I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 430: The Ten Thousand Years War Between the Moon Star Daughter and the Devil's Minions

  Chapter 430 The Ten Thousand Years War Between the Daughter of the Moon and Star and the Devil's Minions

   "Has another devil minion descended?"

  A young girl's expression showed sadness. She is a daughter of the moon and stars, and she has a group of like-minded partners. Although she is usually just an office worker, her real identity is to defend the world.

  Since this world was connected to a certain demon realm 10,000 years ago, from time to time, demon minions would infiltrate their world and wreak havoc.

  They also thought about counterattacking into the demon world, but every opening and closing of the cracks in the demon world is uncertain, and it is impossible to track and trace the source.

   Fortunately, as daughters of the moon and stars, they can use the power of Yuehua to transform, of course, during the day, not limited to night.

   Immediately got up and went to track down the fluctuations of the devil's minion, and took out a flip phone that was very fashionable in the world she was in and started making calls.

   "Anna, you should also be aware of space-time fluctuations, we need to clean up the devil minions as soon as possible!" She notified a partner who was closest to her.

   "Sorry, Lucy, I can't move my hands. I'm dealing with a powerful demon minion." A woman's unbalanced breath came from the phone, as if she was in a fierce battle.

   This made Lucy a little puzzled, isn't there only a demon minion who just came around here? Why is there another one?

   But up to now, she didn't think too much, she could only trust the other party temporarily, put away the phone, and hurriedly moved towards the location of the space-time fluctuation.

   Only after arriving at the location, did not see any traces of demon minions.

  The devil's minions are very recognizable. They all look like monsters, ugly and huge in appearance, full of desires for destruction and destruction.

   But here is nothing special, as if nothing happened.

   "It's strange, why not, I clearly feel the space-time fluctuation." Lucy's expression became more and more puzzled, and her heart was also filled with an ominous premonition.

  She can be sure that something has entered their world.

   "Could it be that the devil's minions know how to disguise this time?"

   "No, it's impossible, the other party doesn't have any brains at all, how could it be possible to pretend."

  Lucy immediately denied this idea. From her adulthood to the present, she has fought hundreds of times with devil minions, and every devil minion is just a mindless destroyer.

  She didn't leave immediately. Instead, she checked carefully for nearly half an hour, but still found nothing.


  Suddenly, the phone in her arms rang, which also startled Lucy. Then she opened it and found that it was Anna.

  So he picked up and asked, "What's the matter, Anna, is the battle over on your side?"

   "Well, it's over." The other party's voice seemed lazy and tired, and then asked, "What about you, why didn't I hear you?"

   "I didn't see the devil's claws when I arrived." Lucy also responded.

   "Like this, it must be because you feel that something is wrong." The other party didn't seem to take this matter to heart.

   "Maybe, but you seem very tired? Could it be an injury?" Lucy asked with some concern.

  Anna was a little perfunctory: "Well, a little bit, I'll rest first."

  The other person quickly hung up the phone, which made Lucy a little puzzled, but there were too many suspicious things today, which made her temporarily unable to understand and think accordingly, so she didn't pay attention to Anna's strangeness.

   "Forget it, let's talk about it when we go back first." After Lucy muttered, she turned and left.

It's just that what he didn't see was that on a high-rise building three kilometers away from her, a man was holding a cup of coffee. On the surface, he was reading the newspaper in his hand, but in fact, there was a red light in his eyes .

  【Native superpowers have the corresponding space-time monitoring capabilities, and the shuttle landing point has a high chance of being exposed, and hidden dangers need to be eliminated as soon as possible】

  【Do not use killing methods, the local superpowers are suspected to have connections, if they are killed, hidden dangers will expand the risk】

  【Its extraordinary expression has not yet been tested, and it can be confirmed that the perception is limited to time and space monitoring, and it is impossible to detect eyesight, maliciousness, etc.】

  【The signal source of the mobile phone has been successfully located, and the location of another person with supernatural ability has been determined, and the hacking is starting】

  The huge Ascension Empire network quickly took over the various networks in this low-tech world in a subtle way, but it didn't control it immediately after accessing it, but lurked down instead.

