I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 443: Mysterious Dao skills, all beings are like dragons

  Chapter 443 Xuandao Kungfu, all living beings are like dragons

   "This thing has a 50% chance, so I drove it four times before it succeeded"

   Gu Shanhai complained a bit, always felt that the 50% chance seemed a little bit wrong.

   Thinking about it carefully, it was quite right, after all, it was either success or failure.

  Spiritual consciousness quietly penetrated into the opened passage. This passage is not big, only the size of a grain of rice, and it is extremely disguised.

   This time I was also very lucky. The opened passage was in a bush in the outskirts, close to the soil, so there was no need to worry about it being exposed.

  Spiritual knowledge carefully explored, and found that the civilization on the opposite side had entered the interstellar era, but it was not a serious scientific and technological interstellar era.

   On the contrary, it is similar to the interstellar era of cultivation in the high-martial city. Although there is also technology, it is far worse than the cultivation technology.

   "So much conceptual power, it's just incredible."

After a simple investigation, Gu Shanhai quickly counted the number, and there are a total of 135 conceptual powers, which means that if there is no such strange coupled universe as the moon and star universe, then This civilization occupies one hundred and thirty-four universes.

   "The power of the core concept is actually inheritance. I thought it was blood, offspring, reproduction, etc." Gu Shanhai found the core concept of the opposite universe in an instant.

   "But yes, inheritance is far more stable than blood or heirs."

  Compared to bloodlines or heirs, these two have great limitations, at least one thing, that is, they need to be their offspring or transplanted with related bloodlines.

  The inheritance is a bit different, focusing on identity, like a great national fusion.

   "There are quite a few pitfalls in Didore's body." Seeing this, Gu Shanhai was a little bit dumbfounded, and he also understood the subsequent pitfalls in Didore's body.

Even if Didore is unwilling to be a tool man now, as long as he unseals the power in his own blood, he may resist it at first, but the restriction mechanism derived from the power of inheriting concepts in the blood will take effect. A small influence that Didore himself didn't even know changed his thinking little by little.

   Finally fully agree with their mission.

   After agreeing, it will be simple, that is to complete the mission.

  So I don’t worry about Didore’s betrayal at all. Even if the betrayal is only a short-term betrayal, he will return loyally after a certain period of time.

   "Thanks to him finding me, otherwise, I would really die."

  As a tool man, Didore will definitely die after opening the channel between the two worlds, because he is the energy source for maintenance. If he is rescued before the energy source is exhausted, and someone replaces him with new energy source, he will still be alive.

  Just looking at it now, it is estimated that it is unlikely. No one will care about a tool that is supposed to complete the mission. The original plan is implemented, and no one will take a look at him.

  When Gu Shanhai made the shielding device through Didore, he had already destroyed the identification mechanism of the other party. This mechanism is actually relatively fragile, but it cannot be destroyed by normal means.

   This was also an unintentional thing, Gu Shanhai actually didn’t know it, in order to make the shielding device, he must have tampered with Didore’s blood, this thing is so fragile that it doesn’t even have a sense of existence.

   It is estimated that the other party did not expect that someone would directly compile the bloodline of it. Of course, it may have been thought of, but the countermeasures are weak to basically no.

   There are still many flaws in the technology of the bloodline, probably because of the practice civilization.

  The system practiced on the opposite side is a comprehensive system. It is not the power of a single concept, but the combination of the power of multiple concepts that can be cultivated, and finally forms different exercises, called Xuan Dao.

According to the information he obtained from his spiritual knowledge, everyone in the public practiced the technique called "Blood Returning Jue", which was based on the power of the two concepts of bloodline and inheritance, plus the power of the two concepts of ancestors and kinship. A miraculous cultivation method assisted in formation.

  When one person practices, all relatives and family members can enjoy a slight improvement. Correspondingly, the stronger and more relatives and family members, the faster the cultivation and the higher the promotion obtained.

  It may not feel like practicing this technique by one person, but if the whole clan is practicing it, it will be like turning on the engine.

   But there is a slightly embarrassing thing, that is, although your cultivation speed can keep up, the resources can't keep up.

