I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 98 Fight Against The Yellow Turban Bandits!

One knife draws blood!

The bandits on the field were stunned for two seconds,

The field was quiet instantly!

But what was waiting was the explosion after a moment of silence!

"Han Yong!" The leading yellow turban bandit's eyes instantly turned red!

He rushed towards Wang Hao in anger,

"I want you to die!!! (╬◣д◢)" The yellow turban bandit slashed at Wang Hao with the big knife in his hand, revealing the strength of the second-grade middle stage!

"Second-grade middle stage? Haven't fought yet? Come and test the waters!"

Wang Hao held the Tang sword and faced the big knife of the leader of the yellow turban bandits!

Since Wang Hao practiced the small Tiangang body, he has never really used it.

Now it's just the right time for Wang Hao to test the waters.

Wang Hao activated the small Tiangang body, and different patterns appeared all over his body!

These patterns attached to the muscles of the body, and the muscles of the whole body were strengthened.

Wang Hao felt that his reaction speed, strength, and perception were strengthened to a peak!

His body seemed to have an endless heat source, giving Wang Hao endless power!

Wang Hao's Tang sword collided with the Yellow Turban leader's sword and bounced off. The Yellow Turban leader was shocked and quickly retreated to distance himself. But Wang Hao did not retreat. He stepped forward and flew towards the Yellow Turban leader like a cannonball! "Looking for death!" The leader also saw Wang Hao flying over. He snorted coldly and chopped at Wang Hao with his sword raised! But Wang Hao didn't care what he would do. He rushed over as usual! Something unexpected happened to the Yellow Turban leader! The sword that chopped Wang Hao broke after touching his body! "How is it possible!" The leader's pupils shrank and his eyes widened as he looked at Wang Hao, but Wang Hao had disappeared in front of him! "Behind!" A Tang sword was pressed against the Yellow Turban leader's neck. The Tang sword was only a few millimeters away from the leader's Adam's apple. As long as Wang Hao wanted, he only needed to touch it lightly, and the leader's life would be over here! Liu Yuzhao, who was standing by, had almost dealt with the small fish.

He was relaxed. Since he had the snow sculpture, his two imperial spirits had a certain combat power.

The snow sculpture circled in the air, and from time to time it swooped down and struck with claws at a speed comparable to that of a sniper rifle bullet!

Most of those Yellow Turban bandits were small fish in the spiritual realm, and only a few reached the first level!

In less than five minutes, Liu Yuzhao defeated a group of them!

"You'd better not move! Your leader is with me now!" Wang Hao shouted to the crowd that was still rushing forward below,

and the Tang sword in Wang Hao's hand also scratched a shallow mark on the leader's neck!

Blood flowed from the tip of the knife and slid to the ground!

The captured leader was also sweating profusely.

As long as Wang Hao exerted a little force, he would be dead! ! ! (๑ʘ̅ д ʘ̅๑)!!!

The instinct of survival also made him shout: "Stop!"

Obviously his words were more effective than Wang Hao's, and those Yellow Turban bandits who were still impulsive soon stopped!

Wang Hao threw a bag to Liu Yuzhao as a signal,

Liu Yuzhao naturally understood what Wang Hao was thinking, and said to those Yellow Turban bandits:

"Hand over the valuables! This is the money you earned! (*`д´)"

"How can you enter the secret realm without paying!"

"Hey, hey, hey, why are you still being so shy? You have to understand that the outside world is under the jurisdiction of the Zhenling Division, but inside! Your life and death are under our control! (งᵒ̌皿ᵒ̌)ง⁼³₌₃"

The group of yellow turban thieves were speechless. What he said was all our words!

"Whoever says this thing is the owner! ╮(╯▽╰)╭" Liu Yuzhao said righteously,

Liu Yuzhao walked up to each person wearing a yellow turban with a large sack,

demanding them to hand over their valuable treasures!

These people's faces turned green. They haven't even opened their business today, and they have to pay off their old bottoms!

Seeing those people being hesitant and trying to stall for time, Wang Hao also frowned.

He raised his knife again and approached the leader's Adam's apple.

The leader was also very capable.

When he saw that Wang Hao couldn't stand them like this, he yelled at them directly: "What are you doing? Hand it over!"

After being scolded, those people really became much more obedient and handed over the money they had just robbed without hesitation.

Some of those who had not opened their businesses also paid their own money.

As the saying goes, if you walk by the river often, you will get your shoes wet.

The leader who was held by the knife also completely admitted defeat.

In a few minutes, Liu Yuzhao collected all the money of the Yellow Turban bandits!

There were several large sacks!

Wang Hao nodded at the sacks, took the sacks with one hand, and stuffed most of them into Wang Hao's space.

Then Wang Hao began to interrogate the leader,

"I ask you, besides you, how many other bandits are there nearby? (¬_¬)"

When the leader of the Yellow Turban bandits heard this, it seemed that this gentleman would also go to harm other people!

He was smart. He was in trouble, and he certainly couldn't let his opponent laugh at him!

The leader immediately told Wang Hao the specific locations of five similar robbers nearby, and also told Wang Hao about their personnel configuration!

Wang Hao glanced at the leader. He was using him as a knife to kill people!

But Wang Hao didn't refuse to be the knife, because now he was holding the big head of the benefits!

After understanding the specific information, Wang Hao asked again: "Black Dragon Gang, Viper, and foreigners, have you seen these three types of people?"

The leader was stunned for a moment after hearing this, but he didn't dare to say it, for fear of being implicated.

The main reason was that the two organizations Wang Hao mentioned were too powerful, and the leader, a small leader, couldn't afford to offend!

"Don't worry, I just asked you to tell me whether they have come in, not to lead us to find them!" Wang Hao obviously saw his concerns. After hearing Wang Hao's explanation, he was relieved. He was really afraid that Wang Hao would ask him to lead the way. This would be a waste of time! "The people from Viper entered the secret realm a few days ago and went deep into the ancient battlefield in the east! Yesterday, we saw a few more foreigners coming in. Their strength was above the third rank, so we didn't dare to cause trouble. The people from the Black Dragon Gang didn't see them." The leader gave the information of the three teams, and Wang Hao nodded after listening. He put down the Tang sword on the leader's neck, and left with Liu Yuzhao without looking back. Before leaving, Wang Hao left a message, "Don't let me see you doing this kind of thing in the secret realm again, otherwise I will kill you all next time we meet! I keep my word!" The leader shuddered after hearing this. He could hear the murderous intent in Wang Hao's words! He picked up Han Yong on the ground. Wang Hao didn't kill him, leaving him with a breath, so he could be saved.

"Everyone! Get out of the secret realm! Don't come here recently!" Although the leader was a small figure,

his intuition was still very sharp. When Wang Hao mentioned the Black Dragon Gang and the Viper organization, he thought Wang Hao was not simple.

After thinking for a while, he thought of a possibility.

Wang Hao came from the Zhenling Division, and they were investigating the Viper and the Black Dragon Gang!

If this gets out, it will be a big earthquake!

He looked at the others and said seriously: "This matter today cannot be spread! We don't get involved in the things here!"

With their boss speaking, these people will not talk nonsense.

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