I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 123: When the **** becomes a marquis and may be given a marriage

  Chapter 123 When Hunzi becomes a marquis and may be given a marriage

When Gu Shanhai saw Artorius again, it was at the sacrifice and enthronement ceremony. He was already sitting on the throne, and the kings of the conquered kingdoms all knelt on the ground, and arranged a nominal The prince was waiting to be thrown into a place of bitter cold. Of course, it was more likely that he died on the way.

   Without the divine right of kings, Artorius is the greatest priest, mastering everything in the Druid sect.

   And these kings are nothing more than symbols of legitimacy in his rule.

Today's Artorius is no longer the youthful boy he was back then, even though he was only twenty, but after experiencing the blood and fire war and the political game of conspiracy and conspiracy, he has a destiny added to him, and he seems to be Like a monster of power and political agglomeration, his emotions and anger are invisible, the emperor's power balance and other means, the city is already at its peak.

  At this time, Gu Shanhai actually had some doubts that something could really be inherited in the blood of nobles.

  ‘Sure enough, my hand gave birth to another monster. The Red Dragon King who broke free from fate is really terrifying, and I don’t know if the opponent’s road to conquest will stop. '

  The answer is definitely no. Artorius will never stop his pace. Although this world has been conquered by him, there is another world with strange ghosts on the opposite side.

   And maybe some kind of **** that might be approaching.

   It's a bit strange to think about the fear of the three demon gods fighting against the Red Dragon King.

At this time, the blood of the red dragon on Artoris' body is already at the first level of the ancient dragon. As a king and conqueror, if he wants any resources, it is very simple to increase the concentration of dragon veins in his body or the level of dragon veins .

   Even Kurus Brass may no longer be Artoris' opponent.

  ‘If you match up, it’s half a catty’

  'I am half a catty of scrap iron, and he is eight taels of gold! '

It's very simple, Gu Shanhai is working hard to become stronger, yes, but how could he be able to compare with Artorius, he is not only a genius, but also has a famous teacher, a lot of resources and various practical experience, not to mention the equipment. Better than him, more powerful than him, how could it be possible to fight against this kind of person.

   If you really dare to attack Artorius, it is not much different from fighting against the whole world. Thinking about the large number of powerful people swarming up, he is definitely not an opponent.

  In addition to druids and knights, Artorius also subdued wizards, won the loyalty of barbarians living in snow fields and high mountains, and won the loyalty of female warriors in the island rainforest, etc., and the strength of the forces expanded to the extreme.

  Gu Shanhai can hit ten or eight, but he can't hit a hundred.

  The entire process of sacrifice, enthronement, and canonization was very cumbersome. Gu Shanhai almost fell asleep, but he kept his spirits up. Finally, he returned to the queue after being canonized as a marquis and got a very rich territory.

As a minister of the dragon, Gu Shanhai is of course a powerful noble with a territory, unlike those nobles from other countries who surrendered later, it would be good to keep a noble name for you. Of course it is no problem if you want a territory, but you must have it. Outstanding meritorious service, and it is not the original territory, which needs to be re-divided.

   This in itself is a cake-sharing process of re-dividing interests. How can it be done according to the ideas of nobles from other countries?

  Think that the sword at Artorius' waist is bad? It is estimated that no one wants to try whether the head iron or the sword is sharp.

  After the entire ceremony, Artorius summoned Kay, Morrico, Merlin, and Gu Shanhai in private without much fanfare.

Probably asking about political affairs, but Gu Shanhai kept silent, mainly because he didn't know anything about it. His achievements were definitely not in politics, but in industry and agriculture, such as increasing grain production, smelting, etc. Improvements in technology, etc.

   "Qing Shanhai, don't you have anything to say?" Artorius also found out about Gu Shanhai's situation, so he asked.

   "Your Majesty, I don't understand what you said." Gu Shanhai was a little embarrassed, and then said: "I have been in charge of logistics and development these years, and Minister Kay has helped me handle all the affairs of the country."

