I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 400: Say you are the One Piece, no!

  Chapter 400 says you are One Piece, isn’t it!

   "I have become the One Piece."

   Cai Jian saw that the bounty of the arrest warrant in his hand had already reached 100 million, which made him look a little dazed.

  He thought that he would become the One Piece, but he never thought that he would become like this.

  Put this wanted warrant into his arms casually, and then leave expressionlessly. The place where he is at this time is a small island, oh, it should be changed to a franchise country now.

  He has been pursued by Yu Ju and his men, so this place is not suitable for staying for a long time.

   He has not been discovered and caught until now, and thanks to the help of the Tianwang, coupled with the boost he received from the Heart of the Sky, he was able to travel around.

   It's just that it's getting more and more difficult now, mainly because of the spread of arrest warrants and the confirmation of One Piece's title.

   According to rumors, the reason why he dared to attack the Alliance of Islands was because he brought out the secret treasure, the Tianwang, from the legendary land.

There are also rumors about the nose and eyes, the main reason is that this legendary land not only has various secret treasures such as devil fruits without side effects, powerful medicines that can enhance spirit martial arts, and even has the origin of gods, past history and even Wang Qi. The mystery of the rise of the Great Commander.

   Therefore, many pirate groups are not only looking for the huge bounty on Cai Jian, but also the real secret of the legendary land hidden in him.

  No matter how much money there is, it is not as good as strength.

  For the big pirates, overthrowing the Alliance of Islands is their real idea.

   "Damn it!" Cai Jian cursed secretly, he thought it was a conspiracy by the Alliance of Islands, otherwise, why didn't the Alliance of Islands come out to explain.

  His Heavenly King got the opportunity from the vortex of the deep sea, and it is not in any legendary place at all. As for those mysteries, they are even non-existent.

  Yes, he can be sure that the Tianwang may have a deeper secret, but he can't slander him like that.

  Thinking of this, he felt that his lungs were about to explode.

More importantly, they also fabricated their own strength, saying that they overthrew Wang Qi with bare hands, and wiped out the resident of the Islands Alliance with the Tianwang. If Wang Qi hadn't used small tricks in time, maybe the Islands Alliance would have replaced them now. .

   It was killing him.

  Because this not only cannot bring him the ability to act as a deterrent, but will be entangled by more forces and strike with greater force.

After the original three pirate groups of Black Dragon, Evil Angel, and Man Shark were wiped out, new big pirates were born to replace these three pirate groups. Naturally, each of them is extremely vicious. If he falls into the hands of this group In fact, life is definitely worse than death.

  The other party will torture himself about what the legendary land is, but he has no answer. The other party must not believe that it is fake, so it will become an unsolvable matter.

   "Excuse me, thank you." After squeezing out the bustling crowd, Cai Jian breathed a sigh of relief.

  He knew that he couldn't stay here for long and had to leave as soon as possible. Yu Ju and others would soon catch up again. His current strength was no match for Yu Ju at all.

  Using the power of the Tianwang many times, not only has the Tianwang not been repaired, but the damage has been further increased. After all, it is a small and portable model. If you want to use many abilities, it will definitely cause greater damage to the hull.

  He is now lurking in a chamber of commerce as a sailor, and through some small means to change his appearance, it is not a big problem to hide some people.

  As long as you stay out of the limelight and don't show up, you don't have to worry about these.

  If it wasn’t for this time when he heard other sailors talking about One Piece Cai Jian on the ship, he would have been alarmed, and then had no choice but to disembark to investigate the matter.

   Now that the investigation is complete, it is natural to go back to the ship.

   The Chamber of Commerce that hired him as a sailor will leave the island today, so he has to go back first, and if he misses it, it will be a disaster.

  It is impossible for people to wait for him as a sailor, and he is not a big shot.

  When he returned to the port, he felt a little strange, as if he was too quiet, which directly touched his nerves. His first thought was that the navy had already found his trace, so he emptied the port as a battlefield in advance.

  After being hunted down for so many days, his nerves have been tense all the time. Whenever there is any trouble, he will feel that something may go wrong. No matter what, it is related to his own life safety, so it is normal to be cautious.

  ‘No, there is definitely a problem, you have to find a way to leave. ’ The first thing that came to Cai Jian’s mind was to run away.

  He has to find a place to lurk again, and then find a ship to leave.

