I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 460: The most dangerous is not the BOSS, but the teammates

  Chapter 460 The most dangerous is not the BOSS, but the teammates

  The gigantic tiger demon was dying, and it looked like it was going to die.

   The Rafflesia Rafflesia Flower is also fragmented at this time, and even its strong vitality cannot support its continued raging.

   This is bad news. Before the final boss comes out, Gu Shanhai's summoner will die.

   "Then what, what should we do next." Gu Shanhai asked.

   "Let's fight the boss, what else can I do." Old Liu of the base station also had a headache.

   "It seems that it's just a group of little demons who can solve such a difficult cultivator. I don't think I'm so strong." A voice came over.

   This made everyone's expressions tense, only to see a fox standing upright strolling over, covered in snow-white and wearing a strange long robe.

  If it weren't for the awe-inspiring spirit all over his body, this fox would still look cute.

   "嘬嘬嘬~" Gu Shanhai took out a handful of dried fish, and called out to the fox demon.

  For a while, the atmosphere froze.

  Basketball water obviously saw that the atmosphere of the fox demon seemed a little bit wrong.

   "Do you think the old man is a dog?" The fox demon said with anger.

   "Hey, you actually know that foxes belong to the canine family." Gu Shanhai looked shocked. It was the first time he met a monster and he was able to distinguish his family and genus, which is simply amazing.

   "Then what, this fox probably doesn't mean that." Basketball water wanted to tell you not to be shocked, but Gu Shanhai was already shocked, and could only add: "He thinks you call him a dog."

   "Besides, you have to give meat steaks, what's the point of giving dried fish, he is not a cat demon." Old Base Station Liu also added.

   "Damn you!" The fox demon looked gloomy, and immediately grabbed the dying tiger demon's tail and forcibly pulled it out.

  I saw that the tiger demon who was still a little angry died instantly, and the tailbone, spine, skull, etc. were completely pulled out by the fox demon.

  In an instant, the soul of the tiger demon jumped out and was refined by it.

   "Is this a fox pretending to be a tiger?" Gu Shanhai complained.

   "I have some knowledge, but it's a pity that this is the end." The fox demon's tone was gloomy, the tiger bone was turned into a staff, and the tiger soul blended into it.

  The fox demon casually touched it, and a ghost tiger emerged, clinging to the fox demon's body.



  Before the demon fox finished speaking, he was first hit by a rocket launcher, and then continued to shoot from machine guns.

  In addition, the basketball water also took out a small cart from the inventory, and there were a lot of basketballs piled up in the cart, and used a basketball skill called Blast Continuous Shot.

   In less than two seconds, the cart of basketballs bottomed out.

  Already fighting the boss, naturally it is impossible to wait for the opponent to finish reading the article before starting the fight. If the opponent's skill called Fox Fake Tiger's Power is not activated too fast and does not move forward, otherwise it will be interrupted long ago.

   "Damn, damn!"

   "You guys. Ugh~"

  The fox demon wanted to speak harshly, but just as he was about to speak, he felt a foul smell that made him feel nauseous, and even his own evil spirit had a vague feeling of escaping.

"Then what?" When the basketball water was replenishing the basketball, he saw Gu Shanhai throw something out, and then saw the black mist rise up, covering the fox demon and the ghost tiger together, and could He heard a very rapid retching sound and the roar of the ghost tiger.

"Oh, Dark Cuisine Stinky Tofu Egg Enhancement 12 Boost 12 plus a fully enchanted version. When I usually cook and eat, I occasionally make such weird things with trembling hands, so I just strengthened it." Gu Shanhai's voice As soon as it fell, there was a huge change in the black mist.

  The black mist condensed into a huge distorted phantom, which entangled the ghost tiger fiercely, causing the whole ghost tiger to become distorted.

"What did you do to me, my soul~" The fox demon ran out of the black mist with a hideous face, and when he was about to question Gu Shanhai, he found that the black mist stretched out a lot of slender arms and forcibly pulled him away go back.

  The fox demon kept struggling, but there was no way to break free from the drag of the black mist.

   "Is this also a summoning thing?" Basketball water stretched out his hand and threw the fox back with a basketball.

