I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 453: The strength of this halo increase, I would say you are just kidding

  Chapter 453 The strength of this halo boost, I would say that you are the number one player!

  The two also briefly introduced themselves, and then proposed a deal for customized equipment.

  Of course, the two of them had inquired about it from Shura and Guangwei Luli. After all, the two commissioned it, so they naturally had to ask a question.

   After learning that Gu Shanhai is a boss in the life department, how could such a good opportunity be missed.

  Gu Shanhai naturally did not refuse anyone who came, and the three of them began to discuss the equipment plan at the entrance of the village. It took nearly an hour before they finalized the plan.

   Then the three of them entered the village slowly.

  For the old Liu of the base station, he has a force called the Machine Realm under his command. It's just an invitation letter. If you don't have it, you can just change it.

The invitation letter in his hand is just an ordinary invitation letter, otherwise Gu Shanhai wouldn't be allowed to come in to play with the team. It's not as precious as the invitation letter given by Guangqi Luli before, so he didn't mind if the mission failed, on the contrary But if you can order equipment from Gu Shanhai, it will be a worthwhile trip.

Basketball Water naturally has the same idea. He also has a faction called Stadium under his command, but the faction is not as big as the old Liu of the base station, and only players from the sports department are recruited. Compared with the mechanical system, there are fewer players in the sports system. It's the same as rare.

  The three entered the village, but it was very peaceful.

   "The combat power of this group of NPCs is ridiculously high. Even if they haven't practiced before, they can have a strength of about 100. I suspect that they were born with many special talents." The tone of the old Liu of the base station was dignified.

  This shows that the task this time is very difficult.

   "NPCs, don't worry too much, and they can't compare to us." Basketball water is relatively indifferent to this.

  He knew that the old Liu of the base station had a combat power detector on his body, and he could analyze his strength through his brain.

   As for the difficulty of the task, which one of them has experienced less difficulty.

   "We still have to be more cautious. How can I say that the main task is to stop the Black Stone Demon, but it seems that it should be a fast-paced task, and it should be resolved within three to five days at most." Gu Shanhai also added.

  At this time, the three of them were using telepathic connection. Of course, it wasn't Gu Shanhai who did it. Both Basketball Shui and Base Station Lao Liu had corresponding skills on their bodies.

   "From the current point of view, the level of the black stone demon is estimated to be around 600. Otherwise, the task cannot be to stop it. There must be another way for us to kill."

   "So only when we can't defeat the Black Stone Demon, we will focus on preventing it."

  Old Liu of the base station saw the problem from the task.

"Therefore, there are only two possibilities. Either someone in Stone Village in this town is bewitched to release the seal of suppression, or the seal gradually becomes invalid due to too long a period of time. The worst case is that both situations occur at the same time. Controlled some NPCs."

   "So, we will be in big trouble next time. My detector tells me that there are many high-energy reactions here."

   Gu Shanhai deeply agrees with the words of old Liu of the base station, but he guessed wrong on one point, that is, the black stone monster is not level 600, but level 1000.

  As for the high-energy response, it refers to the village head in the village. The other party has a good strength after training.

  Gu Shanhai can be sure that the human beings in this world are definitely not normal human beings. They are probably descendants of gods and demons or innate beings. They are stronger than cows in the ordinary world when they are just born.

  After a lot of hard work as an adult, you will have the strength of ten thousand catties. Of course, the strength of other things will also increase at the same time. Whether it is birds, animals, flowers and trees, they are much stronger than the ordinary world.

  Gu Shanhai also found some supernatural systems related to this world. He found them from the mind of the village chief. Probably, they should be Xianwu who is more inclined to martial arts.

  The village head knows limited information. He is practicing "Brave Bull Strength", and he can at most reach the level of strength training. In his case, he is practicing viscera.

  The realm is initially divided into skin training, meat training, bone training, blood training, visceral training, and strength training that integrates the whole body.

  He is not talented enough, he stopped at practicing viscera, but he is also the number one master in Zhenshi Village.

As for this realm, Gu Shanhai also read "Brave Bull Strength", it should be only the first basic realm, combined it should be the body training realm, and if it goes further up, there is also the pulse congealing realm. As I said, if you integrate strength into your qi and blood so as to control your own qi and blood and condense your qi veins, it is considered a success in breaking the mirror.

