I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 490: The group's intelligence is reduced, and the effect of fooling is excellent

  Chapter 490 Group intelligence reduction, excellent deception effect

   "Dr. Gu, the experiment is normal, we succeeded!" The researchers on the side flushed with excitement.

   "Well, calm down, calm down, this is just the beginning." Gu Shanhai also showed a smile, thinking in his heart that it was really not easy, and he finally made use of this inert energy.

  Energy technology, Gu Shanhai combined the supernatural items figured out by the Xuandao League and the Player Management Bureau of this world, and finally formed a unique technology that looks sci-fi but is actually very fantasy.

  He gained the power of the entire research institute by reducing his intelligence, and he also carried out campaigns to make himself a leader of the new generation.

There are quite a few people criticizing him, but Gu Shanhai doesn't take it seriously at all. Anyone who dares to come and see Gu Shanhai, Gu Shanhai will be able to enlighten him. meet people.

   "The birth of energy technology is a milestone for our entire kingdom. We just need to continue to develop it, and it will definitely bring the kingdom to a higher level!" Gu Shanhai said.

  Gu Shanhai's words naturally aroused the echo of the crowd.

  Of course he didn’t mean that he really wanted to develop energy technology, he just wanted to serve himself, and then picked and picked the rest and gave it to the Four Holy Beasts system to deduce it.

The original intention of its birth was to use the dharma-ending environment formed by inert energy to further suppress the pages of the history books, so that it could be convenient for Gu Shanhai to study. The various technologies and achievements that were obtained later were actually the Four Saint Beasts system based on Gu Shanhai's research. The technology evolved from the data that comes out.

   It wasn't that Gu Shanhai was thinking of doing this on purpose, it was mainly because the update of "Road to Civilization" not long ago caused a huge change in the flow of time between the two worlds.

   Then the channel formed by the quantum collider was torn apart, and it was impossible to reconnect.

   Fortunately, the current Gu Shanhai is very powerful, he can vaguely perceive the situation of his clone in the Daxuan Dynasty across the world, and he can also provide some support remotely, but the means are limited.

  Through the comparison between the two sides, the time ratio has undergone a huge change during the update period, which is about one to three hundred and sixty-five.

   It is equivalent to updating one day on his side, and one year on the Daxuan Dynasty.

   But this time the update seems a bit strange. Normally, it is only updated for one day. This is what Gu Shanhai saw from He Tiandong’s memory in the Player Management Bureau, but this time it was updated for ten days.

Gu Shanhai suspected that he hacked in and messed up the data problem before. He did clean up the overflowing abnormal data before, but there will always be problems. In addition to the ghost account in his hand and the BUG of the Daxuan Dynasty, the big update is also definitely.

   After dealing with the project in hand, Gu Shanhai is also preparing to leave. After all, he came here to build momentum, and it is almost time to leave after finishing the project.

   "Dr. Gu, wait." A voice suddenly stopped Gu Shanhai.

  Gu Shanhai glanced back, and felt happy. He thought he would have to fish for a while, but he didn't expect to catch someone so soon.

Qin Ji, who called him, was a deputy director of the Player Management Bureau. According to the information he obtained, this person was rebellious and belonged to the hawk faction. Power is in his hands.

   "Are you?" Gu Shanhai asked pretending to be puzzled. He knew Qin Ji's information, but he definitely couldn't say it outright or play tricks, after all, he didn't know him now.

   "I'm from the Third Security Bureau of the Kingdom." The other party took out a certificate. The certificate must be genuine, but he is definitely not from the Third Security Bureau.

   "Hello, hello, what can I do for you?" Gu Shanhai was not fooled, but instead asked what's the matter.

   "I want to ask Dr. Gu about something. I wonder if I can find a place to talk about it?" Qin Ji asked directly, without first fooling or threatening.

   "Of course, this way please." Gu Shanhai led Qin Ji into his office.

  After the two sat down, Gu Shanhai said: "If you have any questions, ask them as soon as possible, I still have something to do."

   Gu Shanhai would definitely not be too polite with the other party, after all, the two sides are not familiar with each other, even if it is said that Gu Shanhai is thinking of using the other party's hand to harm the players.

