I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 463: The suppression of bandits really failed

  Chapter 463 The suppression of bandits really failed

  The matter of suppressing the bandits failed, which was somewhat unexpected.

  At first, Gu Shanhai thought it was the city lord who came for a 30/70 share, but it turned out that it was not. If the real city lord did it with a black heart, it might have contributed to the flames, but more likely it was a game crash.

Two of the three cultivators at the peak of the Gang Sha Realm from the Sifang Gang, Qingyun Martial Arts Hall, and the Lin Family died, and one escaped from serious injuries and was dying. After killing two of them, it was the previous head of the Lin family who escaped. Fortunately, the other party was wearing a set of armor lining, otherwise he would not have escaped at all.

   This made Gu Shanhai a little surprised. This incident made Anchang city a little turbulent, and even forced the city lord a little bit.

Before there were no cultivators of the Houtian realm, it didn’t matter if a group of people in the city went to suppress the bandits. After all, there is still a chance of winning, but now you lose. up.

   Therefore, the city lord can only bite the bullet and delay first, and then recruit people to suppress the bandits together.

  The city lord can't do it if he doesn't go, because after the bandit suppression failed, the group of horse bandits took advantage of their arrogance and arrogantly looted the goods of several chambers of commerce.

  Many merchants could not enter the city, and the goods in the city could not reach their destinations.

   He even killed civilians outside the city, which made the city lord's mind go crazy.

  Gu Shanhai didn't think too much about it, anyway, this horse bandit didn't come to mess with him, regardless of whether he was doing harm to the world or benefiting the people.

   "Master, I've finished skin training." Qingfeng said a little excitedly.

   "Oh, yes, work harder to break through to the Pulse Condensation Realm as soon as possible." Gu Shanhai's answer was very perfunctory.

   "Master seems to know already?" Mingyue also followed, and the progress of the two was basically the same. Even if someone fell behind, they would quickly catch up, just like they were bound.

   "As far as your talents are concerned, if you can't practice skinning within three days, it will be useless. I'll give you the "Longevity Classic"." Gu Shanhai said slowly.

  Qingfengmingyue's own talent is strong, coupled with the skills deduced by Gu Shanhai through the accumulation of a large number of skills and the continuous supply of resources, if he fails to practice skin in three days, there will definitely be problems.

   "Changing tendons to wash marrow, forging bones to exchange blood, these are not ordinary exercises at all." Mingyue added a little bit.

  He also used his own financial resources to see some of the exercises in the martial arts school before, so he naturally knew that they were different.

   "You, you can't learn from Mingyue, look more, listen more, instead of coming here in a hurry." Gu Shanhai glanced at Qingfeng and said.

  Qingfeng has an out-of-the-box temper, and feels like a hot-blooded protagonist. He must be good at bursting seeds.

"It's fine if there is a bright moon. I don't need that." Qingfeng didn't care about it. To him, it wasn't a big deal. .

  It's just the difference in personality that makes a lot of differences in moves.

  Qingfeng is more suitable for using swordsmanship, a fierce and domineering way, while Mingyue is more inclined to swordsmanship, taking an elegant and agile direction.

  During the three days, the two naturally not only learned the "Longevity Classic", but also learned the martial arts that Gu Shanhai passed down to them for an introductory stage.

  Gu Shanhai also equipped them with weapons casually. Anyway, sooner or later they will have to give them. It is better to let them get used to it.

   "Then you can't marry a daughter-in-law in the future, let Mingyue follow you." Gu Shanhai complained.

   "Why not?" Qingfeng hesitated and said.

   "Even if Mingyue is willing, his wife is not willing, and your wife is even less likely to be willing." Gu Shanhai thought this is too outrageous.

   "Then let's talk about it at that time, anyway, we can rely on the bright moon now." Qingfeng said that he didn't think so much.

   "Master means that you should think more, instead of being careless every day." Mingyue reminded.

  Qingfeng practiced martial arts very hard, and his talent was also very good. He could even draw inferences from one instance, but he prefers to be straightforward. Sooner or later, something will happen.

   "That's the reason." Gu Shanhai said.

   "I understand, Master." Qingfeng said that he understood, but in fact, things like personality are difficult to change, unless there are some major changes, otherwise even if you hit the south wall, you may not turn back.

  Gu Shanhai didn't ask him to change, he just reminded him.

   "By the way, Master, will the previous failure to suppress bandits affect us?" Mingyue asked.

