I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 440: Fight, fight! fight!

  Chapter 440 Fight, fight! fight!

   "It's starting to fight." Gu Shanhai watched as the Moon Star rebels attacked the Sun Tribe.

  The Sun Tribe didn’t have any defenses at all, and Didore didn’t have this idea either. The other Sun Warriors and slaves also started to recuperate after the Ascension Empire didn’t pursue them fiercely.

   As for the surprise attack by the Moon Star Rebel Army, Didore never thought about it. In the eyes of everyone in the Sun Tribe, the new generation of Moon Priest Eileen did not have the guts at all.

   Didn't even think about guarding against the Ascension Empire. After all, the Ascension Empire seems to have forgotten them, otherwise it would be impossible to not attack them until now.

Coupled with the fact that the Sun Tribe has a leader who is too hip, this led to the Moon Star Rebels easily breaking into the Sun Tribe, and also caused huge damage directly by detonating the psionic weapons intercepted by them .

  For a while, the Sun Tribe naturally suffered heavy losses, especially the ordinary slaves, all of them died in this explosion, and the Lieyang slaves were also damaged, and few could move.

  The Sun Warriors are better, they are farther from the explosion site, and they survived a lot.

   "It's really bright in the middle of the night." Gu Shanhai watched the fight between Elena and Didore not far away.

  One is the sunlight and the other is the moonlight. Oh, no, it should be the light of the moon.

  The means of the two people are actually very similar, they both release brilliance to fight each other.

  Just yesterday Elena successfully transformed the original moon energy into the power of the moon concept, reaching the same level as Didore, so she launched the attack at three o'clock in the morning today.

   Facts have proved that this attack is still very effective. Except for Didor, the Sun Tribe can now be declared shattered.

Eileen didn't pay attention to the Sun Tribe at all. In her eyes, the only way to achieve victory is to destroy Didor. There is no difference with Immortality.

   "From the current point of view, Didore has a much better chance of winning."

  Gu Shanhai analyzed where the two stood when they faced Bo, and Elena stood on the left. According to the ancient law of losing to the left when facing Bo, she was inherently shorter.

  The second is the problem of strength. Elena has just broken through, and her strength is not stable. Besides, in terms of her own strength, she cannot compare to the veteran Didore.

More importantly, in terms of auras, although both of them are missions at the protagonist level, Didoer divided up the auras alone, and although Elena has gathered ninety-nine percent of the auras of the protagonist of the daughter of the moon and stars, but not all of them, There are also some scattered on the other daughters of the moon and stars, so they are also inferior to him.

  The only advantage is that the Moon Star Rebel Army has wiped out the Sun Tribe, but this advantage is insignificant to both the Sun King and the Moon Priest.

   "I don't know how long this will take." Gu Shanhai knew that the moves of these two people are actually similar, one is glowing and hot, the other is glowing and chilling, it seems that Elena imitated Didore's big move.

  Gu Shanhai estimated the strength of the two of them. If there were no accidents, the two of them could fight at this frequency for a thousand years without a break.

  The main reason is that neither side has any subtle moves or some kind of secrets. It all depends on high attack power and more land, and there is no other way to win.

   If Gu Shanhai wants to win, it must be the Sun King Didore. He can’t choose Elena. This woman is too shrewd. Gu Shanhai prefers the brainless Didore, so it’s easy to decide.

  Of course, Gu Shanhai will not help, he is biased, but he will not be biased. Besides, Didore has a good chance of winning.

   "I don't know what hole cards Elena has, so we can't really just be in such a stalemate." Gu Shanhai knew that it was not Elena's idea to hold Didore back.

Ever since Eileen successfully transformed the primordial moon energy into the power of the moon concept, the desire in the body for the power of the sun concept has been increasing day by day, especially now, she can't wait to crush Didore into pieces and swallow them all. It is really swallowed in a physical sense, not a metaphor.


  Successive explosions sounded, this is the second time the Moon Star Rebels blasted the Sun Tribe and tried to influence Didore.

