I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 114: After a great achievement, I got lost when I came out of the mountain...

  Chapter 114 I got lost when I came out of the mountain after a great achievement

  The four days at sea passed quickly, and I talked a lot with Amter on the boat. After the player was stranded on the island, he also met Amter.

   And passed the trial to become a green knight, anyway, I am training every day now.

Gu Shanhai was not surprised that the player was able to pass the trial. As for the training, it is probably a long-term task such as acquiring skills or talents. In three to five years, and then. When I went out, I bumped into the seaman Manaclavey.

  At the current player level, you can still do harm once or twice on land, but if you really want to meet these supermodels, you basically have to die back.

   I didn't see that even Gu Shanhai had to go around in a big circle to avoid the seaman Manaklavi.

   And Anmut is also complaining, this player is too stupid, after more than a year with Gu Shanhai, Anmut has deeply felt the gap between geniuses and ordinary people.

  In the past, as long as he reminded Gu Shanhai, Gu Shanhai would be able to infer other things from one instance, but this player actually repeated it stupidly, without knowing how to think at all.

  Gu Shanhai said that it's not that they are stupid, but that you don't understand players. This is a group of very powerful species.

  Amt is actually dissatisfied, that is, this player is neutral evil, which makes him feel a little nervous. On the surface, he is indeed very respectful, but secretly he seems to have various thoughts.

   Regarding this, Gu Shanhai can only say that it is none of his business, and Ammett will accept it himself, although the Green Knight only asks for neutrality.

  However, he still warned him, if it doesn’t work, find a reason to kill him or send him out, or even trick him, otherwise, he will be backlashed sooner or later.

  The way to get stuck is naturally very simple. It is to find a way to change the player's camp so that he no longer belongs to the neutral camp. Then the opponent's profession will be invalid because the camp does not match.

If it is Gu Shanhai or the aborigines, this is actually more difficult, because they do things from the heart, and the players are different. They just use this place as a game, so they will often act recklessly. If you really get used to it Well, who knows how the camp will be biased.

  So in fact, it is very easy to cheat the player and shift the camp.

It's just that Anmut said to think about it, so Gu Shanhai didn't have much to say. What should be reminded has already been reminded, and there is nothing the other party can do if he doesn't listen. If this is not in the evil camp, the players are still very good , even if Gu Shanhai is said to be chaotic and neutral, he is not the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately.

  But evil is different, it is really evil.

"My natural imprint has not been upgraded for more than a year. When I go to King Camelot, I will gather all four imprints of Yunxue Leilin and try to get all the remaining imprints as quickly as possible. Gather together."

   "As for the remaining six-ring prophecy spells, they can only be stabilized slowly."

  Gu Shanhai thought about it for a while, it is really not a problem to be stuck for so long.

The first level of natural marks opens 1 ring, the second level opens 2 and 3 rings, the third level is 4 rings, 5 rings, and 6 rings, the fourth level is 7 rings, and 8 rings, and the last fifth level is 9 rings.

  Based on Gu Shanhai’s current situation, it might be a bit difficult for the eight prophecy spells of the 4th ring to be permanent. It is possible to make them permanent without using super magic skills, but after using them, it will be difficult.

   "However, it is best to keep all the prophecy spells at level 9 stable before the high magic era comes, otherwise, as the tide rises, the difficulty will become higher."

Because now all of these have become part of the fourth layer of Qinglong in Gu Shanhai's "Qingdi Longevity Scripture". In fact, the constant prophecy spells on him have also been strengthened a lot. It belongs to the kind of chicken and dog ascending to heaven. It becomes a fixed value, but it is similar to a percentage and an upgradeable situation.

After the era of high magic, many things that were suppressed will be improved, just like the original 3-level druid magic fireball may not be as powerful as grenades, but in the real high magic era, the power will at least be multiplied by hundreds of times. Fass and others can possess powerful power without using all kinds of super magic skills and extraordinary equipment.

