I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 505: Human, don't come here! ! !

  Chapter 505 Human, don't come here! !

  The sneaky walk of the red shoes is not at all safe, the main reason is that Gu Shanhai shamelessly broke the appointment, and did not intend to let this thing live.

  The cause of death was that the red high-heeled shoes were taken away by the big heaven, and now he is talking to Cui Yingying, Gu Shanhai really has no face to watch.

  However, during this period of time with Da Tianwei, it can be seen that he is not as perverted as in his previous life and the types of perverts are different.

   It may be that the pressure of raising Cui Yingying is not as great as raising nine loli dragons in the previous life.

So life is good, and he hasn't been completely pushed to that level. Of course, the time may be wrong. In the previous life, Gu Shanhai and Da Tianwei were not players in the first echelon at all at this time, so Can't get together.

  Gu Shanhai belongs to the category of thick accumulation and slow growth, and the position of the great heaven is the collapse of the middle way.

  There are only a few dozen dungeons where the two meet. Everyone is a player, and it is more of a common interest than a so-called relationship.

   "Don't get bored, you two, it's almost dawn, what will you think later?" Shura really couldn't bear it, so he interrupted the whispering between the great heaven and Cui Yingying.

In fact, he could also see that if there was only Da Tianwei alone, he would only be of moderate strength, at most the strength at the end of the first echelon, plus Cui Yingying, then Da Tianwei's strength would improve by leaps and bounds, not far behind him How many.

   This still has to rely on most of his resources and his own system, all of which are maintained on Cui Yingying, the ghost.

  The two belong to a special relationship where one prospers and the other loses.

   "I don't have any ideas, I plan to go back to catch up on sleep." Da Tianwei also restrained himself for a while, and then said.

   "Are you sure you want to go back to catch up on sleep instead of becoming an undead knight?" Gu Shanhai complained from the side.

That Cui Yingying also experienced a lot of worlds, and she understood Gu Shanhai's words at once, and then blushed, she didn't dare to speak, and directly turned into a black light and fell into the body of the great heaven, obviously returning to the half-plane of the netherworld .

   "Cough, this is called exploring the Yin-Yang Dao." Da Tianwei said calmly.

   "You are called a friend of life and death." Gu Shanhai retorted without hesitation, but did not stop him.

   What he said just now means that you should spend less energy, so that your legs won't be weak when you fight.

   And Da Tianwei euphemistically stated that he has dual-cultivation skills, and it is very suitable for him, so he doesn't have to worry about weak legs, but will get a buff state instead.

  So Gu Shanhai did not continue to stop.

   Shura also understands. Even if he doesn't understand, he still has text reminders to help translate, so don't worry about it.

  The text reminder can't find Gu Shanhai, and can't find the great heaven?

   "What about you?" Shura asked.

  This means that everyone can move freely.

  The main reason is that there is not much danger on the surface of this mission, and it is not appropriate to merge.

  Of course, this is not to be taken lightly. On the contrary, both of them understand one thing, that is, the danger in the dark is enough to destroy them all.

   It’s time to recharge your batteries and recharge your batteries. Those who want to investigate should investigate.

   "I'm going to find some ingredients, how about you?" Gu Shanhai also inquired about Shura's thoughts by the way.

   As teammates, the three of them must at least know some of their respective action plans.

   "I don't have anything to do, I just happen to be with you, and I'll fight you." Shura thought for a while, and Gu Shanhai was going to fight monsters. In order to prevent Gu Shanhai from throwing healing skills and creating a boss, he still watched a bit.

   "No, if you have nothing to do, you can go get in touch with the residents in the apartment later."

   "Don't worry, this is just the beginning, I won't make any weird things come out."

Gu Shanhai naturally saw Shura's thoughts. He said he was going to harvest ingredients, but in fact he wanted to dig a laboratory underground, and then dissect more ghosts, to see if he could get all the ghosts out of these ghosts. The foundation of the survival platform was dug out.

In Gu Shanhai's view, ghosts are of no value. They are similar to a combination of undead life and energy life. The source is unknown for the time being, but they are definitely not in this human world anymore. However, the innate difference makes these ghosts not at all The opponents of human beings in this world.

  So the value is not high. On the contrary, it is a tricky survival platform that sends ghosts to survive. This thing is a bit interesting.