  Unfortunately, there is only such a small concept without any detailed introduction.

   It can only be said that this world is too blessed by nature, and it is only a rough exercise to temper the body to achieve such a powerful strength.

  Of course, it is precisely because of this reason that practitioners have difficulty breaking through, and they need extremely high talents to make further progress.

  The village head of Stone Village in the town has high attributes, but his growth is very low, and he can only stop here in his life.

If he wants to go further, there is no hope, because he is getting older, and the effect of exercise can no longer maintain his physical peak. Now he wants to break through and practice strength, let alone hope. If the breakthrough fails, it may lead to the backlash of his flesh and blood. , Seriously, he may die.

   It really depends too much on qualifications.

  Of course, on the player's side, it is too expensive to upgrade talents and skills.

   "Then shall we split up and investigate?" Basketball asked directly.

  In his eyes, Old Liu of the base station has intelligent brain calculations, at least in every detail, which is far better than him.

"I don't think it's good. We both still have a bit of combat power. *** His combat power may be relatively average." The old Liu of the base station is more euphemistic, saying that leaving Gu Shanhai, a player of the support system and the life system, may cause accidents. .

  He is not underestimating Gu Shanhai, but Gu Shanhai is a support, and he is naturally in the protective position, instead of letting a support go to the front like a fool, the last word is to perform their duties.

  It is true that some support players do not take the normal path, prefer to take a slanted sword, and often talk about protecting teammates as long as they kill all the enemies.

   It's just this kind of players, they are all second-tier or even third-tier players.

There are a lot of support players in the first echelon, but they are specialized support, and at most they can point some life-saving and attack abilities. They don’t say that their support profession has to kill the Quartet like the main battle profession. I have this idea , Directly switch the system to be the main battle, wouldn't the damage be higher.

What? If you want to prove that auxiliary occupations do more damage than main combat occupations in battle, and can deal more damage when dealing damage, then you can only say that your idea is very novel, and I hope you can continue.

  The other party can even confuse the positioning, what to persuade the other party to do.

  You said that the auxiliary professions can fight, so there must be some. After all, the players who have reached the first echelon are all strong, but they can fight better than the main combat players of the same strength, so it is a bit nonsense.

  Everyone is about the same strength, if your support class has higher damage than your main battle class, then why do you play support?

   "It makes sense." Basketball also quickly realized that it would be a big loss if he left Gu Shanhai. The other party's profession is a Halo Master, which shows that Halo is absolutely powerful.

  The halo has a limitation, that is, distance, unlike skills, it is generally based on timeliness.

   "By the way, ***, can you take a look at your aura? Let's get used to it." Old Liu of the base station is very interested in Gu Shanhai's aura.

   In any case, he is also a master of halo, and he must be strong enough.

   "No problem, you can get used to it in advance." Gu Shanhai's aura of strength is already unbelievably strong.

"It doesn't take much to get used to!" Basketball Water really wanted to say that it was a halo. It's not like he hasn't seen it before, how strong it can be, but saw a lot of brilliance emerging from him and Old Liu of the base station, and then dissipated. Lose.

  Then hurriedly opened the status bar, only to see the 999+ page appear, and everyone else was a little confused.

  999+ does not mean that there are only 999 pages, but that the page number will not be displayed after more than a thousand pages. If you want to see it, you can only turn it yourself.

There were indeed a lot of permanent states on him, but these states couldn't even make up a single page. After all, permanent states are not so easy to obtain. As for the states imposed by him, it is not during the battle now. Naturally it will not increase.

   "Hiss, how much halo do you have?" Basketball water was a little crazy for a while, not to mention other things, this attribute was at least increased, at least tenfold.

   It's no wonder that Guang Wei Lu Li was taken away by Gu Shanhai. With this attribute, it's hard not to be taken away.

  Thinking again that Gu Shanhai is good at healing, doesn't it mean that he can't die if he directly fights the boss.