  Staying on the island will only be caught by the opponent.

  Thus, through the Dark Poison Dagger, they began to quietly prepare to retreat.

   "Cai Jian, don't leave, you can't." Yu Ju's voice came from behind.

   Cai Jian turned around with resentment in his expression.

  In addition to Yu Ju, the marshal of the armed forces, there are admirals of the navy, admirals of the navy, etc. It can be said that the whole army has attacked.

   It is no problem to deal with all the big pirates, not to mention using it against him.

   "Do you think you have the chance to win?" Cai Jian knew that this time she really fell into a trap, and she couldn't escape even if she wanted to.

   "I'm just giving you a piece of advice. If you're caught without a fight, we can give you a decent way to die, otherwise." Yu Ju's expression was gloomy.

  It has been half a year since Cai Jian took the Tianwang to attack the Islands Alliance garrison. This half year has made him exhausted. Wang Qi also sent letters repeatedly, asking him to arrest him and bring him to justice as soon as possible.

   "Hmph, I'm going to die without a fight, so why should I do this?" Cai Jian said in a disdainful tone, but if it is said that he will be imprisoned for life, then he may surrender.

At the same time, without hesitation, he activated the cockpit of the Tianwang, turning it into a piece of armor to cover him. This is a new usage of the Tianwang that he has explored in the past six months since he escaped for his life. The prototype is naturally The complete Tianwang was transformed into a mech.

  However, this armor is full of cracks, obviously it looks a bit near the end of life.

   It was mainly caused by Cai Jian using too many times in order to escape.

   After all, this is just a cab, not a part of the main battle, so it simply cannot withstand such overloaded use many times.

  When Cai Jian transformed, both sides had no words and started fighting.

   "It's too weak. Such a powerful Heavenly King is in your hands. It's a hidden gem." Yu Ju reached out and caught Cai Jian's attack.

   The armor formed by the cab of the Tianwang is good, but it is indeed dragged down by Cai Jian himself. Compared with Yu Ju, his reaction speed and combat awareness are a world apart.

  It’s true that Yu Ju is a ship’s doctor, but that’s his previous job. After graduating from Gu Shanhai’s place, it’s almost like crawling back from hell. In terms of combat, he trained with the mind demon soldiers.

  The degree of tragedy is no less than that of using spiritual plants to hang his life every day and occasionally performing resurrection. Yu Ju, who came out of fighting here, faced Cai Jian's fighting skills like a child, and was directly beaten.

   "Hmph, so what." Cai Jian was also stubborn. Relying on the defensive ability of this armor, even though Yu Ju could hold him back, he was quite confident.

  As long as the opponent doesn't break the defense, you can kill the opponent by scraping yourself. Well, maybe you can't kill the opponent. The opponent seems to have received corresponding training.

   "The shell is quite hard, but that's all it is." With a cold look on his face, Yu Ju stretched out his hand and hit Cai Jian's neck. Cai Jian almost missed the blow when the blow fell.

  The strength gap between the two sides is really too big. Even if the opponent cannot break through the defense, as long as he finds a weak point and transmits his strength, it will be enough to pose a threat to Cai Jian.

  If the armor is intact, naturally there is no such worry. Unfortunately, the armor on Cai Jian's body is full of cracks.

   Fortunately, Cai Jian was strong-willed and was not knocked out. Instead, he used this strength to forcibly escape from Yu Ju's attack range.

   After confirming that he couldn't beat him, he must have wanted to escape.

  But the next moment, I found that the whole space seemed a little thicker.

   "Gravity?!" Cai Jian discovered that it wasn't that the space became thicker, but that the gravity was changed, and his armor was also affected.

"The electromagnetic gravity field specially prepared for you, if your Tianwang is still at its peak, it can indeed tear off the electromagnetic gravity field easily, now, huh." Yu Ju withdrew his hand, really thinking that he didn't want to fight in groups Instead, you can't fight him in close combat?

   This is all to divert Cai Jian's attention and let the navy personnel arrange the equipment to capture Cai Jian alive.

   "You! Despicable!" Cai Jian felt the powerlessness in her body. The armor was affected by electromagnetic force, but it can still be used now, but the delay is very high.

   Coupled with the influence of gravity, it can be said that it is difficult to move forward.

   And these two influences are still intensifying. If he doesn't want to break the situation, then the armor on his body will instead become an iron can that restricts him.