   "Are you sure?" Shura was still a little suspicious, especially after seeing the scourge of Gu Shanhai and Da Tianwei collaborating together, he always felt uneasy.

   At least there is Cui Yingying in the big sky, and he didn't dare to let go, so he didn't believe that Gu Shanhai would not be able to let go without his teammates.

   "Well, don't worry, I keep my word." Gu Shanhai patted his chest and assured that this time he really didn't make trouble.

  The troublemaking in his mouth refers to the degree of harm to the world.

   "Okay, there are still ten days, you take it easy." Shura sighed, went back to prepare for skill proficiency, and then waited for dawn to chat with the residents in the apartment.

  Gu Shanhai walked downstairs on his own.

  The entire apartment has fifteen floors, and each floor has four households, a total of sixty households.

   "Speaking of which, these ghosts probably don't know how to take elevators." Gu Shanhai looked up at the strange noises from the elevator.

   There must be an elevator on the fifteenth floor, so you can't really walk down with your legs.

   "There are ten ghosts. Excluding the blood ghosts that were eaten and the red shoe ghosts that became gifts, there are still eight ghosts."

   "So you're an elevator trick, huh?"

  Gu Shanhai looked at the creaking elevator. It wasn't that the other party wanted Gu Shanhai to understand what it means to be angry with a ghost, but to tremble from being frightened.

   "Oh, no, that's a pity. Be steady and don't shake off. I have something to do in the basement." Gu Shanhai said calmly.

   And Jing Gui, who was possessed in the elevator, couldn't help but tremble all over. It was because of fear that this happened to the elevator.

  I thought it was very safe to hide in the elevator, but I didn't expect to meet a human being when I went out.

Although he has never met Gu Shanhai, he knows from the barrage that it was this human being who first boiled and ate the blood ghost alive, and then tortured the red shoe ghost to death. The whole process was broadcast live. , All ghosts and ghosts can see the pain from dissection to death, and finally even the main body has become a plaything of a certain human being.

  Mirror ghosts are ghosts without a body, they can rely on the mirror, and the position where the elevator reflects light can also be used as the area where mirror ghosts live.

  If the powerful Jinggui can move in space through mirrors, water surfaces and other places that can reflect light, unfortunately, his strength is too weak, so he can only board and cannot move effectively.

   Only then was Gu Shanhai caught.

  Ding Dong~

  Arrived on the first floor, the elevator door opened slowly. After Gu Shanhai walked out, he turned his head and glanced.

   "Aren't you coming out with me?" Gu Shanhai asked suspiciously: "I thought we two had formed a deep friendship in this short exchange."

  The majestic malice turned into substance, and the mirror attached to the elevator trembled even more.

   "It seems that you are not ready to accept my kindness, then" Gu Shanhai's tone sank, as if he was planning to make a move.

   "I can't get out!" Jing Gui was about to cry, he was really unlucky.

The mirror trick can only exist in the mirror, and it is impossible to get out. As soon as he came in, he was placed in the reflected light area in the elevator. In addition, he was not strong enough to move at all, so he was trapped Died in the elevator, otherwise he would have run away, why is he in the elevator.

   After all, compared with taking the stairs, the probability of meeting humans in the elevator is very high.

   "Ah, that's because I misunderstood you." Gu Shanhai also looked a little embarrassed. When they searched the whole apartment before, they actually took the stairs.

   They also found out that there were ghosts in the elevator, but they all agreed not to mention it, mainly because they were really weak.

  That's why Gu Shanhai deliberately came here to tease this mirror, but he didn't expect the truth to be like this.

   "So, as long as you have a mirror, you should be able to move." Gu Shanhai said, taking out a mirror from his arms.

   It's just that the mirror fell into Jing Gui's eyes, but it was like some kind of great terror.

"Are you sure this is a mirror!!" Jing Gui looked at the strange life form in Gu Shanhai's hand. It was definitely a living thing that could illuminate people in the middle. The hunger emanating from his body made Jing Gui Gui felt that if he dared to agree, then he would become the food of this mirror.

   "Yes, I usually use this thing to look in the mirror." Gu Shanhai looked at the grinning mirror, then slapped it to show his honesty, and then the mirror stopped moving.

