I am a Celestial Dragon!

Chapter 351 The so-called untouchables


Just as the blond mushroom-headed man finished speaking, a gentle yet slightly cold voice came from the carriage.

Just listen to the female voice say.

Please do not call my people untouchables. Doing so will not make you look more noble, but will bring shame to the Alteruk name.

After the words fell, the princess in the carriage was completely silent, and the man named Staley had a very obvious dissatisfaction on his face!

I saw Staley knocking lightly on the window frame of the carriage, and then although his face was dissatisfied, he continued to speak enthusiastically.

Oh, my princess, your compassion astonishes me, and I am truly delighted and blessed by your kindness.

But I still hope you know that my calling them untouchables will not only not bring shame to the Altluk family, but will actually make my father appreciate my stance more.

We are born noble, aren't we, my princess?

In this case, we can call them whatever the noble ones want to call them, right!

After saying that, Staley knocked on the carriage lightly again, and then he ignored the princess in the carriage.

The Altluk family, to which King Altluk III belongs, occupies nearly 35% of the military power in the Kingdom of Goa, and also has considerable autonomy and family wealth.

Therefore, the marriage of Altluk's children to the royal family has long been a recognized consensus in the Kingdom of Goa.

As for the princess in the car, Staley does need to be passionate about her, but that's just a surprise that Staley doesn't want to be embarrassed by his wedding.

If the current princess is unwilling to marry him and even escapes from the marriage, then although the king will designate another princess for her, such a thing will bring shame to the Staley and Altluk families!

As for the so-called name for untouchables, haha...

Staley knew that by calling the people in Windmill Village this way, he would not be embarrassed.

On the contrary, the more he shows enough contempt for the lower class, the more the nobles will understand his position and welcome him, the heir of Alteruk, who is willing to integrate into the noble group!

At the same time, in the carriage, after listening to Staley's words, the princess did not show any dissatisfaction.

On the contrary, not only was she not dissatisfied, but she also showed a little appreciation.

Beside the princess, one of her maids quietly looked out the window through the gauze curtain. After confirming that Staley had gone far enough to confront the villagers, the maid nodded quietly.

Seeing this, the princess let out a breath, then forced a cold smile and said.

He is not a pure yes-man. While maintaining a certain grace towards me, he would rather refute some of my views and maintain the momentum of the Altluk family.

Although such a person is not handsome in appearance, considering his status as the heir of Altluk, he is qualified to be my husband.

Because whether he is good or bad, it doesn't matter to the Alteruk family, my future family.

What a family heir needs is a character that is not easily influenced by outside information.

After the words fell, the princess smiled softly. While smiling, she lay back on the small bed and rested comfortably.

As for what she said before...not particularly looking down on the untouchables...

That's just what she needs to do as a princess.

In the Kingdom of Goa, male nobles can be cunning, cruel, stupid, and crazy, but they cannot be kind, because a kind noble will become an outlier among the nobles just like Sabo back then!

As for the female nobles of the Kingdom of Goa, especially the unmarried female nobles.

No matter what their nature is, they must maintain a gentle and kind persona in the outside world.

Because the nobles know far better than anyone else what qualities a qualified man and a qualified woman need.

While the princess was thinking about things related to Staley, Staley himself had already arrived in front of the villagers' team.

He just passed through the last guard standing in front of him and looked contemptuously at a series of villagers headed by Luffy.

The reason why those villagers are led by Luffy is that, on the one hand, Luffy's grandfather is Garp. Although the villagers are familiar with Garp, their familiarity does not mean that they do not respect Garp.

On the other hand….

After Sabo's death, Luffy, who worked hard with Ace on the wild road, did not receive efficient guidance, but he eventually developed a surprising strength.

Even though Luffy can't even hit him randomly with the Nano Gun, Luffy has no problem with fists that are like bullets.

And powerful people should receive corresponding respect from any group, right?

In short, looking at the arrogant Staley in front of him, Luffy gritted his teeth.

