I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 423: Primal Psionic and Primal Psychic

  Chapter 423 Primal psionic energy and primitive psionic energy

   "Master, the recent public opinion has been getting bigger and bigger, and many high-level executives of Bliss Technology seem to have a lot of complaints." The butler said with some concern.

   "Huh? Do you still believe in things on the Internet?" Gu Shanhai looked a little weird, who didn't know how serious the separation between the parliament and the bottom was, and the price of the bottom almost doubled, but the parliament still kept singing and dancing.

   "As for those high-level complaints, it doesn't matter, let those who have complaints pack up and leave."

  Gu Shanhai is not used to these so-called high-level people at all. Some people hook up with congressmen. As long as core interests are not involved, Gu Shanhai will just turn a blind eye and ignore them. After all, this is the way of the world.

   It just so happens that Gu Shanhai can also use these people to influence the councilors in reverse.

   It’s just that they still dare to complain, which is too abominable. Gu Shanhai’s salary can be said to be extremely generous. If he is not satisfied now, he can only replace him.

  With the current power of Bliss Technology in the Navian Empire, I don’t know how many people are willing to come here.

  It’s hard to make room for one carrot and one hole. Now there are people who don’t know what to do. As long as this word is released, I don’t know how many people will sharpen their heads and squeeze in.

   "It's not good, it's just some complaints. If we fire now, will it cause dissatisfaction among other employees." The housekeeper hesitated, because Gu Shanhai was really wayward.

   "If you dare to complain today, you dare to sell the company tomorrow. Is it because the benefits of Bliss Company are not good or the workplace atmosphere is not good?" Gu Shanhai said with a sneer.

   "Neither, not at all." The housekeeper stuttered a little, but then said: "But they didn't make a mistake, so they can't be fired without reason."

   "So what, I really thought I didn't know what they did." Gu Shanhai looked at the butler and said.

   These words are not only an expulsion notice for the group of high-level officials who hook up with the congressmen and feel that Bliss Technology is not good for them, but also a blow to the housekeeper.

  He knows what the group of Bliss Technology executives are thinking. They just want shares. They feel that they should be rewarded for their hard work, and they want to become shareholders from working as workers.

  As for the butler, he simply drifted away, because many people came into contact with the butler and usually received a lot of benefits, so from time to time he wanted to ask Gu Shanhai to change his policy.

  Now he is thinking about changing to a housekeeper, or simply, not having a housekeeper to do things for him, and using the Four Sacred Beasts system for remote control.

  Killing the other party is not enough, just let him continue to be a housekeeper with no rights and only responsible for various chores in the manor.

  The steward obviously didn't understand what Gu Shanhai meant, but continued: "It's just that, the profits of Bliss Technology are still falling."

   "It's enough that the stock price is rising." Gu Shanhai didn't care about it at all, he really thought he was a fool.

  Bliss Technology has extended its hands into many fields, forming various monopolies. The recent increase in prices is caused by Bliss Technology's monopoly on various industrial chains.

Those members of the parliament also know about these things, but now most of the members are paying attention to the cancer universe, so they don't pay much attention to these things at all, even if some members notice, they will not end it. Regulation, on the contrary, will make money together with Bliss Technology.

Of course, the monopoly of Bliss Technology is not to make money in essence, but to further stabilize the cornerstone of the virtual reality technology "Life". Creating a virtual currency creates a situation similar to a Ponzi scheme, but it is not sustainable.

  The butler seemed a little reconciled, but he also saw Gu Shanhai's impatience, so he didn't dare to continue.

He will not argue with Gu Shanhai just because of a 'small gift' given by someone. He can still be clear about his status, knowing that everything about him comes from Gu Shanhai, not his status as a housekeeper .

   It doesn't matter if it can't be done, the things are collected anyway.

After the housekeeper left, Gu Shanhai also directly deprived him of his corresponding rights, and handed over all these affairs to the Four Holy Beasts system, and asked the housekeeper to honestly collect antiques for him. If there is any problem in the future, he will be pushed out Be a scapegoat.

  Gu Shanhai can tolerate the housekeeper taking some money in private, as long as you stand on his side and do practical things for him, Gu Shanhai won't care about such a small matter.

