I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 500: stabilizer, destroyer

  Chapter 500 Stabilizer (×), Destroyer (√)

   "Check again and see if there is anything missing."

  Gu Shanhai began to review the entire plan, and everything is ready now.

   "The blamers who used to divert attention are all alive." He glanced at the Player Administration, and everyone was looking at the large-scale annihilation energy circle of the civilization stabilizer version with relief.

   "Then there is the core breakthrough, and there is only the last step left."

   "And that's it."

   Each process is repeatedly checked and checked by Gu Shanhai, so as to ensure that there will be no mistakes in the progress of the entire plan.


   "The next step is to start the ignition."

  Gu Shanhai didn't find any flaws, if there were any, there was nothing he could do about it.

  But if there are flaws that even he can't find, it means that there is interference from a higher energy level, so it is normal to fail.

   It's just this kind of probability, it's so small that it can basically be ignored.

   "Ignition started!" Dong Luo looked excited, the civilization stabilizer was finally completed, and after multiple inspections, it was finally put into use.

  Following his order, the crystal clear body of the Civilization Stabilizer glowed slightly, and this radiance continued to increase.

   Qin Ji on the side looked at the civilization stabilizer, and always felt a little familiar, but he couldn't tell where it looked familiar for a while.

   But instinct told him something was wrong.

   "Ju Liu, who is that ancient player who gave us the Civilization Stabilizer?" Qin Ji asked Liu Ze who was equally excited beside him.

   Liu Ze turned around, first thought for a while, and then looked a little confused.

   "It's from that one."

   "Which who?"

   "That's who."

   "No, which one is it? The name."

   "That's who."

  During the question and answer between the two, Liu Ze was also a little helpless, but he also discovered that something was wrong with him.

   If he knew the ancient player, he subconsciously felt that he did, but after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't remember anything, and the impression was extremely vague.

   "Why did you ask this suddenly?" Liu Ze was also a little confused for a while.

   "No, just curious." Qin Ji couldn't say that he looked familiar with this civilization stabilizer, so he had nowhere to explain it, so he naturally chose to hide it.

   "What's so curious about this." Liu Ze muttered, and then looked at the civilization stabilizer that started to glow.

  In the eyes of everyone, the brilliance soared straight into the sky.

   Naturally, it is not just such a brilliance that is activated, the civilization stabilizers installed in various parts of the world are also activated simultaneously, and the sky of the whole world is illuminated by this brilliance.

  These lights began to attract and connect with each other in the sky, and in the eyes of everyone, they turned into a net of light covering the entire world.

   "Successful, as long as the civilization network is formed, it means that the civilization will be stable soon, and each node represents a special effect." Dong Luo explained excitedly.

  But Qin Ji is different. He feels more and more familiar with this thing now, but there seems to be a frosted glass in his mind, which prevents him from seeing the truth.

   And he began to feel a little uneasy, which made him feel that there was something wrong with the civilization stabilizer.

  Just when he was about to open his mouth and continue to insinuate what this thing was, suddenly a flash of inspiration occurred.

  The frosted glass isolated in his mind shattered in an instant. At this moment, a large-scale destructive weapon used to exterminate players appeared in his mind.

   "Fuck, this thing is not a civilization stabilizer at all, but a large-scale annihilation energy circle!" Qin Ji's voice was distorted and sharp, and he never thought that things would be like this.

   "What?" Dong Luo and Liu Ze were taken aback for a moment, and then looked puzzled.

"It's over, everything is over, **** it, we've all been tricked!" Qin Ji gritted his teeth and said, no wonder his base wasn't discovered, and it's no wonder everything went so smoothly, if Gu Shanhai was that ancient and powerful player, That all makes sense.

  In his eyes, from the very beginning, he was calculated into the plan by the other party, so that he could build the entire large-scale annihilation energy circle smoothly.

  Using himself as an anti-player force, using Dong Luo and Liu Ze's loyalty to players, and using the resources of the entire Player Administration, and even many plans that he doesn't know about, everything is for today.

   "What's the matter?" Dong Luo also asked in a deep voice.

