I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 407: A cocoon of flesh and blood, the future is uncertain

  Chapter 407 The cocoon of flesh and blood, the future is uncertain

   "Successful." Gu Shanhai looked at the giant cocoon of flesh and blood that was absorbing the nutrient solution in the life support cabin.

   This is the product of Gu Shanhai who forcibly fused Su Man and Xiao Yunting through surgery. It is still developing at this time. According to the estimation of Gu Shanhai, it can be successfully hatched in three days.

   "This is not a fusion, but is used as nourishment to re-cultivate a living body."

  After the two are fused, everything about the two has disappeared, and they have become the chrysalis of this flesh and blood embryo, waiting for a new life to be reborn from the cocoon.

   "From the current data, it doesn't look like an embryo of an evil god. Instead, it gives me the illusion that it is similar to a perfect creature."

  Gu Shanhai flipped through the records, he didn't understand what the two sects were doing thousands of years ago.

  Of course, it is said that it is called a perfect creature, and it is more like a monster. The specific situation will not be known until the flesh and blood cocoon is further developed.

Now there is a large mass of liquid mixed with flesh and blood, not even taking shape, but the growth rate is indeed very fast, especially when Gu Shanhai provides a lot of nutrition and a good environment, otherwise, under normal circumstances, the growth rate is also very fast. It can't be that fast.

   "Your skills are too ghostly." Lu Li walked in, saw the cocoon of flesh and blood, and showed fear of Gu Shanhai in his expression.

It was also the first time he had seen someone be so vicious and fused the two of them together. He wanted to scold him, but he didn't say anything in the end. For him, Suman was alive, so maybe he would help. Now that they are all monsters, naturally they don't have so many ideas.

"Heh, you still don't know much." Gu Shanhai was a little disdainful of the eccentric words. In his previous life, he had never worked with the eccentrics. He was the pride of heaven in the early days. Gu Shanhai wanted to rank with him. They couldn't get in line, and when Gu Shanhai got up later, this guy was already dead.

  I thought he was capable before, and indeed he was capable, but his temperament did not meet Gu Shanhai's expectations, because the existence of the simulator seems to be just the mentality of an ordinary person, which is too far behind Shura.

  Because he has a lot of trial and error costs, he still hasn't gotten rid of the colored eyes of ordinary people.

   "This is not a matter of knowledge, but as a person, you have no moral bottom line for doing this." Bizarrely condemned Gu Shanhai, but Gu Shanhai didn't care about the other party's words at all.

   "Just tell me what's going on, I still have something to do." Gu Shanhai didn't continue to tangle with the other party, moral bottom line? That is to say, you have a powerful talent like a simulator to say this, and most people don't have so many ideas.

  However, it would be better if there were more such people, so that the whole world would not be conspired, and Gu Shanhai could make more use of them.

   "You created a monster, did you know that?" Guang Luli looked at the cocoon of flesh and blood, with a dignified tone.

In the future simulated by his simulator, a horrible monster was reborn from the cocoon of flesh and blood, which destroyed the entire world, causing the time he could simulate for a year to drop sharply to two months, every Died at the hands of this monster once.

   "I don't know." Gu Shanhai spread his hands, it's just a monster, and it's not a big deal.

   "I came here to destroy it, so as not to become a stumbling block for us." Lu Li felt that Gu Shanhai should not have created it.

   As for breaking up with Gu Shanhai, he still considered his interests. As an ordinary person, he has his own likes and dislikes as well as his own gains and losses. He knows that he and Gu Shanhai are teammates, so he only focuses on communication.

  Of course, the main reason is that he can't fight, otherwise this monster will be born every time in the simulator, because every time he wants to use violence to solve it, he will freeze for unknown reasons, and then the monster will be born.

   And this unexplained freeze is naturally caused by Gu Shanhai. The simulator cannot simulate Gu Shanhai, but it can simulate the birth of a monster.

   "How could it become a stumbling block? I can control this little cutie." Gu Shanhai showed a bright smile.

   "Impossible, in the future I see, it is killing, me." Lu Li didn't finish his sentence, when he saw Gu Shanhai's smile, he suddenly reacted.