  Unfortunately, if he took his salary and wanted to harm his interests, then Gu Shanhai would definitely not be able to use him, and he might have to stab him in the back one day.

   As for the possibility of holding grudges, it doesn’t matter anymore. If you take the other party as a scapegoat, then it is normal for the other party’s mentality and emotions to change. You can’t say that you want the other party to die but also have the other party’s non-resistance and at the same time be grateful? It's not just a fault.

   "It's rare to have good news recently." Gu Shanhai looked at the brand new energy in his hand.

   This energy was reduced from the concept of life by him. He called it psionic energy, which is a relative energy to psionic energy.

  And the psionic energy in his hand is pure primitive psionic energy, the same as the primitive ghost energy in his body.

  That's right, the two secondary psionic seeds have been transformed into original psionic energy by means of fusion, reversion, and purification.

  At this time, the original psionic energy and the original psionic energy were confronting each other in his body, forming a new situation.

  Gu Shanhai plans to use this primitive psionic energy and psionic energy as the base of Suzaku and Xuanwu, and as long as the opportunity is ripe, he can make it into a companion spirit.

   It's just that the time is ripe and it will take a lot of time.

  For example, Gu Shanhai has to master the balance, because this is only the foundation, what really needs are the two concepts of life and death.

  He also tried to reproduce it directly, but it succeeded, and then it cost him a life

   It's okay if his life is out of balance, at most his skin will be broken, but he recovers quickly, otherwise something will happen.

   This thing is a great supplement to him, and if the concept of death is out of balance, he will really die and then be resurrected.

  Gu Shanhai also discovered this problem, because the ability to control the original psionic energy and original ghost energy is too poor, at least it needs to form a new system for development.

To put it simply, Gu Shanhai has to deduce a kung fu or supernatural power to further develop and utilize the primitive psionic energy and primitive ghost energy. During this development process, the two concepts of life and death are gradually restored. In this way, Gu Shanhai Shanhai can completely control it, so he doesn't have to worry about exposing himself or dying inexplicably because of the supplementary supplements in the process of making Suzaku and Xuanwu.

   "It's not a problem to deduce one, but it seems to be a bit troublesome in this way." Gu Shanhai was a little helpless, obviously he came to find raw materials, but the raw materials still needed to be refined by himself.

   But it doesn't matter, sooner or later you have to deal with it.

  If it is resolved now, it will be much easier to break through the Dharma Awakening Period and Dao Peeping Period.

  After all, the two concepts of life and death will be used later.

   "So, call Zhutian Life and Death Wheel what a ghost, this name is infringing." Gu Shanhai felt that he should be more arrogant, but when he thought of being so arrogant, it didn't seem very good, so forget it.

   "It's better to call it the basic theory of balance." Gu Shanhai is not stupid, so the more common the name, the better.

  As for "Qingdi Longevity Classic", he actually wants to call it "Plant Planting Guide", and he can change it when the time is right.

   Soon, the basic theory of the initial balance based on the original psionic energy and original psionic energy was deduced by him to the first level.

  The name, it is called the seed stage.

  Directly copied the realm name of Navia the Great, and after he killed Navia the Great, no one would know about it.

  He is not a good person.

The two seeds are attracted to each other, but they haven't merged. These two things are a bit difficult to deal with. It's not so easy to integrate them. It's very good to not fight now. Let's take it step by step .

   "The balance between life and death, the mutual circulation formed, is simply wonderful."

At this time, Gu Shanhai can not only absorb the secondary psionic aura that escapes when the player dies in "Life", but also absorb the secondary psionic aura that is born when the player is reborn, and then continuously transform each other through the two original seeds .

   "At most three months, these two seeds will be able to germinate."

  Gu Shanhai's expression was filled with joy. All the data showed that the first layer and seed stage of his "Basic Balance Theory" were all in line with his envisioned development.

   After all, it is only the first layer, which belongs to the foundation of the foundation. If this can cause problems, Gu Shanhai will not create any "Balance Theory".

   "After the original seed is successfully reversed, it can be used as the seventh layer of the "Plant Planting Guide". Twins."

