I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 487: You don't even have a demon king, you just want to cultivate a demon

  Chapter 487 You don't even have a demon king, so you just want to cultivate a **** and demon?

   "It takes six days to come and go." Gu Shanhai also returned to the rental house in a formal way.

   It was not only himself who came back, but also Tian Dong who was already in a box, and now he is still alive and not dead.

   "Yo!" Xiaobai said that it has been up all night for six days, and it really can't bear it. Thanks to you coming back, if you don't come back, it will be so boring that it will chew on the sofa.

   "Chew, I'll shave your hair and mend it." Gu Shanhai glanced at Xiaobai, saying that you don't want to die.

  Xiaobai smiled bitterly, and then found a cooler place to stay.

  It didn't really want to chew on the sofa, and it didn't grind its teeth or vent its excess energy. It just wanted to have a good time.

  Gu Shanhai has no time to talk to Xiaobai about these things. Through the channel formed by the quantum collider, he communicated with the clone, and later let him go there and destroy the civilization of Scorpion Lailai, which directly caused the destruction of civilization.

   About ten days later, ten days after the Daxuan Dynasty, Gu Shanhai only had one day.

  It definitely won’t work now, because it needs to be changed.

  Gu Shanhai’s main focus is on bugs. First Tian Dong died, but then the player data on him was alive again, resulting in a ghost account situation, which can be used but does not exist.

   This thing is probably dead people going to handle loan sharks. If you can find someone to repay the loan, then you are considered good. As for who gets the money, it doesn't matter, as long as the method is correct.

  The process is relatively simple. On the way back, Gu Shanhai has undergone many improvements. From the data on paper, there is basically no problem.

  Practice it, forget it, there is only one chance, where will he go to practice.

  The probability of problems is not high, mainly because he has done a lot of research on "Road to Civilization", so there is no need to worry about the failure rate.

  If it really fails, then change to another unlucky one.

   At that time, it is also possible to use the Heart Demon Dao Soldiers to go up. Anyway, the main process is that someone dies for him. Tian Dong is used because he can kill two birds with one stone.

  One day passed quickly, Gu Shanhai looked at the game screen on the old computer, all the pixel scorpions were turned into powder due to an inexplicable shock.

   Then the tone also darkened, and a settlement text appeared.

  【Lai-Lai civilization is shattered, everything ends】

  The box in Gu Shanhai's hand vibrated continuously, as if he was struggling. After three seconds, he completely lost his breath of life, and everything was over like that.

   At the same time, the game also exits automatically.

  This time is different from the last time. Even the icon has been deleted, indicating that the qualification has completely disappeared, and there will be no follow-up and no one will inherit it.

"nailed it."

  Seeing this, Gu Shanhai also hurriedly took out the landscape scroll, and went online through Tian Dong as a port.

   "It really works, so I can rest assured now."

   Gu Shanhai looked at the still-running ink figure in the scroll, which showed one thing, that is, whether a person died or not had nothing to do with whether the game was running or not, at least in his hands.

   "This account has become a ghost account. In addition, there are no gods and demons in the Daxuan Dynasty, so it is impossible for other players to re-enter."

   "At this stage, it is determined to be monopolized by me."

   Next, Gu Shanhai opened the mission of the Tuyuan tribe.

  【Long-term task: Cultivate gods and demons】

  The topmost thing that catches the eye is this golden mission, and it is a chain mission.

   The first ring is to cultivate a **** and demon, but the difficulty is really big to be honest.

"The strongest of the Tuyuan tribe is the stone demon in the realm of the great demon. How dare you issue such a mission." Gu Shanhai called out to the good guy, this mission must wait until the power is almost ready before releasing it, as the Tuyuan tribe is now The power situation, even the stone demon clan is not unified.

   With such a big stride, I am really not afraid of getting caught.

   Fortunately, there is no time limit and no punishment for this task. Obviously, "Road to Civilization" also knows that this task cannot be completed by the Tuyuan tribe at all.

   There are also other miscellaneous tasks, Tian Dong is still capable, most of the tasks have been arranged for the stone demon to complete, only a small part has not been arranged, which are brand new tasks formed in these three days.

   "Okay, let's arrange it for him." Gu Shanhai also arranged for the stone demon to do the tasks that had not been scheduled for execution.

