I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 449: Play with the big ones and fry them directly!

  Chapter 449 Play with the big ones and blow them up!

   "The feeling of being distributed to the frontier is really unpleasant, even the quality of the shuttle is terrible." Gu Shanhai complained.

   Today is three months since he left the ancestral star of the Xuandao League, and he has been wandering in the universe, stopping at a certain planet from time to time.

   This shuttle is also a spaceship, but the speed is really slow. The resource star that Gu Shanhai wants to investigate is estimated to take a year to sail.

   Fortunately, there is also a network in the shuttle, so Gu Shanhai can surf the Internet through the terminal and learn about various matters.

  The storm at the University College exploded a month ago, but it was quickly covered up. It was blocked when there was only zero news at the beginning, and there was no corresponding sound.

  It was just some simple announcements, saying that there were rumors of experiment failure due to some problems in the graduate school, and then there was no follow-up.

   Then this month should be a political game, to see who will be blamed, and who can come up with enough things to suppress the situation and so on.

   Anyway, there is no result until now.

   It is only certain that Gu Shanhai's "Heavenly Blood Jue" has become the center of the game, and his perception can feel that people have been mentioning him during this period of time.

   Obviously, after someone offered something, they didn't clean up the hands and were found out.

Of course, for high-level people, this kind of thing is known without investigation. You are a person who intrigues and seeks power all day long. You, a young man who can't even enter the laboratory once a year, come up with such a scientific research achievement that can change the times. , everyone knows how you got here.

  Everyone turned a blind eye. The reason why Gu Shanhai was mentioned was because he wanted to keep him from coming back for the rest of his life or to make him disappear.

   After all, the scandal has already covered up a big bomb. If another bomb explodes, it will be a bit tricky, so the best way is to deal with it.

  But because this "Heavenly Blood Jue" was developed by Gu Shanhai, if something happens in the future, there is no after-sales service.

   It is very difficult to want to monopolize the credit and want to shirk the responsibility.

  The best way, of course, is to control the other party and imprison the other party to serve oneself.

   This unspoken rule is also acquiesced among high-level people. It is just a group of people without any power. In their eyes, they are not actually human beings at all.

  Gu Shanhai also learned of his malice, but he didn't take it to heart at all.

  Because they will soon have no time to trouble Gu Shanhai, because they feel that they have covered the pot of the university, but before Gu Shanhai left, he had already planted a bigger disaster for them.

  For example, academic fraud, or the disadvantages of "Returning Blood" and so on.

  Both are actually true, but when it comes to the disadvantages of "Returning Blood", etc., it is actually more exaggeration and speculation.

  But it also depends on who sent it, Gu Shanhai left this thing to Qin Shang.

  He is not living an easy life now, not to mention the end of being worthless, but his life after being fired is not easy.

  The original glamorous life is gone, and I still have to be manipulated from time to time.

  He hated Liu Fengxu deeply. As for Gu Shanhai, he hated it too, but it wasn't that big, and it was more about regret. If he knew it earlier, he wouldn't be greedy.

   Money is hard to buy, I knew it earlier, and it will be too late when this kind of thing happens.

   Fortunately, Gu Shanhai is still very kind-hearted and gave him a chance to fight back. As long as he seizes this opportunity, he will definitely be able to retaliate successfully.

  That's right, Gu Shanhai left him a diary, which contained some hidden accounts and unspoken rules of various experiments in the university.

  As long as it is exposed, and Gu Shanhai died halfway, the authenticity will immediately increase, especially if the college concealed the disadvantages of "Blood Returning Art" for the sake of money, this will definitely ignite the entire Xuandao League.

  End, it must be fined three cups of wine as an example, the most is to condemn on the Internet, there must be no follow-up action.

   Only correspondingly, the "Heavenly Blood Jue" can be born out of nowhere to suppress everything.

  Gu Shanhai has actually felt that many people have practiced "Heavenly Blood Jue", and they are testers, that is, guinea pigs.

   Otherwise, how dare the senior officials of the Xuandao League confirm whether the exercises are true.

   This is destined to be a long process, but I don't know how long it will take.

  'I don't know if the other party will jump the wall in a hurry after this matter subsides. ’ Gu Shanhai was also happy.