"The thing is..." Qin Ji looked at the glorious network that began to cover the whole world. At this time, he no longer had the idea of ​​intrigue, and told all the situation, and added: "But at present, I can be sure that what the other party told me It must be a lie, just like what he told you."

The expressions of the two changed drastically. They naturally read the information about the large-scale annihilation energy array that Qin Ji transmitted to them on the spot. Although they couldn't understand so many professional contents, they could still make comparisons. The similarity was as high as 7%. Ten, even if there is a 30% difference, it is only insignificant.

   "Damn it, turn it off!" Dong Luo roared.

   "It can't be closed, there is a force field around it, and we can't get close at all." A staff member's tone was anxious.

  As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere couldn't help but stagnate, mainly because there was no mention of such a thing in the information, and it was obviously the opponent's backhand.

   "Do you know what this person wants to do?" Dong Luo also calmed down at this time, and now he can only ask Qin Ji, who has been in contact with Gu Shanhai for the longest time.

  He and Liu Ze agreed to each other's request in a daze, and then started to build in a daze. Everything seemed so smooth and weird, and now both of them have some memory problems.

"You asked me to guess what an extremely ancient existence wants to do? Are you sure?" Qin Ji said calmly, he was just being tricked, and such a powerful existence used this kind of conspiracy to deal with him, and he didn't even know that he was Should be happy or should be considered unlucky.

  Dong Luo was also discouraged when he heard this sentence. What Qin Ji said made sense. How could the other party spend so much time calculating him and others, how could he let himself know the other party's real purpose.

  If I and others really have the ability to know, I won’t be able to get to this point.

"Notify the other players first, then pull out the Nine Dragons Cannon, and shoot it directly at it, at least you can't die in such a vague way." Liu Zeke is much more ruthless than these two people, and how ruthless it is when it comes to his own wealth and life Then just be ruthless, not really wait for death.

  Player? That's what Liu Ze used to protect his power. If his life was at stake, how could he give his allegiance to the player? Whether it's power or wealth, the premise of everything is that he is alive.

  He doesn't care what the player's plan is or if doing so will offend the opponent.

   Now dying and facing the wrath of an ancient player, he would rather choose the latter.

   What's more, if you can bring the entire Player Management Bureau, it is not impossible to win.

  In his eyes, if this ancient player is really capable of defeating all players, then the opponent will not resort to conspiracy, but will directly attack.

  So this means that they actually still have a winning rate, even if the winning rate is not high, it is better than dying.

Dong Luo and Qin Ji took a deep look at Liu Ze. They didn't expect Liu Ze to be so decisive. As an anti-player, Qin Ji admits to being cowardly, while Dong Luo is straight up bad. Such a comparison, usually looks more mediocre Liu Ze is the most rebellious.

   "Okay, I will do as you say." As soon as Qin Ji gritted his teeth, he took a gamble, admitting that he couldn't live anymore.

   With the consent of the two deputy bureau chiefs, it doesn't matter whether Dong Luo agrees or not.

   This time, the efficiency was still very fast. During the process, even the procedures were not followed. The three directors put pressure on them at the same time, and the Nine Dragons Cannon was brought in immediately.


  Liu Ze opened his mouth to adjust the Nine Dragons Cannon, but just said this, but found that the glorious network in the sky seemed to have completed the final connection and turned into some extremely terrifying structure.

  The next moment, a huge beam of light shone down from the sky.

   "No, let's go!" Seeing this, Qin Ji immediately abandoned the Nine Dragon God Cannon, and hurriedly ran away.

  Liu Ze was different. He directly controlled the Nine Dragons God Cannon and fired shells at the beam of light.

  He knew that if he escaped now, he would only end up dead, so he might as well take a gamble and smash the beam of light with the Nine Dragons Cannon.

  Even if the possibility is small, the chance of survival is higher than running away directly.

   In the eyes of everyone, the beam of light rapidly grew larger.

   "Die to me!!" Liu Ze yelled.


  The shells of the Nine Dragon God Cannon directly collided with the beam of light, followed by an explosion, which just looked a little funny.

