I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 470: Conspiracy behind someone's back

  Chapter 470 Conspiracy at least behind someone's back

   "This is it?" Zhao Jiyu looked at the impoverished Wuzhuang and looked a little ridiculous at Longevity Hill.

   "Yes, Your Highness." Song Changqian said, he was also a little blind, especially the Lianzi on the Wuzhuang Guanmen, his tone was too loud.

   "Let's go in and take a look." Zhao Jiyu looked solemn, and he didn't feel disdainful or contemptuous just because the place looked desolate.

   According to his perception, it is very peaceful inside, so peaceful that there is almost no one there.

   "Stop whoever comes."

  When a group of people were only one step away from stepping into it, a voice came over.

  Only a yellow turban wrestler stopped them expressionlessly, with a vicious look all over his body: "Who are you, what are you here for?"

"Xiaowang Zhao Jiyu, he is the fourth prince of Daxuan, and he has met the senior." Zhao Jiyu's pupils shrank, and he recognized him. The person in front of him is a strong man in the realm of harmony between man and nature, but he turned out to be here to guard the door: "Come here. This is to find people."

   "Who are you looking for?" The Yellow Turban Lishi continued to ask.

   "Little nephew Zhao Boyuan." Zhao Jiyu said hastily, this is the name of the former grandson of the emperor.

   "There is no such person." The yellow turban warrior answered honestly. They have no names for the heart demon soldiers, and none of them have names.

   "It shouldn't be, my nephew is now sixteen, is there anyone of similar age in the temple?" Zhao Jiyu changed the question again.

   "Yes, which one are you looking for?" The yellow turban wrestler is very honest and rigid.

   After all, letting them work and kill people is fine, but letting them communicate is a bit embarrassing for this group of heart demon soldiers. As far as their brains are concerned, it is better to kill and kill for fun or to chop firewood and carry water.

  Zhao Jiyu found that the person in front of him could not communicate well, so he would say what he asked, but if he communicated well, there would always be an illusion of deliberately annoying people.

  Because of the opponent's strength, Zhao Jiyu didn't dare to reveal anything.

   "How many people of the same age are there in your temple?" Zhao Jiyu could only bite the bullet and continue to ask.

   "Two." The Yellow Turban Lux continued to answer.

   "Then can I meet them all?" Zhao Jiyu was also relieved to hear that there were only two, but there were not twenty.

   "I'll pass it on for you and see if they see it." The Yellow Turban Lux sent a message directly.

   "That's troublesome."

   "See, but I don't have time right now. You have to wait for half an hour. Come in first and find a place to cool off." The yellow scarf warrior directly interrupted Zhao Jiyu.

  Zhao Jiyu also breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you, senior."

   Then he took people into the Wuzhuang Temple, and found that the Wuzhuang Temple was really not big, and there was not even a visitor.

   But there were so many people that his scalp became numb.

  The servants used are all in harmony with nature and man, sweeping, chopping firewood, carrying water, etc., just like those who don’t need money.

   This made Zhao Jiyu and the others restless and felt a sense of torment.

   What made them wait for half an hour was anxious and dry mouth, always feeling that they might be cold.

   Fortunately, time passed quickly, and soon I saw two figures coming towards them.

   "Hello, do you have anything to do with us?" Qingfeng asked curiously.

   "I'm here" Zhao Jiyu told the ins and outs, and he didn't conceal or exaggerate. To do such a thing under the eyes of a **** and demon, it's terrible.

   "That makes it clear, so who are you looking for? Both of us were born as beggars." Qingfeng didn't shy away from his identity at all.

   "If it's convenient, I'll use the secret art of blood to investigate." Zhao Jiyu hesitated for a moment, then said.

   "Did you use it once a month ago, and was it the last time?" Mingyue asked.

"That's right, could it be that you've noticed it?" Zhao Jiyu hasn't used it since he was backlashed by the secret method of bloodline tracking. The main reason is that he wants to use that ray of breath to investigate, at least he needs to have the strength of three flowers, otherwise, Can't find it at all.

   And the life of a cultivator with three flowers gathered on the top is precious, so it is impossible to say that he really gave it like this.

   "Well, I noticed a peep." Mingyue didn't deny it.

   "So, this group of people is the trouble you said, otherwise they will all be slaughtered, and no one will know anyway." Qingfeng naturally remembered what happened back then, and since it was trouble, he killed it.

   "You're crazy. You didn't hear that he was the son of Emperor Xuan. If you killed him, it would be more troublesome. If you say this again, you can't wait for someone to leave. At least you have someone behind your back." Mingyue was a little speechless.

