I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 428: The flesh and blood are weak, the machinery soars

  Chapter 428 Flesh and flesh are weak, mechanical soaring

   "You are against your personal wishes, you cannot do this."

   "No, I don't want to be a robot, I don't want to"

  Struggling, cursing, and a series of shouts came one after another, but it was of no effect at all to the group of iron cans who had already been mechanically ascended and the synthetic humans who had been controlled.

He started quickly and ruthlessly, and directly gave them the Ascension Bliss package. Even because of the small number of people, they were forced to sign even the obvious contractual relationship of the contract, and then they didn't care about any of their wishes. In just three minutes It has been remodeled.

  The body is controlled, and the consciousness and soul are plunged into the virtual reality and fall into the endless sinking of life and death.

   Not only humans, many animals such as cats, dogs, cattle and sheep have also suffered this kind of treatment.

   "Not bad, not bad, the output is extremely high." Gu Shanhai was very satisfied.

   Today's "Life" virtual online game is no longer what it used to be, but belongs to the life immersion mode. One hour in the real world is equal to one hundred years in the virtual reality, and the speed of change is extremely fast.

In it, Gu Shanhai made various safeguards in order to ensure that he would not escape from the virtual reality, such as playing the Emperor's Project, Resident Evil, Alien Outbreak, Cabin in the Woods, Alien Invasion, Mars Hitting the Earth, etc. A series of disasters, the last being earthquakes and tsunamis, basically every three to five years there will be a mass extinction, which makes it exhausted and unable to effectively think about countermeasures and the destruction of civilization.

Of course, Gu Shanhai also used means to erase and evade some of everyone's memories and common sense, such as they are in virtual reality, or they can be resurrected and reborn, etc. When such thoughts appear, the milder ones will be because of Some things are ignored, and in severe cases, memory loss or death will occur directly.

  Gu Shanhai needs a leek base, not a mechanical ascension civilization with the awakening of omnics.

  In addition to this, Gu Shanhai still has a lot of insurance, the most basic is the contract they signed, which is essentially a part of his divine contract.

   This time, he was very ruthless, and the usury was so profitable that even eighteen generations of their descendants could not pay it back.

  So if they want to leave this leek base, they must first pay off what they owe Gu Shanhai.

   What Gu Shanhai gave them was eternal life.

  Although they have entered the virtual reality and have been fighting against natural disasters, but eternal life is really given, and it is not impossible for them to be resurrected. Besides, what Gu Shanhai promised them is eternal life, not a life of abundance.

As for those who forced to sign the contract, they are all the same, they are all called the slave mainstream, but it doesn't matter if you agree or not, as long as you sign and he gives, the cause and effect will be established, plus Gu Shanhai's experience Gu Shanhai has all the right to interpret the gods, anomalies, gods, the gods, the framework of the emperor, and other multi-level transformations.

That's right, Gu Shanhai can even change the contract directly afterwards. You can find loopholes in the contract at will, and it doesn't matter if you find a thousand or ten thousand. Block all your way.

What's more, the contract he signed is so cryptic that you may not even know that you have inexplicably carried a debt that the eighteen generations of grandparents and the whole family can't pay back, even if you don't sign it sometimes , Some behaviors can also carry the divine deed.

   It is a rogue law.

  Gu Shanhai is not a good person, so why bother with them.

"It was completed in one month, and it seems that the efficiency is still very good." Gu Shanhai watched everyone and most of the animals being transformed into tin cans, and in the production line, there was a steady stream of synthetic humans and synthetic beasts. Produce it, and squeeze the entire planet crazily at any cost.

  The previous Navian Empire was just to squeeze people at most, but Gu Shanhai was different, he directly attacked the planet.

In addition to the planet under their feet, Gu Shanhai also turned his attention to other planets. Through all the mechanical ascenders and synthetic humans, coupled with the corresponding technology given by Gu Shanhai, all kinds of factories and equipment were directly pulled out of the ground. And rise.

  Development, it must be stabilized, otherwise, it would be a wave of past, wouldn't it be courting death.

   There must be sufficient logistical support.

  So his first step is to directly cut off the supply from Cancer Universe.

  That’s right, he forcibly closed the passages of Cancer Universe and Ascension Empire, and the other party would not be able to stand it in at most three to five months.