   Obviously different from Qingfeng who only focuses on cultivation, Mingyue pays more attention to the surrounding environment.

   "Failed? When did it happen?" Qingfeng asked curiously.

   "This morning, you are well-informed. I'm afraid you know everything about our house." Gu Shanhai said with a smile.

  It would be perfect if the temperaments of these two people complement each other.

  Good things are more delicate, and calmer are more agile.

   "It won't affect us. We don't do business and don't leave the city. The city asks for money to suppress bandits, and I'm not stingy."

   "Besides, it's not our turn to worry about this matter. If even the city lord loses, the imperial court will definitely send experts."

   "We are a small place here, and those in the Houtian realm are all masters."

  Gu Shanhai explained that Anchang City is actually very safe, so safe that there are no internal conflicts. If it is changed to a place bordering the Yaozu or other alien races, such a thing will not happen.

  So there is no external pressure, and the internal will fight on its own.

  In Anchang City, it has been many years since there was any deeds of the Yaozu. Even the helmsmen of those forces have a vague concept of the Yaozu.

   "So that's the case, what should I do if I really go into the city to rob?" Mingyue is still a little worried, her master is too rich and will be coveted by others.

  He felt that Gu Shanhai was unpredictable, but who would want to get into trouble like this for no reason.

"You really think that the guards of Anchang City can't do anything without food. As long as the city lord is alive, no one can come in." Gu Shanhai knew that it was just a horse bandit, and only the Houtian Realm had some strength, and the others were not enough. infestation.

   "If it's really impossible, let's run away, and we can continue to mess around in another city."

Gu Shanhai really doesn't care about this. As for the 'plot', that's none of his business. Anyway, he came here to study the system and analyze a page of the history book by the way. It's just a foster disciple to deepen the trace.

  The rest of Gu Shanhai didn't care at all.

   "Master, why didn't you kill this horse bandit yourself." Qingfeng rolled his eyes and thought of such a trick.

"Your idea is bad enough. I've said it all. I'm not even in the physical training state. I just don't have the power to restrain a chicken. If you ask me to kill horse bandits, it's no different from asking me to die." Gu Shan Hai acts like I'm weak, don't count on me.

  Qingfengmingyue knew that Gu Shanhai was hiding his clumsiness again, and the "Longevity Scripture" they practiced was not an ordinary exercise, but Gu Shanhai didn't have the will, so he didn't continue to ask.

   "Okay, master, remember to take me with you when you run away." Qingfeng doesn't have deep feelings for Anchang City. How can an unaccompanied beggar have a good impression of this city.

   "Hey, you really care about this." Gu Shanhai couldn't help teasing.

  Qingfeng didn't speak either, just smiled bitterly.

   "Anything else?" Gu Shanhai asked again.

   "It's gone, it's gone, I have to go back to practice." Qingfeng took Mingyue and ran away in a hurry, for fear that Gu Shanhai would give them some homework on a whim, which would be troublesome.

   "Running so fast, the homework is really scary." Gu Shanhai thought it was impossible, these two people belonged to the type of academic masters, they learned quickly, absorbed quickly, and usually received less beatings.

   "Forget it, spare them once."

Gu Shanhai is still very satisfied with the Qingfengmingyue. If he insists on picking bones, he will definitely point out the mistake, but Gu Shanhai is not the kind of person who is demanding. This disciple will be perfect in everything he wants, so his teacher Isn't it useless.

   "Yo?" Xiaobai leaned over and asked what to eat?

   "Let me tell you, stay away from my hair." Gu Shanhai looked at the head of the deer protruding over, it was a black line.

  Before, Gu Shanhai didn't bring it to the banquet, so he thought it was delicious for Gu Shanhai to hide alone, so he had to try it.

   Then he opened his mouth and gnawed on Gu Shanhai's hair, almost breaking his own teeth.

  Gu Shanhai's hair is not real hair, but living things like spiritual plants, which filled Xiao Bai's mouth on the spot.

  At that time, he understood that Xiaobai didn't want to try it, but simply wanted him to become a Mediterranean, in order to retaliate against Gu Shanhai who shaved the hair on his head.

  Yes, before, while Xiao Bai was sleeping, Gu Shanhai shaved Xiao Bai's hair so that he could cosplay Drifting monk's curly hair.

   Fortunately, Gu Shanhai also gave it a hand, and he didn't kill it. If he really wanted to kill it, it would never grow out of it in a lifetime.

