I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 465: After the IQ of the little villain is online

  Chapter 465 After the little villain's IQ goes online

   "I didn't find it, is it dead?" Song Changgan muttered in a low voice.

He came to Anchang City not only to deal with the group of horse bandits who caused disasters, but whether he even wiped out the horse bandits was insignificant to him. Even if a mere Anchang City was slaughtered, he would not know it. At a glance, he doesn't even look down on a small place that doesn't even have an acquired state.

  He comes from Shengjing, the capital of the Daxuan Dynasty, and his status is even more extraordinary, he is the Zhao family, the head of the eight great families of the Daxuan Dynasty.

   Zhao Qian Sun Li, Zhou Wu Zheng Wang.

   It is one of the eight most powerful families in the Daxuan Dynasty.

   And this Zhao family is even more unusual, not only the rich family with the first surname, but also the royal family.

The person he came to find on this trip was a man of royal blood, and this man was naturally the eldest grandson. Fourteen years ago, after Emperor Xuan killed his father and brother and came to power, in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes, he limited his ability. All the princes, and now there is no crown prince.

   It was also at that chaotic time that the princess and concubine left with her eldest grandson, and finally disappeared. From the clues, Song Changgan found Anchang City.

   It's just that he came here, not to welcome the eldest grandson, but to kill the grass and roots.

  Fourteen years have passed, the eldest prince has already established his concubine's room, and has a new heir, and Song Changgan is the new eldest prince's concubine.

As for why you know this clue, of course, it is because this little concubine and her natal family planned the affairs of the eldest concubine and the eldest grandson, so I knew to secretly give Song Chang some clues to let him find this Anchang city. .

   Judging from the clues, the princess is missing, but the eldest grandson seems to have been handed over to someone in the local area.

  He has searched all over for males of suitable age, but he has not found any until now, which makes him extremely puzzled.

  He has personally gone to investigate the rich households, aristocratic families, and gangs in the city, whether it is now or fourteen years ago, but naturally there is nothing.

  Those civilians? He didn't even look at it, how could the concubine give her son to a group of untouchables to be raised.

   "Dead, that's the best, and I saved a lot of things." Song Changqian was also relieved by this, and he was also afraid that if he did it himself, he would be liquidated in the future.

  Now that the eldest prince is critically ill, Emperor Xuan is trying to attack the realm of gods and demons. Once he succeeds, he will definitely abdicate to make way for the virtuous.

   And this person can only be the eldest grandson of the new princess.

  Even if the former prince and concubine and the former eldest grandson come back, it will not change this fact, but it will only make waves in this matter.

   Originally, if Song Changqian wanted to come to Anchang City, he really had no reason. He couldn’t stand the horse bandit and gave him a reason, so the new princess and her natal family worked together, so he came here.

  It is called bandit suppression, but it is actually cutting grass and roots.

   "Just going back like this, I'm afraid there is no way to explain it." Song Changqian knew that the prince and concubine who is now in power is a cruel person. If he can't pay the job, he will definitely be punished.

  In Anchang City, he was a master in the Xiantian realm, but in Shengjing, a single brick could hit ten Xiantians and eight Grandmasters.

  So his level of strength is really nothing.

   "I can only find a scapegoat, and it will be easy to talk at that time." Song Changgan knew that the prince and concubine didn't take this matter to heart at all, and it was more just for peace of mind, but even so, it was enough to cause a bloodbath.


  Song Changqian noticed the movement of the jade tablet on his waist, and his expression also changed, and then he quickly immersed his consciousness in it.

   Then a wave of consciousness communicated with him.

   "Have you found that evil obstacle?" A middle-aged male voice came.

   This person is the natal uncle of the prince concubine, and there is no doubt in the other party's tone.

"Not yet, it will take some time." Song Changqian said calmly. He is under the concubine's command, and he only maintains a certain amount of respect for this person, rather than listening to everything. He is a disciple of the Zhao family of the Tian family, not Fang Pingyangqian. Even if it is said that his immediate boss, the concubine, is also one of the eight rich families, the Qian family, and after marrying the eldest prince, it will be the Zhao family.

   You can't stand in the wrong position, otherwise something will happen sooner or later.

  In the top management of Shengjing, the one who dies is always the one who is on the wrong team, not the one who made a mistake.

   "Then you don't need to look for it, just slaughter Anchang City, and then plant it to the horse bandits." The other party's tone was cold.

  As soon as these words came out, Song Changgan's expression darkened in an instant: "Is there an order from the prince or concubine?"

   "This is an oral order, you can execute it." The other party seemed not to notice Song Changgan's change.

