I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 507: Take the cement out of the walls and fill them with explosions

  Chapter 507 Take out the cement in the wall and fill it with explosives for you!

   "I can ask why you stuffed a lot of explosives into the walls of the entire building." Shura's eyes twitched.

   "You actually found out!" Gu Shanhai looked shocked.

"No, what are you trying to figure out? These **** explosives all carry entries that don't distinguish between the enemy and us. If it explodes, we will be unlucky too." Hearing this, Da Tianwei hurriedly smashed it open. The wall, and a dynamite was dug out of it. When I saw this entry, everyone was numb.

   "Your system won't be flawed, right?" Seeing this, Shura complained.

   "That's right, the power is great, the effect is high, and the output is high. If you say that there is no flaw, wouldn't it seem too heaven-defying." Gu Shanhai didn't mind these things at all.

The two couldn't help being silent for a while, and then guessed in their hearts that Gu Shanhai's talent would not be similar to that kind of NPC template or dual template talent, otherwise it would be impossible to explain that Gu Shanhai could not use the player channel or friend column something like that.

   And this can also explain why Gu Shanhai can develop so fast.

   There are two templates, and the resources consumed are likely to be only one, which is equivalent to two points of Gu Shanhai's bonus.

   This is also the case, the reason why Gu Shanhai is able to be a support job and become a boss in the life department.

However, this idea just flashed through the minds of the two of them, and they didn't say that they should investigate too deeply. The other party's system is probably built around this talent. If they go to investigate, it is tantamount to finding the secret of the other party's rise. It is extremely taboo to put such a thing on any player.

   "I can understand the flaws, but can't you change your flaws?" Da Tianwei couldn't help but complain.

   "I want to, too, but I can't." Gu Shanhai spread his arms, it is a normal rule not to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and the player's characteristic of ignoring the damage of his teammates is not normal.

  A player throws a bomb. Teammates within the explosion range are not harmed, but the enemy is blown to pieces. No matter how you look at it, there is a problem.

  Of course, it is precisely this reason that when the dungeon is played, there is no way to stab teammates in the back, which makes the player's atmosphere more normal.

Negative entries such as no distinction between the enemy and the enemy, the probability of appearing in the eyes of players is extremely low. Even Shura and Datianwei, who are the first echelon, have not seen more than a pair of hands for so many years. , but in the hands of Gu Shanhai, I saw a lot of them.

"Then don't fill up the whole apartment. Except for the load-bearing structure, everything else is packed full. If any of these explode, the whole apartment will be wiped out." Shura also didn't expect that Gu Shanhai would do such a thing in one night. many things.

  After dinner yesterday, they went their separate ways. Shura went to investigate the overall environment, and Da Tianwei went to talk to the ghosts to see if they could find some information from these ghosts.

  The two of them didn't care about Gu Shanhai's words, saying that they wanted to continue to study the solution to the situation.

  Then this morning, they saw this scene. Not to mention that this plan is really good, especially in terms of the word "breaking", which completely fits the description of blasting.

  It is to make their blood pressure a little higher.

   "Don't worry, I'm sure what to do, this thing is not used by physical means." Gu Shanhai patted his chest and said.

"Are you sure?" Da Tianwei still didn't quite believe it. He looked at the properties of these bombs. He couldn't kill him at the moment, and it might be enough to injure Shura, but don't even think about the whole building. But that's bad enough.

   "I'm still very measured in being a human being!" Gu Shanhai said sonorously, it would be different when he was not a human being.

   "Okay, I'll trust you for now." Shura was also a little tired of this, mainly because his text reminded him that this thing cannot be dismantled with his ability, and once it is dismantled by force, there is a high probability that it will cause an explosion.

   But this is also a good thing, if something happens, the whole apartment can be detonated as a cover.

   "By the way, today is the last day for those ghosts. From my conversation with them last night, I know that their main task is to survive for three days."

   "The difficulty is actually relatively high. The room protection time given to them by the Quangui Survival Platform is only 12 hours. If they want to extend it, they need to complete human tasks or contact humans to obtain corresponding things to supplement."

