I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 494: temple little demon

  Chapter 494 The little demon in the temple is very windy

   "Okay, okay, the doctor's efficiency is really fast." Qin Ji couldn't put his hands down touching a very sci-fi firearm in his hand. This is an energy gun, which can release energy beams to cause huge damage.

  And because the world is full of inert energy, the energy gun does not require additional energy, and can be fully charged automatically.

  In Qin Ji's eyes, it is infinite energy, and it is impossible for Gu Shanhai to explain these things to him.

   "It's just the design blueprint." Qin Ji put down the energy gun, a flash of greed flashed in his eyes, and asked Gu Shanhai for the blueprint of the energy gun.

  What is an energy gun? If he has blueprints, then he can have countless energy guns.

  He has seen the power of the energy gun before. With one shot, steel can be melted.

   It can be said that it is the most powerful weapon in history, and he hesitated at this time. Energy guns are so powerful, how strong should the large annihilation energy circle be?

   It's just that as soon as the idea was born, he couldn't help but think about the cost, and finally gave up. He was really reluctant to part with such a large amount of money, so naturally he gave up again.

   "Here, this thing is a low-end version of the energy circle, and it has no effect." Gu Shanhai casually threw a stack of documents to the other party, this thing is really worthless to Gu Shanhai.

  Qin Ji hurriedly reached out to take it, his face turned black, he felt that Gu Shanhai really didn't understand the world at all, and that such a good thing was thrown away, what if it broke.

   Fortunately, he quickly restrained his expression, and then asked tentatively: "Can you increase the power of the energy gun while reducing the cost?"

   "???" When Gu Shanhai heard this, black lines appeared on his face, this guy really kicked his nose in the face.

   "Would you like to see what you're talking about."

  The disgust in Gu Shanhai's tone almost soared out of the sky.

   This is like using the same batch of materials, not only must the quality be high, but also produce more products with reduced consumption, which is whimsical.

   "Can't it be done? That's a pity." Hearing this, Qin Ji also thought in his heart that it seems that Gu Shanhai's value is not very high, even this can't be done.

   "By the way, the large annihilation energy array should be almost completed." Qin Ji also asked.

   "It's almost there. Next, we only need to carry out component experiments." Gu Shanhai didn't tell the truth. In fact, it was already completed. During this period of time, he was actually studying "Road to Civilization" and the pages of the history books.

   "Then as soon as possible, if the delay is too long, the plan will change." The change in Qin Ji's mouth is naturally worried that if the time delays for too long, there will be an accident in the matter of killing Gu Shanhai.

  If it weren't for the fact that the things hadn't been obtained yet, Qin Ji wouldn't have been patient until now.

   "Don't worry, I'm sure of what I'm going to do, and I'll definitely finish it by the end of the month." Gu Shanhai said perfunctorily.

  By the end of the month, the Player Administration should have completed the construction of the large annihilation energy circle, and Qin Ji's value will be officially reflected by then.

  After getting the confirmed time, Qin Ji also began to think about how to silence her.

"That's good. Dr. Gu is worthy of being a leader in the research institute. Such a difficult task was completed in just one month." He boasted against his will. When it is valuable, everything is good. When you find that the value is not as you imagined, naturally everything is wrong, even if you are helping yourself.

   "Is there anything else to do, Director Qin? If there is nothing else, I am ready to continue working." Gu Shanhai issued an order to evict the guest.

"Then don't bother Dr. Gu, I'll take a step first." Qin Ji's face didn't change, but his heart froze. Before, he felt that he was informal, but now he felt that he was not polite at all, even for a leader like him. treat.

   It's just because the other party is still valuable, so bear with him first.

  After leaving Gu Shanhai's laboratory, he came to the central command room of the base.

   "How is it going?" Qin Ji asked after entering.

  The person who manages this base is one of his confidantes and has won his trust.

   "No problem, as long as you give the order, the director, I guarantee that Dr. Gu will die peacefully." The other party's tone was calm, but there was a strange flash in his eyes.

   After staying with Gu Shanhai for a long time, Qin Ji's confidant has evolved, and has evolved into his confidant's serious trouble.

