I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 473: Fate, mad god

  Chapter 473 Misfortune, Crazy Demon

   "What the hell? Is a demon from the Yaozu crazy?" Gu Shanhai looked strange.

   How is this thing crazy?

   If a cultivator is crazy, Gu Shanhai can understand it, but gods and demons are essentially otherworldly existences, and there is a small probability that they will not be crazy when they face Gu Shanhai's body.

   It's just that this incident doesn't seem to have aroused the pursuit or vigilance of other gods and demons, and it seems more like they are used to it.

   "Found it, fate?"

  Gu Shanhai soon found out the truth about the madness of the gods and demons.

  This matter is a secret of gods and demons, so Zhao Xuantian didn't tell Gu Shanhai. Even if Gu Shanhai asked, the other party would not answer. Gu Shanhai is not a gods and demons, so it is impossible to tell him this kind of defect.

  So Gu Shanhai could only watch it by himself.

   The source of the fate is not clear, but the timing of its appearance is known. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, after the battle between the two races of gods and demons, they appeared quietly.

   Later, the death of gods and demons was largely due to fate.

  Up to now, fate is the biggest cause of the fall of gods and demons.

   "The specific cause is hidden, if you force it to see it, something will happen." Gu Shanhai found out some information about the fate through divination, but if he wanted to be more specific, it would trigger the world's attention.

  Gu Shanhai knows that now he can't casually explore the secrets of the world. In the past, he was struck by lightning at most. Now if his identity is discovered, he will have to fight the world forever.

   It’s not that you can’t beat this world, but it’s just that there’s no need to fight the world at this stage, and it’s a wasteful act to do it before completely draining the value of this world.

   "However, from the current analysis, fate seems to be a bit like some kind of genetic disease after a practitioner evolves into a **** and demon."

   "The incidence rate is highest in the two transitional stages of low-level gods and demons and middle-level gods and demons. Although high-level gods and demons will also suffer from the disease, the probability has dropped very low."

   Gu Shanhai came up with such a guess by comparing the data.

   "That's not right, how did the gods and demons in the past have no fate?" Gu Shanhai thought of this question.

  Before Fate, the battle between humans and demons was actually very fierce, not only involving the world, but also involving the outside world. At that time, most of the reasons for the fall of gods and demons were due to the hatred and struggle between the two sides.

   "What if the current gods and demons are all new generation gods and demons?"

   Gu Shanhai quickly thought of one thing, that is, these gods and demons today, their transformation is different from the past, that is, they have been broken through from cultivators to gods and demons with the defect of fate.

   "It's a pity that the secret of cultivators breaking through to become gods and demons has been monopolized." Gu Shanhai sighed.

  If there is a complete process, then how come all the practitioners who are at the peak of the unity of heaven and man are all stuck here.

   Of course there is a rough version of Gu Shanhai, who just walks out of his own way.

  As for what Tao is, it is probably realized by oneself. Anyway, it is a more idealistic breakthrough method.

  If gods and demons are willing to give in-depth guidance to a practitioner who is at the peak of the harmony between man and nature, the success rate of breakthrough will be higher, but gods and demons seem to have agreed rules.

  Because Gu Shanhai is not a member of the circle of gods and demons, so he doesn't know much about it.

   "If it is really a genetic disease, does that mean that the defect that the gods and demons cannot go further comes from this?" At this time, Gu Shanhai couldn't help but think of the upper limit of the gods and demons.

   "Then the bloodline of gods and demons is very problematic."

   "This feeling gave me the illusion of a small biscuit."

  Gu Shanhai has an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

   Gods and demons are small biscuits, while humans are biscuit crumbs, and the forces formed by the descendants of gods and demons are larger biscuits.

   "If this is the case, then there is something trying to grab food from me!" Gu Shanhai's expression was shocked, he couldn't bear it.

  He has already regarded this world as his own, how could he just give it up to others.

  Even if it is said that the other party arrived first, Gu Shanhai is shameless and wants to cut him off.

   "Treasures of heaven and earth, those who are virtuous live there. My five-virtue Taoist must have more virtue than the other party." Gu Shanhai felt that what the old ancestor said was very reasonable.

   "The next thing to do is to figure out what fate is."

   It is also very simple to find out, just grab a **** and demon and dissect it.

