I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 457: The game type is directly changed to tower defense

  Chapter 457 The game type is directly changed to tower defense

  On the fourth day, the entire Zhenshi Village was on full alert, and Basketball Water and Base Station Lao Liu had fully taken over the entire village.

   For the top players, there is still the quality of the game that they should have. If there is no way to take over a village in four days, what if they encounter a real mission of saving the world?

  Like the world of Adventure King, tens of billions of players saved the world and forcibly resisted the gravitational pull of the Great Ruins. This is the real strength of the players, not even a group of aborigines.

  "First Age" has paid a lot of money to train players, especially the top players.

   "Looking at it this way, Guang Wei Lu Li and Shura are both talented, and their starting point is too high, which leads to them being more inclined to fight in terms of ability. It's no wonder that these two people will be lone rangers."

Gu Shanhai can also see that in terms of combat effectiveness, Basketball Water and Base Station Old Liu may be inferior to Guang Weiluli and Shura. The fighting qualities of the two are extremely high, but they are far inferior to Basketball Water and Shura in terms of puzzle solving and management. Old Liu of the base station, one of these two people has a simulator and the other has text reminders. They have extremely high advantages in informatization and strategy, and can omit many related steps for them.

  This is also normal, and different developments will naturally form different emphases.

It's like the situation in the original mission of Luna Luli's retreat at the speed of light, because he was more inclined to the combat side, planning a path through the simulator, and then trying to find a way to kill the opponent. If he can kill him in this situation, then everyone will be happy , If you can't kill him, that's another matter.

  Basketball Shui and Base Station Lao Liu do not have this kind of talent, so they can only plan and investigate on their own, so they seem a lot more stable, and these strange things will not happen.

   "But these two people probably dare not come here today." Gu Shanhai could not help but smile.

  Last night, he extracted the magical power of treasure hunting and made it into a skill potion. The basketball potion reluctantly lent the resource to Old Liu of the base station.

  Actually, Gu Shanhai knew that the two of them had something more precious, but they were determined not to take it out. This kind of treasure involves himself, no matter how good the relationship is, he will not give it to him.

  I didn't dare to come today, because I was worried that Gu Shanhai would come up with something good again, so I couldn't help it.

  Gu Shanhai’s extracted treasure-hunting supernatural power was somewhat beyond his own expectations, because this supernatural power not only has the function of treasure hunting, but also incorporates some abilities of the monster race, that is to say, it also adds attributes and other additional effects.

   "After changing so many things, this is the most interesting thing." Gu Shanhai looked at a Rubik's Cube in his hand.

  The name is Magic Cube. It is a piece of equipment that can grow. It has six shapes on six sides. It can be transformed into six weapons during battle.

  Currently the weapon template is empty, and the original weapon template has been emptied when the old Liu of the base station gave it to him.

  And this equipment has actually been cultivated by him to the current extremely high level and quality. In the hands of those players who prefer to fight, it can already be regarded as a very good reserve weapon or off-hand weapon.

   This is the weapon used by the old Liu of the base station. After giving it to Gu Shanhai, he does not mean that he has no weapons. He himself is the strongest weapon, but most of the time he uses the Magic Cube.

  The reason is because if he directly transforms with his body without a weapon, he will feel pain when attacking.

  He is quite special, and he still retains part of the pain-sensing nerves.

  So if the hands become sharp blades, there will be a sense of sharpening the bones to attack the enemy. When firing bullets, it is the same as tearing off flesh and blood and hitting people.

   Gu Shanhai is not sure about the authenticity, anyway, that's what Old Liu of the base station said.

  Gu Shanhai thinks the possibility is quite high, but he didn't say everything, but Gu Shanhai felt the spatial fluctuation from the opponent's body.

That is to say, he actually has a folding space. Don’t look at other people’s looks, he can become a Gundam Mecha after he is really liberated, and he doesn’t have to worry about ammunition. This thing is directly consumed in the inventory, and there is no need to reload it at all. .

  So the situation he said exists, only when the ammunition and food are exhausted.

"Unfortunately, this magic tool Rubik's Cube is useless to me, and there are still some problems." Gu Shanhai looked at this thing, this thing is actually a nanofactory, but many functions are blocked, that is, if you want to fully unlock it, you must continue to upgrade .

   This doesn't make any sense to Gu Shanhai, he can see through all his data at a glance, whether it's the so-called upgrade or simulation, he knows it all.