   "Come on, come in, be good, or I won't be polite later." Gu Shanhai's tone was kind, but the malice had already condensed into substance.

  Even the mirror in his hand has stretched his body, and it has been attached to the area where the mirror trick is attached.

  At this moment, the cold chill eroded Jing Gui's body, and he knew that he had to go out honestly, or he had to die here.

  In the end, they could only tremblingly enter the mirror in Gu Shanhai's hand through the connection formed by mutual conflict.

   "Well, you're so good, I'll be gentler later." Gu Shanhai praised.

When he heard this sentence, Jing Gui cried out in fright, because Gu Shanhai was there, and forcibly suppressed his crying, so as not to be tortured by the human being in front of him. Learned about the torture experience of Red Shoes in detail.

And in this mirror area, he dare not move at all. Different from the normal mirror area, the mirror area here is full of all kinds of malice. frozen.

   Naturally, I dare not mess around with anything.

  However, he was a little lucky in his heart, at least he was still alive, unlike the blood and red shoes, who couldn't die anymore.

   "Basement, basement, let me see where the basement is." Gu Shanhai whispered.

  Jing Wei heard it, but he was also a little puzzled in his heart. There was no basement in the garden apartment. Whether it was the strategy he read before or after he was attached to the elevator, he didn't see the button for the basement.

  But after thinking that the other party was a human being, he didn't dare to question it.

  Gu Shanhai walked around a lot on the first floor, and quickly found a suitable location.

   "This is it." Gu Shanhai pointed casually, and in Jinggui's bewildered eyes, a terrifying entrance to the basement was opened just like that.

  Seeing this, Jing Gui became more and more terrified. He can be sure that there is absolutely no basement here.

  ‘Unless. Hidden terror! ! ’ Jing Gui was in despair at this moment.

As a new ghost who has just entered Survival Survival, even surviving is extremely difficult, let alone exposed to hidden horrors. There was still hope for survival, but now he understands that if he can make his body a little bit more complete, then Already best effort.

He didn't think that he would be one of those handful of arrogant ghosts who could decipher the horrors of human beings and escape to heaven. After all, he grew up watching Quan Gui Survive live broadcasts. Among a hundred ghosts, very few of them survived successfully. Pass the novice level, not to mention the various ghost survival copies that are more difficult in the follow-up.

"Huh? You're scared, the quality of the fear provided is very good." Gu Shanhai also opened his mouth abruptly, and he found that after he created the basement by holding Tianxian in his mouth, this thing seems to have made up some great event. That's why I was so afraid of it.

  At this time, Jing Gui could not speak because of fear.

   "Shouldn't be scared stupid." Gu Shanhai was a little worried, he hadn't done research yet, so why was he dumbfounded.

   "Hold on, I haven't checked you yet, I want to see the difference between you and the red shoes."

   At this time, Gu Shanhai could only comfort and heal through words, but the more he said this, the more pure the fear produced by the mirror.

   "Hiss~ This taste of fear is really good, I haven't tasted it for a long time."

   "Forget it, you are afraid for a while, and I will use your fear as an ingredient later."

  Seeing that appeasement had no effect, Gu Shanhai could only give encouragement in the opposite direction based on the idea of ​​not wasting money.

  Then went straight down to the basement, and the equipment inside was also fully equipped with the ability of containing Tianxian.

  After closing the entrance to the basement, the entrance disappeared seamlessly, and there was no way to see that there was an entrance to the basement.

  After all, it will be dawn soon, and the residents who should get up to send their children to school or go to work should also go out. He is on the first floor, so he can't deliberately leave an opening, then it will be difficult to explain.

  If it weren't for the air wall that enveloped the apartment firmly, Gu Shanhai would definitely not have put the laboratory here.

  As for the aborigines, they were not affected by the air wall. Gu Shanhai also thought about leaving this world through the aborigines, but was cut off.

  And the strength of this air wall is not low. It seems to be interfering from a higher level, making it impossible for the three players and the ghost survivors to leave.

  ‘There is something about this Ten Thousand Races Arena. ’ Gu Shanhai muttered in a low voice, and then stopped thinking about going head-to-head with the air wall or thinking about some indirect operations.

  He doesn't want to gnaw hard bones, so it's better to pinch this group of ghost survivors who are like soft persimmons.

  (end of this chapter)

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