  Qin Ji didn't see it, but still trusted this confidant.

   "That's good. At the end of the month, the entire base will be destroyed without leaving any trace." Qin Ji said sternly.

  He actually didn't want to do this. It took a lot of money to build this base, but if he didn't do it, what if he left something behind.

  The impact of the large annihilation energy circle is too great.

   It can be seen from the energy gun that once caught by the player or the administration, even if he is the deputy director, he may not be able to escape death.

  So the best way is to destroy the corpse and remove all traces, so that all traces disappear, so that he can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

   It’s just that Qin Ji’s thinking is too beautiful. If the player finds out about this, the other party doesn’t need any evidence at all. Just kill him and change to a deputy director.

evidence? Players don't need it at all.

He thought about intrigue, what righteousness and rules, but the two sides simply did not have the strength to communicate on an equal footing, just like in the Daxuan Dynasty, no one would reason with gods and demons, even if the weak were right, the gods The devil is wrong, and at such a time the weak have to admit cowardly.

Qin Ji knows this, but he doesn't know it deeply. Compared with gods and demons, players are more peaceful. Most of the time they just stay at home and play "Road to Civilization", and rarely have too much interaction with the outside world, unless it is absolutely necessary .

It is precisely because of this kind of invisibility that Qin Ji and other anti-player forces will appear, but the Daxuan Dynasty is different. The horror of the gods and demons is personally experienced, and no one dares to confront the gods. Demons do little tricks.

  After inspecting the base, Qin Ji naturally left in a hurry with the blueprint of the energy gun. For him, the most important thing now is to start producing the energy gun.

  The materials Gu Shanhai gave him are not only blueprints, but also production data, etc. As long as the factories and assembly lines are arranged, energy guns can be produced continuously.

  Before Qin Ji thought about distributing the low-end version of the energy gun to other anti-player forces as a return for the previous preparation funds. Now, of course, he can't give it.

  He didn't expect it to be so powerful.

   As for missing appointments? It's a deal that everyone can't see, so what if they miss the appointment, with the energy gun in hand, when the production volume comes up, he will directly include all these anti-player forces, and the one who would rather die than surrender is to directly kill them as his credit.

   Don’t worry about production. Qin Jitar has many secret factories. Like the base, these factories are very hidden and belong to his private industry.

   "It's really a little demon in the temple." Gu Shanhai also smiled after knowing Qin Ji's thoughts.

   That is to say, the players in this world are restricted by the world. If you try to change to a "First Era" player, you are guaranteed to knock out your dog's head.

   I really thought everyone would have such a good temper.

   "There is always a difference between players and players. It can only be said that it is a platform issue."

  Gu Shanhai is more like a tool to the players of this world, unlike the players of "First Era" who are employees.

  In "First Age", at least there will be no things that will be obliterated because of mission failure, and there is no penalty for missions.

   There is also a lot of freedom in all aspects.

   "If there were no such restrictions, Qin Ji and others might not have the power to resist at all."

  "There are quite a few good-natured personalities among the players, and this is not the reason for them to push their noses in the face."

   To be honest, the players in this world are the most tempered players Gu Shanhai has ever seen.

If it wasn't for the predecessor of the Players Administration, that is, the Extraordinary Control Bureau, who did too much, wanted players to be their dogs, and wanted to kill them to take their player qualifications, how could it be possible to make trouble like this? .

  After the person in power occupies a high position, there must be a further need, that is, longevity.

  The player happens to have, and also has extremely powerful power to better control the power, so he must want to get it.

  At this time, the characters of the players have just been transformed by "Road to Civilization".

  After some cleaning, the Transcendent Control Bureau became the Player Management Bureau, and as time went by, people like Qin Ji, although they knew the power of the players, they didn't have the corresponding impression.

  It’s like a person who knows that a nuclear bomb is very powerful, but doesn’t know how powerful it is. Without intuitive experience, it is naturally impossible to understand.

   "Dr. Gu."

   There were knocks and shouts outside the door.

   "Come in." Gu Shanhai responded.