   Even if he wants to make another one, it's a matter of opening his mouth.

   But what did he build this thing for? Even if he reaches the full level, the equipment in the hands of the Mind Demon Daoist is not as good.

   As a toy for Xiaobai?

  This is okay, but Xiaobai has already passed the age of playing with toys, not to mention that he can only play with it when Xiaobai shrinks in size, otherwise under normal body size, this thing is not enough for Xiaobai to play with.

  When thinking of Xiaobai, Gu Shanhai's face suddenly darkened.

   "Xiaobai, if you **** meow again, I'll shave you like a Mediterranean."

Gu Shanhai found out that Xiaobai sneaked up to the head of his main body to gnaw on the tree again. What he used was not the normal Qingyuan white deer size, but a huge main body. With just one mouthful of the deer, a tree would be destroyed. Halfway down the middle, if the efficiency is higher, it will really bite his head out of the Mediterranean.

  When Xiaobai heard this, he ran away decisively.

   "This product is really getting worse and worse." Gu Shanhai couldn't help complaining.

There are plants everywhere on his body, but he ran to the position above his head, and deliberately estimated the position. As long as he finishes eating in that circle, once Gu Shanhai transforms back into the real body of the fluorescent giant, the shape of his head will change from a dense forest to a Mediterranean appearance. .

   "Damn it, I don't know what's going on with this deer, it's getting worse and worse."

  Gu Shanhai doesn't mind that Xiaobai is immoral, the main reason is that this immorality should not be used on him.

   It's like watching fun, he must like it, but he doesn't like fun as himself at all.

  The double standard is so obvious to him.

   "Isn't it just that I gave it an enhanced version of Tongzi Gong before, so it's so vengeful." Gu Shanhai quickly thought of why.

Not long ago, in order to make Xiaobai more meaty, he developed Tongzigong Genetic Drug Type 1 through his martial arts supernatural powers, and then Xiaobai was paralyzed for a month and couldn’t get up. During the process, the deer barking continued Half a month, and the remaining half month is because I have no strength to shout.

  Thanks to Qinglong feeding him in the past, Xiaobai persisted.

  So after Xiaobai recovered, he gnawed on the flowers and trees on Gu Shanhai's head, just for revenge.

"Forget it, the remaining Golden Bell Mask Genetic Drug Type 1 and Iron Cloth Genetic Drug Type 1 have to be changed, so as to save them from injecting them, they will come to harm me again." Gu Shanhai thought for a long time if he couldn't do it. , The digestion time that originally took one month was changed to one year, at least there will not be too much itching.

   That's right, Xiaobai has been itching for a month.

This is Xiaobai, if it were someone else, it wouldn't take a month, one hour would be enough, but the severe pain in the middle would cause problems, so Gu Shanhai usually uses this kind of thing for the protagonist, After all, mental fortitude is an essential ability for the protagonist, so don't worry about going crazy with pain.

  If it is changed to one year, then basically there is no feeling, and the replacement will be completed quietly within one year.

   "Today. Eh, this is?"

  Gu Shanhai was keenly aware that a large number of beasts had entered the range of the air wall.

  Because there is an air wall, Gu Shanhai's spiritual consciousness cannot be extended, and he never thought about competing with "The First Era", anyway, sooner or later he will come in.

   "It seems that because the mouse didn't go back, the big demon is ready to test further."

  Gu Shanhai could tell at a glance that this group of wild beasts were controlled by a big monster, and their strength was much stronger than ordinary beasts.

   "The half-demon didn't show up, that's right. This is a temptation, not a direct attack."

  The opponent is driving the beast, making it a beast tide.

  Town Stone Village will encounter a beast tide every five or six years, and this time is actually not fixed.

There are many reasons for the appearance of beast tides, such as the birth of strange treasures in the mountains or the maturity of natural and earth treasures, or the hunting of too many wild beasts or the birth of monster clans, etc., there may be beast tides .

  So once every five or six years is actually not that much. With the energy level of this world, especially the maturity cycle of Tiancaidibao will be shortened a lot.

   Therefore, from time to time, someone picked up something like vermilion fruit, such as the village chief. He was able to successfully break through the blood training period because he took a vermilion fruit, and the source was also the animal tide.

   What is the specific principle? Gu Shanhai didn't study it, so he didn't care about the beast tide. Anyway, this time the wild beast attack was definitely not a normal beast tide.

