I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 447: The situation in which gold and jade are in ruins

  Chapter 447 The situation in which the gold and jade are ruined

   "You really passed the test~" Liu Fengxu, the dean of the University College, was shocked and doubtful.

   "That's right, this is an experiment that took me a month to complete. You haven't read all the data." Gu Shanhai spread his hands, indicating that he had completed it.

  Shock and doubt are normal emotions. Shock is that you **** succeeded. Doubt is that you can succeed with this thing?

   "The data is indeed no problem, but this incident has caused too much repercussions. After all, this is the upper limit of "Blood Returning Art", which is really incredible." Liu Fengxu's tone was complicated, and he didn't expect it.

  If it is really confirmed, then the experiment that has been running for 1,857 years is about to be terminated.

  This may meet the interests of some people.

   Experiment No. 1 consumed a lot of funds. Once Gu Shanhai's results are confirmed, the funds will naturally stop after the project stops.

  Thinking about it, even Liu Fengxu was jealous of such a large sum of money, but he usually couldn't get involved, so it didn't matter.

   As for reminding Gu Shanhai, he only expressed it vaguely, in fact, he was trying to persuade him to find a chance to go down the donkey.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, they believe it or not, it doesn't matter to me." Gu Shanhai also heard Liu Fengxu's voice-over, especially the words "too much response", which means that someone will use whatever means to take Gu Shanhai. falsification of the results.

   Regarding this, Gu Shanhai certainly doesn't mind if the other party falsifies him, which is actually a good thing for him.

"Blood Returning Art" is the foundation of the Xuandao League. If it dares to cause trouble, then this shows that the Xuandao League looks bright and beautiful, but its roots have already rotted. As the decay intensifies, sooner or later it will collapse.

   "This involves academic fraud, so it must be treated with caution." Hearing Gu Shanhai's indifferent tone, Liu Fengxu felt a little helpless, and immediately reminded him kindly.

  It means that it is okay for you to be so open-minded, but when the other party sees you like this, they will think that you are cowardly, and they will definitely attack you.

   At the very least, you have to ruin your reputation, and then suppress your experiments through your own channels and cut off your funds. In serious cases, you will be removed as a Class A Kung Fu Deduction Master of the University College, and you will be sent to prison.

   After all, most of the funds in this experiment are not actually taken by the experimenters, but by other people, and they don't care about it.

  Experiment No. 1 has not made much progress and is more time-consuming, so only a few maintenance personnel are needed.

  Then such a large sum of money will definitely be gone.

   "Hey, how dare they? If they can really put their hands into the college, then I think the college will be doomed." Gu Shanhai's tone was filled with disdain, and he didn't say anything to Liu Fengxu at this time.

   "It's different, those people have backgrounds." Liu Fengxu was also a little helpless, he really couldn't understand these things.

   No matter how he is also the dean, he is jealous of the funds, but he didn't move.

   "Today's graduate school is different from that of the past."

  After years of iterations, many people have inevitably been affected by their rights.

   "Guess how far I have completed the new version of "Blood Returning Tactic"?" Gu Shanhai sneered: "Do you think the background behind them thinks they are important, or is "Blood Returning Tactic" important?"

   "Of course the "Blood Returning Art" is important, but they can also protect their own people. After all, it is very easy for you to hand it over." Liu Fengxu felt that Gu Shanhai was too naive.

   "Then they still get the credit, right?" Gu Shanhai couldn't help but be amazed.

   This is just... great.

  I really thought that Gu Shanhai’s kindness in helping them perfect the "Blood Returning Art" would not work, but his actions were very dark.

  As long as they dare to promote the brand-new exercise deduced by Gu Shanhai, the entire Xuandao League will definitely be destroyed because of this exercise.

   I even hope that the other party will take the credit. There is no problem in picking peaches. The real problem is that the peaches are not flat peaches, but highly poisonous.

   "That's right, that's all I've said, so I suggest that you'd better admit your mistake and this matter will stop here."

   "If necessary, the deduction data of "Blood Returning Art" can be used as an apology."

   Liu Fengxu couldn't get used to it, but he couldn't help it. In Vanity Fair, everything was out of his control.

"Is this group of people so greedy? They want money and fame. With this group of malignant tumors, it's no wonder that the research results of the colleges have become less and less over the years, and everyone is eating their money." Gu Shanhai also sneered. .