   As for Emperor Navia, no one else can make it through, so what are you afraid of.

   After Gu Shanhai has planned the entire Ascension Empire and is ready to go, he will think of a way to fool all the people on the opposite side to come and kill them.

It is true that they will not die there, but Gu Shanhai has also conducted an investigation. If the people of the Navian Empire have not completely become cancerous life forms, they will have various normal emotions such as pain, hunger, and thirst. , You will also go crazy if you die too much or if you are hungry or thirsty for a long time.

   Then they will eat each other, and the scene will definitely be exciting.

  According to the data, all kinds of food, drinking water, etc. in the outpost city of the cancer universe cannot be kept for a long time because of the concept of life. Over time, they will be activated into cancerous life, so every time they are only transported for seven days.

   This supply is not only food and drinking water, but also clothing, research equipment, etc., even food can be activated, let alone these things.

   Therefore, many things cannot be kept for a long time.

  Once the closure time exceeds seven days, food deprivation is the most basic.

  Gu Shanhai is called fighting without blood.

   Really have to wait until three to five months later, except for the Great Emperor of Navia, all of them will have to mutate into cancerous life forms, which is more uncomfortable than killing those councilors.

  Before this, the councilors who went to Cancer Universe actually agreed with Bliss Technology’s transformation of the people in private, but it was not too obvious because it had to be installed on the surface.

For them, transformation is a good thing. As long as it is transformed, even if the cancer universe is exposed, it is impossible for the public to enter the cancer universe, because the inorganic substances in their bodies will be activated into cancerous life forms, threatening themselves .

  Eternal life is impossible, there are still things in your body fighting for your life.

   As a result, Gu Shanhai never expected that they were all under the control of Gu Shanhai, and even dealt with them conveniently.

  Gu Shanhai never thought about using the Ascension Empire to deal with Cancer Universe. Cancer Universe originally belonged to his other leek field, and it was an earlier leek field.

  Before cutting off the passage between the two worlds, Gu Shanhai also entered the cancer universe for investigation.

He easily found Emperor Navia, who was seriously injured, and it was the Eternal Sleeping Giant. At this time, the Eternal Sleeping Giant had replaced Gu Shanhai and became a tyrant in the cancer universe, constantly wandering in the universe. A large number of cancerous life forms are fused in it, and the size is getting bigger and bigger.

   Only compared with Gu Shanhai, it is still a bit small.

  But as a leek, Gu Shanhai is still very satisfied.

  It's a pity that it hasn't fully grown yet, and it will take a certain amount of time.

   Moreover, Gu Shanhai also discovered that the Eternal Sleeping Giant was deliberately looking for the Navian Emperor.

   Obviously, he also discovered the original psionic energy in the Navia Great Emperor's body that was only one step away from transforming into the concept of death, which was of great help to him.

  The Eternal Sleeping Giant only needs to merge with the Navia Great to break through its own upper limit and become a higher level of existence.

  If Emperor Navia can also fuse with the Eternal Sleeping Giant, he can also be reborn.

  However, both sides have their own weaknesses. The Navia Great has enough brains, but his strength is far inferior to the Eternal Sleeping Giant, while the Eternal Sleeping Giant is powerful but not as smart as Navia the Great.

  So after Emperor Navia fled, the Eternal Sleeping Giant could not find Emperor Navia, and could only blindly wander the universe while fusing other cancerous life forms.

   As for who will win and who will lose, Gu Shanhai doesn't know, and he doesn't care.

  For him, whoever wins will be harvested by him.

  Before he thought that Navia would become the protagonist of the two universes, so he was worried, but now it is different. The protagonist of this cancer universe is obviously the eternal sleeping giant.

The Eternal Sleeping Giant was created by him, whether it is the outer alchemy, the divine deed or even the ability, they are all under Gu Shanhai's control, not to mention that Gu Shanhai also has the roots of his energy, which are still buried under the roots of the flourishing peony. Well, the Eternal Sleeping Giant is just a puppet in his hands.

  Even if it is really out of control, with the power of the prosperous peony, it can make the eternal sleeping giant fall to the altar in an instant.

  And if the Navian Emperor really has no eyesight to merge with the Eternal Sleeping Giant and break through to a higher level, he will naturally inherit everything from the Eternal Sleeping Giant, including debts and various controlled powers.