  The arrival of the beast horde was noticed by Zhenshi Village immediately, and under the command of the old Liu of the base station, an orderly resistance method was formed.

  However, the villagers did not engage in physical confrontation, but a large number of modern ordnance such as machine guns and grenades launched the first round of attacks.

   These ordnance are also mixed with some magic weapons of thermal weapons, but the quantity is not much.

  Gu Shanhai knows that this is the old Liu of the base station saving consumption, and he needs to use this high-quality consumable to fight a group of ordinary monsters, so what should he do when he fights elite monsters next.

   "Did the other party drive all the beasts within a radius of hundreds of miles?" Gu Shanhai frowned.

  He didn't know the density of wild beasts in the nearby mountains and forests. As far as the continuous number was concerned, there were indeed many.

The beast tide is actually not scary, not to mention that there are many practitioners in Zhenshi Village itself, as long as you don’t meet monsters, the beasts come and kill as many as you want, and the second is that the beast tide is not only borne by Zhenshi Village, but by the surrounding people. All villages and towns will be diverted, so every time there are more than a hundred wild animals, and if there are few, there are only a few dozen.

  How is it like this time, there are hundreds of dead just now.

   In terms of killing efficiency, there are really not many species that can compete with players.

  Thanks to the lack of minerals or corresponding resources in Zhenshi Village, otherwise, the old Liu of the base station could directly build it into a mechanical fortress.

   "The first wave of wild beasts shouldn't be a big problem, only the group of elite monsters and half-demons will make them cautious, just."

  Gu Shanhai guessed that this wave of beasts was probably here to consume them. If he guessed correctly, it might not stop until tomorrow.

   As for where so many beasts come from, Gu Shanhai doesn't care, he has nothing to worry about how many monsters there are, anyway, how many are none of his business.

  He doesn't need to fight.

   "Tomorrow will definitely not only be elite monsters and half-demons, but also big monsters who are bosses."

  Gu Shanhai knew that with the opponent's cautious temperament, he would consume first and then take advantage of the opportunity to attack, so that the winning rate could be greatly improved.

   Instead of improving yourself, it is better to weaken others.

   "It's just that the opponent should have underestimated basketball. He is a basketball player, but he is a professional fighter." Gu Shanhai also smiled. They didn't know how outrageous this group of weird athletes was.

  In the first echelon, there are two players from the physical education department, one plays basketball and the other plays tennis.

"It would be even better if it could be replaced by the tennis player." Gu Shanhai knew that that guy was simply a copy of Echizen Ryoma, and his natural talent was the realm of selflessness. He was a genius player, not like a basketball player. Like a hardworking player.

  The initial talent that came with him has long been washed away by him, and replaced with a talent that is more suitable for basketball.

  So from the current point of view, I am afraid that the basketball water is better than the old Liu of the base station.

  Of course, the old Liu of the base station has not yet made a move. At most, he will let the props attack. These props can enjoy the bonus of his talents and passives.

   These things are not the real combat power of the base station old Liu. His real strength is his own body, which combines technology and immortality.

   "If it were Shura or Guang Wei Luli, they would probably be able to defeat ten thousand by one."

   "But it's really these two people, this thing is not enough for them to warm up."

Don't look at the grotesque performance of pulling his hips back then, it was because he met the existence in the void like the Tranquil Eye of Death, otherwise he would have started killing indiscriminately. It can only be said that Gu Shanhai brought him to a world with too high a level, so in fact It was Gu Shanhai's fault.

  Any other world with a similar level of energy to his, Ludwig and Luli can directly crush him through his own destiny combat system.

   "Forget it, don't care about him, I'd better be myself, this group of little monsters won't make a difference." Gu Shanhai shook his head, and soon he didn't pay attention to these beasts, but continued to immerse himself in research.

  If this group of beasts can get close to the entrance of Zhenshi Village, they are not strong enough to fire.

The base station old Liu has at least a hundred arsenals on him. This kind of powerful thermal weapon is not worth much to the base station old Liu. There may be hundreds of production lines in the opponent's player space for him to squander. .

   Don’t worry about the raw materials, he must have been involved in a lot of world commerce like Uncle Qin and others, and has certain shares in his hands, so there is no need to worry about the lack of raw materials for making ammunition.

  (end of this chapter)

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