  The person who came was Zhu Qi, the manager of the entire base, and Qin Ji's former confidant.

   "Director Qin intends to blow up the entire base, and is currently arranging for people to evacuate supplies, but I have already intercepted them." Zhu Qi said calmly.

  Qin Ji wanted to blow up the base, it must be to kill the mouth and erase the traces, and he also felt sorry for the whole base, so naturally he planned to withdraw some materials in the base little by little to reduce the loss.

   "This grandson is a real grandson, so you won't be afraid of leaving traces if you do it this way." Gu Shanhai was also speechless, why is this Qin Ji getting more and more weird.

  Since you want to silence and erase traces, you must be willing to give up.

   Even such a large base can be abandoned, but you actually want to move resources away, aren't you afraid of problems because of this small profit?

   "You've done a good job, you must not let him take it away." Gu Shanhai didn't care about this little resource, and the main reason for doing so was to disgust Qin Ji.

  If the other party fails to withdraw capital, there must be another wave of distress.

   "Yes, Doctor!"

   "There is one more thing. It seems that the Player Management Bureau has already noticed the base. According to the intelligence, someone may come to investigate in the near future."

   "My advice is to capture it."

   It is naturally impossible for Zhu Qi to report to Gu Shanhai just because of Qin Ji's trivial matter.

   "Exposed? What's the matter?" Gu Shanhai actually didn't care much about this trivial matter, not to mention being known by the Player Administration, it was known by the whole world, in fact, that's all.

   "Preliminary suspicion is because of Director Qin."

   "After all, Director Qin is the only person who can directly reach the base." What Zhu Qi meant was that Qin Ji, a pig teammate, did this.

Whether it is resources or equipment, before entering the base, there are many procedures such as changing hands and whitewashing. It is very difficult to track, and don't even think about positioning. Resources and equipment have corresponding electronic shielding equipment, which can isolate large part of the positioning device.

  And those positioning devices that are effective in a small part cannot be used on these inconspicuous and formal sources with a small amount of resources.

  These resources are purchased in batches, shipped in multiple lines, and the procedures for whitewashing are all flawless.

  So the possibility is not as good as some of Qin Ji's own dirty things being exposed, which will lead to investigation.

   "Then catch it first, and ask the other party what's going on." Gu Shanhai didn't use his spiritual knowledge to investigate, nor did he think about searching for a soul to solve it.

  He is too lazy to do it, and there is not much conflict of interest with him.

  It's almost the end of the month, and the world is about to be destroyed by him, so why bother.

   "I'll arrange someone to capture it immediately." Zhu Qi naturally had no objection.

If it was a direct kill, he didn't actually need to tell Gu Shanhai. When guarding the base in the past, he also killed many donkey friends or extreme survival personnel who came to explore the no-man's land and found the base by accident. After putting it in the wilderness to die in the sun or freezing to death, find an opportunity to throw it to the edge of no man's land, and then direct and act by yourself and make a phone call to report the crime.

  Using this method, the suspicion can be cleared to the greatest extent, and then cooperate with the power of the Player Management Bureau, and it will soon be suppressed.

   This also has an advantage. It warns many people who are eager to come here to explore. Although the species will not become extinct, it has become more stable over the years.

   Except for those Internet celebrities who want to gain traffic or those who challenge the limit, basically no one came.

  Generally speaking, as long as the base is not found, Zhu Qi will not deliberately kill people, but just teach a lesson, and convey the danger of no man's land through this group of people.

  After Zhu Qi answered, he naturally went out to prepare.

   "Every day is uneasy." Gu Shanhai sighed, how could all kinds of weird things happen.

   "Isn't the world aware of something, so it sent people to test it?"

  At this moment, Gu Shanhai's brain twitched and he thought of this matter.

   "Hiss~ There is really a possibility."

   "No, the plan needs to be accelerated to avoid long nights and dreams."

   Gu Shanhai felt that this was the end of the world, how could he not react at all, well, it is also possible that he could not react, after all, Gu Shanhai was still relatively secretive in his work.

   Thank you, Mr. Nuanyang, for the Silver League, and add more



  (end of this chapter)

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