   "Since there is no decree, please forgive me for not being able to act." Song Changqian sneered, thinking that he was a fool.

   Slaughtering the entire Anchang City was not difficult for him, a cultivator of the innate realm, but what happened next?

  Once exposed, he would have to die, and he would also have to punish the Nine Clans.

   Also planted to the horse bandit, but anyone with a brain knows that this is not right.

  So it is more likely that he did it on his own front foot, and someone came to bring him to justice on the back foot.

  The prince concubine and the Qian family couldn't protect him. In the eyes of the Eight Giants, he was only a congenital realm. If he was a cultivator of the third rank, he might be reduced to a trivial matter. He was a congenital realm and he didn't have this kind of treatment at all.

  I took refuge in the Zhao family of the Tian family as a disciple for resources, not for actually serving the other party to death, and I am not a dead man.

   "Do you dare to resist the order?" The other party's tone was murderous, as if he didn't expect that a dog would dare to disobey orders.

   "Where's the will?" Song Changqian sneered, expressing disdain for this, he would kill him if he had the ability, as long as the Qian family dared to do it, he would dare to let the Nanqing Zhou family handle this matter.

  The former imperial concubine was the daughter of the Nanqing Zhou family. After the imperial concubine and the eldest grandson disappeared, the Nanqing Zhou family also investigated for several years, and finally gave up because it took too long.

   "Good, good, good, very good." The other party seemed to be annoyed, and then continued: "Song Changgan, don't forget, your whole family is still in Shengjing."

"If you want to kill, kill it. I just hope you don't regret it. If I go to Nanqing County, it will only be a three-day journey at most." Song Changqian knew that he must not be cowardly at this time, and he had to be tough with the other party. Counseling, the other party will attack his family immediately.

   "If you dare to betray my Qian family, you are not afraid of death without a whole body?" Hearing Song Changgan's threat on the other side, he became furious instantly.

   "Heh, I'm a guest of the royal family, when did I become your dead soldier of the Qian family?"

   "The eldest grandson of the emperor has not yet ascended the throne, and the princess is not the queen mother. She is not even the crown prince, but the prince's concubine."

  Song Changqian sarcastically said that he knew that it could not be so simple now, the other party really hated him.

   "You wait for me, hum." After the harsh words, the other party disconnected.

"This Qian Lun is really narrow-minded and short-sighted. I'm afraid this matter is not the order of the princess, but his own decision." Song Changqian guessed some causes and consequences at the first time. It must be fast to directly massacre the city.

But if this matter breaks out, I will definitely confess to the prince and concubine. After all, massacring the city is still the city of massacring one's own people. He said that he would also bite off a large piece of meat from the imperial concubine and Qian Shi.

  Emperor Xuan was afraid that he would suppress Qian's family while leaving his mother and keeping his son.

   As for suppressing this matter? This is simply impossible, there are at least hundreds of thousands of people in this city, if this can be suppressed, the Qian family will not be the Qian family of Pingyang, but the Qian family of Tianjia.

  Eldest prince does not dare to be so arrogant, let alone a mere prince and concubine,

   There is still a way to survive if you don't listen, but Song Changgan will definitely die if you listen to the other party.

   "Since that's the case, why don't you go and seek refuge with the fourth prince." Song Changqian's eyes flashed brightly.

  The eldest prince and concubine has such an elder brother, and sooner or later she will be dragged into the water. In addition, this eldest grandson is not like a king, so she is definitely not someone who can serve the ancestral temple for a long time.

   What's more important is that Emperor Xuan did a poor job in this matter. Giving the throne to the eldest grandson will cause dissatisfaction among other princes.

  If it is said to be passed on to the eldest prince first, even if the eldest prince dies of illness and then the eldest grandson inherits, the other princes would not dare to mess around. Now thinking of skipping the eldest prince and giving it to the eldest grandson is equivalent to ignoring the other princes.

   More importantly, the eldest prince may not be able to succeed to the throne.

   It will take at least ten years for Emperor Xuan to break through the gods and demons. As far as the eldest prince's illness is concerned, it will take a year at most. How can he survive.

   "With this secret, the four princes plus the Nanqing Zhou family can certainly compete for the throne." The reason why Song Changqian chose the four princes was because he had no heirs.

   It doesn't matter if you have no heirs, you can adopt.

Then, who else is more suitable for the adoptive candidate than the eldest grandson born to the former eldest prince and concubine? In this way, the fourth prince can not only gain the support of the Zhou family of the Southern Qing Dynasty, but also one of the eight rich families of his mother's family. The Jiangyong and Wu clans, two aristocratic families combined, even if the eldest grandson ascended the throne, he would be pulled down from the throne.

