I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 111: The reason for the world version change is too outrageous

  Chapter 111 The reason for the world version change is too outrageous

Gu Shanhai sorted out the newly acquired inheritance in his mind. He found that there seemed to be some problems. It looked very rough, and the number of magic spells was very small. For example, the 0-ring magic spells did not exist at all, and the 1-ring magic spells only had one endurance environment.

  Give him the first impression that this thing seems to be an obsolete model, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems to be an obsolete model. The change of the druid's trial ceremony also shows the difference of the druid.

   And the version is wrong, the version Gu Shanhai is in is the druid version that was about to be eliminated, and this green knight is the previous version of the Son of the Forest, which belongs to the completely eliminated version.

   In terms of magic and nature, the green knight is indeed inferior to the imprint druid, but in terms of combat and survival, it is simple and rough.

  In addition to the immunity to fear, physical fitness and high-speed regeneration obtained by the three axes, there are two brand new talents, one is called plant control, and the other is riding mastery.

To be honest, these five initial talents, in addition to plant control, are more like the talents of the knight profession. As long as this plant control is transformed into weapon proficiency, such as long sword proficiency, heavy weapon proficiency, etc., it will be directly You can pretend to be a knight.

  In addition to this, there are a lot of combat skills, such as riding combat, being good at shields, etc., but the spellcasting aspect has been weakened too much.

   There are even some combat skills that have not been collected by imprints and even Maphas, it seems that they have been lost.

   Looks more like a knight than a druid.

   Fortunately, Gu Shanhai doesn't mind these things, he can learn fighting skills slowly, anyway, he has plenty of time.

And the green knight gave him a very good opportunity. He can completely combine the green knight with the imprint druid to completely make these two different versions of the same line of professions the fourth layer of his "Qingdi Longevity Sutra". If he is willing, he needs to give up the magic and use the skill of the green knight to make up for it.

What's more important is that the Green Knight also has the cultivation of mounts. Yes, the Green Knight does not have animal companions, but there are corresponding mounts. Gu Shanhai can combine the three skills of animal companions, magic pets and mounts to further improve Xiaobai's ability. Become stronger.

   This is a qualitative breakthrough for him. He thought that he could only achieve this kind of harvest after obtaining the profession of paladin. Now that he has obtained a more suitable green knight, it is naturally better.

  Of course, if you want to say which one is the core talent of the Green Knight, it is naturally controlled by plants.

Although they also have a natural feeling for this talent, it is not the core. It is estimated that this is the difference between the children of the forest and the druids, because Gu Shanhai already has this talent, so he did not get it again after he got it, nor did he have the original talent. enhanced.

It can be said that the natural feeling in him has reached the highest level, the kind that cannot be advanced, coupled with the blessing of the natural surname, not to mention that the natural feeling of the Green Knight itself is not as good as him, let alone because of the trial. Even if it is perfect, the natural feeling obtained has also been reduced to a certain extent, so how can it be possible to shake the highest level of natural feeling in him.

   After you have plant control, you can continue to study plant communication, plant forging, plant armor, plant weapons and other related talents.

  The green knights were unable to wear metal objects, even the mounts. Therefore, they found another way to improve their own defects through plants, making them possess a series of plant powers.

At this time, he also knew about Anmut's own situation. The other party was in the innate state of opening plant symbiosis. The plants on the entire island belonged to his offspring. As long as there was a tree that survived, he would not die. It was an alternative. Eternal life, but was trapped on the island.

  'This belongs to plant technology, no, it should be plant supernatural powers, it's too outrageous' Gu Shanhai complained silently in his heart, and then thought of himself.

  'As for this, if I come out of the mountain with great achievements, I can really bury my fate. I have to say that this gift is really generous. '

For another person, the upper limit is Ammet Green Forest, but Gu Shanhai is different. He started his career with plants, and 90% of his strength is in this spiritual plant, and now he has a series of plant skills formed by the Green Knight. Talent, and through this occupational integration imprint Druid can completely integrate into his own system.