   That is the massacre after the birth of this monster, it could not be the manipulation of Gu Shanhai.

   Otherwise, how could such absurd results appear in the simulation? The reason why he died two months later was because he was backstabbing his teammates to slow them down.

   "What's wrong?" Gu Shanhai didn't know what Lu Li saw in his simulator, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care too much.

What he sees is the future instead of the present, and the future has a very interesting characteristic, that is, it is erratic, and the observed future will collapse because of a little bit of butterfly effect, unless it is said that it encounters that kind of fixed future Otherwise, things in the future can basically only be used as a reference rather than a certainty.

   "What the **** are you planning?" Guang Wei Lu Li frowned, and he found that he seemed to be somewhat unable to see through Gu Shanhai.

   "I don't have any plans, I just want to raise this thing to see what it is." Gu Shanhai was also at a loss, he didn't have any plans, he was just trying to save money.

   "Then why did you allow that monster to kill wantonly!" There was nothing strange about it. I wanted to investigate by myself or make indirect remarks, so I asked directly.

"Needs for growth? It shouldn't be. The nutrients I gave are enough for it to grow up. Besides, if the nutrients are not enough, I can add more." Gu Shanhai was also a little surprised when he heard this. He had nothing to do to cultivate himself. What is the big baby doing when you let it out.

  Hearing Gu Shanhai's tone, Guangwei Luli was also relieved in his heart, it seemed that Gu Shanhai didn't intend to kill wantonly.

  So, it is likely that something big went wrong in the middle.

   "Then if this happens, how do you plan to deal with it?" What Lu Li asked was if a massacre was really needed to make this monster grow, would Gu Shanhai plan to stop it or condone it.

"This is not something you should consider. From the current point of view, in about five days, Xiao Yongsheng will sacrifice one million people. That is what you should solve, not me. Little cutie." Gu Shanhai spread his hands together, indicating that we are teammates, and the life and death of a group of aborigines is not your concern.

  It will take at least three days for his little cutie to hatch, and it will take even longer to grow during that period.

  So in a short time, the more important thing is that Xiao Yongsheng sacrificed the Eye of Death's Tranquility, which is related to the other party's mission, rather than worrying about things that shouldn't be worried about.

   "This matter has been resolved, and Xiao Yongsheng will not be able to complete the sacrifice in five days." Guang Wei Luli had already cracked the sacrifice ceremony, so he didn't worry about it at all.

   "Really?" Gu Shanhai was also a little surprised, this kid is fast enough.

   Just thinking about it again, it doesn't seem right. With his little ability, I'm afraid it's not the simulator that will be fooled.

  Gu Shanhai didn't even use divination to target Xiao Yongsheng. He was afraid that he would be misled.

   "What did you see?" Gu Shanhai was astonished as he was eccentric and not stupid.

   "I didn't see it. Since I came to Yunxing City, I haven't used the ability of divination, so I don't know anything about the future." Gu Shanhai said very straightforwardly.

Of course, this statement must be false, because his oracle eye and retrospective vision have been in effect all the time, but they are all included in the system of the four holy beasts. He only looks at the data occasionally, unless he encounters some extremely important events , the system of the Four Holy Beasts will notify him, otherwise it will basically be archived for storage.

   "Why? Such a good method can be used to detect intelligence." Guang Luli was a little puzzled, he felt that Gu Shanhai should know much more than him.

   "Guess." Gu Shanhai smiled again.

   This smile is very bright, but it makes Guang Luli very uncomfortable.

  But since Gu Shanhai didn't say anything, he didn't force it. Anyway, to him, these are not big things.

"If you don't say it, it's fine. You are optimistic about that monster, or don't blame me for killing me." In Guangwei Luli's eyes, Gu Shanhai probably planned to turn that monster into a follower, a pet, or even a permanent summoner. .

   After all, with such a powerful combat power, he would be tempted to do so. If he hadn't been unable to subdue this monster, he might have cut it off.

   "Of course, I will be optimistic about it." Gu Shanhai didn't pay attention to the strange words.

   After the others left, Gu Shanhai also made a random calculation. A tall humanoid monster with no skin and muscles exposed to the air was constantly destroying all life forms.

