I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 411: Advent, Birth of the Immortal Realm

  Chapter 411 Arrival, the Birth of the Immortal Realm

   "Are you leaving?" Gu Shanhai was quite puzzled.

   After he saw the Tranquil Eye of Death enter, the eyeballs with sharp mouths blinked their eyelids.

   Further down, there will be no more.

   Instead, he left this world directly.

  Gu Shanhai felt it carefully, and also found the corresponding clue.

   "Death, disappeared?" As the prototype of the world, Gu Shanhai naturally sensed the changes in the world.

  In just that blink of an eye, the concept of death was eaten away.

   "Just come and take a sip and run away, good man, ah no, he has good eyes." Gu Shanhai also looked strange.

   This incident was really unexpected. Gu Shanhai thought he had to eat a bite of the world before leaving, but he turned out to be so picky about eating.

   But this is a good thing for him.

  "With the disappearance of death, all life in this world may have been alienated into all kinds of crazy things at this time."

  Gu Shanhai could tell that the Tranquil Eye of Death not only swallowed death, but also spread out the blood of Xiao Yongsheng.

  That’s right, the Eternal Sleeping Bloodline and the Chang’an Bloodline.

   A group of undead beings attracted to and killed by each other is an absolute disaster.

  In contrast, the concept of life in this world began to expand unreasonably, which made Gu Shanhai feel comfortable.

   It's like burying yourself in the soil and then photosynthesizing through the leaves that grow out.

   "I think, I found the raw material of Suzaku in the Four Sacred Beast System." Gu Shanhai was so comfortable that a lot of spiritual root hairs filled his body.

  The Big Dipper is the master of death, the South Dipper is the master of life.

  Nandou Suzaku, wouldn’t it be beautiful to use the life that is the opposite of death in this world as raw materials.

  It is absolutely impossible to find such good raw materials in another world. In 99% of the worlds, life will always be equal to death.

  Even the so-called underworld, hell, etc., undead, ghosts, etc. are themselves another form of life.

  After death is gone, life becomes so obvious.

   "I need to extract the concept of life."

   "Not only can it be used to make the accompanying spirit creature Suzaku, but it can also be used as a material for me to break through the enlightenment period. It serves multiple purposes."

  The concept of life is not required to make the accompanying spiritual creature Suzaku, only a little bit is enough. In essence, after erosion, the concept of life is not based on the concept of life.

   As for what the world would look like without the two concepts of death and life, it doesn't concern Gu Shanhai.

   "It's just my style of painting, it doesn't seem to fit it."

  Gu Shanhai's spiritual sense directly swept it away, and most of the people at this time either had flesh and blood mutations, or bone alienation, or hair deformation. There is no such thing as Gu Shanhai that grows plants.

   "Hahaha, eternal life, I have eternal life!!" Xiao Yongsheng's crazy laughter came.

   This voice is not one, but a duet, one is his own voice, and the other is a female voice like a barbell.

   Obviously another body that is skeletalized on him.

Xiao Yongsheng is actually a secondary mutation. His body and exoskeleton are covered with all kinds of strange eyes, all of which are in large and small shapes. Some of them are not even human eyes, but the eyes of various birds and beasts. It's the aberrant eye, even on the skeletal body.

   "My brain has been washed out and I can't save it."

  Gu Shanhai checked it out, and not only did he have the same eyes in his soul, but also more and more terrifying. In addition, without the alienation of death, he can become the new king of this world, the one he deserves.

  The opponent's strength has reached the sky in one step, reaching the level of nearly 1000.

  As for the others, they are currently relatively low, only level 50.

   It is normal for Xiao Yongsheng to become so strong, no matter how he is also a meritorious minister, naturally he will not treat him badly.

   "The limit is about level 4000, but if you want to grow up, it depends on whether I agree or not."

  Gu Shanhai quickly estimated the changes in Xiao Yongsheng's strength. As for other people, the upper limit will not be too high, at most it is level 1000, barely reaching Xiao Yongsheng's starting point.

  Of course, there are also some individuals who belong to geniuses and monsters, so they are definitely not included in this upper limit.

   There are only individuals who can catch up with Xiao Yongsheng, there may be, at most there will be no more than one hand.

   "Hi, it's the first time we meet, I have a gift I want to give you." Gu Shanhai moved to the crazy Xiao Yongsheng in an instant.