Correspondingly, prophecy spells will naturally be improved accordingly, but this is not in the interest of Gu Shanhai. In the age of high magic, with his current body size, it can be kept constant to 3 in the high magic era. Ring, but don't think about the blessing of super magic skills, it can only be regarded as an ordinary blessing.

   While the power is increased, the consumption is also increased, which is equivalent to turning a level 1 skill into a level 10 skill.

On the contrary, if in the low-magic era, although the skill level is low and the power is not as good, but the effect is enough, as Gu Shanhai grows up and gradually recovers the power, it is equivalent to Gu Shanhai enjoying these skills in advance, and then slowly improving them back. a process.

   Gu Shanhai benefited greatly from this process.

"It should be in time." Gu Shanhai estimated the time, and he will not search for the Holy Grail immediately, because it requires many preconditions, such as Artorius being awarded the title of King of the Red Dragon and owning the Holy Grail in the lake. Sword · Broken Steel and so on.

  In the previous life, Artorius was actually quite difficult in this process, mainly because the players took out hot weapons in the development, and even some kingdoms were usurped by the players and opened the industrial age, which is extremely outrageous.

  You are still riding a horse with a cold weapon, but the opponent uses Gatling to sweep, who can withstand this thing.

  Since the advent of hot weapons, all the nomads who are good at forging grass and valleys have become good at singing and dancing. This is enough to show that hot weapons can change various inherent habits.

  Just because Artorius can cut bullets with his sword does not mean that all knights have this strength. It is estimated that in the entire Kingdom of Camelot, only the Knights of the Round Table have this strength, and other knights are more embarrassed.

  Druids actually have only a few people who respond to thermal weapons, and the number will not be too many.

   "Speaking of which, under normal circumstances, I seem to be able to ignore light weapons."

   "As long as the heavy fire coverage is not for missiles to wash the ground, I will not die."

Gu Shanhai also briefly estimated his own strength, and he has made great progress. Although most of them have been studying plant symbiosis to integrate the green knight and imprint druid into their own system as resources, this in itself It is a process of becoming stronger.

   "When the spiritual root ability reaches D-level, it should be even stronger."

  He has been here for more than a year, and his spiritual root ability is still at E level. This is a good thing, because he has been getting stronger and his spiritual root ability has not reached the upper limit of E level, which shows that his potential is very large.

  Some things should not only be focused on the present, but also on the future. Gu Shanhai has no blood feud or life-threatening, so it is more cost-effective to invest in the future now and in the future.

   "Yo~" Xiaobai's voice pulled back Gu Shanhai's thinking, he was asking Gu Shanhai which direction to go, now that he landed on the shore, he doesn't recognize his way.

   With the secondary spiritual connection, Gu Shanhai can actually transmit it directly, so he directly transmitted a landmark and marked the location. This is a town.

   This is the location he found through the city positioning technique. He must first determine where he is, and ask about the recent situation of the Kingdom of Camelot by the way.

  Because he took a detour at sea and didn't meet the ocean druids and Kelpa elves when he came back, it would be good for Gu Shanhai to come back, so don't even think about returning to the original port location.

   Even Gu Shanhai felt that as long as he was within the territory of the Kingdom of Camelot, he would be satisfied.

  Xiao Bai looked at the extremely simple logo and was speechless for a while. Could this really be understood by deer? Fortunately, this thing can navigate, as long as it moves.

  That's right, Gu Shanhai directly transmitted the image fed back by the city positioning technique to Xiaobai through a secondary telepathic connection.

If you want to say why this sub-level telelink has the word sub-level, it is naturally because there is a limit on the number, so this is only the 3rd ring, but the telepathy link belongs to the 5th ring, and the distance will not be as long as it is not cross-plane invalidated.

   Fortunately, he doesn't need these too much. For him, Xiaobai is a mount, and it is unlikely that he will be too far away from him under normal circumstances.

   "Yo~" Xiaobai reminded Gu Shanhai, which meant that he had arrived.

  If it wasn't for Xiaobai's ability to walk through forests and ride waves along the way, it might not be possible to get there so quickly.