   "I'm sorry, Qingfeng's words are sometimes out of his head." Mingyue said to Zhao Jiyu apologetically.

  Zhao Jiyu is almost speechless, this is not just brains, this is called arrogant.

   "It's okay, it's okay, Tongyan Wuji." Zhao Jiyu said in an embarrassed tone, what else could it be.

"Then Fourth Highness, what do you want to come to me?" Mingyue pretended to be confused with understanding. It must be beneficial to find him after so much trouble, otherwise no one would care for anyone who finds a dead parent. The former emperor's grandson.

   "I think." Zhao Jiyu said straight away, meaning to go back with him, and then adopt him as his son, cooperate with him in fighting for the throne, and he will be the next Emperor Xuan.

   "I'm afraid not, this matter is of no value to me." Mingyue calmly refused.

  What are you going to do to become Emperor Xuan? The "Xuantian Treasure Record" that the other party is rushing to here is just food, and he doesn't lack the resources he needs, as long as he quietly becomes stronger, there is no need to fix these.

  Zhao Jiyu's face changed slightly, he didn't expect such a development.

   "But your mother's revenge must be avenged. You can bear the person who killed your mother to become the queen mother, and replace your concubine as the emperor." Zhao Jiyu could only sacrifice the magic weapon.

   "Indeed, this matter must not be tolerated." Qingfeng also added that he agrees with Zhao Jiyu's words. If it wasn't for the other party's calculations, Mingyue is now the grandson of the emperor.

   "Are you going to kill?" Mingyue rolled her eyes.

   "Let's take advantage of Master's cooking, let's trick Xiaobai out, let him come with a charge and trample set meal, and guarantee that the eldest princess will become a concubine sauce." Qingfeng thinks this is a small problem.

   "Can you be serious, Xiaobai will gnaw our hair if he finds out, are you planning to have an adult's hairstyle in advance?" Mingyue was a little speechless, he couldn't control the Mediterranean hairstyle.

   "If it doesn't work, you can also fool Qinglong, let Qinglong shoot over from a distance, and the whole place where the eldest prince lives will be razed to the ground by him, and if he is alive, he will shoot again." Qingfeng said that there is no problem.

  The conversation between these two people made Zhao Jiyu sweat down his back, and he always felt that something was wrong.

  Why did you use violence directly to solve the problem? Shouldn't you tell him to go back to Shengjing with him?

"It's too loud, it will be intercepted. Besides, Qinglong is not stupid. It's impossible for it to hit wherever you say. I think it's better to go to the backyard to steal a ginseng fruit and quietly ask Xiaobai to help deliver it. " Mingyue thought for a while, and felt that Qinglong did not have Gu Shanhai's order, and it is unlikely that Qinglong would attack on its own under normal circumstances.

   Instead, it is better to use ginseng fruit.

  Qingfengmingyue has seen what ginseng fruit is, a group of muscular men, if you want to eat it, you have to win the opponent first, otherwise you may be eaten by ginseng fruit.

  Zhao Jiyu didn't know what ginseng fruit was, but no matter how it sounded, it seemed to have pits.

   "That's not good, the eldest princess is also your stepmother, she." Zhao Jiyu tried to dispel Mingyue's thoughts with rules.

"What's wrong, I'm not familiar with her, I'm not even familiar with you." Mingyue doesn't care about these things, he will choose whichever is the fastest way to solve the trouble, if he really wants to follow the other party's plan foolishly, Didn't he become the opponent's chess piece?

   "No, no, this matter has to be discussed and discussed again." Zhao Jiyu came here to play tricks, not to play violence with you, he can do it himself if he kills, so he doesn't need you.

   "Okay, let's talk." Mingyue spoke directly. If you talk about it and then discuss it, then you will come up with a solution.

   "This matter still needs some rules and plans." Zhao Jiyu means that he has no good solution now.

   "Then listen to you." Mingyue nodded.

  Hearing this, Zhao Jiyu was overjoyed. He felt that this matter was accomplished, and everyone said he would listen to him, so he must go down the mountain with him next.

   "I'm here now, I'm sorry to drive you away, let's have lunch together before leaving, let Qinglong cook for you, it has got the true biography of my master." Of course, Mingyue didn't intend to leave with the other party.

  Even if my parents are still alive, I don’t plan to go back.

   Go back and have to intrigue every day, it is better to stay in Wuzhuang Temple and watch Qingfeng and Gu Shanhai complaining to each other every day.

   Zhao Jiyu's original joy suddenly faded, and he did not plan to go back when he co-authored.