He raised his hand and pointed at Staley's closed mouth, roaring angrily.

“You actually...you actually called my favorite neighbors untouchables!

You damn bastard! ! !


Hearing Luffy's words, Staley twisted his lips in a funny way. He had to admit that the look on his lips was even more contemptuous and vulgar than Porusalino's.

With such an expression on his face, Staley said with a sneer.

It turns out it's you, the grandson of that old guy Garp, and the... friend... of that guy Sabo, hahahaha!!!

At this point, Staley burst into laughter. While laughing, he pointed at the guards behind him and said.

“I still can’t understand that that guy from Saab is actually a brother to such a thing!

Even if he is Garp's grandson, Garp is just a pariah with some fame. How can he be Saab's friend?

Just like a bastard who mates with a goat and is controlled by desire. Seeing Sabo calling him brothers is as outrageous and disgusting as seeing Sabo fucking a goat! ! !

After the words fell, Staley raised his hand fiercely and ordered to his men.

Hey, you guys, kill this stupid kid!

Seeing his face made me so sick that I couldn't eat! ! !

As soon as he finished speaking, facing Luffy's wide eyes, Staley waited expectantly.

He really wanted to see the little devil in front of him like a dog!

However, Staley waited for five full seconds, and the guards behind him made no move.

Among them, the captain of the guard walked out of the crowd and whispered into Staley's ear.

“Staley, he is Cap’s grandson, and as for Cap….

That guy even beat up the previous king...

In short, are you sure you want to kill him? You know, even if he beat the former king of Goa Kingdom, Garp was not punished at all!

After speaking, the guard chief returned to his team without waiting for Staley to answer.

And Staley?

He opened his mouth violently, and then he yelled with a super super disbelief expression.


Staring with huge eyes, Staley was stiffly surprised for a long time.

Finally, he closed his mouth and took a deep breath.

Forget it, as a noble being like me, why should I worry about the life and death of a dog?

Kid, I'll spare you!

As for now, haha, someone is coming!

Take what I prepared for these untouchables in Windmill Village and bring it up to open their eyes! ! !

After finishing his words, Staley snapped his fingers, and immediately, four guards came out carrying a huge box.

They carried the box made of black wood to the villagers, and then pushed the box to the ground without even opening the lid.

With a tinkling sound, gold coins rolled down like running water, and countless gold jewelry immediately covered a nearby ground!

On the side, Staley continued to snap his fingers, and a new box was brought up again.

Soon after, a total of four such boxes fell in front of the villagers.

Pointing at the treasure, Staley said contemptuously to the villagers.

This money is enough to buy all your houses, haha!

As for now, take the reward I gave you, the untouchables, and go to the corner to listen to the sound of the gold coins colliding!

In short, listen to me and get out of this village!

Because Master Tianlong will arrive here in less than half a month!

That is the supreme...the noble among nobles, the king among kings!

That is the extremely sacred Tianlong!

Although I don’t know why a noble person like him doesn’t want to come to the clean and beautiful palace of the Kingdom of Goa, but instead plans to settle on this poor land like yours.

But as long as he comes, we, the elite nobles, must show the best side of the Kingdom of Goa to Lord Tianlong! ! !

After finishing his words, Staley suddenly raised his right hand before the villagers could speak to Luffy.

Following his movements, hundreds of guards behind him pointed their guns at the villagers.

Looking at the villagers who were frightened and sad, but with a bit of greed hidden in their eyes, Staley continued.

See, you untouchables, I compassionately gave you a chance to choose!

Right now, gold or bullets, give me an answer! ! !

If you love gold, then take the money and go out and share it!

Go to the nearby forest, go to the foothills of the distant mountains, even if you go to spend the night in a deer's nest in the mountains, you are not allowed to disturb the presence of the Celestial Dragons!

And if you love bullets, haha, everyone listens! ! !

When Staley said this, he pointed his raised right hand at the thick crowd.

At the same time, the guards behind him loaded their guns.