"It's like this, Dr. Gu, does the energy technology you developed have a weapon branch, and can it be made to deal with it?" Qin Ji didn't directly talk about the player, but expressed the player's relationship with him by referring to and euphemistically. Threats, and even asked a certain player as a case.

"Agent Qin, do you play too many games or read too many novels?" Gu Shanhai showed your crazy expression: "But, it's not impossible to erase the lives of such people, you just need to go further." .”

Gu Shanhai also lied to the truth. Energy weapons already had blueprints in the Four Holy Beasts system, but Gu Shanhai did not release them. After all, you made weapons as soon as you came. I've lost my mind.

   "That is to say, based on the analysis of the data on paper, it is possible to obliterate this kind of extraordinary life." Qin Ji's eyes showed a touch of excitement.

   "That's right, it's just that for the Kingdom at this stage, energy technology should be applied more to energy rather than national defense." Gu Shanhai told the other party euphemistically that he had no such plan.

   There are some things that you can’t express yourself too enthusiastically. The person who sends it to your door will doubt it, but if you take it and force it yourself, there will definitely be no doubts.

   "I know, it's just Dr. Gu, I want to ask, if you lead the research and development of energy weapons, how long will it take to produce the finished product?" Qin Ji couldn't wait.

   "Well, let's talk about it later, I have something to do, you can do it yourself." Gu Shanhai didn't answer, but stood up and prepared to leave.

   At this time, Qin Ji also realized that he was too abnormal just now, which aroused the suspicion of the other party.

  ‘No, you have to reassure the other party’s doubts first, otherwise, once the other party reports it, the energy weapon related items will definitely be sealed up. ’ Qin Ji thought to himself.

"Wait, please keep this matter secret. The higher-ups saw the potential of the energy technology developed by you, Dr. Gu, so let me inquire. After all, national defense is related to the life of the kingdom." Qin Ji is naturally impossible Tell Gu Shanhai about the player now.

  He still needs to brainwash Gu Shanhai, that is, drag him into the anti-player camp.

  In the entire high-level kingdom, there are many anti-player people, but few people really dare to take action.

It just so happens that Qin Guitar is one of them, and he also knows other people who dare to act. As long as Gu Shanhai can produce energy weapons formed by energy technology, and conduct tests to obtain corresponding results, then he will be sure to convince those who are evil-hearted No gutsy high-level.

   "Well, don't worry, I will keep my mouth shut."

   "But next time if you want to talk about this with me again, you'd better bring the documents." Gu Shanhai's tone was alienated and businesslike, showing vigilance.

  Not only was Qin Ji not dissatisfied with this, but he greatly appreciated Gu Shanhai's vigilance. If he didn't have enough vigilance, what would he do if he got tricked out if he really started to do things?

As for the so-called documents, Qin Ji didn't take them seriously either. He could approve as many documents as the Player Administration wanted, but when he thought of this, he felt sad. The right, but this right is obtained because of the aftermath of the player.

   "No problem, if I want to talk again, I will bring you valid documents to Dr. Gu." Qin Ji also followed Gu Shanhai's words.

   "Well, please." After Gu Shanhai finished speaking, he turned and left.

  Seeing this, Qin Ji also left Gu Shanhai's office. Instead of following Gu Shanhai, he left the research institute on his own, preparing to go to the contact person.

  ‘Unfortunately, it would be even better if some evidence can be produced. ’ Qin Ji felt a little regretful.

  ‘But this Dr. Gu is definitely a talent, much stronger than the group of waste in the management office. '

  He could see the similarities between energy technology and extraordinary items, but the problem is that the extraordinary items of the administration are researched from the items provided by the players, unlike Gu Shanhai, who actually developed them by himself.

  ‘There is also that unique leadership temperament and charm, as long as he can make him his own, it will definitely be a great help. '

  Of course he knew what the research institute was like. Disputes and suppression among academics have always existed. As a result, after Gu Shanhai came, he actually made the entire research institute so united.

  Of course he didn’t come here to see energy technology, but to investigate Gu Shanhai. After all, the process of Gu Shanhai’s promotion is too legendary. Many people had arranged to suppress him, but they were also overwhelmed by the charm of the other party.