  This storm will not last for long, even if it breaks out, it will last for ten days at most. If the verification of "Heavenly Blood Art" is all right, just find a few culprits, and it will not affect the upper layer.

  Gu Shanhai was thinking about it when he suddenly discovered that a certain trending search on the Internet rushed to the top of the list at an extremely terrifying speed.

   Taking a closer look, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

   "If you say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive."

   "I didn't expect Qin Shang to be so fierce, and he actually posted it now."

Gu Shanhai looked at the hot searches on the Internet, clicked on it, and it was the notebook he left for Qin Shang, which recorded a large number of secrets of the university. The most glaring thing was the large number of problems in "Returning Blood", and the article was even more serious. It implicitly shows that the reason why these disadvantages cannot be announced is because the No. 1 experiment cannot be stopped.

  As for why it couldn't stop, it didn't say in it, but as a stupefied Qing Qin Shang who knew a lot of inside information, he revealed it without hesitation.

   For a while, it caused a thousand waves.

  Seeing this, Gu Shanhai is numb, it is true that he is dying.

  Of course, Qin Shang was not the most upright. Gu Shanhai soon discovered that some indecent pictures of Qin Shang began to be circulated on some small websites, and public opinion also began to fight back, claiming that these were all fake.

   First bad reputation, then control the voice, and finally reverse it, no matter how good Qin Shang said, it is also false.

   "At this time, it would be fun if Qin Shang died." Gu Shanhai narrowed his eyes.

  The high-level rhythm of the Xuandao League is indeed impeccable. They are not only the players but also the referees. Naturally, they have the final say on what to say.

   But if another player dies just like that, then someone will watch it.

  Anyone with a discerning eye can see that you are killing someone to silence you.

  But for those who surf the Internet, Qin Shang's death may be just a joke, but the fact that "Returning Blood" has drawbacks is not a joke.

  If you have no problem, what are you doing by killing him to silence him? This indirectly proves that what the other party said is true.

   "I can't survive tonight."

  Gu Shanhai will help them.

  As for why he helped so much, it was naturally because of the "Heavenly Blood Jue". The source of this thing was him. As long as someone practiced it, he would sign a loan-sharking contract with him for eighteen generations.

  He was able to absorb his fate through the "Wonderful Fate Method" and become stronger. He has become his slave, and the fate must be very deep.

Gu Shanhai doesn’t mind that it may decline because of this in the future. It is not so easy for the Xuandao League to decline. It will take at least a hundred years. Besides, the decline of the Xuandao League means the rise of the Ascension Empire. Gu Shanhai not only You will not lose money, and you will earn more.

   "Oh, by the way, I have to die as well, otherwise it won't be true enough."

   Kill people to silence the news, everyone who announced it was killed, so if he, the writer, is still alive, wouldn't it be a bit of a pity.

   "In this way, it will be more real."

   "However, you have to choose a good candidate, otherwise no one will expose it to me, wouldn't it be embarrassing."

  These things belong to one link after another. If any link is not done well, it is unlikely that all previous efforts will be wasted, but the effect will be much worse.

   "People with status and status will not take this shuttle. They have better ones."

   "So there must be a corresponding coincidence."

   As far as the shuttle that Gu Shanhai took was the cheapest model, anyone with a little power would not take this shuttle.

  "A well-developed network has one advantage, that is, it is widely spread."

   Soon, Gu Shanhai found an Internet celebrity who was broadcasting live. The other party was holding a selfie stick, as if introducing the situation of the shuttle and the customs of the planet he was about to arrive at.

  Gu Shanhai took a look and found that he is a moderate internet celebrity with nearly 100,000 people online.

   At first glance, it seems that there are many people, but the actual situation is that 100,000 people are really not many, and I don’t even look at how many people there are in the Xuandao League.

  According to statistics, there are at least 100 billion people, no matter what, they have already entered the point of colonizing the planet. If 100 billion people is really too many, then the Xuandao Union will be finished long ago.

"It's just right, add fire to this public opinion." Gu Shanhai quickly prepared some things that should be prepared, such as the various notes he was persecuted to leave because he discovered the disadvantages of "Returning Blood", and he was murdered to silence him. The process and so on have to be planned.

   It doesn't matter who kills him, the important thing is that you have to die in an aboveboard manner so that many people can see it.