And try to further investigate the rulers of the various countries on the planet where they are located. If these rulers are just ordinary people and there are no superhumans around them, they are ready to replace them in order to control their countries .

This world is not completely ruled like the Navian Empire, but is a mess. This is a good thing for the Ascension Empire Network Omninics, which greatly reduces the risk of self-exposure, even if a country is exposed. , You can also lurk to another country.

  【The large database has been loaded successfully, and the information of the superhuman is being determined through the data】

   Soon, all the relationship networks, employment status, etc. of Anna and Lucy were successfully collected by Ascension Empire.

The time is a little slow, and it took a long time, mainly because the technology of this universe has not yet reached the age of informationization of the whole people. Many files and records are paper-based, so the network omnics of the Ascension Empire need to collect them offline .

   Afterwards, all the supernatural beings who were suspected to be called the daughter of the moon and star were marked out, requiring further investigation.

  【Prepare for support and information transmission three days later, start the plan to tune the tiger away from the mountain】

  Since it is a secret war and it has just started, it is natural that it cannot be easily exposed, so the main thing is to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

   As for how to transfer away, it is also very simple.

  Both Anna and Lucy are small employees, and it is very easy to lure people away.

   All you need to do is attack the company they work for.

  Whether it is buying a company to let them go on a business trip or choosing to let the other party travel for a period of time by winning a lottery, there must not be too many problems.

  Through the consumption, wages, daily life and other habits of these two people in the Feisheng database, it can be determined that these two people do not meet the normal living standards of superhumans at all, but are more similar to those anonymous superheroes.

  One more thing, the devil's minions they dealt with have no brains, so the concealed behavior will not let these daughters of the moon star realize that there is something wrong.

  Three days passed in a flash, and the passage was opened again. This time, there was an internal response. The section of the road was briefly blocked for three hours, and all the daughters of the moon and stars around had been transferred away by various coincidences.

The Daughter of the Moon and Star has a distance limit to her sense of time and space fluctuations. Anna was arranged to go on a business trip, and Lucy won a lucky prize because she bought something in a supermarket. They also opened it after many investigations and confirmed that there were no daughters of the moon and stars around.

  During the three hours, a large amount of information intersected with each other, and a large number of brand-new omnics also poured in to further investigate all the ruling countries of the entire planet.

  Gu Shanhai also received all the information in the past three days in Ascension Empire.

   "That's all for the daughter of the moon and stars, but there are infiltrations from other worlds? What's going on?" Gu Shanhai was a little puzzled.

  The devil's minions and the daughter of the moon and star are obviously at odds. From monitoring the communication of these daughters of the moon and star, the former can be sure that the devil's minion is an outsider.

  The birth of the daughter of the moon and star is inherited from the blessing of the moon and blood.

From this, Gu Shanhai can be sure that this should be the moon energy from the dimensionality reduction of the moon concept. Compared with ghost energy and psionic energy, this moon energy is obviously much milder, and there is not such a big fatality rate and mutation Rate.

  Of course, it is also possible that the daughter of the moon star has gradually evolved her genes to the point where she can withstand the energy of the moon.

   It is not clear what the devil's minions are for the time being. At present, the omnics of the Ascension Empire are busy controlling the world and developing the hotbed environment they need. They cannot effectively detect more by means of secret warfare, and they will have to wait for a while.

  However, the daughter of the moon and stars is more active. According to various ancient books and documents, it can be traced back to the farthest 10,000 years ago.

   At that time, there were traces of the activities of the devil's minions and the daughter of the Moon and Star.

"It's really interesting. Only women can hold this extraordinary job, and all the offspring of the daughters of the moon and stars must be females, but only one heir can inherit the ability of the daughters of the moon and stars, unless there is only one heir left after death. The next one will wake up."

   "But it seems a little unstable to do so."

  Gu Shanhai knew that doing so would indeed limit the number of superhumans, the Moon and Star Daughter, but how would it be passed on after an accidental death.