  Under the huge beam of light, the little resistance erupted by the Nine Dragons Cannon disappeared instantly.

  Then the radiance overwhelmed his angry figure.

   Not only Liu Ze, whether it was Qin Jiyi who was leading the way or Dong Luo who was a step behind, were also submerged in this brilliance.

  At this moment, the whole world was flooded with brilliance.

   "Roar~" A meaningless roar erupted, turning into a huge figure and forcibly resisting the falling brilliance.

   This is the primitive player who has been sitting underground for tens of thousands of years. When the opponent is stimulated by the beam of light, he instinctively fights back.

  It's a pity that the strength is always too weak. At first glance, it seems a little hopeful, but it's only a little bit.

  After the brilliance soaked him in it, the original berserk breath fell rapidly, and finally disappeared, leaving nothing behind.

   Regardless of whether it is organic matter or inorganic matter, under this huge brilliance, all are annihilated.

  At the same time, a certain grand existence in the dark was also triggered, and began to search for the origin of everything, and set about solving the large annihilation energy circle.

  Gu Shanhai also smiled at the right time, he knew that the plan to divert attention was successful.

   "The next thing is the last step."

   While speaking, Gu Shanhai reached out and penetrated the space, grasping the core of "Road to Civilization".

   "Come out for me!"

   As soon as he exerted his strength, the entire "Road to Civilization" was forcibly pulled out of the world by him.

  After "Road to Civilization" was pulled out of the world by him, the whole world took on a certain distorted appearance, and even the strike network formed by the large annihilation energy circle partially failed because of this.

   But it doesn't matter, the effect of the magic circle is useless now.

  The task of silence and distraction has been completed.

  By doing this, the world was caught off guard. This behavior is equivalent to pulling someone's heart out when their attention is diverted.

   In this way, if the heart is in Gu Shanhai's hands, even the world itself will be severely injured.

   "Success." Gu Shanhai looked at the "Road to Civilization" that looked like lines, with a smirk on his face.

   "We have to get along well."

While speaking, a large number of plant tentacles drilled out of Gu Shanhai's face, and his whole body began to swell, his right hand collapsed into a fluorescent appearance, and when it swelled, he would wriggle and try to get back into "Civilization" "Road" in his hand, and then forcefully stuffed it into his body.

  After Gu Shanhai revealed that he was the essence of the world, the whole world put tremendous pressure and malice on him.

It's just that the world doesn't have time for itself now, and they are pulling "Road to Civilization" with Gu Shanhai, so there is no spare time to target Gu Shanhai, so whether it is malice or pressure, it has no effect on Gu Shanhai .

   "Slow step by step, slow step by step."

   "If you want to rob me now, you have no chance of winning."

  After the fluorescent giant's real body was revealed, the whole world was shattered by him, and his huge body forcibly resisted all the world's attacks on him.

   Among the countless plant tentacles, the entire "Road to Civilization" was forcibly incorporated into his body by him, and was directly suppressed, and he did not use it immediately.

  Things are snatched, but they are not things that can be used now.

  Because there is one more valuable thing than studying "Road to Civilization".

   That is eating.

  He wants things, and he also wants to eat the world.

   Otherwise, if he spends so much time and trouble just to pick up a heart, it would be a loss. It would be better to eat the world together, and that would be the greatest use.

   "Unfortunately, you are only stacking numbers. It is true that the energy level is high. Without a matching system and rules, you are just a big fat sheep."

  "If virtue is not matched, there will be disasters."

  Gu Shanhai immediately tore off a large piece of the world, and forced it into the large group of tentacles on his face. The tentacles wrapped around the world fragments and were swallowed into his body.

  The whole world couldn't help shaking. Obviously, this behavior caused a great shock to the whole world, but he didn't have any strength left to resist, so he could only let Gu Shanhai do whatever he wanted.

   "So, you're on the wrong track, old man."

   While Gu Shanhai was tearing and devouring, he was also frantically digesting the world fragments he ate, which made Gu Shanhai's strength constantly improve.

  (end of this chapter)

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