  After coming out of the mountain, I can really mess with Long Aotian.

  ‘It’s just that the green knight’s meditation method is somewhat similar to the knight’s body training technique. Or is this kind of meditation method actually the source of the knight’s professional body training technique? '

Gu Shanhai also has a new idea at this time. The imprint druid's meditation method is combined with the green knight's body forging technique to integrate, and finally integrated into the first layer of "Qingdi Longevity Scripture", and then he can hang up +1 up.

   "How is it, is there any difference compared with your imprint druid?" Ammut asked.

"The situation is not much different. The green knight focuses on fighting and plants, and has very few magical arts. However, the current imprint druids focus on divine arts and imprints. Although there are inheritances in prophecy, there are almost no one practicing them. Already." Gu Shanhai said, and listed the magic spells of the imprint druid again.

"No, it's not that the green knight has less magical powers, but that in our era, all the children of the forest have little magical powers. Even the imprint flow in your mouth doesn't have so many outrageous magical powers, even the so-called prophecy spells. None, only one visceral divination, but there are quite a few other types of divination." Amter also mentioned the difference between the two sides.

   "So, where did these two things come from, were they given by heaven?" Gu Shanhai was a little puzzled.

   "I don't know. Priests and prophets have explored, but found nothing, but there is speculation that it is a gift from nature and the world itself."

   "The trial we hold is a sacrificial ceremony, you should know it too." Amter said again.

   "So we perform a sacrifice to the whole world and nature, and the world and nature give back to our inheritance and knowledge." Gu Shanhai continued.

'It really is a big pit.' Gu Shanhai was a little cursing. No wonder he chose to bury his fate. He really couldn't afford it. If there was only one imprint druid's inheritance, it would be almost enough to complete the main task. The middle sword Broken Steel, but coupled with the inheritance of the Green Knight, can only be left behind for Artorius to do his best.

If it is a world without fate, karma, etc., there are indeed not so many constraints. As long as you don’t touch the opportunities or benefits related to the Son of Destiny, the other party will be very generous, but this world not only has fate but also natural will. .

On the contrary, the relationship between the two professions of wizard and knight will not be contaminated by these. Not only have they got rid of the gift of heaven, but they have more to rely on themselves. You need to exercise and learn fighting skills to become stronger.

   Unlike druids and priests, the former is nature, the latter is the master, and they are all restrained.

  ‘So in fact, I have been in a quagmire from the very beginning when I obtained the imprint druid inheritance. '

As for why he didn't discover it in his previous life, firstly, Gu Shanhai didn't mess around with this world in his previous life, and secondly, when he started to lay out the layout, this world had already been destroyed, and there was no way to know such secrets, and the forum is not omnipotent Yes, after learning about these related players, they won't all break the news, they will only treat it as a task, and it will be done when it is completed.

In addition, in the previous life, there was no player who was not half-data-oriented like him. He had the "First Era" in his pocket, and he took it if he took it. At most, he could do some tasks. A colony still wants to mobilize the soldiers of the invaders, does it have that ability?

  Even if this world has not yet become a colony of "First Era", despite the size and strength of "First Era", this world can't handle players, and can only intervene through indirect guidance.

  ‘It’s okay, just hack fate to death. ’ Gu Shanhai felt that there was no way to break the situation.

   Conspiracies and tricks are too troublesome, simple and rough is the best.

   Therefore, he chatted with Ammet a lot, and gained a lot from the other party's mouth, at least he has made great progress in combat skills.

  It's a pity that the opponent's axe player doesn't match Gu Shanhai very well. He doesn't like melee combat very much. In his eyes, melee combat is a time to desperately fight.

  Although he has been making himself high in blood, defense, and recovery, he is proficient in various combat skills, but Gu Shanhai has always positioned himself as a spellcaster, and he is still a spellcaster who is good at long-range attacks.

