I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 117: Paladins, Gerry Swald's Charge

  Chapter 117 Paladins, Gerry Swald's Charge

   "Gerry Swald, the first paladin." Gu Shanhai said in a low voice.

   Along the way, he killed many knights and priests who blocked him. These people were not strong enough, and Xiaobai could kill them with a single hammer.

   Now, he has arrived at the destination. It is expected that the church sent this paladin, because most of the church members were trapped on the battlefield of the expedition and could not escape.

The premise of the priest is the nobles, and the nobles need to respond to the king's call. If they dare to withdraw from the battlefield, then they will definitely be deprived of their noble status by Artorius. At that time, they will not only lose their noble status , and the identity of a priest.

   Therefore, it is an embarrassing position in the church to send out special paladins. They must have strength, but their positions have not been determined, and their inheritance and strength are uneven.

"Civilian, you have committed a great treason, destroyed the church, and stolen the Lord's sacrifice. If you surrender, I will give you a decent death." Gray didn't care that the other party knew his situation, but after seeing Gu Shanhai He scolded.

   This made Gu Shanhai feel a little uncomfortable. You have to die if you surrender. What a weird way to say it, it's as weird as handing over treasures and leaving you with a whole body.

   "Then what, I want to ask, I have to surrender and die, so why do I have to surrender?" Gu Shanhai asked curiously, not for anything else, just want to know why the other party can say this.

"The Lord can forgive you for your sins after death, but if you resist, even if you die, you will be punished by the Lord!" Gray explained to Gu Shanhai solemnly: "You are a commoner and cannot enjoy the glory of the Lord. But can also prostrate at the Lord's feet and become a member of His servants."

   "." For a while, Gu Shanhai didn't know what to say, co-authoring, you nobles can enjoy it.

   "But I'm a druid, so I don't believe in your master." Gu Shanhai spread his hands to show that what you said was right, but it was useless.

  At this moment, Gray's eyes sharpened, and the spear in his hand was covered with a layer of incandescent holy flame.

   "Heretical Druid! In this case, I will use the Holy Flame to purify your sins." After Gray finished speaking, the holy knights around him also burst out incandescent holy flames, but they were of different sizes and concentrations.

   "Paladin, charge!"

   With a low growl, Gray led the entire Paladins and charged towards Gu Shanhai.

  All paladins are heavily armored, even their mounts are wearing heavy armor, coupled with the superimposed halo skills, this move is naturally extremely powerful.

  When the other party comes to kill him, he will definitely exert the greatest strength. It is impossible to come alone, but bring the entire Holy Knights over.

  ‘It’s no wonder that the Paladins in the previous life became the trump card of the church. Even if they are still young professionals, their strength should not be underestimated. '

The so-called young in Gu Shanhai's mouth actually means that he has been born for more than 50 years. Yes, Gerry Swald is now 70 years old and belongs to the old school. However, after becoming a paladin, It has greatly extended his peak period. Although he is old now, his strength is far better than that of himself in his youth.

   "This is really an old set. Knights charge only when they charge." Gu Shanhai shook his head. There are too many uncertainties about charging, and there are many places to crack.

   "Unfortunately, it can't be killed, otherwise it would be much easier."

Looking at the charging Holy Knights, Gu Shanhai sighed. He didn't pay attention to the charging of the Holy Knights in the low magic era. The charging of the Holy Knights in the high magic era is terrible. The brilliance can penetrate most of the sky, and the hooves of the horses can cause the mountains to vibrate.

  Nowadays it's dusty at best.

   "Blue Dragon·Thunder Thunder·Entanglement Technique."

The green dragon wrapped around Gu Shanhai's body gave out a dragon roar, and the surrounding weeds, bushes, and branches began to kink and become entangled, turning into a huge entangled area in an instant, and the charge of the Holy Knights led by Gray had no time to turn or stop. Because it will hurt the mount.

  However, for Grey, it is only a mere entanglement technique. With the strength of the Knights, it is completely fearless entanglement.