  For him, this is easy. After all, it is more about hanging up the phone than actually doing it, so it doesn't matter.

   "From the current situation, it seems that taking shortcuts is not a good way. Relying on killing time to cultivate a little bit seems to be the meaning of "Road to Civilization"."

  Gu Shanhai took a look at the missions. Ninety-nine percent of the missions in it are development-oriented, and only a few sporadic missions are combat-type missions.

   "It may also be that "Road to Civilization" judges that the current ability of the Tuyuan tribe is not enough to open up to the outside world."

   What is the situation in the demon domain? In fact, Gu Shanhai also knows that all kinds of monster clans conquer each other, and the Daxuan Dynasty continues to fight each other, making the battles continuous.

  Even the stone demon clan was forced to fight many times.

  The Tuyuan tribe has also been attacked by a small group of other monster clans. The small number of sporadic combat missions in the mission are actually mostly to eliminate the monster clan who harbored ill intentions against the Tuyuan tribe in advance.

   "But this is too leisurely, like the current situation, can the Tuyuan tribe really develop?"

   It is right to fight steadily and steadily. In the chaos, you have to take the chest out of the fire. Otherwise, no matter how to develop, people will devour each other, plunder and rise.

If it develops in a low-key way in some remote corners, there is still a chance. Whether it is the area of ​​the Stone Monster Clan in the Monster Domain or the Tuyuan Department, it is actually a pivotal position, but most of the pressure is taken by the Stone Monster. The Tuyuan tribe will have this opportunity if the tribe resists.

  In Gu Shanhai's opinion, the release of missions should be more radical, so as to stimulate the growth of the entire Tuyuan tribe as soon as possible.

   Can’t develop without talents and resources? It doesn't matter, annexing other tribes of Stone Demon to grow.

   "How about I do it myself?" Gu Shanhai thought about it.

   I just took a closer look at the number of stone demons and compared the number of tasks, but finally gave up.

   There is no time limit and punishment for the long-term task of cultivating gods and demons, other tasks have it, and it just happens to be stuck with the limit on the number of stone demons, so there are more than a dozen stone demons in Fuyu.

   Once all the stone demons are arranged to attack, then the mission will not be completed.

   As for relying on a dozen stone demons to annex other stone demon tribes, this is too whimsical.

  Whether it is attacking or persuading surrender, it is impossible to achieve, so it is "Road to Civilization" that restricts the strategy of Tuyuan tribe's external expansion.

   "Forget it, it's better to hang up steadily and steadily. This time, I should plan to follow the crushing genre, and develop to the point where I can fight invincible all over the world."

  Gu Shanhai also noticed that the two styles of the stone demon and the scorpion demon are not the same.

  The stone demon is closer to farming civilization, but the scorpion demon is different, more like a nomad.

   Most of the scorpions' tasks are mainly hunting, reproduction, and expansion, and they rarely develop slowly like the stone monsters.

   The one who is going is to support war with war. Of course, this is because of the difference between the two monster races.

Because the stone demon does not need to ingest food, it only needs to absorb the breath of the earth through its demon power to survive. The scorpion demon is different. As a result, it has to expand externally, and if you don't expand, you will starve to death.

   Feeding? That's even more unreliable. I don't have any extra rations, and most of the scorpions are arranged for intensive growth, so raising wild animals as livestock, the initial stage costs far outweigh the benefits.

  If Gu Shanhai did not destroy the scorpion, but developed it, then there is a high probability that it will grow towards the growth method Gu Shanhai envisioned.

   Either succeed, or be wiped out by other monsters on the way.

   After staring at it for a while, Gu Shanhai used Tian Dong's game account as a springboard to gain access to the internal data group of "Road to Civilization".

   "The authority is much higher than mine."

   "However, there is still a lot of distance from the real core."

   "There are still three levels of guarantee before we can get to the real core of "Road to Civilization"."

  Gu Shanhai actually knows how to achieve these three levels.

  The first is to cultivate a **** and demon, the second is to unify the demon realm, and the third is the most difficult, to completely cover the entire world with civilization, that is, to unify the entire world.

   Only in this way can the authority of the account be raised to the highest level, and a final task is likely to be ushered in at that time.

