I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 417: Bliss Technology·Virtual online game "Life"

  Chapter 417 Bliss Technology·Virtual Online Game "Life"

  A virtual online game called "Life" became popular throughout the Navian Empire within a day, and everyone knew about this special game known as being extremely open.

  At the beginning, people were indeed skeptical, but under the gimmick of extremely low equipment prices and free game content, a large number of people still poured into it.

  The main reason is that the Navia Empire is really excellent in terms of entertainment. Although the empire is developing rapidly, the game is still in the Pac-Man stage, and other things such as film and television, folk art, etc. are also boring.

   Now suddenly an epoch-making industry has popped up, making everyone crazy about it.

However, there are also places that people criticize. Although the equipment is cheap and the content is free, there are various krypton gold points, such as first-time recharge rewards, cumulative recharge rewards, large and small monthly cards, battle order promotion, daily/weekly/monthly/seasonal gift packs And so on a series of special rewards.

   In addition to this, there are krypton points related to fashion, mounts, etc.

   Fortunately, although the players of "Life" in the Navian Empire were a little bit shocked, each one of them was so vigorous that they were full of various gift bags.

Of course, the planning of "Life" is not to pick and search and give nothing. Daily tasks, weekly tasks, monthly tasks, sign-in rewards, game time rewards, etc. can also obtain a lot of resources, but what is needed The time is simply too long.

  Because of the birth of this virtual online game, various prototypes of game merchants appeared in the Navian Empire.

  As long as you can make money, you can do whatever you want.

  Gu Shanhai also made a lot of money because of this.

During the period, many councilors also fell in love with Gu Shanhai, a hen that can lay golden eggs. They originally planned to use some means outside the rules to get Gu Shanhai to hand it over, but when they checked Gu Shanhai, they found out his identity, and finally It also died down.

   There are also ignorant members of parliament who think that the prince Gu Shanhai is just a powerless member of the royal family, and want to use an indirect way to get some shares.

  This behavior violated the bottom line of the royal family.

  The royal family guarantees that these princes abide by themselves and do not cause trouble, but it does not mean that the princes will not fight back if they scold or fight back.

  So these unsightly congressmen were dealt with, directly prosecuted for corruption, violation of discipline, etc., and now they are probably picking up soap in the cell.

  Of course, in addition to the councilors, the princes also came to the door.

But they are also real money, and they directly exchange their properties with Gu Shanhai. Seeing this, Gu Shanhai also chose some industries that he needs, such as factories, mines, business districts, etc., and used them as "Life". The upstream and downstream industry chain of this game.

  In exchange for these industries, a total of 10% of the shares were allocated, and the princes were also dissatisfied, but Gu Shanhai said that if you like it or not, you can share 10% for yourself.

  In the end, these princes could only grit their teeth and divide up by themselves, Gu Shanhai didn't care how much.

Gu Shanhai actually didn't think too much about the income from "Life". If it wasn't for maintaining the subsequent release of the game, Gu Shanhai would never make these krypton gold points, and even the equipment could be given away for free. Unfortunately, no Money can't do anything, and it's not enough to fill in all the property on him.

   "One out of ten thousand, it seems that my development of this new track has really succeeded."

  Gu Shanhai felt the negligible psionic energy rushing in, and was finally absorbed by the two psionic energy seeds in his body.

The death of each player can provide him with a secondary psionic breath of about one-ten thousandth of the standard psionic aura. , and it is still provided continuously, so there is no need to worry about cutting off.

  As long as there are more players, the secondary psionic auras he can obtain can be combined into psionic auras, or even directly form real psionic energy instead of these fragments.

   "The birth of phantom energy is an act of death. This act can occur even if it is not a real death, but it is not as good as a real death in terms of quality."

   "Compared to the harvesting method of the Navian Great, my method is more moist and silent. The only disadvantage is that it must be established in a peaceful age."

Gu Shanhai knew the flaws of his harvesting method, which was not as stable as that of Navia the Great. The Navia Great's harvest would be ignored regardless of whether it was peace or war, or even race. As long as there was death, it would become a ghost Can be harvested by him.

