I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 467: With your IQ, how did you escape with your life?

  Chapter 467 How did you escape with your IQ?

"So what you mean is that Emperor Xuan intends to get a glimpse of the wonders of the Three Miraculous Books, so as to break through the gods and demons, and you use the name of "Xuantian Treasure Record" to assassinate Emperor Xuan. Where did you have the courage!" Qingfeng said. With shock.

   When he was packing up his belongings and preparing to run away, the fox had a showdown and told the cause and effect.

   Qingfeng and Mingyue were taken aback for a while, why did they stop acting suddenly.

   "No, I really have "Xuantian Baolu"." The fox said.

  The fox called herself Hu Sanniang. In order to avoid the impact of Xuandi breaking through the gods and demons on the demon clan, she chose to assassinate. It was also because of a series of coincidences that she picked up "Xuantian Baolu" after the assassination failed.

   "As long as you are willing to **** me back to the Demon Realm, I can help you practice "Xuantian Baolu"." Hu Sanniang made a promise, and she didn't think any human cultivator could refuse this temptation.

   "If this is a treasure record or not, let's talk about it later, what is your realm?" Qingfeng doubted the authenticity of this guy's statement.

   "Of course it's a big monster, oh, in terms of yours, it's the master level." Hu Sanniang raised her head quite proudly.

  The monster clan is divided into five realms, the lower third rank is the little demon, and the middle third rank is the big monster, so there is also a huge distance between the little monster and the big monster.

   Further up are the demon king, demon emperor, and demon emperor, corresponding to the three realms of the five qi dynasty, the three flowers gathering at the top, and the unity of man and nature.

  The last gods and demons are the common realm.

"A little vixen in the guru realm to assassinate Emperor Xuan? He is the peak of the unity of heaven and man, and he is only one step away from becoming a **** and devil. How can you enter the palace and swear before you assassinate him? Forget it, you said you can still get out of Emperor Xuan's hands?"

   "When we make up stories, we should pay attention to reasonableness."

Although Qingfeng doesn't know how strong Xuandi is in the realm of harmony between man and nature, he can be sure of one thing, as long as you are in the third rank, if the other party leaks some breath, you will be crushed and unable to move, and the result is still the same. The reprimand was loud again, and there was even time to talk about a period of mental journey before the assassination, and even really hurt Xuandi.

  This is almost like the Arabian Nights.

  Hu Sanniang's fox face froze involuntarily. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be true, but she really did it.

   "I, I, what I said is true." Hu Sanniang's voice immediately quieted down.

"Well, let's skip this question first. You said that letting us **** you to the demon realm can help us practice "Xuantian Baolu", then why don't we just kill you, not only "Xuantian Baolu" is my Yes, there is no need to take risks." Qingfeng said disdainfully.

"Kill me? Just rely on you?" Hu Sanniang was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Qingfeng with the eyes of a fool: "As a big monster, even if I am seriously injured, it is not something ordinary people like you who are not even cultivators can deal with. "

"What's more, even if you kill me, you still can't understand "Xuantian Treasure Record". Keep it, it happens that I can find it, otherwise even if it is given to you, you will not be able to practice."

  Hu Sanniang has the winning ticket in his hands, and consciously has a way to control the breeze and bright moon.

   "We haven't practiced before?" Mingyue found a point and asked with a strange expression.

  They are all at the peak of Gangsha, and they are one step away from entering the Houtian realm. As a result, the fox demon said that they have never practiced, which is a big problem.

   "Is there any problem?" Hu Sanniang was a little puzzled. She is not blind, so you don't need to ask about things that can be seen at a glance. Besides, have you ever practiced yourself and don't know what to do?

  The two looked at each other, and the mystery of the "Longevity Scripture" was a little shocking.

  How could it be possible that they haven't practiced before? As far as the majestic qi in their bodies and the powerful physical body are concerned, they are usually more restrained.

   "Then what about our master, what's the situation?" Mingyue asked again.

   "Isn't he just an ordinary person, what does he teach you? Cultivation?" Hu Sanniang almost didn't laugh out loud. In her eyes, Qingfeng Mingyue met a liar, and a liar who didn't know how to practice at all.

  Hearing this, Qingfeng smiled: "Hey, you're right, but well, you'd better find someone else to **** you to the Demon Realm, we don't have time."