   "It doesn't count, it counts as food at most." Gu Shanhai hesitated for a while, thinking that the classification score is good, and this thing can be eaten anyway, but the taste may not be very good.

"I understand that this task is so difficult, it must be because of you." The old Liu of the base station also reacted at this time. They always thought that Gu Shanhai was a weak chicken. Now it seems that this is the most powerful It was Gu Shanhai.

  In the end, even the BOSS was no match for one of his dark dishes, which shows that his life skills have reached a very high level, even the players who are mainly on the combat side can't compare with them.

  Before, the old Liu of the base station thought that Gu Shanhai was the number one player because of the opponent's auxiliary ability. Now it seems that he has to add a life department, even if the top ten combined may not necessarily be Gu Shanhai's opponent.

   After all, the opponent just threw an item and solved the suspected 600-level boss.

   "Ah~ let me go, vomit~ don't!!" The fox demon's shrill screams came and went in the black mist, and even the basketball water that he heard made his scalp tingle.

   "Do you smell anything?" Basketball said abruptly.

   "I can smell it, it's the smell of my dark cooking, and the smell is blowing over with the wind." Gu Shanhai said.

  At that moment, the huge black mist began to expand due to the flow of air.

   "Fuck, run, what are you still doing here, you can't die." Basketball water reacted immediately, turned around and ran away decisively.

  The people who originally got together also dispersed.

  Currently, the boss should not be a problem, the real trouble is that they have to survive under Gu Shanhai's summons.

   If you want to complete the task, at least you have to wait until the black mist kills the fox demon boss, and it will take time, at least not in a short time.

   After all, the voice of the fox demon is still very powerful.

   "Do you still have dark cooking, add more ingredients to make him die sooner." The basketball water on the side also shouted.

   "Yes, yes, but are you sure?" Gu Shanhai felt that this player was really brave.

   "Sure, do it quickly." The old Liu of the base station also shouted. With the flow of the air, he found that he actually started to lose blood. Fortunately, Gu Shanhai's aura is strengthened enough, and he can still hold it.

  Seeing this, Gu Shanhai also took out another portion of fermented shark meat from his bosom, and threw it into the black mist casually.

  Then the black mist immediately began to churn, and a huge shark merged into the originally distorted phantom.

   "No, I, Gulu Gulu~" The fox demon's voice became loud and clear again, and he was talking nonsense, and he didn't know what happened.

   "Why is this boss' blood bar so thick? I've been put into a negative state by your dark cooking." Basketball water felt weak all over, and felt like he was about to ascend to heaven.

  The two players are a bit better. Those survivor villagers have already started to roll their eyes. The main reason is that they didn't get Gu Shanhai's halo boost, and they looked like they were going to die.

   "Don't worry, if you stay here for a while, I think I'm going to die soon." Gu Shanhai didn't feel pain in his back when he was standing and talking, so he could easily ignore the smell.

   "Gan, no, you can dispel this thing, let's fight directly." Old Liu of the base station felt that his mechanical body seemed to have been corroded a lot, which made him very shocked.

   Corroding his body will cause him to drop the upper limit of health, defense, constitution and other related attributes.

  After going back, you have to spend various resources to repair it yourself.

  Originally, he could indeed repair it by himself, but the memory metal and nanostructures on his body were suppressed by this strong corrosive atmosphere.

  In this environment, he directly lost the ability to recover himself.

   "This isn't very good. I'm only in charge of throwing it, and I can't control it." Gu Shanhai spread his hands, saying that if you bear with it, it will be easier when the fox is dead.

"I have lived for so many years, and I have fought countless bosses. The first time I encountered danger was from my teammates." Base Station Lao Liu couldn't help expressing emotion at this time. He can only say that after living for a long time, he can see everything .

   "It's okay, you can see more in the future." Gu Shanhai greeted Xiaobai and took another three steps back.

   It can only be said that this fox demon is really full of blood. After half an hour, the movement was much quieter.

However, the basketball water and the old Liu of the base station are not having a good time at this time. They are also dizzy. Flames burst out from time to time, obviously some mechanical parts in the body had problems due to overload.