"With such a big commotion, I'm not afraid of attracting the omnics of the Ascension Empire." Gu Shanhai whispered, saying so, but the omnics will definitely not come, Gu Shanhai has already issued an order, it is this group of people who If the sky breaks, it will be ignored.

   "Wait, they don't really plan to attract the Ascension Empire."

  Gu Shanhai also reacted, Elena probably knew that she couldn't do anything to Didore in a short time, but this desire to eat couldn't be suppressed, so she wanted to introduce a third-party force.

  She naturally knew that Didore seemed to be afraid of a certain power of the Ascension Empire. Although she didn't know the existence of the Heart Demon Daoist, she also knew that the Ascension Empire could kill Didore.

   Therefore, they resorted to risky tactics and directly used third-party forces to break the situation.

  As for what to do after the Ascension Empire came, she also thought about the countermeasures.


  Compared to the Sun Tribe, as long as a rebel leader like her is willing to surrender, she will definitely not be killed immediately.

  As long as she takes advantage of this gap to devour Didore, her own strength will rise to a higher level, and she will be more able to fight back or escape.

  The main feature is dancing on the tip of a knife.

   "The normal plot really develops like this, but I didn't expect it." Gu Shanhai also just extracted this idea from the other party's idea.

   "I'm the one who's relying on you, so you have to let me know anyway."

  Gu Shanhai thought the plan was very good, except that he, the client, did not know that the plan could not be carried out, everything was good.

  Without his approval, neither the Ascension Empire nor the Heart Demon Dao Bing would have appeared, and the two of them would really have to be at a stalemate.

However, the stalemate may not continue. The Moon Star Rebels will also take action. For example, if there is no solution for too long, they will take the initiative to find a way to disclose the matter here to the Ascension Empire, and express that they and the leader Elena Willing to surrender and stand trial.

   In this way, it is reasonable for the Ascension Empire to attack Didore.

   It can’t be counted, it can only be said to be clever.

  If it were a normal force, they would not accept your statement at all, and would just wipe out both parties for you.

  It’s just a group of gangsters, not a big anti-king. Those who were beaten are almost disabled and still want to call for safety.

  The prerequisite for murder and arson to be recruited is that you have enough strength. Liangshan can be recruited, but Erlongshan is not qualified for this, and can only be wiped out.

   "So, neither the Moon Star Rebel Army nor the Sun Tribe are qualified anti-thief forces. This kind of rebellion can create this kind of virtue, so we should simply surrender."

   Gu Shanhai reviewed these two forces, and it is really thanks to Gu Shanhai's help that he can survive until now.

It is true that the Sun Tribe has a powerful combat power like Didor, but if the Ascension Empire wants to wipe out the Sun Warriors and slaves other than Didore, there is no problem. What kind of rebel forces, at most, is a wanted criminal.

  It was eight o'clock in the morning, and the two of them had been facing each other for five hours. Under the sun during the day, the light of the two of them was not as dazzling as in the middle of the night.

   "The Moonstar Rebels have already withdrawn to blow up the defense line, which is outrageous."

  The Moon Star Rebel Army will definitely not stay for long, they have already left the battlefield an hour ago to prepare to execute the plan to drive away wolf and tiger.

   "System, inform the omnics, let's deal with all these rebels." Naturally, Gu Shanhai would not allow him to act indiscriminately, the omnics would not be able to take action.

  But the mind demon soldiers can.

   Naturally, Gu Shanhai couldn't say that the two sides would be in a stalemate for too long, and he would not favor anyone. He would only arrange a third party to make a new change in their original stalemate.

   With a flick of his long sleeves, a thousand heart demon soldiers emerged, and then formed an army formation, galloping towards the glowing area.

  Eileen's expression was calm. She noticed that Didore seemed to be retreating, but she sneered in her heart at the moment. Now, if she can't end the other party here, then she will have no peace in the future.

  Just as she was thinking about waiting until the forces under her command brought people to the rescue, she suddenly sensed a chilling malice like a stab in the back.

  The expression of Didore on the side also changed, and he wanted to turn around and leave immediately.

   Seeing this, Elena stopped the other party without hesitation.