   "It's a pity that with the current identity, I can only change another one and lurk back." Gu Shanhai said that he only needs to change his appearance to ensure that when Gu Shanhai wanders in front of Liu Fengxu again, the other party will not recognize him.

   "We need to invite a few more people to cooperate."

   This kind of fight cooperation is definitely not allowed to be played, it can only be controlled by Gu Shanhai.

  After some divination, Gu Shanhai decided to play a big game.

  He died first, and after the announcement, the shuttle was blown up.

   In this way, the yellow mud will fall into the crotch, or not.

   After all, people are all dead in the universe, or they were blown up after the live broadcast. You say that there is no conspiracy is a coincidence, and you can see the problem even without thinking.

   "Okay, let's do it!"

   It was the first time for Gu Shanhai to live-broadcast his own death, so he had to die more heroically. Well, this thing is really not heroic.

  The main focus is to be fast, accurate and ruthless, or what to do if you really show something and show your secrets, so it's better to be more cautious.

   "Family, let me tell you." Sui Liang introduced eloquently. After all, it was the first time for him to leave the planet by shuttle, and his expression was also full of excitement.

   This behavior also attracted a lot of traffic for him. Looking at the gifts that pop up from time to time, he talked more and more vigorously.

   "Excuse me, thank you." A voice came over.

   This made Sui Liang hesitate, he was too selfless and blocked others.

   "Excuse me, excuse me, please." He came back to his senses and hurried out of the way. He had to pay attention to his image. After all, he was a medium-sized Internet celebrity, so he couldn't be arrogant.

   "It's okay, I." The middle-aged man also smiled slightly, and didn't care. Just when he was about to speak, his mind suddenly exploded like this.

   Brains, flesh and bones were splashed all over him. At that moment, Sui Liang was dumbfounded. What is the situation?

  Screams came after that, of course Sui Liang wasn't the only one who saw this scene, he was just one of the unlucky ones affected.

   Even in the live broadcast, there were a lot of bullet screens. Fortunately, Sui Liang reacted quickly, wiped off all kinds of brains, blood and flesh on his face, and then took two steps back.

  For a while, the entire shuttle began to lose control.

  Subsequently, Sui Liang noticed that after the middle-aged man's head exploded, the briefcase in his hand fell to the ground, and he just opened it, and a book came into his eyes.

  "Experiment No. 17 of the Research on the Disadvantages of Returning Blood Tactics"

  At this moment, Sui Liang couldn't help but think of the words "kill and silence".

   This incident just broke out on Hot Search, and as a result, someone died, and they happened to bring this document with them.

By accident, he took a closer look with his personal terminal, and flipped through several pages. At this moment, he and everyone in the live broadcast knew who this middle-aged man was, the persecuted man in the university Class A kung fu deduction teacher.

"This this."

  Sui Liang read through the experiment report, and he couldn't understand many technical terms in it, but he could see one thing from it, that is, the "Blood Returning Art" was very problematic.

   And this report was also recorded by good netizens and posted on the Internet, which naturally caused even greater fluctuations for a while.

   "Anchor, be careful, they can kill Mr. Gu to silence him, and they will definitely be even more frenzied in the future."

   "Yes, run quickly, you have touched a certain interest group."

   "No, no, anchor, you should worry not only about yourself, but also about the entire shuttle."

   Sui Liang was a little puzzled, what was he worried about the shuttle?

  Suddenly, he was shocked, and immediately reacted, of course it was because the shuttle was directly blown up.

   Therefore, he also shouted without hesitation: "This is killing people, someone wants to blow up the shuttle!!"

  As soon as these words came out, all the people around were also tense, and then they started to make noise.

  Some people questioned it, some didn't believe it, and some thought it over and quickly took out their personal terminal to send messages to their loved ones.

   "Young man, what are you talking about." A staff member of the shuttle said dissatisfiedly, this is not bad for their reputation.

  Just as soon as the words fell, a loud noise was heard, and the entire shuttle was violently turbulent.

  In an instant, everyone was stunned, and then chaos began to spread.

  Some people leave last words and some are crazy.

   And Sui Liang watched all this calmly, knowing that he couldn't escape, then picked up the remaining documents in the briefcase and said.

   "These things must be spread, take screenshots!"

  (end of this chapter)

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