  But it wasn't until he actually rushed into it that he discovered the problem. This entanglement technique was not the entanglement technique of the 1st-level druid magic at all, but some kind of more evil ability.

The normal entanglement technique only has the functions of restraint and entanglement, but the plants in this area penetrated into the gaps in the armor of the mount like living things, constantly sucking the flesh and blood of the horse, and they didn't even have time to rush out of the entanglement area. Blood flowed from the armor of the mount, and even a lot of minced meat fell out.

  In an instant, the arena fell into great chaos, the strong horse turned into a skeleton, and the knight fell in a panic when facing a large number of carnivorous plants.

   "Debut is the pinnacle, so... haven't you experienced severe beatings?" Gu Shanhai discovered an interesting thing.

  As the elders of the church, the paladins have the best equipment and the most perfect training, so they are invincible along the way, and have never encountered failure or strong enemies.

   What Gu Shanhai released is of course not a serious entanglement technique. He doesn't know this magical technique at all, it's just the ability of the same name, and entanglement is only used to deceive people.

   "Drink!" Gray roared, and the huge holy flame shook away the surrounding plants. After all, the holy flame is not a real flame and has no corresponding burning function, but just the blooming of his belief.

  At this moment, he has two choices, one is to clean up the plants and rescue his teammates, and the other is to stop Gu Shanhai first regardless.

  In the Lord's will for him, Gu Shanhai must not be allowed to enter that cursed camp, why he didn't say anything, but he didn't question the Lord either.

  Finally, he gritted his teeth and decided to save his teammates first, and let Gu Shanhai go for now.

   Although doing so violated the will of the Lord, the teammates survived.

  Gu Shanhai sat on Xiaobai's body and watched Grey's actions, but couldn't help but smile: "This group of nobles is really interesting."

  Nobles have never regarded commoners as human beings. Even a paladin like Gray is superior to commoners.

Nobles and nobles are really the same kind. If they don’t have enough conditions, they might all be able to become like Tianlong people. Well, nobles are indeed this kind of people, but they are not as free as Tianlong people, because There are too many nobles, and there are conflicts of interest between them.

  So you can see knights desperately trying to rescue their colleagues, and you can also see knights enslaving civilians at will. This is not a conflict. As long as ordinary people are not treated as human beings, this can solve many problems.

"Gerry, are you sure you don't want to stop me? If I successfully enter the Fiona Knights' camp, I won't have a chance, and maybe even the Lord will die because of it." After opening the cursed camp, Gu Shanhai , with a wicked tone in his tone.

  He just wanted to see what Gray would think, whether it was a belief or a colleague.

  Hearing this, the group of paladins struggled and shouted frantically, asking Gray to stop Gu Shanhai so that the situation would not worsen.

  George also rushed to his forehead in anger. Although he hesitated in his heart, Gu Shanhai had something to do with his beliefs, and immediately rushed towards Gu Shanhai crazily.

   "So you betrayed your companion for the sake of the Lord. It seems that you have never practiced your faith, but only used it as a tool for atonement." Gu Shanhai spoke again.

  As soon as these words came out, the scene became more and more chaotic, because Gray's speed slowed down.

An emotion called entanglement erupted in Grey's heart, and when he was about to grit his teeth and attack Gu Shanhai, he heard Gu Shanhai's words again: "Are you hesitating? Are you questioning your beliefs or disgusting your companions? From the beginning, Your belief is not to fight for the Lord."

   "Heretical! Die!!"

  Gerui was already close, and the incandescent holy flame turned into real energy and swung towards Gu Shanhai with a long sword.

   "This is impossible!!" Gray watched this scene a little bit broken.

Seeing that Gu Shanhai easily clamped his originally invincible long sword with two fingers, he said jokingly: "It's not your fault, it's because the paladin is too weak, if you have been through It is not the training of paladins, but the training of knights such as war knights, blood knights, etc. Now you are already a legendary knight comparable to Merlin, not an unknown old man."

   "Think about it, why the church gave you such excellent equipment and all kinds of different trainings, it is because you were abandoned from the beginning."