   "." Kay was speechless, but you dare to say it.

  Artolis was also stunned, he didn't expect this to happen, and then he thought about the situation reported by Kay and the others, it seems that this is really the case, so Gu Shanhai belongs to the other kind of ministers?

   But he is very satisfied, he does not touch rights, and works for the country and the people, which is very good.

"Well, let Kaiqing handle it together from now on. Shanhaiqing, you can also take care of your affairs better. If you need anything, you can come to me directly." Artorius' meaning is obvious, quite Yu took Gu Shanhai's rights but gave him a privilege similar to the imperial franchise, of course, this privilege requires the approval of Artorius.

"This is really one thing. I predicted something that would make the entire kingdom stronger. This thing needs your help." Gu Shanhai immediately strikes while the iron is hot, and it will be a little bit if I don't mention it at this time. It's out of season.

"Oh? It seems that Shan Haiqing's prophecy ability is no less than that of Merlin Qing, but Shan Haiqing is using life as the price. If it is not necessary, it is better to use it sparingly. Later, I will ask my servants to send you some life-enhancing treasures. at his mansion." Artorius said what he said, but what he actually meant was that it was useless to predict things that would be helpful to them.

   "Yes, this prophecy looks like this."

  Gu Shanhai adapted the prophecies of the Holy Grail in his previous life with a serious expression, which made everyone listen with serious expressions.

   "So Shan Haiqing is going to look for the Holy Grail, and needs help."

   "This matter is not a problem, Mr. Kai, I will leave this matter to you to prepare, and prepare a team that satisfies Shan Haiqing as soon as possible."

  Artoris knew that it was Gu Shanhai who made a prophecy back then and helped him to become the King of the Red Dragon, so he naturally attached great importance to Gu Shanhai's very serious prophecy this time.

  If it wasn’t for the initial decision of the new dynasty, he would have to sit in charge in person, otherwise he would have wanted to lead a team to search for the Holy Grail.

   Naturally, there is no problem with Kay, and it is normal to ask him to make preparations. Gu Shanhai belongs to the hands-off shopkeeper, and he doesn't care about things at all.

"Hey, if Minister Kai is free, please help me take care of the Marquis. Half of the tax will be paid, and the remaining half will be exchanged for various treasures and inheritance." Gu Shanhai said abruptly. Said.

  As soon as these words came out, Kay didn't dare to respond directly, and looked directly at Artorius.

Artorius was also caught off guard by Gu Shanhai's words. This kind of behavior is tantamount to giving up the territory. You must know that a Marquis is already bigger than the average small country. The current Marquis is not the weak Camelot Kingdom. The era is just a small territory for picking and searching.

"Since Shan Haiqing said so, then Kai Yiqing, you can help take care of it, but the tax is halved, and all of them can be exchanged for Shan Haiqing for treasures and inheritance." In the eyes of Artoris, this thing is natural. It is not as good as rights. This is the first time that a marquis has given up his territory.

   It's good to recycle it, after all, Gu Shanhai doesn't seem to be able to manage it, so as not to be taken over by the people below.

   Besides, the entire Kalomei Kingdom is not short of such a small amount of tax, and it is considered to be used to stabilize Gu Shanhai.

Merlin on the side was a little puzzled, but he didn't open his mouth, while Morrico didn't seem to hear anything. Yes, even if the Druids are now unified by Artorius, small groups are inevitable.

What's more, Artorius agreed, and he couldn't jump out to refute. Artoris is not a king who can be manipulated at will, but a real king who was killed on the battlefield with a knife and a gun. Back then, the king of the Kingdom of Camelot The founding king is not as good as him.

   This matter was soon settled, and after all the meritorious service had received their own benefits, the real power feast really began.

  However, these things don’t have much to do with Gu Shanhai. For him, rights are just a part of his resource intake. He won’t be able to stay in this world for long, so naturally he has to realize his rights as soon as possible.