   "Bitch, if you want to die, don't take me with you." Didore was shocked and angry. He didn't expect Elena to stop him. He thought it was just a chase at most, but he didn't expect to die with him.

   "Are you afraid? That means I stopped it right." Elena smiled. Although the malice was getting closer, she was sure that it was definitely the power of the Ascension Empire.

   "Get lost." Faced with the pressure of death, Didore forcibly broke through Elena's interception without hesitation, turned around and ran away.

   It's just that Eileen didn't know this, and instead kept intercepting it, which made the cold sweat on Didore's forehead seep out, and then evaporated by the high temperature.

  This kind of reckless escape made Elena feel a little dignified in her heart.

She knows the character of the other party, she is not afraid of anything, even if she disdains even the Ascension Empire, but now she actually shows a look of fear, which shows that the comer is not simple, and she suspects that she may have attracted something that she cannot handle thing.

   It's just that now, I can only get rid of Didore first, otherwise, wouldn't I be in vain.

   Therefore, it is natural that the speed of Didore's escape is also firmly dragged.

   This made Didore yell wildly.

  In the sky, a black line gradually turned into a black sky, like a wave sweeping in.

  Erina was also facing the army of threatening monsters at this time.

  At that moment, she only felt a sense of suffocation.

   "What is this!!" Her voice was sharp, and she thought it was just a group of mechanical heads, but it turned out to be a group of demons that she had never understood.

   Didore also heard Elena's voice, and couldn't help but sneered and said, "This is your reinforcement?"

"Oh, do you think you are using this group of demons to deal with me? No, you just used yourself as a bait and caught an ogre demon." Didore's tone was sarcasm, but the sarcasm was sarcasm. The speed of running did not stop at all.

  At this time, Elena also understood why the extremely arrogant Didore would show a frightened expression, and she would be afraid too.

   This group of demons obviously didn't want to save her life, and it seemed that they couldn't communicate at all.


  Maliciousness accompanied by the impact of killing intent turned into reality, made Elena feel a little dazed.

   Fortunately, the chill in the power of the moon concept woke her up instantly, and before she knew it, the group of demons were getting closer.

   "Let's join forces temporarily to break through the siege of these demons." Elena gave up the so-called hatred without hesitation, and even the desire to eat in her body was forcibly suppressed by her.

   In the face of the desire to survive, you have to give way.

   Didore instinctively wanted to refute and laugh, but felt the growing malice, so he nodded and agreed without hesitation.


  Under the joint efforts of the two parties, the sun and the moon released their brilliance together, firmly resisting the malice that was getting closer.

  However, the two of them never thought about going head-to-head with the Daoists of the Heart Demon, they just temporarily prevented the Daoists of the Heart from approaching, and then mainly retreated.

  They are not fools, and they can tell that they are no longer opponents with a clear eye. If they charge upwards, it is no different from courting death.

   Fortunately, after the two joined forces, they did not hold each other back, and finally saw the dawn of successful escape.

   "Do it again, we can get you!" Eileen opened her mouth and was about to do it again, when she suddenly found a severe pain in her chest, and a big hand with brilliance pierced her chest.

   "No, I think it's better for you to die." Didore's tone was serious.

   "Cough, I didn't expect that." Elena was about to say something while stumbling.

   "Yes, there are many things you didn't expect. You think I have no brains, only powerless and furious, don't you?" Didore pulled out Elena's heart, with a calm tone in his tone.

  Eileen really wanted to understand why Didore had such a big change before and after, which made her extremely puzzled.

   "People will grow, and my incompetence, rage and brainlessness are a good shield, isn't it?"

   After saying that, Didore crushed Elena's heart immediately, and then carried the corpse and disappeared in a flash of light.

   When he left, he glanced at the heart demon Taoist soldier who was drifting away, and felt a chill in his heart.

"This is what you want to see, isn't it?" Didore didn't know who was manipulating it, but he was keenly aware that if he didn't follow the route planned for him by some will, then the group of demons would not only Not drifting away, but getting closer to him.

  (end of this chapter)

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