  The process of becoming stronger must be supplemented by intake of nutrients. If the nutrition is not enough, forced practice will only lead to a deficit in one's own body.

   "It's a bit similar to the martial arts system, but because of the "Blood Returning Art", qualifications, roots, understanding, etc. are no longer restrictions, but resources are the restrictions."

  The universe on the opposite side calls this cultivation system Xuandao, which means that it can gain power from mysterious and mysterious concepts.

  However, this "Blood Returning Art" is only the most common type, and you can buy a copy for five yuan in bookstores, because the effect only has a feedback ratio, and there are higher-end and more advanced Xuan Dao exercises.

   It's just that the higher-end Xuan Dao exercises have been monopolized, and the popularity of "Returning Blood" is to control the bottom and work for it.

   Regardless of whether you practice or not, as long as your relatives who are related to you practice this exercise, your strength will increase, and if there are more people, the increase will be faster.

   If you don’t have enough resources to provide yourself with enough nutrition at this time, then just wait to be short-lived.

  If you want resources, you can only work hard and work hard, and the only end of poor performance is death.

  It is indeed a good thing to be able to become stronger without practicing at the beginning. After all, everyone wants to become stronger while lying down, but when the speed is too fast and endangers life and creates a vicious circle, it is very bad.

  You are very strong, but you are so weak that you can’t even move, and even continue to become stronger, and you will end up with a corpse in the end.

   "This is the first time I've seen this kind of weird monopoly method. If you don't go to work, you will die." Gu Shanhai was a little powerless to complain.

   As for orphans being unaffected? This is so beautiful to think about.

  You can kill the whole family or you can die the whole family. You must know that the core of "Blood Returning Art" is blood and inheritance. Let alone the fifth server, even the eighteenth generation, there is a weak connection.

   It can even be said that in the entire civilization, all people are related by blood, but the strength is different.

   "Strong is strong, but the daily resource throughput is really terrible. Fortunately, it is open to the outside world. Otherwise, I am afraid that it will be another Xuanzhen world. No, the Xuanzhen world is not so terrible."

  Not everyone in the Xuanzhen Realm is a cultivator, but in the Xuandao Universe opposite, everyone cultivates.

However, there are differences between the two worlds. The Xuanzhen world is driven to death, while the Xuandao universe is different. They are sustainable. Because of the system, resources are not too tight, but rich. If you work hard and work hard, you don't have to worry about dying from a deficit.

  And with the improvement of strength, the more capable work, the higher the reward, and the more resources that can be exchanged.

   "This is the work to become a saint."

   Gu Shanhai's brain twitched, it seemed that this was really the case. In Xuandao Universe, if you work hard enough and keep expanding your circle of relatives and friends, you will be the ones who can really work to become the top in the world.

  Although Xuan Dao Universe has a serious monopoly, the ascending channel is very perfect.

  The strength of an ordinary person really depends on how hard he works.

If you want to cut off the feedback from your relatives and friends who reject the "Blood Returning Art", it is basically very small, but if you want your relatives and friends, this matter is very simple. You can get countless rewards by recruiting directly on the Internet. Relatives and friends, the act of recognition in the inheritance is enough to judge.

   "This universe, how should I put it, is indeed very unusual."

   Judging from the information collected by Gu Shanhai, no one has touched the upper limit of "Blood Returning Art" for the time being.

  Although this exercise is the most popular and has the most practitioners, it does not mean that the upper limit is low and the potential is low. On the contrary, it is the only exercise in the Xuandao universe that has not reached the upper limit and claims to be able to grow without limit.

   It can be called the most worthless magical skill.

   "Unfortunately, I'm not suitable for cultivation." Gu Shanhai sighed, he really wanted to practice, but after he probed through concepts, he found that it didn't work at all.

  He has no relatives, friends, relatives, in this world he is really an orphan!

  Xiaobai doesn’t count, it’s actually a derivative of Gu Shanhai, not to mention the Heart Demon Dao Bing, which is part of him.

   "But if you change it, it's okay." Gu Shanhai narrowed his eyes, not in this world, if he can get through the fate of the lotus in the next life, then this effect will be great.

