shanhai will not be "lost" and then gnaw on the world.

  'Damn it! Why did I just find out now. ’ Gu Shanhai was a little depressed, but in the end he didn’t do anything.

  The main reason is that the rewards given are really good, and they are all the knowledge he needs, so he doesn’t make trouble, and there is still a need for compulsion. In the face of beings stronger than himself, it is better to keep a low profile than anything else.

  As for the last challenge that blew up the garden apartment? This is not a big deal at all, the real mission is actually the scorched corpse monster that appeared on the tenth day.

  This time is similar, but to activate it, it is estimated that three ghosts need to be stimulated within ten days, unlike the previous ones that will appear when the time is up.

   It is certain that the monster that appeared this time is definitely much stronger than the scorched corpse monster.

  ‘But if it’s really the Five Elements, then if I gather together, wouldn’t it be possible to change something related to the Five Elements? '

  'For example, come to play something like the five-color divine light, the five-element reincarnation boxing, and Kong Xuan as a cameo? '

   Gu Shanhai's mind began to diverge, and the aura that he intercepted and got in his hands obviously had no possibility of being recycled. If he really wanted to take it back, he wouldn't wait until it was intercepted by Gu Shanhai.

  So you can use it with confidence. Well, I still don’t feel at ease.

  ‘Even if you don’t use it yourself, you can give it to your apprentices, who just combine the one-proof and permanent certificate of the gods and demons of the present method, and form a whole proficiency system. '

   This kind of good thing must be used to cheat disciples. As for whether it will be chased and killed across borders, it is probably not.

  If you were so narrow-minded, you wouldn't be able to become a great power, right?

   Thank you, Mr. Nuanyang, for your golden alliance, add more



  (end of this chapter)

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