  He is also a little unwilling to give up, and he will have to find a way to persuade him later.

   "It's time for the meal. If you don't go, Xiaobai will eat up the meal." Qingfeng reminded.

   "Hey, let's go!" Mingyue also reacted, hurriedly greeted people, and walked towards the kitchen.

Zhao Jiyu had no choice but to lead his people to the kitchen. The kitchen was very simple, but he saw a deer holding a ladle on its front right hoof, and a big basin on its front left hoof. stuffed.

   "Master, don't call me when the meal is served." Qingfeng complained, and then served the meal without hesitation.

  Mingyue greeted Qinglong and asked him to order lunch for these people.

   Qinglong didn't say anything, and slowly floated onto the stove and began to breathe out a mouthful of dragon's breath.

"I've seen my senior, and I hope you will forgive me for nagging me this time." Zhao Jiyu caught sight of the ordinary Gu Shanhai at a glance. Looking at the situation in Guannei, if you really want to treat Gu Shanhai as an ordinary person, with this IQ, don't fight for the throne, it's better to go back and treat your brain well.

   "Well, sit down, I don't have any rules." Gu Shanhai didn't care about these people either.

   "Master, the situation is like this" Mingyue Sheng told the situation by the way when she finished her meal.

   "What do you think?" Gu Shanhai asked.

   "I'll sit and watch." Mingyue continued directly.

   "Why don't you lie down and watch?" Gu Shanhai complained.

   "Then you can lie down and watch it when you take a nap." Mingyue said that she must not lie down to eat now, but can only sit down.

   "Eat quickly, don't say a few words, Xiaobai is going to open the second form." Qingfeng reminded.

   I saw that Xiaobai's body burst into flames instantly, and his hair turned golden.

   "Would you like to have a meal?" Mingyue was also speechless.

   "Yo!" Xiaobai said that it just wanted to show off its skills.

"Super Saiyan deer version, it's a pity that the hips are stretched a bit, I will change it next time." Gu Shanhai explained, this is the exercise he modified for Xiaobai using "Xuantian Baolu", and it is currently a trial exercise. In the running stage, the transformation form was not changed, but a color change and arrogance effect similar to that of a Super Saiyan transformed, without much practical effect.

  After a while of flying around, I finally finished eating.

   On the other side, Zhao Jiyu had just eaten three dishes and one soup made by Qinglong.

  At the beginning, I still felt shabby, but after entering the mouth, Zhao Jiyu couldn't help but cleanse his soul, and even the original bottleneck in himself was melted away.

  ‘As expected of the place where the gods and demons live, the food they eat is unmatched, even if it is eaten by the emperor, it is far worse. ’Zhao Jiyu knew that he no longer had any obstacles to break through the unity of man and nature, and he only needed to go back and cultivate and accumulate, and the breakthrough would come naturally.

  It’s all just because of a meal, and it’s only made by Qinglong. If it’s made by Gu Shanhai, a **** and demon, like Qingfeng Mingyue, the effect will be heaven-defying.

   After eating, Zhao Jiyu got up again, and respectfully said to Gu Shanhai: "Xiao Wang is here, seniors already know what he did, I don't know if seniors have arrangements for Mingyue."

"There is no arrangement. If he wants to go, he can go. If he doesn't want to go, let it go. I won't force it." Since Gu Shanhai transformed his race into the world, his demand for various resources has dropped greatly. Now that he has become stronger, he has It is no longer relying on piling up resources, but producing qualitative changes based on knowledge.

  So in fact, there is not much need for any big power.

  There are currently only two things he is more interested in, one is the gods and demons, and the other is the world where the gods and demons live.

   fell into Zhao Jiyu's ears, even if he could persuade Mingyue, he would not stop him.

   "According to his idea, it's too troublesome. Master, you can just squeeze people to death with a big handprint in the air." Mingyue reminded him kindly.

   "Not very good, this ability can only be used by villains, I am an upright person, if I use it, I have to switch camps." Gu Shanhai said seriously.

   "Master, you didn't say that when you flexed the bottom line before." Qingfeng complained.

   "It's okay to go, or you can lend me Xiaobai." Mingyue thought for a while, and Gu Shanhai seemed to encourage them to go out and practice.

   "If you can let Xiaobai go with you, I have no objection." Gu Shanhai found that Mingyue was indeed very keen in this regard, and immediately sensed what Gu Shanhai meant.

   "It's a deal!" Mingyue said without hesitation, it might be a little troublesome to fool Qinglong, but it's not easy to fool Xiaobai.

  (end of this chapter)

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