After hearing the neat sound of loading as he wished, Staley smiled with satisfaction.

Then, he continued contemptuously.

I'll count three. If there's still no answer after three, then I guarantee that all of you, except the grandson of that old guy Garp, will die here!

Come on, answer me quickly, I'm going to start counting!


Stop counting, asshole!!!

Just when Staley counted to three, Luffy became completely angry. He rushed towards Staley, intending to grab Staley's collar.

There is no way, Luffy has been so reckless when facing everyone since he was a child.

However, around him, the villagers didn't want Luffy to do anything stupid.

Before Luffy could take two steps, countless villagers had already hugged Luffy tightly.

Especially Andrew, whose house had just been demolished, not only did he not drag Luffy, but he simply threw himself into the treasure pile!

“When I built this house, I even made the bricks myself, and I didn’t even use 60,000 beli!

As a result, any of the accessories here cost more than 60,000 beli!

You, you really gave them to us?

Yes, these...these are all ours?

We don't want to die, Luffy, don't be impulsive!

We're leaving right now, right away, right now!!!

Just ten seconds after Luffy was hugged, more than half of the villagers simply threw themselves on the pile of treasures, fighting for the treasures with all their lives.

The picture in front of him also made Luffy stunned and disappointed, and at the same time, it made Stry smile wildly!


That's it, that's how it should be!

This is what you bunch of untouchables should look like, haha, grab as much as you like, just like wild dogs fighting for food!

This is a demolition fee that is dozens of times higher than the value of your house, haha!

The untouchables are indeed untouchables, all you want is the dregs leaking out of our hands!

Ah ha ha ha ha ha! ! !

That night, in the mountains far away from Windmill Village, there were countless villagers...who were undergoing relocation work.

Luffy was lying listlessly on the cart, and the cart was being pulled by Adi from the blacksmith shop.

As they walked, Adi said to Luffy.

Hey, Luffy, stop being so listless.

Why can't I slouch?

After hearing Adi's words, Luffy lay dejectedly in the car and said in a crying voice.

Are you allowed to easily give up our home, the village where we have lived for a long time, in exchange for those damn treasures?

That Staley, he stood in front of you and cursed merrily for more than ten minutes, but you didn't even punch him, and you didn't even let me punch him away!

When it comes to me, do you even care about listlessness?

As the words fell, the anger in Luffy's eyes became more and more intense. He promised that he would never forget Staley's ugly face in his entire life!

And just after Luffy finished speaking, all the villagers who heard these words suddenly gathered towards Luffy spontaneously.

At the same time, Uncle Adi also decisively stopped the cart.

As the cart stopped, a man walked out of the crowd. This man was Andrew who was the first to fight for the treasure.

Just now he looked like a living dog loving those treasures, but now he actually threw the treasures in his arms on the ground!

Then, Uncle Andrew showed a kind smile to Luffy and said.

“Kid, we just let those nobles see what they want to see.

After all, we are just ordinary people, or what the nobles call inferiors and untouchables.

And isn't this last resort the way we, the so-called untouchables, protect ourselves in the face of danger?

After the words fell, Uncle Andrew turned back, pursed his lips and looked at the villagers behind him.

At the same time, almost everyone in the villagers behind him raised the treasures in their arms!

Seeing that a large group of villagers were about to throw away their treasures angrily, Village Chief Schlap finally became anxious.

He quickly yelled to the villagers and Luffy.

“Hey, you old guys, don’t all leave your treasures behind!

After the Tianlong people leave and those nobles return to their capital, we will still use the money to rebuild the village! ! !

And just when Mayor Schlap stopped the villagers, not far away from Luffy, Miss Nokigao came to Luffy with a smile.

Luffy-kun, have you forgotten the Shanks you once were?

Even he didn't do anything to the bandit king who threw a wine bottle at him.

Are things today different from things that day?

Those so-called nobles are just the bandit kings in Shanks' eyes!

After all, they are all stupid.

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