   "Only by entering a room with a protection time can one avoid being touched by humans. Once the protection time is exhausted, humans will notice this group of ghosts and make contact."

"In this case, the ghosts are basically close to death. They have no life at all. On the contrary, if they are brave enough to contact them directly, even if the mission fails, the death rate will be much lower, and more importantly, they will have fewer body parts. .”

  Da Tianwei is not a vegetarian. Through some means, he also obtained a lot of task-related information from these ghost survivors.

  Quangui Survival Platform didn't force them not to reveal their missions, so when their lives were threatened, they naturally revealed everything without hesitation.

   Survival is the key. For the ghosts, the All-Deadly Survival Platform is not a so-called heaven at all, but hell. If it can be shattered, that is naturally the best, and the ghosts don’t have to use their lives in the human world.

Perhaps if you continue to survive on the Survival Survival platform, you can become the top ghost existence, but this kind of ghost is just like the top players of "First Era", there are very few, and even this kind of ghost enters the human world Here, it's Survival, not Kai Wushuang, it's called the Quangui Survival Platform.

  So no matter how powerful the ghost is, when it enters the human world, there is not much resistance. It can be called a ghost version of the world of despair.

  Gu Shanhai doubted that if this continues, maybe throwing someone into the world of ghosts one day will cause a huge disaster in the whole world of ghosts.

  In the eyes of humans, ghosts are a group of small bread, erasers, or scraps of paper. With so many categories of things gathered together, it will not be a grocery store, but a garbage dump.

   "That's true. The status has been switched. If Uncle Qin knows this world, he won't come here to play every day." Shura was also a little dumbfounded.

  Uncle Qin, who mainly follows the weird genre, was treated like this at the beginning. Now that his strength has become stronger, the link of solving puzzles has been reduced.

   As a result, I feel a lot less aggrieved.

   "Wait, if they leave tomorrow night, don't we have seven days left, what should we do?" When Gu Shanhai thought that there would be no fun for seven days, his head would get a little dizzy.

"Let's talk about tomorrow's matter tomorrow, or we can find a reason and eat all the remaining ghosts." Da Tianwei didn't think about tomorrow's matter at all. They have nothing to eat.

   "Your news is reliable?" Shura thought, if it is true that the group of ghosts will finish their mission and go back tomorrow, then they must not be allowed to run away like this, they must be in the pot.

   "Of course it is reliable!"

   "Don't worry if I do it."

  Datian is plausible, which is the result of his conversations with all the ghosts in the apartment.

"However, if their task is to survive for three days, then our ten-day survival should not be released by the Quangui Survival Platform." Gu Shanhai added, and then continued: "Therefore, it is very likely After this group of ghosts leave, new ghosts will come to survive."

   "So, Shabu Shabu at night?"

   Gu Shanhai changed the subject abruptly, and changed to food.

   "Okay, I'll bring the ghost up later."

   "If your guess is correct, then doesn't this mean that we can eat two more batches of ghosts."

   "What about the extra day? It's impossible to give us an extra day for no reason." Da Tianwei said that he would bring the ghost up later, but he also raised questions.

  He knew that the Garden Apartment, which is a novice dungeon, would naturally not be free, and the All Survival Platform would only send ghosts over in batches.

  So it is considered a three-day cycle, but they survived for ten days, but there was an extra day.

   This caused Da Tianwei to be keenly aware of something wrong, and Shura also noticed it, but his mouth was not as fast as Da Tianwei.

  As for Gu Shanhai, he doesn't care about these things at all, anyway, he just wants to show off and have fun, and he runs away when something happens, he is very flexible.

  So even if you know it, it’s okay.

"It depends on whether the Quangui Survival Platform sent ghosts over on the ninth night. If they did, it should only be a matter of time. But if not, then we need to be vigilant." Shura also expressed some of his guesses. .

  It's a pity that the information is insufficient, and his text reminder is not clear.