   "Mission. Completed." Basketball Shui showed a weak joy on his face, and finally he didn't have to smell it anymore.

"I can't take it any longer. I'll go back first. Next time. Let's not download the dungeon together next time." Old Liu of the base station returned without hesitation. Without hesitation, I chose to return.

   Seeing this, the basketball player also smiled politely, even if he didn't collapse and spit it out, he could only leave in embarrassment.

  Of course, not only the two players left together, but also many aborigines. These aborigines were all followers who were conquered by the two players and completed the mission. Naturally, they went back together.

  However, there are still some leftovers. The current vital signs are extremely weak, and it may be dead after a while.

   "Okay, let's go." After Gu Shanhai finished speaking, the twisted black mist disappeared in an instant.

  As for the remaining aborigines, Gu Shanhai directly erased their memories, making them completely unable to remember what happened in the past five days.

In fact, the safest way is to kill them, but after Gu Shanhai thought about it, there is no need for this, and the villagers did not offend him, and they were also very active during the battle, and there was no such thing as avoiding the battle or collaborating with the enemy. what to do.

  He is not a murderous maniac, as long as he does not offend him or have a conflict of interest, Gu Shanhai is still very easy to get along with.

   "Oh, I almost forgot about another treasure here." Gu Shanhai thought of a certain black stone monster who was sealed away.

   This thing is under Zhenshi Village.

   Gu Shanhai stretched out his hand to grab it, and pulled it out.

  The black stone monster looks like a piece of obsidian. After breaking away from the seal, he is waking up little by little. As a result, he has not fully regained consciousness. Gu Shanhai just knocked the other party's consciousness unconscious.

   "It's not scientific at all that a stone can knock you unconscious." Gu Shanhai complained.

When he put it in his pocket and was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something. If he left like this, wouldn't the seal be empty? If other monsters came to save the black stone monster, wouldn't they have to leave in vain? a trip.

   "You have to leave some gifts for them." After a little thought, Gu Shanhai dug out the nuclear bombs that Base Station Lao Liu had buried under Zhenshi Village, and stuffed them all into the seal.

   Moreover, the explosive activation device and the seal are hooked together very intimately. As long as a demon opens the seal, the nuclear bomb will explode immediately.

   "Come here, let's enchant these nuclear bombs."

  After the burial, Gu Shanhai felt that he might not be very enthusiastic about doing this. After all, he came all the way here, so it’s not good to eat some radiation, so at least he should add more ingredients.

   "It's done!" Five minutes later, Gu Shanhai completed the enchantment, and added a lot of weird special effects, such as lifespan evaporation, soul disorder, and other after-effects that are not easy to die.

   "The next step is to create an identity to harm the world." Gu Shanhai took out a page from the history book, this time he didn't insist on a good identity, he just filled in a little transparency.

  The air wall disappeared because of the completion of the task, and then Gu Shanhai's real start.

   As a result, he discovered a very serious problem, that is, this thing seemed to have no effect on him.

   "I can't change my identity? No, it's impossible to judge!"

   Gu Shanhai felt a little bit of a shit, this thing seems to have no way to identify him, so the judgment is invalid, and the identity cannot be generated.

   "Because I became the world, this page of the history book is not compatible with my data, which makes it impossible to upload and generate."

   Soon, Gu Shanhai researched some clues, and after learning about this situation, he was also a little speechless.

"Doesn't it mean that I have become a black household without an identity, so I don't seem to have any influence?" Gu Shanhai found that he doesn't seem to need to cover up his identity now. One more guarantee, even if this guarantee may not be of much use.

   "Since it's useless, let's forget about it." Gu Shanhai didn't force this, and then directly started to look for the protagonist through divination.

   "Haven't fully developed yet? Maybe it's not time yet, but it's okay, I'm good at ripening." Gu Shanhai instantly found the protagonist he wanted to cut off.

   "It's a bit weird, it feels like it's divided into two, can't it be two protagonists?"

  Gu Shanhai couldn't help but think of the domineering president and his little white lotus wife, it shouldn't be such a coincidence.

  (end of this chapter)

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