  'No wonder Shura is looking for the ****, with this kind of increase, the black stone monster might have to be beaten to death by the two of us. ’ The basketball player also felt a little bit pained, why didn’t he go to this person to get in touch with him, as long as he had the help of the other party, he couldn’t win any basketball game.

  The basketball game of basketball water is not an ordinary basketball game, each of them shows their own special abilities like fighting skills.

"Cough, I think, the next plan may have to be changed." The old Liu of the base station also recovered from the expression of what the **** is this, the increase that Gu Shanhai gave him can be said to have fallen below three view.

  'No wonder Lu Li dared to say that *** is the number one player. With this increase, I also say he is the number one player. ’ Old Liu of the base station also slandered in his heart.

   Before Lu Li said that, he was a little bit unconvinced. After the increase, he said that Gu Shanhai is not who?

compete? This is a fart of competition, such a big assistant has to pay for it.

   "How did it change?" Gu Shanhai was a little curious. According to the previous plan, Gu Shanhai felt that it should be to investigate, cut off minions, and then strengthen the seal.

   "Let's call directly there!" With this increase, the old Liu of the base station felt that he was the **** stone monster, so why should he be afraid.

   "I don't think it's possible. "The First Age" must have taken me into consideration. Maybe your attributes can only make a difference."

   "What's more, it is to prevent the black stone demon from breaking through the seal. If we want to fight, we must release it first, and then the mission will fail immediately."

  Gu Shanhai kindly reminded him that a task is a task, and you can't change it casually.

   But I have to say, according to the idea of ​​the old Liu of the base station, the rewards must be more.

   It's just a good idea, the gap is too big.

  If these two were at level 999, plus Gu Shanhai's mana aura, they would indeed be able to win, but it's a pity that they are not, and the two of them are only in the early 500s.

   "The possibility is not small." The old Liu of the base station used his brain to calculate, and quickly came to the conclusion that Gu Shanhai's conclusion is very likely. If you really want to be reckless, the only way to go is to fail the mission.

   "Then how big is the range of your halo?" Basketball Water changed the question. He knew the increase of the halo, so the next step is naturally the more important range.

   "There is no problem covering the entire village." Gu Shanhai did not hide it.

  In fact, the increase received by the mana halo on them was only about one ten-thousandth, not all. If it was the full power of the mana halo, these two people would have died suddenly because of it.

  Commonly known as deficiency does not make up.

  At present, the only ones who can withstand the full mana aura are the Heart Demon Daoist and Xiaobai. As for the dao guardian demon, this thing can be regarded as the lower body of the Heart Demon Daoist.

"That's good. We'll find you a safe place later. You can rest assured and wait until the mission is over." The old Liu of the base station is still very knowledgeable. If there is an accident for some reason, their next mission will be without this increase. I'm afraid it will increase dramatically.

  Anyway, tasks can be shared, even if they are hidden tasks, you can come and share them, it's not a big deal.

  For Base Station Lao Liu and Basketball Water, it was a short-term task of little value.

How to distinguish is also very simple, such as what escort, kill, stop and so on, most of them are short-term tasks, especially if they are restricted in a certain area by the air wall, then the possibility of short-term tasks is even greater .

   In addition, the restricted area is not large, so it can be confirmed that it is a short-term task.

  According to the estimation of the old Liu of the base station, if it is soon, it will be over tomorrow, which means that we may have to act tonight.

  If it is slow, it will only take three to five days, not more than a month.

   "No problem, just to make equipment for you." Of course, Gu Shanhai would not refuse, and of course he would like to lie flat if there is such a good thing.

He chose to call his occupation as a halo master because of this consideration. After all, it is enough to be a mascot. You can enjoy it anywhere.

  So as long as most people have some knowledge, they will not let Gu Shanhai go to the battlefield, but will find a safe place to place him. If the mission is not urgent this time, maybe they have to leave someone behind to protect Gu Shanhai.

   "Then let's make a decision first, let's find a safe place." The old Liu of the base station didn't discuss with the basketball water, and made up his mind directly.

  Basketball doesn't mind, anyway, the old Liu of the base station is worried, and he can save a lot of trouble.

   After all, he uses a human brain, unlike the old Liu of the base station who uses a mechanical brain, which can be used after charging.

  (end of this chapter)

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