  In this situation, the two of them understood that Gu Shanhai definitely didn't like the so-called "Xuantian Treasure Record", otherwise, he wouldn't have such an attitude, and he would have already done it by himself.

"What?" Hu Sanniang was a little unbelievable, and this development was beyond her expectations: "This is one of the three strange books, "Xuantian Treasure Record", and it can help you embark on cultivation and become a practitioner, even if you No matter how poor your aptitude is, you can still become a third-rank powerhouse in the realm of harmony between man and nature."

  Hu Sanniang was afraid that she hadn't made it clear, so she said it again emphatically, saying that this "Xuantian Baolu" is very precious.

   "No matter how good something is, you have to get it with your life. Not to mention the difficulties and dangers on the way to **** you to the demon realm. The two of us are not even cultivators. How will we get there?"

   "Besides, even if you were escorted into the demon realm, why would you help us find the translation of this ancient text? How could the demon race pass this strange book on to us two human races?"

   "Even if it is taught to us, there will be conditions, such as letting us join the Yaozu or imposing restrictions on us, so that we will serve the Yaozu for the rest of our lives."

   "With such harsh conditions, why should we risk death to obtain a shackle with little hope?"

  Mingyue flatly refuted Hu Sanniang, she really thought they were fools, if they failed, they would die, and if they succeeded, they would be treated like dogs.

  As for the Yaozu Wei Guangzheng? Heh, if there is such a possibility, how could Hu Sanniang come to assassinate Emperor Xuan and also come to fool them two young men who are just fledglings, no, not even a fledgling young man.

  Hu Sanniang was also taken aback, she wanted to say it because her father is the Nine-Tails Demon Emperor, but the words came to her lips, but she couldn't say them out.

  She also realized that if she really wanted to ask her father for help, her father would only swallow Qingfengmingyue in one gulp instead of really helping, and her father was just a demon emperor, not a demon emperor, and there were demons on top of him.

   In addition, she is not the only daughter of the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor, and has many brothers and sisters. She doesn't have that much right to speak, but is just an insignificant role.

  She went to assassinate Emperor Xuan just to improve her voice.

   It’s also due to the fact that Qingfeng Mingyue didn’t know about this, otherwise she would have to be treated as a madman. If you are a mere big monster and assassinate a person who can kill your demon emperor-level father with a single slap, you must have a brain problem.

   "Cocoa is I help you"

   "No, you didn't help us, but instead brought us a lot of trouble." Mingyue interrupted the other party's words.

   "So, I suggest that we go our separate ways. You take your own "Xuantian Baolu" to find someone who is willing to help you, not us brothers." Qingfeng didn't like this Hu Sanniang very much.

  These words caused Hu Sanniang to have a lot of thoughts in her mind, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

  I thought about agreeing to come, but then thought that if I really left, there would be no place to go.

  Her original intention was to let these two people send her home, but the other party was unwilling, and now she can only retreat.

   "Aren't you going to leave today, take me out of the city together, I will show you "Xuantian Baolu" for an hour." Hu Sanniang knew that if she stayed in Anchang City, she would definitely die.

   "You think so beautifully." Qingfeng rolled his eyes and said.

   And Mingyue was also speechless at this time, she must have deceived them as fools.

  I said earlier that if you want to cultivate, you need to understand the ancient texts, but the two of them can’t read them. In this situation, let alone show them an hour, even if you read it for a year, you won’t be able to see why.

  Maybe other people may be lucky, in case I am special,

   Qingfengmingyue is different, they don't need "Xuantian Baolu" at all, and the profound "Longevity Scripture" in their hands has not been completed yet, and they have never thought of coveting the so-called three strange books.

  Of course, one of the reasons is troublesome. If you want to practice translation well, and you have to rely on others to translate for them, then who knows if the other party will deliberately mistranslate a few words for them with evil intentions.

  The two of them have decided at this time that Hu Sanniang is definitely out of his mind.

   "Wait, where did you get this "Xuantian Baolu"?" Mingyue suddenly thought of something.

   "Imperial Palace, is there any question?" Hu Sanniang replied without thinking.

   "Where is the palace? It's so big." Mingyue smelled a conspiracy at this moment.

   "In an attic at the gate of the palace, I took what I happened to see when I ran away." Hu Sanniang didn't realize the seriousness of the problem. If she really realized this, she wouldn't have come to assassinate Emperor Xuan.