   This task will most likely involve some key point in "Road to Civilization", which is the root cause of the failure of the player who replaced the ancient method with the current method and made gods and demons consumables.

  Gu Shanhai never intended to accomplish this task at all, even if it is the remaining three levels, the simplest estimate is to unify the demon domain, but it is only relative to the remaining two tasks.

   "The rest can only be a little bit of hard work."

   Next, just keep the Tuyuan tribe from being wiped out.

   "As long as I can successfully invade and master the real core authority, then my identity will change from a player to a GM."

   "Otherwise, as a player, you only have the right to use the account, but no ownership."

   "The GM should be similar, anyway, he has higher authority."

Gu Shanhai has studied Tian Dong and the game data in his body in-depth, and has obtained empirical evidence. Otherwise, if Tian Dong is dead, how can the account still be used by Gu Shanhai, and it can also become a ghost account and continue to be used? He manipulates.

   It is precisely because there is no ownership.

  The ownership is in the hands of "Road to Civilization", otherwise, how could it decompose those gods and demons of the current law and use them as initial resources for players.

   "Beating workers is always just beating workers, tsk~" Gu Shanhai couldn't help expressing his feelings.

   Fortunately, Gu Shanhai is not a law-abiding person, so he wanted to seek to usurp the throne and directly replace the boss of "Road to Civilization".

   Still sending spies to sneak into it for unfair competition.

   "Ding Dong~"

  Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

  Gu Shanhai's spiritual awareness and concentration withdrew from "Road to Civilization", and he couldn't help frowning.

  He was a little strange, who would come to him.

Because the inert energy environment of this world is not suitable for the extraordinary system, he also restrained his spiritual knowledge and perception. He never thought about feeling the squeeze in the energy mud. If it was really mud, he didn't mind. After all, he buried himself in it Can take root and germinate, forget about energy silt.

   "It's coming." Gu Shanhai casually hung the scroll on the wall. This thing is a fake painting, so don't worry about being seen by others.

   Then he stuffed Xiaobai back into his body. It would be too conspicuous to raise a deer. It would be fine if cats and dogs were fine.

  After opening the door, I saw a well-dressed middle-aged man leading a young man.

   "Is it Mr. Gu?" The other party asked directly as soon as he opened his mouth.

   "Ah, yes, who are you?" Gu Shanhai didn't let anyone enter the house, and everyone didn't know each other, so how could he let two strangers in, not to mention that the two seemed quite powerful.

   "We are from the Taxation Bureau, here is the certificate." The middle-aged man in the lead said, and at the same time took out his own certificate, and the young man also proved his identity.

   "Hello, hello, what can you do with me?" Gu Shanhai could tell at a glance that the two documents were real, but his identity was fake.

  So Gu Shanhai suspects that these two people are likely to be special personnel used by the government to deal with players, and the tax bureau is just a reason.

   "Aren't you going to invite us in?" The other party was thick-skinned.

   "Please come in." Seeing this, Gu Shanhai also made way for the two of them to enter the room.

   "We are here this time, mainly for some interviews. Of course, it has nothing to do with you. It is the landlord."

   "Probably in order to combat the landlord's malicious transfer of tax burdens, that is, to let you tenants pay the taxes he originally had to pay." That's what the other party said, but in fact they have been secretly observing Gu Shanhai's room.

   Finally, his eyes fell on the computer and the scroll.

   "No, Mr. Landlord is a good person." Gu Shanhai pretended not to see the little actions of these two people.

   "Well, like this, are you sure?" The other party emphasized again.

  Gu Shanhai nodded of course: "Of course, he also waived half of my rent. How can he be considered a good person."

"Okay, if not, then everyone is fine, but if you have this kind of behavior, you can report it to us, not only will your overpaid rent be refunded, but you will also be rewarded with a lot of money." The middle-aged man saw Therefore, there is no excessive entanglement. Their reason is to visit. If they really get to the bottom of it, it will appear to be problematic.

   "Well, thank you for reminding me." Gu Shanhai also responded.

   "Since there is no one, then we have to visit the next one and leave first." The middle-aged man also left with someone, and the two of them have finished investigating what should be investigated, so there is no need to stay.

  (end of this chapter)

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