The power of the Eternal Sleeping Giant comes from Gu Shanhai, and the Emperor Navia doesn't know this, so he will definitely not give up. Even if he finds out, it doesn't matter, the other party will take a gamble. May give up.

   "Sure enough, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes." Gu Shanhai couldn't help but sigh with emotion. If others are not careful, the overall situation will be corrupted, but if Gu Shanhai is not careful, he will directly establish the overall situation. It can only be said that his luck is not in vain.

With so many blessings of the protagonist's luck in the fate, there is a secret in the dark, although it will not make things come true, but some things will be slightly biased towards him, and as long as he seizes the opportunity of forming a slight bias, he will be able to Enough to change the whole situation.

  Of course, it is also due to his prudence, not attacking the Navia Great with much fanfare.

   "I hope that the Navia Great and the Eternal Sleeping Giant will be integrated as soon as possible, so that the harvest on the cancer universe will be faster."

   Doing so will indeed change the original 1% chance of overturning to 5%, increasing the risk by five times.

   Fortunately, it's okay, even if the car overturns, Gu Shanhai can still suppress it.

   Now Gu Shanhai is the embryonic form of the world, and belongs to the uncles of these two bastards. They can only break arms with him after they become the world. Otherwise, no matter how strong they are, they will be the son of destiny, and the sons of the generation can still beat his uncle.

The harvest must be great, originally it was just a ration, at most it could only ripen one of the twin flowers, but now they can ripen all of them at once, saving time and effort and allowing Gu Shanhai to get more data for him Research, allowing him to have a better harvest experience when he can find the next universe.

   "Unfortunately, in the past month, the quantum collider has not found the coordinate channel of other universes, otherwise, it will save a lot of worry."

  As long as the Great Emperor of Navia is not the protagonist of the two universes, Gu Shanhai has exiled him in a disguised form, so there is no need to worry about letting the two protagonists fight each other.

   Otherwise, Gu Shanhai would really have a headache now.

   "Does it have to be a protagonist?"

Gu Shanhai is also a little helpless. He has also thought about how to solve it. There should be many incarnations of the protagonist who can do this. For example, He Lingyun, he is very suitable. It would be better if the incarnation did not bring the entire iron-blooded utopia. .

  Since the development of Sansheng Lingzhi too much, the summoned avatar is no longer a person, but an entire force.

  The last time he was summoned, He Lingyun’s incarnation directly brought the entire Iron-Blooded Utopia, including interstellar battleships, cosmic fortresses, space warriors and so on.

  Artoris is better, 88 Knights of the Round Table, 1.88 million Holy Grail Expedition, each of which is composed of troops with dragons, griffins, or strange monsters of various myths and legends.

  Huang Yanshan didn't dare to summon him. This guy's Dashu Empire may have become an existence full of bastards. If he is summoned, the whole world may go crazy.

  Because the magnetic field rotation system he perfected is likely to be contagious.

  Before, it was still a vague phantom that could not be transmitted, but now it is an avatar, and it will definitely make the world a mess.

  If a group of Feisheng iron cans use a magnetic field to rotate, Gu Shanhai may not be able to suppress the omnic crisis.

As for the other people, Gu Shanhai also rejected this idea. The Xuanzhen Sect didn’t know what was going on. The Reincarnation Alliance seemed a little weird. You have to bring the entire human civilization that is about to become abnormal, maybe it's just a group of demons dancing wildly.

  In addition to the human will, what is bound to Ren is also the existence of a holy place, the capital. These two abnormalities are indirectly bound to human civilization. If the impact is large, the phantom of the entire universe will be dragged over.

  So Gu Shanhai didn't dare to go down to the test, and when the car was really about to overturn in the future, he would bring in foreign aid.

   "The protagonist can't come, otherwise, I'll pretend to be a bit?" Gu Shanhai looked at Shengshi Peony, this thing can also make his luck directly soar to the level of the protagonist, but he needs to find a place where there is no one.

   Otherwise, if he adjusts the value to 1,000 points of luck, he worries that the entire planet will die suddenly.

   It's not impossible for this to happen, the main reason is that he is so hard.

   "Then try to find a planet that has been drained of value. It's best to stay away from my Ascension Empire, so as not to be implicated together."

  (end of this chapter)

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