  The manic laughter of the other party also stopped abruptly, and his eyes were fixed on Gu Shanhai, with puzzlement, doubt and other emotions in his expression.

   It is good to have more eyes, which can fully express various emotions.

   "Who are you?" Xiao Yongsheng is still rational, and he understands that being courteous for nothing is either **** or stealing, so he has no intention of accepting Gu Shanhai's so-called gift.

   "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is this gift, you have to accept it if you don't want it!"

Gu Shanhai directly took out a ball of plasticine with eyes. That's right, this thing is the product of the fusion of the sight of the quiet eye of death and the "Tai Shang Shuo Ba Gua Sutra". A kind person came to the rescue.

   Now, this well-meaning person has appeared. As for doing so, it will lead to some uncontrollable factors. It doesn't matter. The world is so bad anyway, so what if it is worse.

  Before Xiao Yongsheng could react, Gu Shanhai knocked him down to the ground, took the plasticine with eyes and stuffed it into the opponent's body.

  Xiao Yongsheng naturally struggled crazily, but the plant tentacles on Gu Shanhai's body were too strong, and he was so suppressed that he couldn't move.

   "Let go of me, what on earth do you want to do!!" Xiao Yongsheng kept roaring.

  Gu Shanhai turned a deaf ear to it, and easily tore open the opponent's chest, and forcibly transplanted it in.

   At the moment after the successful transplantation, Xiao Yongsheng's whole body was sluggish, and then he saw that his originally huge body began to wither, and even the bones on his body turned yellow and cracked, and a large amount of bone dregs fell down.

   "I, you." Xiao Yongsheng's whole body was numb, as if he had been squeezed by a hundred succubi for a hundred days in a row, from the original dragon spirit to the appearance of about to ascend to heaven.

   "The effect is still very good. Look, this will restore the human form. I am doing this for your own good." Gu Shanhai said earnestly that this is for your own good. What good is being a monster? Be a human if you want to.

  Xiao Yongsheng tremblingly wanted to refute: You don’t look at your own virtue, but because you are too weak, you can’t speak at all.

   At this time, his body began to soften, showing the characteristics of elements, and the originally withered eyes on his body once again bloomed with brilliance.

   "Power, my power" Xiao Yongsheng felt a different kind of feeling, that is, his body was recovering and getting stronger, but he had no way to control this power at all.

   "Interesting, use your body as a mediator to make these two forces continuously merge. It's a good idea, but unfortunately, it's mine!"

If Gu Shanhai hadn't been around, these two guys would have been able to succeed, but it's a pity that Gu Shanhai was here. If the "Tai Shang Shuo Ba Gua Sutra" in its heyday and the eyes of the quiet eyes of death were watching, Gu Shan Hai really wouldn't be able to move, it's a pity One of these two is Huluo Pingyang, and the other is Longyou Shoal, which should benefit him.

   "I haven't practiced Wai Dan for a long time, and I happened to practice one for use."

  Gu Shanhai looked at Xiao Yongsheng with a smile, which made Xiao Yongsheng feel bad for a while.

   "The combination of water and fire requires you to reconcile it. I think you will not be unwilling to help me."

  As soon as these words came out, Xiao Yongsheng was instantly shocked, and his tone was sharp: "Get out, don't come close to me!!"

   "Don't be so excited, it won't hurt if I do it." Gu Shanhai stretched out his hand and pulled him back.

  Xiao Yongsheng's will is quite good, at least when he was extremely scared just now, he was able to regain control of his body for a short time.

   "Don't toast or eat fine wine, let me tell you, all the people in this city were sacrificed by you."

   "So no one will come to rescue you even if you shout your throat out. You should obediently obey me."

  Gu Shanhai's expression, tone, and behavior make him a villain. If Xiao Yongsheng wasn't like a monster, or if he was a beautiful woman, the protagonist would have jumped out to fight for justice.

  Oh, it’s not good, the protagonist is also in Gu Shanhai’s hands now, and now he has turned into a cocoon of flesh and blood, which has not yet hatched.

  Hearing these words, Xiao Yongsheng became more and more frightened. Before, at most, he felt that Gu Shanhai wanted to torture him. Looking at it now, he must have done some weird things to him.

   "Don't look at me with such eyes, I'm a decent person." Gu Shanhai said that vegetative people are also people.

   "Forget it, I'd rather."