   Unlike Gu Shanhai, he can only harvest humans, and what he harvests are fragments of psionic energy fragments.

Therefore, if Gu Shanhai wants to reach the level of Navia the Great, he has to wait until the completion of the digital life. As for fighting against Navia the Great, Gu Shanhai estimates that he will have to wait until the late stage at least, and the two are in different stages. Dao, there is basically no conflict of interest in the first and mid-term.

  Of course, it is not ruled out that Navia the Great will attack him for this benefit.

  Gu Shanhai's actions were indeed too high-profile. Fortunately, the company used to distribute "Life" does not have him, whether it is a legal person or a director. Although he actually controls it, he does not come forward to manage it.

  The first requirement of the prince is not to be in the public opinion. This is because Gu Shanhai gave the royal family ten psionic energy crystals this year as a price, and the royal family helped to settle it and help him promote the virtual reality online game "Life".

   "Wait for a while, after I completely remove the troubles in the psionic seeds, I can proceed to the next step of the plan."

  Whether it is virtual reality or digital life, they are not meant to be divorced from reality in essence, but the timing is not right to interfere with reality, which is too sensitive.

His idea is to make his bliss technology company a real giant, just like the eternal technology established by Xiao Yongsheng, it will continue to develop in various fields, and finally monopolize various industries in the Navia Empire, so as to actually control the Navia Empire .

  The mechanical ascension constructed by virtual reality and digital life is essentially only a part of it.

  As for the Navia Great using force to solve the problem, then Gu Shanhai is more willing to see this scene.

Gu Shanhai is indeed afraid of the other party's psionic ability. If the other party goes all out and gives Gu Shanhai the concept of returning the original psionic energy to his ancestors for a while, then it will be very difficult for him to resurrect, but it doesn't mean that Gu Shanhai will If you are afraid of the other party, it's okay for everyone to live in peace, but when you make a move, it will be a deadly attack.

It's just that the Emperor Navia is unlikely to take action. Even if the other party knows about Gu Shanhai's behavior, it is more likely to use various schemes to deal with Gu Shanhai, because this is fun, and after so many years of boring, I finally met him How could a fun that could be used to amuse oneself be destroyed so easily.

"But having said that, the concept of death can be reduced to psionic energy in this world, so can the concept of life be reduced as well?" Gu Shanhai looked at the two psionic energy seeds that were working hard in water, and his mind was wide open for a while. .

   "Judging from the data on paper, there must be no big problem."

   "It's a pity that the data on this paper is only a theory. If you want to reduce the dimension of life, you must at least know how the concept of death becomes psionic energy, so that I can conduct further research."

   "And besides life and death, can other concepts work, such as concepts of light, darkness, and sky?"

  The concept is a unique system of the Navia universe and the cancer universe. In other worlds, it is more about universal rules, laws, avenues, world parameters, etc.

  Because of the particularity of the world itself, it will be reduced in dimension and become a special energy.

It’s just that this dimensionality reduction process is probably not that easy. If it is really simple, it is impossible that only Navia the Great has successfully reduced the concept of death into psionic energy. Instead, various strange energy systems will appear. .

   "It's better not to think so far, but you can try to reduce the dimensionality of the concept of life in the past few days. After all, I also have related psionic energy in my hand."

  Life and death may be opposite to each other, but they are also symbiotic.

  Just like the five elements, mutual generation is also mutual restraint.

  Theoretically, Gu Shanhai can use psionic energy to pry death. Coupled with the relevant research data from Cancer Universe, he can completely reduce the concept of life into a special energy that can be mastered like psionic energy.

   The analogy is probably that he has mastered the secondary life law. Of course, it is just an analogy, not real.

   In this way, the birth efficiency of his Suzaku will be much faster.

  It is better to be able to detect intuitively.

   As soon as Gu Shanhai, who was calculating the data, looked up, he immediately rolled up all the drawings and drafts on the desktop into his sleeves, then picked up a book and started to read.

  Three minutes later, there was a knock on the door outside the study.

   "Come in." Gu Shanhai knew that the housekeeper was coming, so he packed up and prepared in advance.