  So Qin Ji suspects that Gu Shanhai is a player, because the research institute is rather special, and he, the deputy director, is the only one who personally takes part.

  Of course not, he was absolutely sure that it was Gu Shanhai's personal charm that convinced the entire research institute.

   It is necessary to be cautious.

  He dialed the phone and said, "Give me the information of Dr. Gu from the research institute and put it on my desk."

  Although he thinks that Gu Shanhai is very valuable, he still has to read the information to avoid being deceived.

  Even if I thought it was unnecessary, but out of professional habits, I was arranged by someone.

  'Fortunately, he entered the research institute and has not been noticed by the management bureau. Otherwise, once Dr. Gu is absorbed into the management bureau, there will be many accidents. ’Qin Ji is also a little fortunate. Ninety-nine percent of the management team is now working for the players. If they really stay in this environment for a long time, they may not dare to resist the players.

  ‘Take the bait, Jiangzhi is still a bit useful. ’ Naturally, Gu Shanhai paid a little attention to Qin Ji.

  Reducing intelligence also has different effects. For example, the simplest and most brutal way is to reduce the opponent's IQ, causing its IQ to drop to an extremely low level.

   There is also the type of micro-manipulation like Gu Shanhai, which reduces the sensitivity of its corresponding aspects to make it easier to trust others or be unconsciously suggested by him, etc.

  ‘It is easy to cause problems if you use it too much, so you can’t use it too much. '

  Gu Shanhai felt a little regretful, otherwise he would have directly demolished the entire kingdom.

  The problem that arises has nothing to do with Gu Shanhai and those who have been demoted from wisdom, but rather from the Dharma-ending era. After all, it is not an energy-free environment. An inert energy environment will make Gu Shanhai's wisdom-reduction methods be noticed by the world, and a measure needs to be grasped.

  ‘This game should be updated soon. ’ Gu Shanhai looked at the picture scroll hanging on the wall, and the countdown on it had more than eleven hours left.

   That is, the server can be restarted after twelve o'clock tonight.

Gu Shanhai didn’t really care too much about it. During the ten years of the Daxuan Dynasty, Qingfeng Mingyue implemented the national policy planned for them by taking care of Shanhai, and there was one of his clones and the four holy beast system sub-systems, basically no need to use it. Worry about too many problems.

  'The avatar is indeed powerful enough, and the research on this certificate and the secret realm of gods and demons has also produced results. '

The result is out, but there is no way to get it. The two of them are separated by the world, and simple communication is okay. It is impossible to transmit so much data, not to mention the tearing caused by the difference in flow speed between the two worlds. Even if it is transmitted, data will be lost due to this tearing.

   Besides, Gu Shanhai is not bad at the data of these two studies. For him, these two projects are meaningful in the Daxuan Dynasty, and can help Qingfeng Mingyue grow, but they are of no use in this world.

  He doesn't need the ability to prove forever. With his strength, the system is basically solidified, and he can't peel it off even if he wants to, let alone regress.

Let the avatar spend the rest of the time to perfect it, put it on Xiaobai when the time comes, and fool Xiaobai to practice martial arts at that time, with the progress bar, it will make Xiaobai calm down a lot and make his efforts visible. Greater motivation.

  'It is that "Road to Civilization" is too difficult to overcome. '

  ‘While the opponent is updating, there is still no way to hack into the core. '

With the help of the data changes generated by the other party's update, Gu Shanhai now has only the last layer of firewall left, but this layer of firewall is a combination of virtual and real, and has formed a certain intersection with the huge inert energy in this world. Do you want to crack it? so easy.

  I am stuck here at this stage, and I am afraid it will not be so easy to go further.

   Even the strongest player in "Road to Civilization" doesn't have as much authority as Gu Shanhai.

However, the permissions are relatively limited, at least he still can't directly interfere with the player or create a small account, these are the core permissions, and the permissions that are released are relatively indifferent permissions, such as increasing task rewards or exempting Some kind of punishment.

   belongs to the permissions that players can obtain, not the fundamental permissions.

  ‘I need a chance! '

  ‘With no idea when the opportunity will come, I can only create the opportunity myself. '

  (end of this chapter)

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