   Fortunately, the heart of the sky did not fail and still protected him. Otherwise, if even the heart of the sky was affected, the curse on him would have broken out.

   "You don't seem to be reconciled?" Yu Ju also smiled, and he was also standing in the gravity field, as if he had never heard of the ever-increasing gravity.

  At this moment, Cai Jian also saw the opponent's strength, it was really strong, he couldn't bear the gravity, the opponent didn't seem to care at all.

"It's okay not to be reconciled, wait until the execution ground and execute the execution publicly, your reluctance will become the fear of other pirates." Yu Ju doesn't like to see these pirates at all, they ignore the law and act recklessly and are very arrogant , Looting, killing, etc. are all lacking.

  Especially this Cai Jian has also become the One Piece King, so he happens to use this Thief King as a warning to others.

  If it wasn't for the Alliance of Islands not being able to make a move, otherwise this group of pirates would be dealt with immediately.

Killing pirates requires a lot of resources and energy. At present, these resources and energy are all invested in agriculture on the Red Earth Continent, the business of the great sea route, and ocean development, in order to get rid of the influence of the players as soon as possible, so as to gain Sufficient development makes the Alliance of Islands stronger.

   Otherwise, how could they not be able to deal with a pirate. There are many pirates, but if they are killed hard, there will be few. Even if some people become pirates, not everyone will become pirates.

  Cai Jian was silent at this moment, knowing that everything had been settled, and if he could run, he would definitely not give up resistance.

  It means that he himself has given up, so naturally he will not talk to Yu Ju, and the next thing he has to consider is how to save his own life.

  As long as I can survive, the rest is not a big problem.

  Of course, talking with Yu Ju is definitely fruitless. He wants to live, but Yu Ju can’t decide.

"Accept your fate? That's good." Faced with Cai Jian's attitude, Yu Ju did not relax his vigilance. Instead, he beckoned and asked the navy personnel to start shrinking the electromagnetic gravity field as a guarantee that the iron can would not There is the possibility of moving.

   Afterwards, Cai Jian was sealed into the container, and several layers of new protection were reinforced inside to avoid any problems along the way.

   "It's finally over. Remember to ask someone to take down Cai Jian's arrest warrant." Seeing this, Yu Ju finally let go of the big stone in his heart.

   These protections are naturally not to imprison Cai Jian, but to protect the king of heaven.

  Currently, he can't take out the Heavenly King, so he can only transport it back to the island alliance station, and let Wang Qi take out the Heavenly King that was fused with the Tianwang through the authority of Pluto and Sea King.

   "It took half a year, so I can barely pass it." Gu Shanhai shook his head as he watched the ending scene.

   "I'll let you off this time, but it won't be so easy next time."

  Yu Ju can only be said to be a little rigid, but his ability is not bad, especially his steady and steady play.

  In fact, in addition to the personnel of the Navy Headquarters, there are also many personnel from the Navy Branch that surrounded the entire island, fully exerting their own advantages.

   Even went into battle in person as a cover and delay.

   There are not many problems except that the speed is slow.

  The city was full of wind and rain, which was secretly fueled by Gu Shanhai. Of course, it was also inseparable from Cai Jian's 100 million reward.

"In the future, I won't interfere, it's all up to you to develop yourself." Gu Shanhai whispered, as long as the King of Heaven is completely controlled by Wang Qi, there will be a strategic world defense system formed by these three ancient weapons , he is number one in the world, let alone Wang Qi is the protagonist.

   Now Wang Qi's protagonist's energy is starting to decline. Originally, Wang Qi came out to deal with the gods. Now that the gods have disappeared, he is naturally ready to let him go into seclusion when he is no longer needed.

  As for the follow-up, without the influence of the protagonist's temperament, Wang Qi can only rely on his own ability, and he will no longer be able to live smoothly, and even his abilities such as making good fortune in disasters and turning bad luck into good fortune will gradually weaken until they disappear.

   "This is the first time I've seen the protagonist fade away."

  The main reason is that Wang Qi is too weak. Try other disciples. If God dares to accept them, he will dare to rebel. The role of the protagonist is more like appeasement than real power.

  But it doesn't matter, everyone has their own way of life, Wang Qi is no longer the protagonist, but life may not necessarily become worse.

  (end of this chapter)

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