  He has many disciples, relatives and friends in other worlds. Over the years, especially because of his own ability to become stronger, more and more people have become indirectly connected with him.

Taking Xuanzhen Realm as an example, Shen An accepted disciples, disciples accepted disciples again, and spread out little by little, coupled with his method of avoiding disasters and avoiding catastrophe and his status as the Supreme Elder, so with the development of Xuanzhen Realm Growing up, it can be said that there are relatives and friends everywhere. Although there are differences between closeness and closeness, the relationship of teaching the Dharma has never been broken.

  Other worlds are similar to this type, so there are actually many avatars he can summon now, but for Gu Shanhai, the number of useful avatars is actually not many.

  And if it can be reused through the "Blood Returning Art", then whether Gu Shanhai can obtain the corresponding effect with the Shengyuanlian as the core.

  Of course, this is just a plan first, the most important thing at present is the power of analyzing concepts.

  With the "Blood Returning Art" as a sample, Gu Shanhai made rapid progress in the analysis of inheritance, blood, ancestors, and kinship. This is a conceptual power, and it was completed in less than an hour.

   Some other conceptual powers were involved, but not so fast.

  Mysterious Taoism itself is a kind of use of the power of concepts, otherwise, how can it be integrated into the success method and exert special effects.

   With the reference, Gu Shanhai's analysis is of course fast. The speed of the two is naturally not the same when starting from scratch and already having information.

   "So you have to collect the corresponding Xuan Dao exercises, which is a bit difficult."

   "The more popular exercises are easy to collect, but the higher-end ones may not be so easy."

In addition to "Blood Returning Art", there are also "Battle Star Jue" and "Wan Yao Gong" derived from the power of the concept of stars, "Evil Wrath Method" and "Xing Xin Gong" derived from the power of the concept of anger, etc. Wait, this kind of single exercise is actually more of a supplementary method, that is, the type of skill used in combat. Most people major in "Blood Returning Art", and a few will use other more common exercises as derivatives.

   "The power of the concept of stars really exists in this world, but it's a pity that it's not Didor's synthetic formula version."

Through "Battle Star Art", Gu Shanhai also gained a lot of conceptual power related to the stars, and he also saw that the conceptual power of the sun and the moon cannot be combined into the conceptual power of the stars. Concepts, only Similar, there is no synthesis.

  For example, this world has the power of life concept which is similar to the power of life concept. Gu Shanhai is also a little curious about this, but he didn't do any further research.

  The Xuandao exercises related to the concept of lifespan are quite special and not as popular as the popular ones. It will take time to find a corresponding exercise.

   "This background is really scary."

  Gu Shanhai collected a lot of information through spiritual consciousness, but out of prudence, he did not collect those high-end exercises formed by the power of concepts.

  He is sure to get it, but there may be waves, which is not a good thing for him.

  Mainly, these exercises that can be obtained have actually covered most of the conceptual power.

Except for the fundamental and special "Blood Returning Jue" of this kind of kung fu, the upper limit of other mysterious kung fu is actually not high, and the potential is also very low. The main point is to let ordinary people practice more, and then work hard because of insufficient resources.

   Otherwise, relying solely on the "Blood Returning Art", what if some people are rich in resources and lie flat.

  So the difficulty of cultivation is actually not high, especially with the blessing of "Blood Returning Jue", even if you practice other Xuan Dao skills, it is actually the kind of rapid progress, which is ridiculously fast.

  In other worlds, it is impossible to imagine that a person with ordinary bones and understanding can practice martial arts faster than Tianjiao, and even make Tianjiao despair.

   "The person who created the "Blood Returning Technique" is simply a genius."

  Gu Shanhai discovered that other exercises, more or less have the shadow of "Blood Returning Art", the rise of the Xuandao universe, and this exercise that everyone practices are bound together.

   Forcibly bound the originally scattered hearts together through inheritance and blood.

"Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find out how the "Blood Returning Art" was created, and who created it." Gu Shanhai felt a little regretful about this. This is most likely a secret. Gu Shanhai wants to get in touch with it now, but it is not so important. easy.

  Gu Shanhai did not think about exploring this question now, but instead focused on the exploration of the Xuan Dao universe.

  (end of this chapter)

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