When he arrived in this town, Gu Shanhai put Xiaobai into the pocket of the magic pet, and it was still the pocket of the group magic pet. He also kept this spell on his body, and the inside was no longer empty. Gu Shanhai modified it , so that it has a good living condition, at least Xiaobai will not feel depressed in it.

  When you arrive in the town, it is inconvenient to take Xiaobai with you. It is too conspicuous. The main reason is that Gu Shanhai wants to keep a low profile to investigate the intelligence.

   Not only Xiaobai, but even Qinglong was put away by him, and his attire was also changed.

  He came here to inquire about things, he was too ostentatious, what if something goes wrong.

  After entering the town, I quickly inquired about a lot of things. First of all, the number of players has decreased significantly in the past year or so.

Gu Shanhai knows this reason, because "The First Era" has released four new batches of high-level worlds during this time, and each batch is twice as large as the previous batch. Now there are six batches in total. Sixty-three high-level worlds, with such a diversion, the number of players naturally dropped sharply.

   Maybe game studios, game clubs and other forces are very powerful, but their number is naturally pitifully small compared to ordinary players.

Most of the players are fresh, and the nobles in this world make them very uncomfortable. Naturally, there is no place for staying here, and it’s the same for changing worlds. Powerful professions and the like are more about doing tasks, running errands, fighting monsters and brushing up the favorability of the aborigines by the way.

  So most of the players are actually concentrated in those kingdoms that have been usurped by them and have already been industrialized. These players aggressively plan to build a commercial area, yes, a commercial area, the kind used to earn game coins.

   Most of the remaining ones are actually big powers, not small powers or casual players. They don't have much ambition to expand their territories, but play their own games.

  Ninety-nine percent of those high-level players and professional players have withdrawn from this world. For them, the world behind is more valuable. Nowadays, apart from life players, there are only some high-level players who come to guard in turn.

  Life players are not without combat power, but their combat power is relatively weak.

In addition to inquiring about the situation of the players, they also inquired about the situation of the Kingdom of Camelot for more than a year. With the help, the internal affairs of Camelot were reorganized, and then the foreign war naturally began.

This foreign war was not caused by them first, but when Atolis invited the kings of other kingdoms to watch the ceremony, everyone looked down on him as a young man, extremely arrogant, and even made provocative words, which eventually led to the inability to watch the ceremony. parted ways.

In other words, no one could swallow this breath. Fortunately, Artorius was restrained enough, and even gave gifts to express peace. Then those kings felt that Artorius was extremely cowardly, and directly launched a war to swallow the territory of the Kingdom of Camelot .

  Then Artorius's royal conquest was not only destroyed, but also a lot of territory was robbed. This war is not over yet.

I don't even look at how many trump cards there are on Artorius' side. There are legendary wizards, legendary druids, legendary knights, and even legendary priests. Kay Knight and Merlin Wizard brought the SSR, and Gu Shanhai sent a druid gift package and a church that existed in the local area. How could the opponent have the courage to fight him.

   Not to mention that he himself is a level higher than the SSR, how could he lose.

   After inquiring about it, Gu Shanhai rode Xiaobai to the capital. He thought about smashing the Stone of Destiny first and breaking an arm of Destiny.

'Artolis personally marched and brought many people there. Now there are only three people in the capital, Morric Polaris, Merlin Ambrosius, and his Minister of State Kay Knight, who are the prime ministers of Camelot. government affairs. '

"Don't worry about Morric and Kai, you just need to worry about whether Merlin will do something to me. Now that I have a heart-planting tree cultivated by weirwood, the threat to me from the other party's divination has been greatly reduced, so As long as it's kept secret, it's not a big deal. '

'However, it has to be said that Artorius' balance of power is still very powerful. Morrico represents the Druid group, Merlin represents the church, and Kay belongs to his confidant and is the king's party. Counterbalances druids and churches. '

  ‘Those who can become a king are indeed not good, it is an instinct that flows in the blood. '

  Gu Shanhai knew that after the **** of the world, he turned the Red Dragon King into an even more terrifying monster.

  (end of this chapter)

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