"You would rather die? I think, if you want to die, there is a high probability that your body will not agree." Gu Shanhai knew that if Xiao Yongsheng was not afraid of death, he would not make a blood sacrifice to attract death to millions of people The Eye of Tranquility descends to devour the very concept of death.

  So these words were actually used by him to threaten Gu Shanhai with his unscrupulous words.

  Xiao Yongsheng wanted to say something more, but Gu Shanhai didn't want to hear it, but stretched out his hand and slapped him unconscious on the ground.

"Self-consciousness and body are not unified." Gu Shanhai looked at Xiao Yongsheng's body, which was still wriggling irregularly. It was the "Tai Shang Shuo Ba Gua Sutra" and the eyes of the quiet eye of death controlling him. As long as the body is fully controlled, it will directly erase Xiao Yongsheng's consciousness.

   At that time, a brand new undead monster will also be born.

  Of course, Gu Shanhai will definitely not allow it to develop into this situation, and they will not be able to develop either. The best result is to become a foreign pill in Gu Shanhai's hands.

  It is used as a tool, even if there is a problem, just throw it away.

  Packed up Xiao Yongsheng and took him away, and returned to his original underground laboratory.

   "There is still a shell, and it will be quick to rearrange it." Gu Shanhai directly released the mind demon soldiers, and in just five minutes, the laboratory was completely repaired by the mind demon soldiers.

   "If I had known earlier, I would have turned this group of Heart Demon Dao soldiers into logistics Dao soldiers." Seeing this, Gu Shanhai also felt that he had miscalculated.

   Just thinking about it again, if he really wanted to become a logistics soldier, he would not be able to capture Zhou Ding to destroy Yan Kingdom without enough strength. Without follow-up support, he would not be able to become stronger so quickly.

  Where there is gain, there is bound to be loss. Fortunately, this group of mind demon soldiers is enough now, and the logistics capability is extremely powerful under the control of the four holy beast system.

  After the repair of the laboratory was completed, Gu Shanhai put Xiao Yongsheng on the operating table for further research.

His idea of ​​refining a Wai Dan naturally requires planning and experimentation. He can't just take out the green dragon and fry it for frying and frying. Xiao Yongsheng made a dish.

  Gu Shanhai doesn't want to eat this dark cuisine, mainly because there are two raw materials that are not suitable for eating, otherwise Gu Shanhai doesn't mind if it is made into a dish.

"One is enough for someone as awesome as you, there is no need for a second one." The reason Gu Shanhai got rid of Xiao Yongsheng was because Xiao Yongsheng's status affected his son and daughter-in-law. In Gu Shanhai's hand, he has already become his puppet. If another one is similar, the flesh and blood cocoon in his hand will be depreciated.

   As for where to sharpen, there is no need at all, a puppet is tempered, as long as it is controlled by Gu Shanhai.

  Gu Shanhai doesn't have much structure, he just thinks about his own three-acre land, and doesn't care about other things.

"No matter what, you are all a family, and I don't have the heart to separate your flesh and blood. Let's do this. After you become a Wai Dan, you will be transplanted into your son and daughter-in-law." Gu Shanhai is kind-hearted, but he just can't see these life-and-death separations. .

   "But having said that, you are quite ferocious. My wife ate it all, and I don't know if there is any left."

  Gu Shanhai can also see that if the Xiao and Su families stay for a long time, the physical integration may be unsatisfactory, and it may turn into a psychological change.

   is mutual food.

  Just judging from the fact that Xiao Yongsheng won, his wife probably has no power to resist.

   "It's a pity, after the Tranquil Eye of Death is gone, the peeping future on you is gone, otherwise I can still study it."

  Gu Shanhai extracted Xiao Yongsheng's memory, so he naturally knew that his golden finger was able to peek into the future.

   The ability to peek into the future is originally the vision of the Tranquil Eye of Death, so after the Tranquil Eye of Death had no interest in this world, it naturally recovered it.

  Back then it was precisely because of this ability that he was able to pull with Guang Wei Lu Li, and successfully calculated Guang Wei Lu Li.

   It is Gu Shanhai who wants to study this, it is purely a joke, he is not stupid, what is the purpose of studying such a horrible vision of existence, he is not tired of it yet.

   "The three parties have already begun to fuse, and it is estimated that the fusion should be completed tomorrow, not bad." Gu Shanhai checked Xiao Yongsheng and the remaining two powers in his body, and after estimating the time, he could start alchemy.

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  (end of this chapter)

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