   There is no need to consider becoming the Emperor Xuan of the gods and demons. At that time, no matter how much he loves his eldest grandson, there is no other way. It is not so easy for gods and demons to interfere in the world.

   "Right now, I only hope that the grandson of the former emperor can live well."

   It’s true that he couldn’t find it, but it doesn’t mean that the Nanqing Zhou Clan couldn’t find it. They have the secret art of blood, and as long as they enter Anchang City, they can definitely find it.

  Song Changqian is neither the Zhao family nor the Zhou family, so naturally he cannot use this bloodline secret technique to track him down.

  It is impossible to give him a disciple of this kind of bloodline secret technique, after all, it is related to his own bloodline.

"Damn, this **** didn't really intend to use me as a scapegoat from the very beginning." Song Changgan couldn't help but shuddered. As a concubine, there must be a side branch of the Zhao family who took refuge in her. If the side branch of the Zhao family came, Where does he need to search a little bit, even if this kind of bloodline secret technique has a distance limit, it is much faster than a headless fly like him.

  There are only two real reasons. One is that it is not suitable for the Zhao family to know about this matter, and the other is that after killing him, he can be used as a scapegoat. He is just a doorman, and he is not completely tied to the princess.

   "The hearts of this group of people are really dark. My sister made me a scapegoat, and my brother directly let me massacre the city, heh." Song Changqian couldn't help sneering, he really couldn't play himself as a fool.

  If he hadn't reacted in time, even if he didn't punish the nine clans, he would have the barbarians.

  At that time, he can still be used to appease the Nanqing Zhou family as a win-win and reconciliation. Once the situation stabilizes, the Nanqing Zhou family can only hold their noses and admit it.

  Killing him alone can be said to kill multiple birds with one stone.

"Let's sneak back to Shengjing and vote for the fourth prince." Song Changqian actually had an idea. If the fourth prince rejected his proposal and did not intend to protect him, then Nanqing County voted for the Zhou family. Even if there is no fourth prince, as long as they can find the former emperor's grandson, they can help them up and fight in the ring.

  The current imperial concubine and the current emperor's grandson only have the Qian family in Pingyang.

  Of course, if even the Nanqing Zhou family is unwilling to take him in, then he will naturally take his wife and daughter away and fly away, what will he do if he stays.

  Anyway, the other party is forcing my whole family to die, so why should I foolishly commit suicide for the other party? Not only is it useless, but it also leads to ruin.

  The other party didn't have any kindness towards him, so he naturally changed his mind with peace of mind.

   "So, as long as the brain is on the line, many 'plots' will directly deviate from the original route." Gu Shanhai looked at Song Changgan who left without saying goodbye, and complained.

If it was the original 'plot', Song Changqian's IQ was not online, he would only follow Qian Lun's instructions to slaughter Anchang City, and then Qingfeng Mingyue escaped from the dead, and finally exposed the conspiracy step by step, and then connected forces to return to Shengjing for revenge .

  The grandson of the former emperor was Mingyue, so he felt some bad feeling before.

   "The identities of these two disciples are not so fuel-efficient."

   "If the protagonist doesn't make up a tall and tortuous identity, he won't be able to play, right?"

  Gu Shanhai was really powerless to complain.

  Mingyue is the grandson of the emperor, but Qingfeng is different. His father is the son of the leader of the Blood Demon Sect, and his mother is the daughter of the head of the Xuanqing Sect.

  In this world, in addition to the most powerful Daxuan Dynasty and the Eight Giants, there are also three sects of righteousness and two sects of evil.

  The three sects of righteousness are Xuanqing sect, Haoran sect, and Vajra sect, and the two sects of magic are the blood demon sect and Huangquan sect.

   In addition to this, there are ten big gangs, which are more like large-scale evil forces, not as good as these forces, and more like younger brothers.

  Dynasty, rich family, righteousness and evil, the three parties formed a strange balanced force.

   All parties constrain each other, and whoever dominates will be jointly suppressed in order to stabilize their own power.

"Send away Song Changqian, the time should be enough for Qingfengmingyue to develop." Gu Shanhai knew that it was impossible to hide for a lifetime, and it was impossible for Gu Shanhai to say that they should hide for a lifetime. Instead, he would wait until the time is right. Let them go out to practice and bring enough benefits to Gu Shanhai.

   "Okay, let's go back to work."

  Gu Shanhai saw something happened, so he naturally moved back to his house with the Five Elements Escape, and continued to work.

  (end of this chapter)

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