   "Speaking of which, I have a question, why did the Green Knight Legion fall, and what happened to those children of the forest?" Gu Shanhai asked curiously.

  From Anmut's mouth, Gu Shanhai could know the prosperity and power at that time, what kind of enemies they encountered made them weaken and split into many kingdoms and many schools of druids.

Demons are driven by them, dragons are their mounts and pets, elemental life is their servants, divination and prophecy become weapons for the prosperity of the dynasty in the hands of priests and prophets, and legions conquer the sky, land and sea. Lord of the world.

   "The embodiment of death and cold, they come from the edge of the world." Amter was silent for a long time before speaking.

   "They are not undead, but a more strange life, but like cold dead things."

   "Later we learned that they had torn a rift at the edge of our world and invaded to bring us death and eternal winter."

"These self-proclaimed aliens are very powerful. At the beginning, they really caught us off guard. Later, with the mobilization of the children of the forest, various powerful legions, priests, and prophets joined the battlefield. This group of ghosts."

"Even later, we entered the other party's world along the crack that the other party tore open, intending to use it as our subsidiary world, but the difference between the two worlds led to the annihilation of the entire army. Later, we could only find a way to close the crack and leave behind There are many children of the forest in that world."

   "By the way, giant dragons are all kinds of dragons that came from that world and finally formed the native land, and demons and elements are also new species born from the death of the aliens."

   "By the way, the tree that lives with me is also a species from that other world."

   "And with the death of a large number of children of the forest in another world, this led to the weakening of everything."

   After Anmut briefly outlined the situation, Gu Shanhai's face was blackened. Does this setting look familiar?

   "Excuse me, is this tree called a weirwood?" Gu Shanhai complained.

   "The pronunciation is correct, but in that world, this tree is called the Fate Tree. Of course, you can call it a weirwood if you like." Amt didn't care about Gu Shanhai's words.

  For a while, Gu Shanhai didn't know what to say.

   "The origin of priests and wizards may not only be due to the division within the Druids, but also the impact of the invasion and anti-invasion back then."

   "I think there should be corresponding beliefs among the invaders back then."

  Gu Shanhai asked the parties directly, otherwise, it would be impossible to talk about the split for no reason.

"Yes, the humans on their side believe in some kind of existence called gods. The other party seems to be similar to the will of nature. When we joined forces with them to exterminate the aliens, some of the children of the forest had contact." Ammett Naturally, he replied in the affirmative.

"Although the other party failed to invade back then, it also created a certain degree of integration for our world itself, so there was a follow-up situation. The birth of wizards, priests, knights and other professions, and even the split of the children of the forest, all It started here." Gu Shanhai came up with a guess.

   Two different trends of thought and civilizations collide with each other, and they will definitely have mutual influence.

  The ancestors of the opposite world and the ancestors of this world had a corresponding intersection, and the thoughts of the two sides had exchanged to a certain extent, which led to the current pattern, but this ancient secret is indeed outrageous.

"Perhaps, but everything has become a thing of the past, there is no need to discuss this anymore, it should disappear in history." Ammet doesn't care about this, he is just an ordinary green knight, responsible for charging, isn't it Prophet or priest, even now he can't charge.

   As long as he leaves the weirwood with which he lives, he will die because of it.

   "Okay, there is really nothing to talk about." Gu Shanhai agreed, even if the chat was fruitful, it would be meaningless. Even if the world perished in his previous life, he had never heard of this rift reopening.

  Gu Shanhai thought about opening this rift, but he didn't have the technology and ability. He could do it in his previous life, but his current self doesn't have much space technology and world knowledge in his mind to support him to open this rift.

  At least until the middle and late stages of the first version, Gu Shanhai will probably be able to have this ability, otherwise, don't think about these unattainable things, this is not realistic at all.

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  (end of this chapter)

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