  Gu Shanhai also felt the potential of the two.

   As for whether Suzaku and Xuanwu want to open a separate floor, this needs to be discussed later. If there is potential, Gu Shanhai does not mind separating two separate areas.

  If it doesn’t have enough potential, forget it. After all, it’s just a companion spirit. If it’s really not possible, you can also merge the two layers of Qinglong and Baihu with Suzaku Xuanwu to form the same layer.

  In this aspect, Gu Shanhai is still very casual.

   "Wait, if I further develop these two original seeds, can I further improve the squeezing ability in my pocket?"

Gu Shanhai's current pockets of money can only squeeze out all kinds of things in this life. If he cooperates with the original seeds and adds three living spirit plants, flourishing peonies, etc. to further develop, can he squeeze out the other party's past and future lives together? .

   "There should be no problem, but it seems that there are not many worlds with past and afterlife."

   Not all worlds have reincarnation. Some of them are really dead after death, and some worlds can be reincarnated after death.

  So he doesn't care too much about this function.

  The main thing is who knows how wonderful the other party's past and future lives are. If you get involved in the reincarnation of a Taoist ancestor or the existence of a future Buddha, you can't put yourself in a trap.

   "Forget it, forget it, I don't need it anymore." Gu Shanhai pondered for a while, the harm outweighs the benefit, and it's enough to squeeze the other party dry in this life.

   No matter how you say it, it's just a human being who stays on the front line so that we can meet each other in the future.

   "Instead, they are Mental Demon Dao Soldiers. It would be nice to equip them."

  Gu Shanhai had already transformed the Heart Demon Daoist once before, but the effect was not significant.

  After all, what the Xinmo Dao soldier does is to engage in mentality, even if you change it, you can't change it. Although it is one thing to be strong, the main effect is on the emotional and spiritual aspects.

   "If it is true, the original psionic energy can give the ability to kill the line and instant death, and the original psionic energy can greatly supplement its own shortcomings."

The shortcoming of the Heart Demon Dao Soldiers is naturally that they do not have enough damage to those existences like puppets, machines, etc. without self or intelligence. Blank vector for accepting emotions and states of mind.

   Then these various abilities can be used.

  It is true that there are no conditions, but conditions must be created for him.

It is not without disadvantages, that is, some great terrors may be activated, but it is okay, the original psionic energy has a great restraint effect on the objects temporarily activated by the original psionic energy, not to mention that this activation is temporary .

  Gu Shanhai only needs to grasp this temporary opportunity, for example, temporarily activate the opponent for a moment when attacking, and the activation will be invalid when not attacking.

   "With the cooperation of the four holy beast systems, there is no problem at all."

   "Just such random changes, my main body may have to change accordingly, and the heart demon Taoist soldiers may be even uglier."

  As Dao soldiers become stronger, the Art of War will naturally feed back their strength to Gu Shanhai.

   Now he has 50 million Dao soldiers in his body, and the number is increasing towards 100 million. The main reason is that he does not have enough resources, so he can only let the heart demon Dao soldiers grow naturally.

  Resources are of course invested in the right place, such as spiritual root powers, mind demons and Taoist soldiers can grow on-hook, Gu Shanhai will naturally not invest too much, and can use the time cost to slowly grind them up.

   On the contrary, those methods that can take him to the sky in one step and take shortcuts are what he should consider.

   There is no need to worry about taking shortcuts to become stronger, which will lead to unstable foundation. Now he has no foundation at all.

For a person practicing martial arts or cultivating immortals, there may be some such things as vain foundation, mana, or infuriating energy, but it is very problematic to talk about these things in the same world as Gu Shanhai, because everyone is not the same species, It would be too outrageous to use the sword of the previous dynasty to kill the officials of this dynasty.

   What's more, his shortcut was also worked out by him, and he had to go through countless failures before he succeeded.

"Heart demons and Taoists are ugly, so it's not a big deal. Anyway, they are usually used as mascots in the body, and they don't need to touch them, so no one can see them." Gu Shanhai is also open-minded. Anyway, the painting style is so down-to-earth. It's no big deal to pick up the 18th floor of hell.

  (end of this chapter)

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