   Another more important thing is the empty window period. Before the new generation of daughters of the moon and stars are born and the daughters of the moon and stars awaken as adults, the daughters of the moon and stars of the previous generation will lose their abilities.

  In this way, if there are demon minions infiltrating this world, they will be powerless to resist.

  Therefore, there is a very serious problem. The window period is nearly nineteen years, and the service period of the Moon and Star Daughter fluctuates around ten years. How to solve the insufficient number.

   Also, why are the demon minions only spawning around the Moon and Star Daughter, and whether there is any connection between them.

  The region without the Daughter of the Moon and Star does not mean that it will not appear, but the probability is so low that it will not appear once in a thousand years.

   "According to the data, there must be a corresponding connection between the daughter of the moon star and the devil's minions." Gu Shanhai did not believe that there were so many coincidences.

  The number of daughters of the moon and stars has passed the big data survey, and at most it will not exceed a thousand, and this is the problem.

Even if you add a zero, 10,000 daughters of the moon and stars are distributed all over the world. With their ability to sense the time and space fluctuations of the demon minions at most two blocks, it is impossible to cover the entire planet. In deserts, deep sea trenches, etc., it is completely possible to cause huge damage.

   It's a pity that none of these are available, and once the window period is entered, there will be no demon minions in this area.

   "The daughter of the moon and star named Anna seems to have discovered something, huh, interesting." Gu Shanhai saw a piece of data, and a certain daughter of the moon and star seemed to have noticed something, so she was conducting an experiment.

   Fighting with demon minions is desperate.

  But if having a child can free oneself from this fate, who would not want to.

   "It's such a simple thing, why didn't anyone find out?" Gu Shanhai was also a little puzzled.

   have been entangled with each other for at least ten thousand years, and this law is also very simple.

   "Unless there are certain restrictions on the body, otherwise, there is no way to explain it." Gu Shanhai also narrowed his eyes.

   "Wait a little longer, let the omnics completely control each country before I go there."

  Gu Shanhai is not stupid, he has the tools to use directly.

  The opposite universe obviously has bigger problems than the cancer universe and Navia universe he is in, and he even suspects that there may be two worlds folded together.

  Because it was too much a coincidence, Gu Shanhai had to be cautious.

   He found that it seemed to be a line.

  The cancer universe just entered is the dimensionality reduction of the concept of life, while the Navia universe is the dimensionality reduction of the concept of death.

Unfortunately, the second dimensionality reduction of the Nether Energy by Emperor Navia is Anyang and Moyue. The Anyang is not clear for the time being, but Moyue seems to correspond to the dimensionality reduction of the moon concept in the opposite universe. The daughter of the moon and stars appeared. .

If he further confirms that the devil's minions are related to the sun energy that reduces the dimensionality of the sun concept, then perhaps one thing can be confirmed, that is, this group of worlds was probably originally a huge world, but because of some unknown and was broken into many worlds.

   "We have to find a way to completely transfer Anna and Lucy, the daughters of the Moon Star, away, otherwise the follow-up will be troublesome."

  The position of the channel formed by the quantum collider is fixed and cannot be moved, otherwise it would take so much trouble.

   Therefore, a large-scale demolition plan is required.

   This will take more time, and Gu Shanhai estimates that it will take at least a year.

   "Fortunately, I have enough time to slowly hibernate."

   "And you have to deal with the corresponding hidden dangers."

  Gu Shanhai's eyes fell on the position of the Royal Research Institute, and the previously unknown spatial fluctuations reappeared.

These days are becoming more and more frequent. Obviously, the other party has mastered enough power. In at most three to five years, the passage between the two worlds is likely to be opened, and this passage is likely to be permanent. .

  The initial suspicion should be that the concept of death and the concept of life form a certain coupling, just like the coupling between the concept of the sun and the concept of the moon, they will pull and approach each other.

   Naturally, it needs a little help from the protagonist's halo on the Son of Destiny, otherwise, there would be such a coincidence.

  (end of this chapter)

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