  However, it took more than a month for Xiaobai to grow well, mainly because Gu Shanhai limited its regeneration frequency, otherwise it would take a month, even a minute is considered slow.

   Later, Xiaobai wanted to nibble on Gu Shanhai's hair from time to time, so that he could experience this Mediterranean hairstyle that even Wu Yanzu couldn't control.

   "Yo." Xiaobai said that it just looked at it and didn't move its mouth.

   "I'm currently researching the metamorphosis of the monster race, and when the time comes, I'll turn you into a deer power fairy! Let you and the white tiger form a Che Chi country bond to make your debut." Gu Shanhai said that you will suffer in the future.

  As for why there is no Daxian Yangli, it was harmonized for some reason, so after the revision, only Daxian Luli and Daxian Huli can form bond entries.

   "Yo." Xiaobai said to this, you let the horse come here, and if it barks, it will take the surname of Gu Shanhai.

   "You've been rebellious recently, and you're forcing me to straighten it out for you." Gu Shanhai was a little speechless, and had been arguing with Gu Shanhai ever since he shaved his hair.

   "Yo!!" Xiaobai said that if Gu Shanhai hadn't shaved his hair back then, there wouldn't have been so much trouble, and he had to vent his anger.

   "." This deer is not big, but his tone is not small, and Gu Shanhai is numb when he hears it.

   "No, you have already taken revenge. You gnawed my hair a few days ago, but you didn't gnaw it off."

   "So you have already taken revenge, it's just that you didn't have enough strength to retaliate successfully."

  Gu Shanhai corrected Xiaobai, tried to fool him, and even quietly gave Xiaobai a mental reduction.

  When Xiaobai heard this, his expression froze, as if there was some truth to it.

   "Yo?" Xiaobai was a little skeptical about life, and felt that what Gu Shanhai said was right.

   "Really, when did I lie to you, I shaved the hair on the top of your head, but you also gnawed my hair, we have settled this."

   "If you do it again, it will be your fault. Then don't blame me for being cruel. At that time, you will be transformed. Immortal Lu Li will let you become a Drifting Monk."

  Gu Shanhai put more effort into fooling around.

  Xiao Bai was a little dazed, although he felt that something was wrong, but found that there was nothing wrong with what Gu Shanhai said, so he could only nod his head to express that we have reconciled.

   "It's good that you understand, I'm your master, I won't harm you." Gu Shanhai tried to fool you, and he was relieved, finally he managed to fool Xiaobai.

   It can only be said that the method of reducing intelligence is really easy to use, or else just a few words to convince Xiaobai, this is too much thinking.

   "Yo." Xiaobai didn't react, and left to gnaw on the tree on his own. Anyway, he was idle anyway, and the snacks on the hour would cool down the high-speed running head.

   "It's done." Gu Shanhai changed the way of lying down, and made a divination about the situation of the horse bandits.

  He doesn't care about these things, but everyone has arrived at the door, and he always feels that there is something wrong, so let's check it out.

   This investigation found some interesting things.

   "It's not a serious horse bandit, but a deserter who escaped from Zhenyao Pass." Gu Shanhai grasped the information in an instant.

   Zhenyao Pass is the pass where the Daxuan Dynasty borders the Yaozu, so these horse bandits are essentially deserters.

   "It's not just coming here, but it has a purpose."


  Of course, the purpose was not Anchang City, but the people behind the scenes told them to suspend their actions, and they happened to pass by Anchang City. Seeing that Anchang City had no guards, they wanted to make a fortune.

   Moreover, this group of horse bandits is only a small part of them, not all of them. The real leader of the horse bandits is a practitioner of the innate realm.

   "It looks a bit like an introduction to tragedy."

  Gu Shanhai knows that the rise of the protagonist cannot be separated from various pressures.

  Of course, letting the current protagonist face the horse bandit is not pressure but death.

  So it is necessary to transfer this pressure. For example, let Anchang City bear it first, and then Anchang City will be divided into various livelihood issues, then the protagonist who is a beggar will definitely be affected.

  The current 'plot' may be a bit biased, and the 'script' hasn't had time to be updated.

   "I can't participate in this kind of big conspiracy. If I can't do it, I will run away." Gu Shanhai quickly understood the cause and effect, and it was nothing more than a small twist and turns radiated from the upper-level struggle.

  (end of this chapter)

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