   "Damn it, can't there be more gods and demons? With such a small number, I don't dare to spend too much on research." Gu Shanhai somewhat hated iron for steel.

   "I just don't know if hypnosis, brainwashing, memory tampering, personality modification, etc. can be used?" Gu Shanhai thought about the matter of idealism, so if he directly transforms it into idealistic thoughts and personality, can he directly become a **** and demon.

   "It doesn't seem to work."

  Gu Shanhai quickly vetoed it. The transformation can be successful, but it may not be able to break through the gods and demons. Like Emperor Xuan, is he not in compliance? He also complied, but the result is not the same. Whether he can break through successfully is another matter.

   "Don't think about man-made gods and demons, this thing is a bit unrealistic."

   Not everything can be man-made. Of course, gods and demons should be man-made, but Gu Shanhai's technology is not enough.

   "Let me do the math, let's see where is this crazy monster god." Gu Shanhai planned to act first and get this crazy monster god.

   "I found it, this group of gods and demons are really vicious."

   This monster **** and demon is now raging in the world, in the south of the demon domain, a large number of cities and monsters have been annihilated because of this crazy monster **** and demon.

   "The vitality is greatly consumed, and it will completely wither in a day at most."

   This monster of the demon race is a huge red giant elephant. The race is called a red-striped elephant, and this demon of the demon race is naturally called the red-striped **** and demon.

  The appearance of the red-striped elephant is because of this red-striped demon.

   This kind of monster clan is like the eight giants in the human race. Only with the protection of gods and demons can they prosper.

  Now it seems that the red-striped gods and demons are about to fall, so the red-striped elephants will also soon decline, stepping down from the original top power.

  The criterion for judging whether it is a top power is whether there are gods and demons behind it.

Even if there are only three people in your family, but there is a **** and demon, then you are the top power, even the Daxuan Dynasty, facing such a family, they will be afraid. What they are afraid of is not the power itself, but theirs. The gods and demons behind.

   Just like the breeze and bright moon, if you are unscrupulous in Shengjing, you will not die.

   All forces dare to plot and plan, but they dare not kill, because they cannot bear the anger of a **** and demon.

For forces such as the Eight Giants, the Righteous and the Demonic Dao, etc., if Gu Shanhai smashed their gates and then killed the higher-ups, as long as they don't cut off the forces so much and leave inheritance and blood for these forces, the gods behind them The devil won't care about these things, at most Gu Shanhaimen will make amends and pay some benefits, and the matter will be over.

  As for the dead, they must have died in vain.

"There are a lot of gods and demons waiting to share their meals. This is really ruthless." Gu Shanhai also discovered that he is not the only one who pays attention to this red-striped **** and demon. The devil dies.

  For the red-striped **** and demon, it is not a good thing, but for others, it is a feast.

  If the gods and demons are dead, the corpses are naturally extremely precious resources. How could other gods and demons give up.

   "Under normal circumstances, everything should be born in the whale's fall, but now it seems that not only is there no life in this whale's fall, but it will be eaten away by other people." Gu Shanhai sighed.

   "Just like this, the share of gods and demons seems to be a little more vacant."

   Through data comparison, Gu Shanhai found that there is a definite number of gods and demons today, one radish and one pit.

   "If it's true, as long as the red-striped demon is dead and other people can be diligent again, Zhao Xuantian will most likely find a way to provoke a war between the human race and the demon race."

  Zhao Xuantian only shared the "Boy's Art" with other gods and demons, and did not tell the whole story about his conversation with Gu Shanhai.

   "This should be considered as saints are immortal, but thieves are not dead?" Gu Shanhai thought of such a word, to the effect that if there is no difference, there will be no difference between saints and thieves.

   "But what you all think is very beautiful, I will accept the things."

  Gu Shanhai didn't care what would happen if he took the scarlet-striped demon **** away. He was not a selfless saint.

   With a wave of the long sleeves, the long sleeves that block out the sky and the sun cover most of the sky.

  Seeing this, all the monster gods and demons also knew that someone planned to intercept the red-striped gods and demons, so they also took action one after another.

   It just attacked the long sleeves that fell on the cyan, but there were no waves. For a while, all the gods and demons looked horrifying.

   "Is it the newly emerged non-divine devil from the human race?"

   "He has fished over the limit, we must let the human race give us an explanation."

   "Hmph, this is too much."