   It seems that the future has been overdrawn, but in order to make up for his losses, the royal family will definitely give him more resources he wants. If they were scarce before, but now that the prosperity is beginning to emerge, there is absolutely no shortage of these things.

If he wants to develop in this world for a long time, he will indeed lose money, but he doesn’t have it. For him, there is only one Holy Grail left for him. There is not much need to get involved in the quagmire of rights and politics. .

  As for if someone suppressed or mocked him with this matter, Gu Shanhai would go back and make a small report. The bad luck must be the other party.

It seems that he has no emotional intelligence, but it is very useful, but generally speaking, anyone with a little brain will not come to tease him, but will only come to win him over, and it is still fair and square. A person who has no corresponding real power is very relevant and In the eyes of Artoris, a person of great status, not only does not have to worry about forming a party for personal gain and being jealous of Artoris, but also can expand his network, so why not do it.

  No one wants to obtain such an enemy, especially when the king is at the peak and the opponent still has a very important position.

   After chatting for a while, the three of them left together.

   "Your Majesty intends to betroth his sister, Morrigana to you." Kay said on the way.

   "???" Gu Shanhai wondered what the **** kind of development this was.

  He has seen it before. During the sacrificial ceremony not long ago, he didn't pay much attention to his appearance, but such a sudden incident caught him off guard.

"She is more suitable!" Gu Shanhai rebuffed forcefully. This is not a good thing, not to mention that she is an evil camp, and she is also a very playful queen. She has so many lovers that she even has an affair with an elf. .

Of course, Artorius means political marriage, and everyone can play their own way. In this life, Morrigana did not attack Artoris. Vigorous, she didn't dare to raise this thought at all.

   Therefore, he actually belongs to the leader of the wizards under Artorius. Because he is one of his own people, he intends to use political means to get closer.

   "I will help you advise His Majesty, Morgana is indeed not suitable for you, she is a wizard, and her personality is not very good." Kay also agreed.

  Morgana is an ambitious and capable strong woman, and he also knows Gu Shanhai's character, he will never sit down if he can lie down.

   This matter is only intentional by Artorius, as long as Kai opens his mouth, it can be resolved. Gu Shanhai has just handed over his real power and territory, so he won't be entangled in this aspect for too long.

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you, Kay. By the way, I have pushed all the marriage offers and marriages. It doesn't mean much to me." Gu Shang said again, he didn't plan to stay This world doesn't intend to take root, so why bother other people.

He can indeed take people away, but taking someone who can't keep up with him is a kind of irresponsibility in itself. is not considered.

   While dragging himself down, he has to worry about all kinds of things. It seems a bit difficult for him to take care of Xiaobai, and Xiaobai's family is one of his own opportunities. How can others compare.

The same is true for Morrigana. The other party may have abilities, but most of them seem to focus on power. Taking it away is also a trouble, not to mention that the personality itself is not good. Can't get along.

   "Did you see something?" Merlin asked at the side, why Gu Shanhai's situation seemed a bit like confessing his last words, which made him think of the Holy Grail.

   "Don't say it, don't say it, some things won't be effective if you say it." Gu Shanhai said pretending to be mysterious.

  For him, the aftermath of leaving is a problem, so this is not a clever move, which means that you can imagine why he disappeared.

   You can’t say that you are a temporary player, right? It’s not good to leave now. Leave a way out, just in case you need it in the future.

   Be absolutely sure when doing things to others, and leave a way out when doing things to yourself. This is Gu Shanhai's consistent routine.

"Well, I understand, just say what you need." Merlin didn't ask, as a wizard who is good at divination and prophecy, he also understands these things, it may be okay if you don't ask or do it, sometimes the more you want to avoid it Some prophecies, on the contrary, will bring you closer to the result of the prophecy.

  So since Gu Shanhai is sure, let him do it himself. If even he can't do it, other people's interference will not only not help, but will also be counterproductive.

   "Let Kay prepare the team to find the Holy Grail as soon as possible, this is the greatest help to me." Gu Shanhai said sincerely, this is the truth.

  (end of this chapter)

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