At this time, Gray was forced to listen to Gu Shanhai's nonsense, and his hands kept trying to pull out his gorgeous long sword, but the long sword seemed to be embedded in Gu Shanhai's hand, and there was no way to pull it out. .

   "Church." Gray subconsciously wanted to refute, but was interrupted by Gu Shanhai.

   "Yes, paladins will become the trump card of the church, but you are not, you are just their insignificant pawns, used to pave the way for real paladins." Gu Shanhai continued.

   This statement is of course false. This group of paladins are members of the future group of legendary knights, and Gray is even more legendary. He has always been in a strong existence and has never been defeated. It is a pity that he met Gu Shanhai.

  At this time, the holy flame on Gray's body had already started to flicker and gradually dimmed.

  Faith is the foundation of paladins. Give them enough strength and strength to continuously expand their upper limit, and the corresponding lower limit and entry threshold have also been raised.

  Gu Shanhai let go of the gorgeous long sword on his two fingers, and Gray caught off guard and retrieved his own sword, but the powerful force was so empty that he fell back and fell, and there was no time to react.

  He was first stunned by Gu Shanhai's nonsense, and then he was distracted by his wild thoughts, which is why he was so unlucky.

   "Think about it, me"

   "Heretic, do you think you can confuse me?" Gray got up, and the swaying holy flame on his body stabilized, and the dimness stopped, and a more dazzling brilliance burst out instead.

   "Die, on behalf of the Lord, I will destroy you!" Gray jumped over, very unpretentious but powerful.

  'You failed to fool, why is this thing explosive.' Gu Shanhai cursed in his heart, grabbed the long sword that the opponent had hacked, picked it up, swung it, and threw it out.

   On his hand, there was also a burnt sword mark, but it healed itself in an instant.

  Grey was thrown directly into the crowd, and when he tried to struggle again, he was covered by a large number of plants and pressed down forcibly.

  'It means that the intensity of the explosion is not high. '

   Didn’t say it’s too strong or something like exploding a mountain with a sword, but just added a special effect to the holy flame.

  'It should be the professional talent of the heresy trial, probably just realized because of the rage. '

  Transformation is the effect of causing additional damage and continuous burn damage to people of different forces, and there may be a certain amount of real damage.

   Otherwise, how could the opponent break through the legal protection in his hand and hurt his hand.

   Just by looking at it, it is estimated that this professional talent is a bit difficult to obtain, and probably only Gray, the number one paladin, has it.

   Players, that's another story.

   "Weak, too weak." Gu Shanhai teased again.

  He didn't just want to stimulate the other party, but to make the other party lose his mind due to anger.

  He is not going to kill this group of paladins, but to exchange them with the church for the inheritance of paladins. If they don’t give them, then Gu Shanhai will pack them up and give them to Artoris.

  Paladins are meat grinders on the battlefield, just as a success, they can also disgust the church by the way.

  The group of paladins dared not disobey Artorius' order, because they were also members of the nobles, but through the operation of the church, the trump card was hidden and did not follow them to the battlefield.

  So Gu Shanhai actually has a high chance of getting the inheritance of the paladins, and it’s not a loss if he can’t get it, and if the church is too bad, then he will kill all the paladins to ensure that they will lose money.

Even if the church has the inheritance of paladins, if they want to train paladins again, it will take a lot of time and resources. This is a very large expenditure. In addition, it is not easy to reach the original level. A number one paladin like Gray can make the entire paladins a third-rate existence.

Glancing at the still struggling paladin, Gu Shanhai rode Xiaobai into the cursed camp without hesitation, and saw a large number of cursed monsters rushing over, and the number increased. Many players in the player force have become part of it because of the curse.

   "The last time we met, I still felt that I couldn't beat it. This time, goodbye, it seems like that."

   "But don't worry, I didn't come to you to fight."

  Gu Shanhai didn't care whether the group of cursed monsters could understand what he said, anyway, he smiled and suppressed these cursed monsters forcibly through Qinglong.

  (end of this chapter)

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