  Many gods and demons whispered to each other, but they could only watch the long sleeves sweep away the red-striped gods and demons, and there was nothing they could do in the end.

   Desperate? How is this possible, none of the monster gods and demons are willing to put themselves in it.

  Gu Shanhai didn't care about so many things, he reached out and pulled out the red-striped demon from his sleeve.

  The red-striped **** and demon before this was extremely tall, but it was only the size of a palm when it got into Gu Shanhai's sleeve.

   "Small is also very cute." Gu Shanhai couldn't help smiling when he saw the red-striped demon constantly struggling in his hands like a mad dog.

   "Sanity has been completely lost, and the self has been completely annihilated."

   "The soul and body are very intact, there is no other problem except for a certain degree of deficit."

   Right now it’s only a shortfall, but if the deficit is too large, the end is death.

   "The speed of the deficit is too fast, so fast that it is completely unreasonable. Where is the incentive?"

  Gu Shanhai used his spiritual consciousness to investigate the Scarlet-striped Demon God, but as soon as his spiritual consciousness entered his body, he found something was absorbing his own spiritual consciousness, which made him feel like using a straw to drink.

  But because the suction is too weak, Gu Shanhai's spiritual consciousness cannot be absorbed at all.

   When sucking gods and demons, it is to drink a drink, and to **** Gu Shanhai's spiritual consciousness is to use a straw to **** a big stone, not to mention whether it can be sucked or not, even if it is sucked, the small straw will be broken.

  Gu Shanhai blocked it easily, and in this way, the deficit on the Scarlet-striped Demon God immediately stopped.

   "Sure enough, the new generation of gods and demons have problems."

  This method of absorbing is extremely clever, and the entire system of gods and demons is formed for this purpose.

   "Now I seem to understand why gods and demons have definite numbers."

  If a world is compared to a bottle, then gods and demons are the drinks in the bottle, or drinks that can regenerate themselves.

  After reaching a certain number, the drink in the bottle is full, and the proliferation will naturally stop.

   Then someone takes a sip of the drink, and then another share will be vacated.

   "I'm too unlucky to be in a captive world."

  The gods and demons in the old era were definitely not like this, so they all died.

   "I don't really want to explore these secrets." Gu Shanhai felt that this was too troublesome and dangerous.

  Unfortunately, the only value that this world can provide him at this stage is gods and demons, and if you want to study gods and demons, it is impossible to avoid the existence behind the scenes.

main character? Qingfengmingyue is already cashing in, not just value.

  Every time they grow, Gu Shanhai can use their springboard to understand the whole world and collect data.

  Qingfengmingyue is equivalent to a download port, but the download speed of this port is slow, which allows Gu Shanhai to further analyze the world and improve himself.

   "Since this is the case, then find the source."

   "If you think about it this way, the value of gods and demons seems to be even greater."

  Gu Shanhai's brain twitched, feeling a little bit crap.

   It is obviously a risky thing, but the risk plus the benefits directly increase the original value of the gods and demons.

   "The page research of time history books can reduce the weight ratio. Anyway, this thing can't be completed in one or two years." Gu Shanhai re-planned, and raised the research of gods and demons to the priority of the pages of time history books.

   After all, it will take at least fifty to one hundred years to analyze the pages of the history books to get results. If it can be completed within one year, even within ten years, Gu Shanhai will not do it.

   On the contrary, it is a **** and demon. This thing is obviously more valuable, and it also has limitations.

  Gu Shanhai doesn't want to know when the fate of other gods and demons will happen.

  Even if he blocked the deficit of the red-striped **** and demon, but in his current situation, his body and soul are still a little weak, and at most it is delaying the time of death.

  According to Gu Shanhai's estimation, at present, death will be changed from two days later to one year later.

  He also tried to extend the life of the red-striped **** and demon, but the result must have had little effect, that is, the cost and benefit did not match, so he naturally gave up. It is better to finish the research first while there is still a year to go.

   "Before researching, you have to solve the trouble first." Gu Shanhai tucked the Red-striped Demon God back into his sleeve, and he snatched the Red-striped Demon God with his front foot, and the demon race **** and demon came to question him.

  However, this group of monster race gods and demons did not come to his Longevity Mountain, but at the border of the Daxuan Dynasty. There is an agreement between the two races that gods and demons are not allowed to cross the border at will.

  (end of this chapter)

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