   "I have caused trouble, what should I do?" Qingfeng's expression became serious at this time.

   This is someone deliberately taking away the "Xuantian Baolu" through Hu Sanniang's hand, in order to prevent Emperor Xuan from collecting all three wonderful books, so as to peep into the realm of gods and demons.

  It turned out that they were lucky, and took this big trouble home at once.

   "Send her out of the city, let her bring "Xuantian Baolu" back to the Demon Realm, the farther away from us the better." Mingyue said immediately.

  From Hu Sanniang's perception of them, the "Longevity Scripture" on herself and others has an extremely powerful effect of restraining breath and hiding breath, and few people can see that they have strength.

  They wanted to leave, but now that they had it, they just threw it away. What if Hu Sanniang was captured alive and bit them out.

  Hu Sanniang was overjoyed when she heard this, and quickly nodded the fox's head and said: "As long as you leave the city, you take your Yangguan Road, and I will cross my single-plank bridge."

   "That's it, I'll go and inform Master." After Qingfeng finished speaking, she got up and left.

   "Eh? Wait, shouldn't the fewer people know about this kind of thing, the better, so you're not afraid that your master will sell us?" Hu Sanniang hurriedly stopped.

   "Have you ever thought about one thing, that is, we and my master are a family, and you are the one who cannot be trusted." Mingyue said quietly, and he found that this vixen has no clue about his position.

  As the demon clan who cheated them, they didn't think there was a problem with themselves, but instead suspected that there was something wrong with Gu Shanhai.

   "But we are already grasshoppers on the same rope, and your master is not." Hu Sanniang said confidently.

   "You're right, then I'll go and pack my things first." Mingyue didn't argue with Hu Sanniang, but directly perfunctory the other party, and it's Hu Sanniang's turn to direct what she wants to do.

  He didn't have a good opinion of Hu Sanniang at all. If it wasn't for her, even if he and others wanted to leave Anchang City, they wouldn't be so flustered, but could walk slowly.

  Afterwards, he winked at Qingfeng, which meant that you should stabilize this vixen first, before he goes to Gu Shanhai.

  Qingfeng understood Mingyue's meaning immediately, and then changed the topic to "Xuantian Baolu" as a delay.

  Mingyue rushed to Gu Shanhai's side at the first time, and told about this matter.

   "Oh, you can figure it out, it's not a big problem." Gu Shanhai didn't take it to heart either.

   "So, master, can you cover the bottom?!" Mingyue's expression was full of crap, don't you usually hide too deeply?

   "It should be possible." Gu Shanhai also hesitated for a moment, after all, if he really wanted to fight, he might not be facing gods and demons, but the world itself.

  Who knows about this kind of thing, the two of them picked up a fox in a brainstorm, and ended up getting stuck in such a big trouble.

  But the brain twitch is really not to blame for Qingfeng Mingyue. It belongs to a point of "plot". Even if they don't pick it up, maybe the fox will come tonight for other reasons.

"Since this is the case, then I'll tell Qingfeng, let's run away, and the fox won't take it with us." Mingyue immediately abandoned Hu Sanniang, and Gu Shanhai was able to cover everything, so he wasn't afraid to come to him, anyway, they didn't handle "Xuantian Baolu" .

   On the contrary, if you really send Hu Sanniang out of the city together, then the yellow mud will really fall into your crotch.

   "Ah, you are so decisive and not afraid of getting a lunch." Gu Shanhai complained, if there was no Gu Shanhai, this Hu Sanniang might be the teacher who guided Qingfengmingyue's cultivation.

   "It's really time to deal with it, what if we become cannon fodder and are killed by the plot." Mingyue retorted.

"Forget it, you should take it with you. After all, it is "Xuantian Treasure Record". If you get it, you can exchange something with Emperor Xuan." Gu Shanhai sighed. If you really want to do this, who knows the next "plot" What strange changes will occur again.

   It would be better to let Qingfeng Mingyue go to the 'plot' with Gu Shanhai as the mastermind behind the scenes. No, it should be called the accompanying grandfather to modify the 'script' and develop it according to his ideas.

   "Master, you are so fierce, you can't be a **** and a demon?" Mingyue asked tentatively.

   "How is it possible, I told you, I am not even in the body training state." Gu Shanhai said that he was telling the truth.

  Mingyue didn't believe this at all, and said that Gu Shanhai was talking nonsense.

  (end of this chapter)

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