  The Xuandao League's high-level support for the university, but the policy and countermeasures are not in conflict. If someone sees a business opportunity, they will naturally intervene.

  As for the future, let’s talk about it later. It’s impossible to regret it. You can only make as much money as you can with the graduate school.

The higher-ups must have known about it, but because the identity and background of the person who did it was relatively special, they turned a blind eye and closed one eye. The other party must have resorted to a move similar to Grandpa, I want this toy to act like a baby, and then this is not There you have it.

   "You can't say that, I just pretend I didn't hear it." Liu Fengxu said with a wry smile. He knew that Gu Shanhai was good at everything, but he was out of tune. To put it bluntly, he meant he didn't fit in.

   "All right, what else can the dean do?" Gu Shanhai asked.

"That's right. Forget it. You can take care of yourself. I still have some things to do first." Liu Fengxu originally wanted to persuade him, but he thought that whether Gu Shanhai could listen to him was the same thing, so he didn't I put out this thought and left on my own.

  Gu Shanhai didn't feel much about it.

  He doesn't care about these things at all, not to mention that he seems to be studying the "Blood Returning Art", but in fact this is just some small data incidentally, and the real action is to perfect his "Wonderful Fate".

  Facts have proved that the omnics of Ascension Empire are also a part of Yuanlian in the afterlife after being activated into real life. Coupled with the support of "Wonderful Fate", Gu Shanhai's strength has expanded even further.

  As far as his current strengthening efficiency is concerned, he dare not call it cultivation, but expansion is more appropriate.

  Multi-level hang-up, multiple experience.

   This feeling of becoming stronger while lying down makes Gu Shanhai feel very comfortable.

  ‘"Wonderful Fate" can still be further improved, it just needs enough data. '

  Gu Shanhai took "Blood Returning Jue" as a sample, and has deduced a brand new exercise called "Heavenly Blood Jue", which can be regarded as one of the high-level versions of "Blood Returning Jue".

  That's right, "Blood Returning Art" has many higher-level versions, which have obtained more powerful effects, but the threshold for cultivation is also higher.

But the "Heavenly Blood Jue" in his hand is different. It not only has the extremely low entry threshold and compulsory cultivation of "Returning Blood Jue", but also can increase life span, increase fertility rate, improve national physique and work efficiency, etc., which are good for the country and the people. Ability, and can also seamlessly connect and transform the progress of the "Blood Returning Art".

   This is definitely a reliable technique for the senior officials of the Xuandao League.

However, this is an effect on the surface, but in fact it has a hidden and irreversible side effect, that is, negative amplification, which can release various negative emotions of the individual a little bit covertly. This will have a process, not abrupt change.

  For example, there will be various emotions such as irritability, jealousy, lust, etc., which will cause great changes in the original social order, and after reaching a certain level, there will be a situation of lowering intelligence.

  It won’t be obvious in the short term, at least it will take about ten years of practice before the first signs will appear, and if there is a real problem, it will take about fifteen years.

What's more important is that this side effect will be inherited. As long as you practice it, no matter whether you practice the "Blood Returning Jue" or its higher-level skills or even other skills, your offspring will be gradually transformed into a different kind of "Heavenly Blood Jue". Practitioners are still unable to perceive these problems.

  So as long as it spreads, it will be a disaster for future generations.

  If someone really snatched this "Heavenly Blood Art" and used it as his own credit, Gu Shanhai would definitely be able to laugh out loud.

  Because this means that the other party has an extremely deep background, then during the test, some standards will definitely be delegated to the other party as favors.

   Afterwards, as long as it passes the verification and then promote it to the whole people, after everyone has practiced, it will be a good show.

We must know that although the promotion channels in the Xuandao League have been partially controlled in these years, they are still very broad. As long as there are people who practice "Heavenly Blood Jue" to the top, then this kind of pollution will not only be at the bottom, but will also spread among the middle and high levels. , Marriage is a very common form of alliance.

  'If the "Heavenly Blood Jue" is successfully promoted, then my "Miao Yuan Fa" can also add a lot of data. '

  Adhering to the idea of ​​not wasting, this "Heavenly Blood Jue" can also help Gu Shanhai further provide the data he needs, after all, the exercises here also have similarities.

   Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to say that he wasted so much effort just to ascend to the empire.

   Ascension Empire is indeed at a disadvantage in the Xuan Dao universe, but it is not without the dawn of victory.