   "Master, something has happened, someone is attacking the stock of Bliss Technology." After the key came in, he hurriedly handed the report in his hand to Gu Shanhai.

  Gu Shanhai turned it over and saw that there was indeed an abnormal fluctuation.

Because Bliss Technology was founded by Gu Shanhai himself, it is not in the industry protected by the royal family, so as long as Gu Shanhai does not violate the relevant rules of the prince, no matter how much the Bliss Technology develops, he will not interfere. You have to figure it out yourself.

  After the stock price fluctuated abnormally, Gu Shanhai did not immediately say how to solve it. Instead, he opened the Four Holy Beasts system, found the commercial hosting module, opened the log bin, and asked why the Four Holy Beasts system had no feedback.

  【The volatility has been dealt with, and a fishing counterattack is in progress】

  [Preliminary investigation results: 10% chance is unknown, 20% chance is the prince, 20% chance is the royal family/Navian emperor, 50% chance is technology company joint action]

  The Four Holy Beasts system has already noticed it, but through financial means, not only has it been dealt with, but also plans to use the opponent's sniper backhand this time to trick the opponent into making a lot of money.

  Finance is much more profitable than stealing money.

   Gu Shanhai's current Bliss Technology is very short of money. The prerequisite for you to monopolize a certain field is to have enough funds and power.

   Gu Shanhai has power, but the funds are a bottomless pit, no amount of money is enough.

   "Don't worry, I've already arranged for someone to solve it." Gu Shanhai put down the report in his hand and said, since the system of the Four Sacred Beasts is processing it, he must believe in the system of the Four Sacred Beasts.

   This was created by him himself. People use financial means, and the Four Holy Beasts system directly uses metaphysical means to cooperate with quantum computer calculations. After reading the script and predicting and divination, he personally customizes the plot direction. How do you win?

  Unless it is said that the Navia Great personally manages the market, unfortunately the Navia Great does not understand this, so even if he wants to personally manage the market, not only will it not be a help, but it will also be a drag. It is a big taboo for laymen to guide experts.

  If the opponent really wants to win, Gu Shanhai also admits it. After all, it is really ability and not luck.

   "Are you sure you don't need to ask the royal family for help?" The butler hesitated for a while, and finally offered a suggestion.

  He actually doesn't know much about finance, and as a housekeeper, he handles various daily chores and external arrangements for Gu Shanhai.

   It's just that a professional gave him a brief summary of this report, which means that if it is not resolved, it may cause problems for the entire Bliss Technology Company.

"No need, there might be the royal family contributing to the flames. If you really ask the royal family for help, it is no different from the fat meat delivered to your door." Gu Shanhai didn't care that this word was leaked, even if the royal family knew about it, it would be like that. They will not condemn or suppress Gu Shanhai because of his unsubstantiated statement.

"Okay." Hearing this, the steward also responded helplessly. He was a little puzzled at first, how could anyone dare to take action against the booming Bliss Technology. The virtual online game "Life" alone established the overlord's reputation. status.

   Now that I think about it, if it is the royal family, then it is understandable. After all, Bliss Technology belongs to Gu Shanhai’s private property rather than the royal property given by the royal family, so it is natural to have no scruples in doing it.

   "One more thing, Prince Tulip wants to invite you to a banquet in three days, his son's first birthday banquet." The butler continued.

  The name of the prince is prefixed with the manor bestowed, and Gu Shanhai's prince is the Prince Rose.

"Son's first birthday party?" Gu Shanhai frowned. He knew that Prince Tulip was seventy years old, and the eldest son was fifty years old now, but the youngest son was only one year old. This is really good at playing. .


   "Let me think about it." Gu Shanhai didn't immediately agree, mainly because there was no point in going there, and he always hated this kind of time-wasting social interaction.

   "Prince Tulip once said that at the banquet, you will give something you are interested in in return." The butler added.

  Hearing this, Gu Shanhai regained a lot of energy: "You can go and have a look, and prepare a gift for me."

  Since it is beneficial, Gu Shanhai is not hesitant to take a trip. Of course, if Prince Tulip intentionally fools him, then don't blame Gu Shanhai for his cruelty.

  (end of this chapter)

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