His text reminder itself is similar to deduction and investigation, it depends on himself, there is no way to produce something unknown out of thin air, just like a grotesque simulator, it is essentially a combination of cause and effect, prophecy, and secrets Composite talent.

There are limitations. It will not be able to take effect in the face of Gu Shanhai and the existence outside the series of standards of the quiet eye of death. And this all-deceitful survival platform, in Shura's talent, should be able to detect but not complete In the case of investigation, it is necessary to collect enough information to present the final result of the deduction.

   This caused even Shura to have a half-knowledge.

  The main reason is that the energy level of this world is too high, far beyond Shura's current strength. Otherwise, if it is a world energy level that matches his level, it can still be crushed.

   "What do you think?" Shura looked at Gu Shanhai, although Gu Shanhai has been making troubles, but in terms of strength, there is no doubt.

   "Sit and watch, what else can you do." Gu Shanhai yawned, not paying too much attention to it.

   "Could it be that there is a problem with the apartment? After all, it has some meaning in itself to arrange us here." Da Tianwei said.

   "You are stupid, except for the load bearing and the wall skin, the police have bombed everything in the apartment, so he can't see if there is a problem." Shura complained.

   "Oh, it seems to make sense." Da Tianwei also reacted, and now the wall is not cement, but a real bomb.

   Filling an entire apartment with bombs is not much different from turning the entire apartment upside down.

   "It's probably impossible to detect it now, and it may be on the tenth day." Gu Shanhai did not find any problems.

  In the entire apartment, except for the air wall, there are ghosts and the room protection rules provided by the Quanwei Survival Platform for ghosts, and there are no other problems at all.

  As for how humans view ghosts, this is not an anomaly, but a normal phenomenon.

  Just like those humans who go to the weird world to survive, the weird sees humans like food, and the humans in this world look at ghosts like sundries, which is nothing more than a problem caused by differences in the world.

   "Then we have to wait."

   "If we send another batch of cute ghosts tomorrow night, do you plan to raise them first or eat them together?" Shura also asked.

   "I think it's better to focus on observation, supplemented by eating less, eating three a day is about the same." Da Tianwei pondered, it's better to be on the safe side.

   "If we ate all the ghosts on the first day, will the Survival Survival platform seamlessly connect and send us another batch?" Gu Shanhai suddenly thought of this matter.

  The two couldn't help but feel a little excited, it seems to be a trick.

   If you can kill a batch, you can send a batch, wouldn't it be the same as a buffet.

   "Gudong~" Da Tianwei swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he was really scared, this time it is rare to encounter such a good thing, he must catch it: "Otherwise, let's take the next batch and try."

   "Don't make another batch, just do it with this batch." Shura didn't hesitate at all.

"It may be delivered, but it should be at a fixed time, most likely at night, so even if we eat this batch, it is impossible to deliver it immediately, and it will only be delivered at twelve o'clock in the evening." Gu Shanhai The probability of guessing supplementation is very high, but the supplementary time will be stipulated.

   "If this is the case, then we have seven days left, even if the last day is excluded, we can eat another six batches." Da Tianwei felt that the possibility of what Gu Shanhai said was not small.

  And the text reminder in front of Shura also gave a similar guess.

   "Don't be too optimistic. If there are too many deaths and the entire survival platform is shelved, it will be miserable."

   "After all, it's not just a novice dungeon like Garden Apartment."

  Sura reminded that such a platform must have a relevant early warning mechanism, and it is impossible to send ghosts over indefinitely. If the number of deaths reaches a certain threshold, self-examination and snow storage are likely to occur.

"We only have seven days left to complete this challenge. There is no need to be intimidated. We just need to grasp a certain speed." Gu Shanhai naturally had a similar guess in his heart. Compared with Shura, he didn't care much, even if it was Come all seven days, that is, seventy ghosts will die.

  Compared with the total number of ghosts, this number is very different. In addition, the death rate of the Garden Apartment itself is high, and group destruction is commonplace.

  (end of this chapter)

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