The omnics have also acquired a large number of Xuan Dao exercises, especially those that have been widely spread. The Xuan Dao Alliance can't stop them even if they want to stop them. They originally planned to practice for the whole people. If it is not circulated, then how can the whole people become soldiers.

  I don’t want to spread the exercises and all of them can practice and become stronger. There are so many ways to get the best of both worlds, not to mention that these two requirements are still contradictory.

   It's as nonsense as only wanting young adults but not old people.

   "Mr. Gu, there is an invitation from you." Qin Shang knocked on the open door of the laboratory, reminded him politely, and then walked in.

   "Invitation card? Where did it come from?" Gu Shanhai was a little puzzled, he didn't remember any friends he had, let alone someone would send him an invitation card.

   "I'm not sure, I didn't open it to read it, it was sent directly to the security room at our door, and then handed it over to me." Qin Shang naturally knows that it is a bad thing to look at other people's privacy.

  Gu Shanhai opened it and looked. It didn't say who it was, but only invited him to Gu Shanhai, and then there was the time and place.

"Yo, Qingxing Hotel, it will cost a lot of money to put this on a table." Gu Shanhai looked at it, and was also amused. He suspected that those who took the No. 1 experimental funds arranged a white glove. Come talk to him.

  The reason for the white gloves is also very simple, otherwise, why would I dare not even write my name on the invitation.

   It is precisely because I can’t see the light that I don’t write.

As for why the person who took the money didn't come, Gu Shanhai can also guess the reason. Naturally, it is because this No. 1 experiment is just one of their sources of funds, not all of them, or even a small part of it. It's not worth them coming over in person.

  It is already a very face-saving thing for a white glove to come over to talk to Gu Shanhai.

   "Who is spending so much money?" Qin Shang also rolled his eyes. Of course he knew how expensive this hotel was, and it was far from what they could enter.

   If you really want to go in and have a meal, even if it is the lowest grade, you still have to pay them three months' wages.

   "I don't know, I didn't write it." Gu Shanhai casually threw the invitation into the trash can, not caring at all.

   "I didn't give any news about hiding my head and revealing my tail. What if I pass by and directly kill my waist?"

  Gu Shanhai's reason is well-founded and completely logical.

  You don’t write anything, just let him go to the banquet, who knows what kind of peace you have.

  If the other party has any dissatisfaction, you can go to the graduate school to find him, well, the premise is that you can get in.

   Those with backgrounds can act recklessly, but white gloves don’t dare. If they don’t have any legitimate reasons, they can’t enter the graduate school. Do you really think that the people in the graduate school are a group of researchers who are powerless?

   Wouldn’t it be a big joke if a scientific research center didn’t even have military support, let alone a world where extraordinary power exists.

  If there is no guarantee of military force, then wouldn't extrajudicial lunatics just come in and steal all kinds of research results casually, how can the Xuandao League manage it?

  So as long as Gu Shanhai does not leave the university, those white gloves, even the underworld emperors, dare not approach the university.

   "This, it's such a pity." Qin Shang looked at the invitation in the trash can, and felt a little distressed, so he must have a meal anyway.

   "What's the pity, do you want to go? Then you can go by yourself, and I won't stop you. The invitation only has my name written on it, and there is no photo of me." Gu Shanhai said perfunctorily.

Hearing this, Qin Shang's eyes lit up. This is a good suggestion. Anyway, the other party doesn't know Gu Shanhai. It seems the same when he goes. If he is really going to be found out, he can also use himself as an excuse to go to the banquet for Gu Shanhai. After all, Gu Shanhai himself said so.

   But, it’s a bit awkward to take it now, you can take it later when cleaning up.

   "This is not good." Qin Shang pretended to be a little embarrassed and said.

  Gu Shanhai glanced at him. He naturally saw Qin Shang's heartbeat and knew what he was thinking, but he didn't stop him.

   "What's wrong, otherwise it's a waste, it's just right for you to go." Gu Shanhai casually picked up the invitation from the trash can and threw it over to Qin Shang.

   This behavior is like giving Qin Shang a reassurance.

"Then thank you very much, Mr. Gu. It just happened to let me, a country turtle, go to see the world." Qin Shang also accepted the invitation with some cowardice, but he was very happy in his heart. With Gu Shanhai's help, he would be accepted After seeing it through, Gu Shanhai was there to help cover the bottom line, how could he be unhappy.

   Regarding this, Gu Shanhai can only say that you are happy.

  (end of this chapter)

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