   "Is this thing stunted?" Seeing the monster without skin, Gu Shanhai had such an idea in his mind.

  The reason is very simple, there is no skin, so it must be considered a developmental problem.

   Muscles are exposed to the air, no matter how tough they are, it is still a weakness. Even if there is no skin, a stratum corneum or chitin can be used, and it can be used as a means to protect one's own safety.

   "No, I have to change it!" After seeing this scene, Gu Shanhai felt that he had to overcome this weakness.

   "Also, you fight like this, you must have a problem with your brain"

  Gu Shanhai discovered that this guy is just like an American monster, he doesn't know how to use his own advantages at all, he just fights hand to hand, and he hasn't done it yet.

   "What kind of warrior should I be? How good it is to be a Magee. What is it called? The heavens go to the left, and the fighters go to the right."

   "Even if you can't be a magic master, it's good to be a magic fortress."

  Gu Shanhai looked at the existence still in the cocoon.

  Although the other party has not yet fully developed, it seems that he has sensed some kind of malice from Gu Shanhai, and even the cocoon of flesh and blood trembled.

   "Hey, there are also abilities similar to beast intuition or danger sensing. Well, good talent, it's a pity to be a warrior."

   As Gu Shanhai said, he took out various things, and then stretched out his hand to pull out the cocoon of flesh and blood from the life support cabin, preparing to make some good modifications to it.

   The cocoon of flesh and blood seemed to feel something was wrong, and it squirmed crazily to escape from Gu Shanhai's palm, but unfortunately it couldn't do it at all, and could only tremble in Gu Shanhai's hand.

"Your instinct is a bit rich, or is it left over from the time of fusion?" Gu Shanhai saw it, and what he was afraid of was not what was conceived in the cocoon of flesh and blood, but the cocoon of flesh and blood itself. In other words, it was Su Man and Xiao Yunting back then. Fusion remnants.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay, I'll move very quickly and it won't hurt." Gu Shanhai stroked the fleshy cocoon with a gentle tone. He originally wanted to help with anesthesia, but thought that if it would affect the embryo development, then he has to regret it.

  So he can only force it, but it doesn't matter, he thinks this thing should be able to hold up, no matter how it is, it is an unusual existence.

  The more Gu Shanhai said that, the more the cocoon of flesh and blood trembled. It looked like he didn't believe what Gu Shanhai said at all, which made Gu Shanhai's face darken.

"My nickname is the honest and trustworthy young gentleman. I always keep my word. You don't know what is good or bad." Gu Shanhai's tone was threatening. As for whether this statement is true or not, it depends on Gu Shanhai. To what level is the species flexible, if you feel that you are a human being in human skin, then it is true, but if you are in a state of despair and refuse to admit that you are a human being but the world, then this is open to question.

【you are dead! 】

   "Why did it change again, why did he die so early this time!" Seeing the changes on his simulator, Guang Luli's expression darkened.

  The original two months directly turned into ten days, but it is not without good news. At any rate, the cause of death is not because of the monster that Gu Shanhai raised, but a brand new unknown cause.

  He thought about the variable, there are two in total, he went to Gu Shanhai to warn him in advance, this variable can be crossed out, because the cause of death is not a monster.

  Then it should be another matter, he plans to destroy Xiao Yongsheng's sacrificial ceremony now.

  Because it was done in advance, it was completely inconsistent with the original simulation route. It was thanks to him to simulate again, otherwise he would really have to fall.

   After several simulations, as long as he doesn't destroy it in advance, he will die a month later.

"Hey, what did that **** do again? Why did that monster become stronger?" Wei Luli felt a little tired, so he went to warn Gu Shanhai, but Gu Shanhai didn't know what he did again, which caused the monster's strength to grow by leaps and bounds , Originally he died in two months, but now he died in one month.

   "Forget it, the monster thing is still early, this thing hasn't hatched yet, and there's a lot of money to cover it."

   "Let's deal with Xiao Yongsheng's sacrificial ceremony first, this is related to the main task."

  Bright and strange things are lined up one after the other. With Gu Shanhai on the monster side, there is at least room for turning around, but Xiao Yongsheng's sacrificial ceremony is an irreconcilable contradiction.

  (end of this chapter)

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